blob: 76a3cffbf8dc309740d748da34e2ce747f2c8ba3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.verification;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.Hint;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.OffsetRange;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.CodeUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.PHPParseResult;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.ASTNode;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.Assignment;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.ConditionalExpression;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.Expression;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.FunctionInvocation;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.IfStatement;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.Variable;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.WhileStatement;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.visitors.DefaultTreePathVisitor;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
* @author Ondrej Brejla <>
public abstract class SuperglobalsHint extends HintRule {
public void invoke(PHPRuleContext context, List<Hint> hints) {
PHPParseResult phpParseResult = (PHPParseResult) context.parserResult;
if (phpParseResult.getProgram() != null) {
FileObject fileObject = phpParseResult.getSnapshot().getSource().getFileObject();
if (fileObject != null) {
if (CancelSupport.getDefault().isCancelled()) {
CheckVisitor checkVisitor = new CheckVisitor(this, fileObject, context.doc);
if (CancelSupport.getDefault().isCancelled()) {
"SuperglobalsHintDesc=Use some filtering functions instead (e.g. filter_input(), conditions with is_*() functions, etc.)."
public String getDescription() {
return Bundle.SuperglobalsHintDesc();
"# {0} - Superglobal Array Name",
"SuperglobalsHintDisp=Do not Access {0} Array Directly"
public String getDisplayName() {
return Bundle.SuperglobalsHintDisp(getSuperglobalName());
abstract String getSuperglobalName();
public static final class GetSuperglobalHint extends SuperglobalsHint {
private static final String HINT_ID = "Get.Superglobal.Hint"; //NOI18N
private static final String ARRAY_NAME = "$_GET"; //NOI18N
public String getId() {
return HINT_ID;
protected String getSuperglobalName() {
return ARRAY_NAME;
public static final class PostSuperglobalHint extends SuperglobalsHint {
private static final String HINT_ID = "Post.Superglobal.Hint"; //NOI18N
private static final String ARRAY_NAME = "$_POST"; //NOI18N
public String getId() {
return HINT_ID;
protected String getSuperglobalName() {
return ARRAY_NAME;
public static final class CookieSuperglobalHint extends SuperglobalsHint {
private static final String HINT_ID = "Cookie.Superglobal.Hint"; //NOI18N
private static final String ARRAY_NAME = "$_COOKIE"; //NOI18N
public String getId() {
return HINT_ID;
protected String getSuperglobalName() {
return ARRAY_NAME;
public static final class ServerSuperglobalHint extends SuperglobalsHint {
private static final String HINT_ID = "Server.Superglobal.Hint"; //NOI18N
private static final String ARRAY_NAME = "$_SERVER"; //NOI18N
public String getId() {
return HINT_ID;
protected String getSuperglobalName() {
return ARRAY_NAME;
public static final class EnvSuperglobalHint extends SuperglobalsHint {
private static final String HINT_ID = "Env.Superglobal.Hint"; //NOI18N
private static final String ARRAY_NAME = "$_ENV"; //NOI18N
public String getId() {
return HINT_ID;
protected String getSuperglobalName() {
return ARRAY_NAME;
public static final class RequestSuperglobalHint extends SuperglobalsHint {
private static final String HINT_ID = "Request.Superglobal.Hint"; //NOI18N
private static final String ARRAY_NAME = "$_REQUEST"; //NOI18N
public String getId() {
return HINT_ID;
protected String getSuperglobalName() {
return ARRAY_NAME;
private static final class CheckVisitor extends DefaultTreePathVisitor {
private final SuperglobalsHint superglobalsHint;
private final FileObject fileObject;
private final BaseDocument baseDocument;
private final List<Hint> hints;
private CheckVisitor(SuperglobalsHint superglobalsHint, FileObject fileObject, BaseDocument baseDocument) {
assert superglobalsHint != null;
assert fileObject != null;
this.superglobalsHint = superglobalsHint;
this.fileObject = fileObject;
this.baseDocument = baseDocument;
this.hints = new ArrayList<>();
public List<Hint> getHints() {
return hints;
public void visit(Variable node) {
if (CancelSupport.getDefault().isCancelled()) {
String variableName = CodeUtils.extractVariableName(node);
if (superglobalsHint.getSuperglobalName().equals(variableName) && !isValidAccess()) {
"# {0} - Superglobal Array Name",
"SuperglobalHintText=Do not Access Superglobal {0} Array Directly."
+ "\n\nUse some filtering functions instead (e.g. filter_input(), conditions with is_*() functions, etc.)."
protected void addHint(ASTNode node) {
assert node != null;
OffsetRange offsetRange = new OffsetRange(node.getStartOffset(), node.getEndOffset());
if (superglobalsHint.showHint(offsetRange, baseDocument)) {
hints.add(new Hint(superglobalsHint, Bundle.SuperglobalHintText(superglobalsHint.getSuperglobalName()), fileObject, offsetRange, null, 500));
protected boolean isValidAccess() {
return new AccessValidator(getPath(), superglobalsHint.getSuperglobalName()).isValidAccess();
private static final class AccessValidator {
private static final Collection<String> VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS = new ArrayList<>();
static {
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_integer"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_long"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_float"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_file"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_object"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_string"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_double"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_numeric"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_finite"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_infinite"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_null"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_scalar"); //NOI18N
VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.add("is_real"); //NOI18N
private static final Collection<String> FILTER_FUNCTIONS = new ArrayList<>();
static {
FILTER_FUNCTIONS.add("htmlspecialchars"); //NOI18N
private final List<ASTNode> path;
private final String superglobalName;
private AccessValidator(List<ASTNode> path, String superglobalName) {
assert path != null;
assert superglobalName != null;
this.path = path;
this.superglobalName = superglobalName;
public boolean isValidAccess() {
return isInFilterFunction() || isInValidatorFunction() || isValidatedByCondition() || isOnLeftSideOfAssignment();
private boolean isOnLeftSideOfAssignment() {
boolean result = false;
ASTNode firstInPath = path.get(0);
for (ASTNode aSTNode : path) {
if (aSTNode instanceof Assignment) {
Assignment assignment = (Assignment) aSTNode;
if (assignment.getLeftHandSide().equals(firstInPath)) {
result = true;
return result;
private boolean isValidatedByCondition() {
boolean result = false;
for (ASTNode aSTNode : path) {
Expression condition = null;
if (aSTNode instanceof IfStatement) {
IfStatement ifStatement = (IfStatement) aSTNode;
condition = ifStatement.getCondition();
} else if (aSTNode instanceof WhileStatement) {
WhileStatement whileStatement = (WhileStatement) aSTNode;
condition = whileStatement.getCondition();
} else if (aSTNode instanceof ConditionalExpression) {
ConditionalExpression conditionalExpression = (ConditionalExpression) aSTNode;
condition = conditionalExpression.getCondition();
if (condition != null) {
ConditionVisitor conditionVisitor = new ConditionVisitor(superglobalName);
if (conditionVisitor.isSuperglobalValidated()) {
result = true;
return result;
public boolean isInValidatorFunction() {
boolean result = false;
for (ASTNode aSTNode : path) {
if (aSTNode instanceof FunctionInvocation) {
String functionName = CodeUtils.extractFunctionName((FunctionInvocation) aSTNode);
if (isValidatorFunction(functionName)) {
result = true;
return result;
private static boolean isValidatorFunction(String functionName) {
return VALIDATOR_FUNCTIONS.contains(functionName);
private boolean isInFilterFunction() {
boolean result = false;
for (ASTNode aSTNode : path) {
if (aSTNode instanceof FunctionInvocation) {
String functionName = CodeUtils.extractFunctionName((FunctionInvocation) aSTNode);
if (isFilterFunction(functionName)) {
result = true;
return result;
private static boolean isFilterFunction(String functionName) {
return FILTER_FUNCTIONS.contains(functionName);
private static final class ConditionVisitor extends DefaultTreePathVisitor {
private final String superglobalName;
private boolean isSuperglobalValidated;
private ConditionVisitor(String superglobalName) {
assert superglobalName != null;
this.superglobalName = superglobalName;
isSuperglobalValidated = false;
public boolean isSuperglobalValidated() {
return isSuperglobalValidated;
public void visit(Variable node) {
String variableName = CodeUtils.extractVariableName(node);
if (superglobalName.equals(variableName) && new AccessValidator(getPath(), superglobalName).isInValidatorFunction()) {
isSuperglobalValidated = true;