blob: 6191869a06fcb5e17c4abe793bbc4b18643d3786 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.verification;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.netbeans.api.annotations.common.NullAllowed;
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence;
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenUtilities;
import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.EditList;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.Hint;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.HintFix;
import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.OffsetRange;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.api.PhpVersion;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.CodeUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.lexer.LexUtilities;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.lexer.PHPTokenId;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.PHPParseResult;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.DeclareStatement;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.Expression;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.Identifier;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.InLineHtml;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.Scalar;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.editor.parser.astnodes.visitors.DefaultVisitor;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
* Suggest declaring strict types when the PHP open tag is on the caret line.
* If the PHP file contains inline HTMLs or some PHP open tags, "strict_types"
* is declared on the first line. Otherwise it is declared after the PHP open
* tag. PHP7.0+.
* <pre>
* e.g.
* &lt;?php declare(strict_types=1) ?&gt;
* &lt;html&gt;
* ...
* &lt;?php echo &quot;something&quot;; ?&gt;
* &lt;/html&gt;
* &lt;?php
* declare(strict_types=1);
* </pre>
public class DeclareStrictTypesSuggestion extends SuggestionRule {
private static final String HINT_ID = "Declare.Strict.Types.Suggestion"; // NOI18N
public String getId() {
return HINT_ID;
@NbBundle.Messages("DeclareStrictTypesSuggestion.description=Add declare(strict_types=1)")
public String getDescription() {
return Bundle.DeclareStrictTypesSuggestion_description();
@NbBundle.Messages("DeclareStrictTypesSuggestion.displayName=Declare Strict Types")
public String getDisplayName() {
return Bundle.DeclareStrictTypesSuggestion_displayName();
// for unit tests
protected PhpVersion getPhpVersion(@NullAllowed FileObject fileObject) {
return fileObject == null ? PhpVersion.getDefault() : CodeUtils.getPhpVersion(fileObject);
private boolean appliesTo(FileObject fileObject) {
return getPhpVersion(fileObject).compareTo(PhpVersion.PHP_70) >= 0;
public void invoke(PHPRuleContext context, List<Hint> hints) {
PHPParseResult phpParseResult = (PHPParseResult) context.parserResult;
if (phpParseResult.getProgram() == null) {
if (CancelSupport.getDefault().isCancelled()) {
FileObject fileObject = phpParseResult.getSnapshot().getSource().getFileObject();
if (fileObject != null && appliesTo(fileObject)) {
final BaseDocument doc = context.doc;
int caretOffset = getCaretOffset();
OffsetRange lineBounds = VerificationUtils.createLineBounds(caretOffset, doc);
if (lineBounds.containsInclusive(caretOffset)) {
FixInfo fixInfo = createFixInfo(doc, lineBounds, caretOffset);
if (!fixInfo.foundOpenTag()) {
CheckVisitor checkVisitor = new CheckVisitor();
if (CancelSupport.getDefault().isCancelled()
|| checkVisitor.hasDeclareStrictTypes()) {
List<HintFix> fixes = Collections.singletonList(createHintFix(doc, checkVisitor.hasInlineHtml(), fixInfo));
addHint(hints, fileObject, lineBounds, fixes);
private FixInfo createFixInfo(BaseDocument doc, OffsetRange lineBounds, int caretOffset) {
boolean foundOpenTag = false;
int insertOffset = 0;
int phpOpenTagCount = 0;
try {
TokenSequence<PHPTokenId> ts = LexUtilities.getPHPTokenSequence(doc, caretOffset);
if (ts != null) {
// check the php tag on the caret line
while (ts.moveNext()
&& ts.offset() < lineBounds.getEnd()) {
PHPTokenId id = ts.token().id();
if (id == PHPTokenId.PHP_OPENTAG
&& TokenUtilities.equals(ts.token().text(), "<?php")) { // NOI18N
foundOpenTag = true;
// check all php open tags
if (foundOpenTag) {
while (ts.moveNext()) {
if (ts.token().id() == PHPTokenId.PHP_OPENTAG) {
if (insertOffset == 0
&& TokenUtilities.equals(ts.token().text(), "<?php")) { // NOI18N
insertOffset = ts.offset() + "<?php".length(); // NOI18N
} finally {
return new FixInfo(foundOpenTag, insertOffset, phpOpenTagCount);
private HintFix createHintFix(BaseDocument doc, boolean hasInlineHtml, FixInfo fixInfo) {
return new Fix(doc, hasInlineHtml, fixInfo);
@NbBundle.Messages("DeclareStrictTypesSuggestion.hint.description=You can declare strict types")
private void addHint(List<Hint> hints, FileObject file, OffsetRange offsetRang, List<HintFix> fixes) {
hints.add(new Hint(this, Bundle.DeclareStrictTypesSuggestion_hint_description(), file, offsetRang, fixes, 500));
//~ Inner classes
private static final class CheckVisitor extends DefaultVisitor {
private boolean hasDeclareStrictTypes;
private boolean hasInlineHtml;
public void visit(InLineHtml inLineHtml) {
if (CancelSupport.getDefault().isCancelled()) {
hasInlineHtml = true;
public void visit(DeclareStatement node) {
if (CancelSupport.getDefault().isCancelled()) {
List<Identifier> directiveNames = node.getDirectiveNames();
List<Expression> directiveValues = node.getDirectiveValues();
for (int i = 0; i < directiveNames.size(); i++) {
String name = directiveNames.get(i).getName();
if (name.equals("strict_types")) { // NOI18N
Expression value = directiveValues.get(i);
if (value instanceof Scalar) {
Scalar scalar = (Scalar) value;
if (scalar.getScalarType() == Scalar.Type.INT
&& scalar.getStringValue().equals("1")) { // NOI18N
hasDeclareStrictTypes = true;
public boolean hasDeclareStrictTypes() {
return hasDeclareStrictTypes;
public boolean hasInlineHtml() {
return hasInlineHtml;
private static final class FixInfo {
private final boolean foundOpenTag;
private final int insertOffset;
private final int phpOpenTagCount;
public FixInfo(boolean foundOpenTag, int firstOpenTagOffset, int phpOpenTagCount) {
this.foundOpenTag = foundOpenTag;
this.insertOffset = firstOpenTagOffset;
this.phpOpenTagCount = phpOpenTagCount;
public boolean foundOpenTag() {
return foundOpenTag;
public int getInsertOffset() {
return insertOffset;
public int getPhpOpenTagCount() {
return phpOpenTagCount;
private static final class Fix implements HintFix {
private final BaseDocument document;
private final boolean hasInlineHtml;
private final FixInfo fixInfo;
private Fix(BaseDocument document, boolean hasInlineHtml, FixInfo fixInfo) {
this.document = document;
this.hasInlineHtml = hasInlineHtml;
this.fixInfo = fixInfo;
@NbBundle.Messages("DeclareStrictTypesFixDescription=Add declare(strict_types=1)")
public String getDescription() {
return Bundle.DeclareStrictTypesFixDescription();
public void implement() throws Exception {
EditList editList = new EditList(document);
int insertOffset;
String insertText;
if (hasInlineHtml || fixInfo.getPhpOpenTagCount() > 1) {
insertOffset = 0;
insertText = "<?php declare(strict_types=1) ?>\n"; // NOI18N
} else {
insertOffset = fixInfo.getInsertOffset();
// don't remove the first whitespace because the parser recognizes it as an inline html
insertText = " declare(strict_types=1);"; // NOI18N
editList.replace(insertOffset, 0, insertText, true, 0);
public boolean isSafe() {
return true;
public boolean isInteractive() {
return false;