blob: c4a01ca1b41dca43488cdeb6970fdaa583c6520d [file] [log] [blame]
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<#if comment>
This is XHTML template for 'JSF Data Table From Entity' action. Templating
is performed using FreeMaker ( - see its documentation
for full syntax. Variables available for templating are:
prefixResolver - helps resolve prefix for given template (call prefixForNS(namespace, fallbackPrefix) method)
entityName - name of entity being modified (type: String)
managedBean - name of managed choosen in UI (type: String)
managedBeanProperty - name of managed bean property choosen in UI (type: String)
item - name of property used for dataTable iteration (type: String)
comment - always set to "false" (type: Boolean)
entityDescriptors - list of beans describing individual entities. Bean has following properties:
label - field label (type: String)
name - field property name (type: String)
dateTimeFormat - date/time/datetime formatting (type: String)
blob - does field represents a large block of text? (type: boolean)
relationshipOne - does field represent one to one or many to one relationship (type: boolean)
relationshipMany - does field represent one to many relationship (type: boolean)
id - field id name (type: String)
required - is field optional and nullable or it is not? (type: boolean)
valuesGetter - if item is of type 1:1 or 1:many relationship then use this
getter to populate <h:selectOneMenu> or <h:selectManyMenu>
This template is accessible via top level menu Tools->Templates and can
be found in category JavaServer Faces->JSF Data/Form from Entity.
<#assign htmlTagPrefix=prefixResolver.getPrefixForNS("", "h")>
<#assign coreTagPrefix=prefixResolver.getPrefixForNS("", "f")>
<#assign pfTagPrefix=prefixResolver.getPrefixForNS("", "p")>
<h1><${htmlTagPrefix}:outputText value="List"/></h1>
<${pfTagPrefix}:dataTable value="${r"#{"}${managedBeanProperty}${r"}"}" var="${item}">
<#list entityDescriptors as entityDescriptor>
<${coreTagPrefix}:facet name="header">
<${htmlTagPrefix}:outputText value="${entityDescriptor.label}"/>
<#if entityDescriptor.dateTimeFormat?? && entityDescriptor.dateTimeFormat != "">
<${htmlTagPrefix}:outputText value="${r"#{"}${}${r"}"}">
<${coreTagPrefix}:convertDateTime pattern="${entityDescriptor.dateTimeFormat}" />
<${htmlTagPrefix}:outputText value="${r"#{"}${}${r"}"}"/>