blob: 1500656a5d51c2dd0e2baffaaf560638d852e721 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.web.beans.analysis;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
* @author ads
public class CdiAnalysisTest extends BaseAnalisysTestCase {
* @param testName
public CdiAnalysisTest( String testName ) {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.netbeans.modules.web.beans.analysis.BaseAnalisysTestCase#createTask()
protected CdiAnalysisTestTask createTask() {
return new CdiAnalysisTestTask();
* TypedClassAnalizer
public void testTypedClass() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import java.util.List; "+
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Typed; "+
"@Typed({List.class}) "+
" public class Clazz { "+
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Typed; "+
"@Typed({Comparable.class}) "+
" public class Clazz1 implements Comparable<String> { "+
" public int comapreTo( String str ) {"+
" return 0; "+
" }"+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Clazz");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* AnnotationsAnalyzer(ClassAnalyzer) checkDecoratorInterceptor
public void testAnnotationsDecoratorInterceptor() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.interceptor.Interceptor; "+
"@Decorator "+
"@Interceptor "+
" public class Clazz { "+
FileObject goodFile =TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.interceptor.Interceptor; "+
"@Interceptor "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Clazz");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* AnnotationsAnalyzer(ClassAnalyzer) checkDelegateInjectionPoint
public void testDecoratorDelegate() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import java.util.List; "+
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
"@Decorator "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" @Inject int injectionPoint; "+
* Create a good one class file
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.decorator.Delegate; "+
"@Decorator "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
" public Clazz1( @Delegate Object arg ){ "+
" }"+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Clazz");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* AnnotationsAnalyzer(ClassAnalyzer) checkProducerFields
public void testDecoratorProducerField() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
"@Decorator "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" @Produces int production; "+
* Create a good one class file
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.decorator.Delegate; "+
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
"@Decorator "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
" @Inject @Delegate Object injection; "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Clazz");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* AnnotationsAnalyzer(ClassAnalyzer) checkMethods
public void testInterceptorMethods() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.interceptor.Interceptor; "+
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
"@Interceptor "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" @Produces int production(){ return 0 } ; "+
* Create a good one class file
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.interceptor.Interceptor; "+
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
"@Interceptor "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
" int method(){ return 0;} "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Clazz");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* AnnotationsAnalyzer(ClassAnalyzer) checkSession
public void testInterceptorSessionBeans() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.interceptor.Interceptor; "+
"import javax.ejb.Singleton; "+
"@Interceptor "+
"@Singleton "+
" public class Clazz { "+
* Create a good one class file
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.interceptor.Interceptor; "+
"@Interceptor "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Clazz");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* AnnotationsAnalyzer(ClassAnalyzer) checkNamed , checkAlternatives, checkSpecializes
public void testInterceptorAlternativeNamed() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.interceptor.Interceptor; "+
" import javax.inject.Named; "+
"@Named "+
"@Interceptor "+
" public class Clazz { "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.interceptor.Interceptor; "+
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Alternative; "+
"@Alternative "+
"@Interceptor "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
FileObject errorFile2 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.interceptor.Interceptor; "+
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Specializes; "+
"@Interceptor "+
"@Specializes "+
" public class Clazz2 { "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result.getWarings(), "foo.Clazz");
assertEquals( 0, result.getErrors().size());
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result.getWarings(), "foo.Clazz1");
assertEquals( 0, result.getErrors().size());
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result.getWarings(), "foo.Clazz2");
assertEquals( 0, result.getErrors().size());
runAnalysis(errorFile2 , processor);
* CtorsAnalyzer
public void testInitializerCtors() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" @Inject public Clazz( int i){} "+
" @Inject public Clazz( String str ){} "+
* Create a good one class file
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
" @Inject public Clazz1( int i){} "+
" public Clazz1( Stirng str ){} "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Clazz");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* TypedFieldAnalyzer
public void testTypedField() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import java.util.List; "+
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Typed; "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" @Typed({List.class}) Object field; "+
" int field1; "+
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Typed; "+
"import java.util.List; "+
"import java.util.Collection; "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
" @Typed({Collection.class}) List<String> field; "+
" int field1; "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkFieldElement(result, "foo.Clazz", "field");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* DelegateFieldAnalizer
public void testDelegateField() throws IOException{
TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" public interface Iface { "+
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.decorator.Delegate; "+
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
" @Decorator "+
" public class Clazz implements Iface { "+
" @Inject @Delegate Iface delegateInjection; "+
" int field1; "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.decorator.Delegate; "+
" @Decorator "+
" public class Clazz1 implements Iface { "+
" @Delegate Iface delegateInjection; "+
" int field1; "+
FileObject errorFile2 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.decorator.Delegate; "+
" public class Clazz2 implements Iface { "+
" @Inject @Delegate Iface delegateInjection; "+
" int field1; "+
FileObject errorFile3 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.decorator.Delegate; "+
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
" @Decorator "+
" public class Clazz3 implements Iface { "+
" @Inject @Delegate Object delegateInjection; "+
" int field1; "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkFieldElement(result, "foo.Clazz1", "delegateInjection",
Set<Element> elements = result.getErrors().keySet();
assertEquals( "Exactly two errors should be detected" ,
2, elements.size());
boolean clazzFound = false;
for (Element element : elements) {
if ( element instanceof TypeElement ){
String fqn = ((TypeElement)element).
if ( fqn.equals("foo.Clazz1")){
clazzFound = true;
assertTrue("foo.Clazz1 should be marked with an error ",clazzFound);
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkFieldElement(result, "foo.Clazz2", "delegateInjection");
runAnalysis(errorFile2 , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkFieldElement(result, "foo.Clazz3", "delegateInjection");
runAnalysis(errorFile3 , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* ProducerFieldAnalyzer : checkSessionBean
public void testProductionFieldInSession() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
"import javax.ejb.Singleton; "+
"@Singleton "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" @Produces int production; "+
" int field1; "+
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
"import javax.ejb.Singleton; "+
"@Singleton "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
" static @Produces int production; "+
" int field1; "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkFieldElement(result, "foo.Clazz", "production");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* ProducerFieldAnalyzer : checkType
public void testProductionFieldType() throws IOException{
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" static @Produces Class<String> production; "+
" int field1; "+
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
" public class Clazz1<T> { "+
" @Produces T production; "+
" int field1; "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
" public class Clazz2 { "+
" @Produces Class<? extends String> production; "+
" int field1; "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkFieldElement(result, "foo.Clazz1", "production");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkFieldElement(result, "foo.Clazz2", "production");
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* TypedMethodAnalyzer
public void testTypedMethod() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import java.util.List; "+
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Typed; "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" @Typed({List.class}) Object method(){ return null; } "+
" int operation(){ return 0; } "+
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Typed; "+
"import java.util.List; "+
"import java.util.Collection; "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
" @Typed({Collection.class}) List<String> method(){ return null; }; "+
" int operation(){ return 0; } "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz", "method");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* AnnotationsAnalyzer : combinations of various CDI annotations: inject, producer, observer, disposes
public void testMethodAnnotations() throws IOException {
* Create a good one class file
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"foo/", "package foo; "
+ "import javax.inject.Inject; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.event.Observes; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "
+" import javax.enterprise.inject.Disposes; "
+ " public class Clazz { "
+ " @Inject int initializer( int arg ) { return 0; } "
+ " @Produces String production(){return null; } ; "
+ " void observer( @Observes String event ){} ; "
+ " void disposer( @Disposes int arg ){} "
+ "}");
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"package foo; "
+ "import javax.inject.Inject; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "
+ " public class Clazz1 { "
+ " @Inject @Produces int badProduction( int arg ){ return 0; } "+
" void method(){} "
+ "}");
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"package foo; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.event.Observes; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "
+ " public class Clazz2 { "
+ " @Produces int badProduction( @Observes String event) { return 0; }"+
" void method(){} "
+ "}");
FileObject errorFile2 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"package foo; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.event.Observes; "
+" import javax.enterprise.inject.Disposes; "
+ " public class Clazz3 { "
+ " int badObserver( @Disposes @Observes String event) { return 0; }"+
" void method(){} "
+ "}");
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor() {
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz1", "badProduction");
runAnalysis(errorFile, processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor() {
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz2", "badProduction");
runAnalysis(errorFile1, processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor() {
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz3", "badObserver");
runAnalysis(errorFile2, processor);
runAnalysis(goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR);
* AnnotationsAnalyzer: checkAbstractMethod
public void testAbstractMethod() throws IOException {
* Create a good one class file
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"foo/", "package foo; "
+ "import javax.inject.Inject; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "
+ " import javax.enterprise.inject.Disposes; "
+ " public class Clazz { "
+ " @Produces String production(){return null; } ; "
+ " void disposer( @Disposes int arg ){} " + "}");
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"foo/", "package foo; "
+ "import javax.inject.Inject; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "
+ " public class Clazz1 { "
+ " @Produces abstract int badProduction( int arg ); "
+ " void method(){} " + "}");
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"foo/", "package foo; "
+ " import javax.enterprise.inject.Disposes; "
+ " public class Clazz2 { "
+ " abstract int badDisposer( @Disposes String arg);"
+ " void method(){} " + "}");
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor() {
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz1", "badProduction");
runAnalysis(errorFile, processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor() {
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz2", "badDisposer");
runAnalysis(errorFile1, processor);
runAnalysis(goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR);
* AnnotationsAnalyzer: checkBusinessMethod
public void testBusinessAnnotations() throws IOException {
* Create a good one class file
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"foo/", "package foo; "
+ "import javax.inject.Inject; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "
+" import javax.enterprise.inject.Disposes; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.event.Observes; "
+ "import javax.ejb.Stateful; "
+ " @Stateful "
+ " public class Clazz { "
+ " public @Produces String production(){return null; } ; "
+ " public void disposer( @Disposes int arg ){} "
+ " public void observer( @Observes String event ){} "
+ "}");
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"package foo; "
+ "import javax.ejb.Stateful; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "
+ " @Stateful "
+ " public class Clazz1 { "
+ " @Produces int notBusiness( int arg ){ return 0;} "+
" void method(){} "
+ "}");
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"package foo; "
+ "import javax.ejb.Stateful; "
+" import javax.enterprise.inject.Disposes; "
+ " @Stateful "
+ " public class Clazz2 { "
+ " public final void notBusiness( @Disposes String arg){ } "+
" void method(){} "
+ "}");
FileObject errorFile2 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO,
"package foo; "
+ "import javax.ejb.Stateful; "
+ "import javax.enterprise.event.Observes; "
+ "import javax.ejb.PostActivate; "
+ " @Stateful "
+ " public class Clazz3 { "
+ " @PostActivate public void lifecycle( @Observes String event){ } "+
" void method(){} "
+ "}");
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor() {
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz1", "notBusiness");
runAnalysis(errorFile, processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor() {
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz2", "notBusiness");
runAnalysis(errorFile1, processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor() {
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz3", "lifecycle");
runAnalysis(errorFile2, processor);
runAnalysis(goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR);
* AnnotationsAnalyzer: initializers check
public void testInitializers() throws IOException{
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" @Inject public initMethod( int i){} "+
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
" @Inject abstract public void badInit(); "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
" public class Clazz2 { "+
" @Inject static public void badInit() {} "+
FileObject errorFile2 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
" public class Clazz3 { "+
" @Inject public <T> void badInit( Class<T> clazz ) {} "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz1", "badInit");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz2", "badInit");
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz3", "badInit");
runAnalysis(errorFile2 , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* DelegateMethodAnalyzer: checkMethodDefinition, checkClassDefinition, checkDelegateType
public void testDelegateMethod() throws IOException{
TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" public interface Iface { "+
TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" public class Decorated implements Iface { "+
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.decorator.Delegate; "+
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
" @Decorator "+
" public class Clazz implements Iface { "+
" @Inject public void initMethod( @Delegate Iface obj ){} "+
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
"import javax.decorator.Delegate; "+
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
" @Decorator "+
" public class Clazz1 implements Iface { "+
" public void badDelegate( @Delegate Iface obj ){} "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
"import javax.decorator.Delegate; "+
" public class Clazz2 implements Iface { "+
" @Inject public void badDelegate( @Delegate Iface obj ){} "+
FileObject errorFile2 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
"import javax.decorator.Decorator; "+
"import javax.decorator.Delegate; "+
" @Decorator "+
" public class Clazz3 implements Iface { "+
" @Inject public void badDelegate( @Delegate Object clazz ) {} "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
Map<Element, String> errors = result.getErrors();
boolean classFound = false;
boolean parameterFound = false;
assertEquals( "Expected exactly two error elements" , 2, errors.keySet().size());
for( Element element : errors.keySet() ){
if ( element instanceof TypeElement ) {
classFound = ((TypeElement)element).getQualifiedName().
else if ( element instanceof VariableElement ){
parameterFound = element.getSimpleName().contentEquals("obj");
if ( parameterFound ){
parameterFound = element.getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName().
assertTrue( "Clazz1 is expected as error element context",classFound );
assertTrue( "parameter 'obj' of method 'badDelegate' is expected " +
"as error element context",classFound );
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkParamElement(result, "foo.Clazz2", "badDelegate", "obj");
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkParamElement(result, "foo.Clazz3", "badDelegate", "clazz");
runAnalysis(errorFile2 , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* ProducerMethodAnalyzer : checkType, checkSpecializes
public void testProducerMethod() throws IOException{
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" static @Produces Class<String> productionMethod(){ return null; } "+
" void operation(){} "+
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
" public class Clazz1<T> { "+
" @Produces T productionMethod(){ return null; } "+
" void operation(){} "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
" public class Clazz2 { "+
" @Produces Class<? extends String> productionMethod(){ return null; } "+
" void operation(){} "+
FileObject errorFile2 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Specializes; "+
" public class Clazz3 { "+
" static @Specializes @Produces String productionMethod(){ return null; } "+
" @Produces String productionMethod1(){ return null; } "+
TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
" public class SuperClass { "+
" String nonProduction(){ return null; } "+
" @Produces String superProduction(){ return null; } "+
FileObject errorFile3 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces; "+
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Specializes; "+
" public class Clazz4 extends SuperClass{ "+
" @Specializes @Produces String nonProduction(){ return null; } "+
" @Specializes @Produces String superProduction(){ return null; } "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz1", "productionMethod");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz2", "productionMethod");
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz3", "productionMethod");
runAnalysis(errorFile2 , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkMethodElement(result, "foo.Clazz4", "nonProduction");
runAnalysis(errorFile3 , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* org.netbeans.modules.web.beans.analysis.analyzer.CtorAnalyzer
public void testCtor() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.inject.Disposes; "+
" public class Clazz { "+
" public Clazz( int i){} "+
" public Clazz( @Disposes String str ){} "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.enterprise.event.Observes; "+
" public class Clazz1 { "+
" public Clazz1( int i){} "+
" public Clazz1( @Observes String str ){} "+
* Create a good one class file
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
"import javax.inject.Inject; "+
" public class Clazz2 { "+
" public Clazz2( Stirng str ){} "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkCtor(result, "foo.Clazz");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkCtor(result, "foo.Clazz1");
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* ScopeAnalyzer
public void testScope() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Scope; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE}) "+
" @Scope "+
" public @interface Scope1 { "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Scope; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" @Target({ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE}) "+
" @Scope "+
" public @interface Scope2 { "+
* Create a good one class file
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Scope; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE}) "+
" @Scope "+
" public @interface Scope3 { "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Scope1");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Scope2");
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* QualifierAnalyzer
public void testQualifier() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE}) "+
" @Qualifier "+
" public @interface Qualifier1 { "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE}) "+
" @Qualifier "+
" public @interface Qualifier2 { "+
FileObject errorFile2 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" @Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER}) "+
" @Qualifier "+
" public @interface Qualifier3 { "+
* Create a good class files
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD, " +
"ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE}) "+
" @Qualifier "+
" public @interface Qualifier4 { "+
FileObject goodFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER}) "+
" @Qualifier "+
" public @interface Qualifier5 { "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Qualifier1");
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Qualifier2");
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result, "foo.Qualifier3");
runAnalysis(errorFile2 , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
runAnalysis( goodFile1, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR );
* QualifierAnalyzer checkMembers()
public void testQualifierMembers() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD, " +
"ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE}) "+
" @Qualifier "+
" public @interface Qualifier1 { "+
" String value(); "+
" String[] comments(); "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD, " +
"ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE}) "+
" @Qualifier "+
" public @interface Qualifier2 { "+
" String value(); "+
" Qualifier1 qualifier(); "+
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" import javax.enterprise.util.Nonbinding; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD, " +
"ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE}) "+
" @Qualifier "+
" public @interface Qualifier3 { "+
" String value(); "+
" @Nonbinding "+
" Qualifier1 qualifier(); "+
" @Nonbinding "+
" String[] comments(); "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result.getWarings(), "foo.Qualifier1");
assertEquals( 0 , result.getErrors().size());
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result.getWarings(), "foo.Qualifier2");
assertEquals( 0 , result.getErrors().size());
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR);
* InterceptorBindingMembersAnalyzer checkMembers()
public void testIBindingMembers() throws IOException{
FileObject errorFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" import javax.interceptor.*; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD, " +
"ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE}) "+
"@InterceptorBinding " +
" public @interface IBinding1 { "+
" String value(); "+
" String[] comments(); "+
FileObject errorFile1 = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" import javax.interceptor.*; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD, " +
"ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE}) "+
"@InterceptorBinding " +
" public @interface IBinding2 { "+
" String value(); "+
" IBinding1 qualifier(); "+
FileObject goodFile = TestUtilities.copyStringToFileObject(srcFO, "foo/",
"package foo; " +
" import javax.inject.Qualifier; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Retention; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; "+
" import java.lang.annotation.Target; " +
" import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; "+
" import javax.enterprise.util.Nonbinding; "+
" import javax.interceptor.*; "+
" @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) "+
" @Target({ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD, " +
"ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE}) "+
"@InterceptorBinding " +
" public @interface IBinding3 { "+
" String value(); "+
" @Nonbinding "+
" Qualifier1 qualifier(); "+
" @Nonbinding "+
" String[] comments(); "+
ResultProcessor processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result.getWarings(), "foo.IBinding1");
assertEquals( 0 , result.getErrors().size());
runAnalysis(errorFile , processor);
processor = new ResultProcessor (){
public void process( TestProblems result ) {
checkTypeElement(result.getWarings(), "foo.IBinding2");
assertEquals( 0 , result.getErrors().size());
runAnalysis(errorFile1 , processor);
runAnalysis( goodFile, NO_ERRORS_PROCESSOR);