blob: d251ffcf9a6d877826f0f03e7d1e39e1be0d9d86 [file] [log] [blame]
name: Apache NetBeans feature request
description: Suggest an idea to improve Apache NetBeans
labels: ["kind:feature", "needs:triage"]
- type: markdown
# yamllint disable rule:line-length
value: "
<img src='' align='left' width='64' height='64'>
Thank you for finding the time to propose a new feature!
We really appreciate community efforts to improve Apache NetBeans.
Note, that you do not need to create an issue if you have a change ready to submit!
You can open a [Pull Request]( immediately instead.
<br clear='left'/>"
# yamllint enable rule:line-length
- type: textarea
label: Description
description: A short description of your feature
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Use case/motivation
description: What do you want to happen?
placeholder: >
Rather than telling us how you might implement this feature, try to take a
step back and describe what you are trying to achieve.
- type: textarea
label: Related issues
description: Is there currently another issue associated with this?
- type: checkboxes
label: Are you willing to submit a PR?
description: >
This is absolutely not required, but we are happy to guide you in the contribution process,
especially if you already have a good understanding of how to implement the fix.
Apache NetBeans is a community-managed project and we love to bring new contributors in.
- label: Yes I am willing to submit a PR!
- type: checkboxes
label: Code of Conduct
description: The Code of Conduct helps create a safe space for everyone.
- label: >
I agree to follow the Apache Software Foundation's
[Code of Conduct](
required: true
- type: markdown
value: "Thanks for completing our form!"