blob: 433df5941d78f563300a7a8f513dea236c215389 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!DOCTYPE api-answers PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Arch Answers//EN" "../../nbbuild/antsrc/org/netbeans/nbbuild/Arch.dtd" [
<!ENTITY api-questions SYSTEM "../../nbbuild/antsrc/org/netbeans/nbbuild/Arch-api-questions.xml">
<question id="arch-overall" when="init">
Describe the overall architecture.
What will be API for
<a href="">
clients and what support API</a>?
What parts will be pluggable?
How will plug-ins be registered? Please use <code>&lt;api type="export"/&gt;</code>
to describe your general APIs and specify their
<a href="">
stability categories</a>.
If possible please provide simple diagrams.
<answer id="arch-overall">
The module concentrates general classes and utilities which are independent of
client desktop (and Swing UI library) environment. Its desktop-dependent counterpart
moved to<a href="@org-openide-util-ui@/org/openide/util/package-summary.html">org.openide.util.ui module</a>.
<answer id="arch-quality">
There is a lot of unit tests in
<a href="">version control</a>
<answer id="arch-time">
The implementation is already done, the
<a href="@org-openide-util-ui@/org/openide/util/package-summary.html">org.openide.util.ui module</a>
was created after NetBeans 8.0 release.
<answer id="arch-usecases">
Use-cases can be found in <a href="@org-openide-util-ui@/architecture-summary.html">org.openide.util.ui module</a> arch summary.
<usecase id="CharSequences" name="Efficient char sequences">
Efficiently store character sequences in memory with the
help of <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/CharSequences.html">CharSequences</a>
utility class.
<answer id="arch-what">
Described in the <a href="@TOP@/architecture-summary.html#answer-arch-overall">overall</a> answer.
<answer id="arch-where">
<defaultanswer generate='here' />
<question id="compat-deprecation" when="init">
How the introduction of your project influences functionality
provided by previous version of the product?
If you are planning to deprecate/remove/change any existing APIs,
list them here accompanied with the reason explaining why you
are doing so.
<answer id="compat-deprecation">
Maintainers of modules, which use <a href="@org-openide-util-ui@/architecture-summary.html">org.openide.util.ui</a>
should review and check their code whether they really need Swing/desktop dependencies. If not, they are
encouraged to upgrade their module dependencies and work with <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/BaseUtilities.html">BaseUtilities</a>
class instead of <a href="@org-openide-util-ui@/org/openide/util/Utilities.html">Utilities</a>.
<answer id="compat-i18n">
See <a href="@org-openide-util-ui@/architecture-summary.html">org.openide.util.ui</a>.
<answer id="compat-standards">
<answer id="compat-version">
No settings.
<answer id="dep-jre">
<answer id="dep-jrejdk">
JRE should be sufficient
<answer id="dep-nb">
<defaultanswer generate='here' />
<answer id="dep-non-nb">
<answer id="dep-platform">
<answer id="deploy-dependencies">
<answer id="deploy-jar">
Just module JAR>
<answer id="deploy-nbm">
<answer id="deploy-packages">
<answer id="deploy-shared">
See <a href="@org-openide-util-ui@/architecture-summary.html">org.openide.util.ui</a>.
<answer id="exec-ant-tasks">
<answer id="exec-classloader">
<answer id="exec-component">
Does not use Swing, thus no Component
<answer id="exec-introspection">
<answer id="exec-privateaccess">
<a href="@org-openide-util-ui@/architecture-summary.html">org.openide.util.ui</a> module may
call some functionality to preserve compatibility.
<answer id="exec-process">
<answer id="exec-property">
<api type='import' group="systemproperty" name="line.separator" category="standard" >
used on few places
<li><api type="export" group="systemproperty" name="org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.inactiveTime" category="private">
Specifies the time in ms unused <a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/RequestProcessor.html">RequestProcessor</a>
processor threads remain around, until
they get GCed. By default 60s. Primarily used from tests.</api></li>
<answer id="exec-reflection">
<api category="devel" group="java" name="WeakListener.setAccessible" type="export" url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/WeakListeners.html">
used to call the remove method using reflection
<answer id="exec-threading">
See <a href="@org-openide-util-ui@/architecture-summary.html">org.openide.util.ui</a>.
<answer id="format-clipboard">
No such operation.
<answer id="format-dnd">
No such operation.
<answer id="format-types">
The <a href="">META-INF/services/...</a> files.
<api name="TranslateNames" category="official" type="export" group=""
<a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/BaseUtilities.html#translate-java.lang.String-">Utilities.translate</a>
reads <code>META-INF/netbeans/translate.names</code> files from JARs</api>.
<question id="lookup-lookup" when="init">
Does your module use <code>org.openide.util.Lookup</code>
or any similar technology to find any components to communicate with? Which ones?
NetBeans is build around a generic registry of services called
lookup. It is preferable to use it for registration and discovery
if possible. See
<a href="">
The Solution to Comunication Between Components
</a>. If you do not plan to use lookup and insist usage
of other solution, then please describe why it is not working for
When filling the final version of your arch document, please
describe the interfaces you are searching for, where
are defined, whether you are searching for just one or more of them,
if the order is important, etc. Also classify the stability of such
API contract. Use &lt;api group=&amp;lookup&amp; /&gt; tag, so
your information gets listed in the summary page of your javadoc.
<answer id="lookup-lookup">
XXX no answer for lookup-lookup
<question id="lookup-register" when="final">
Do you register anything into lookup for other code to find?
Do you register using layer file or using a declarative annotation such as <code>@ServiceProvider</code>?
Who is supposed to find your component?
<answer id="lookup-register">
XXX no answer for lookup-register
<question id="lookup-remove" when="final">
Do you remove entries of other modules from lookup?
Why? Of course, that is possible, but it can be dangerous. Is the module
your are masking resource from aware of what you are doing?
<answer id="lookup-remove">
XXX no answer for lookup-remove
<question id="perf-exit" when="final">
Does your module run any code on exit?
<answer id="perf-exit">
XXX no answer for perf-exit
<question id="perf-huge_dialogs" when="final">
Does your module contain any dialogs or wizards with a large number of
GUI controls such as combo boxes, lists, trees, or text areas?
<answer id="perf-huge_dialogs">
XXX no answer for perf-huge_dialogs
<question id="perf-limit" when="init">
Are there any hard-coded or practical limits in the number or size of
elements your code can handle?
Most of algorithms have increasing memory and speed complexity
with respect to size of data they operate on. What is the critical
part of your project that can be seen as a bottleneck with
respect to speed or required memory? What are the practical
sizes of data you tested your project with? What is your estimate
of potential size of data that would cause visible performance
problems? Is there some kind of check to detect such situation
and prevent "hard" crashes - for example the CloneableEditorSupport
checks for size of a file to be opened in editor
and if it is larger than 1Mb it shows a dialog giving the
user the right to decide - e.g. to cancel or commit suicide.
<answer id="perf-limit">
XXX no answer for perf-limit
<question id="perf-mem" when="final">
How much memory does your component consume? Estimate
with a relation to the number of windows, etc.
<answer id="perf-mem">
XXX no answer for perf-mem
<question id="perf-menus" when="final">
Does your module use dynamically updated context menus, or
context-sensitive actions with complicated and slow enablement logic?
If you do a lot of tricks when adding actions to regular or context menus, you can significantly
slow down display of the menu, even when the user is not using your action. Pay attention to
actions you add to the main menu bar, and to context menus of foreign nodes or components. If
the action is conditionally enabled, or changes its display dynamically, you need to check the
impact on performance. In some cases it may be more appropriate to make a simple action that is
always enabled but does more detailed checks in a dialog if it is actually run.
<answer id="perf-menus">
XXX no answer for perf-menus
<question id="perf-progress" when="final">
Does your module execute any long-running tasks?
<hint>Long running tasks should never block
AWT thread as it badly hurts the UI
<a href="">
Tasks like connecting over
network, computing huge amount of data, compilation
be done asynchronously (for example
using <code>RequestProcessor</code>), definitively it should
not block AWT thread.
<answer id="perf-progress">
XXX no answer for perf-progress
<question id="perf-scale" when="init">
Which external criteria influence the performance of your
program (size of file in editor, number of files in menu,
in source directory, etc.) and how well your code scales?
Please include some estimates, there are other more detailed
questions to answer in later phases of implementation.
<answer id="perf-scale">
XXX no answer for perf-scale
<question id="perf-spi" when="init">
How the performance of the plugged in code will be enforced?
If you allow foreign code to be plugged into your own module, how
do you enforce that it will behave correctly and quickly and will not
negatively influence the performance of your own module?
<answer id="perf-spi">
XXX no answer for perf-spi
<question id="perf-startup" when="final">
Does your module run any code on startup?
<answer id="perf-startup">
XXX no answer for perf-startup
<question id="perf-wakeup" when="final">
Does any piece of your code wake up periodically and do something
even when the system is otherwise idle (no user interaction)?
<answer id="perf-wakeup">
XXX no answer for perf-wakeup
<question id="resources-file" when="final">
Does your module use <code></code> directly?
NetBeans provide a logical wrapper over plain files called
<code>org.openide.filesystems.FileObject</code> that
provides uniform access to such resources and is the preferred
way that should be used. But of course there can be situations when
this is not suitable.
<answer id="resources-file">
XXX no answer for resources-file
<question id="resources-layer" when="final">
Does your module provide own layer? Does it create any files or
folders in it? What it is trying to communicate by that and with which
NetBeans allows automatic and declarative installation of resources
by module layers. Module register files into appropriate places
and other components use that information to perform their task
(build menu, toolbar, window layout, list of templates, set of
options, etc.).
<answer id="resources-layer">
XXX no answer for resources-layer
<question id="resources-mask" when="final">
Does your module mask/hide/override any resources provided by other modules in
their layers?
If you mask a file provided by another module, you probably depend
on that and do not want the other module to (for example) change
the file's name. That module shall thus make that file available as an API
of some stability category.
<answer id="resources-mask">
XXX no answer for resources-mask
<question id="resources-preferences" when="final">
Does your module uses preferences via Preferences API? Does your module use NbPreferences or
or regular JDK Preferences ? Does it read, write or both ?
Does it share preferences with other modules ? If so, then why ?
You may use
&lt;api type="export" group="preferences"
name="preference node name" category="private"&gt;
description of individual keys, where it is used, what it
influences, whether the module reads/write it, etc.
Due to XML ID restrictions, rather than /org/netbeans/modules/foo give the "name" as
Note that if you use NbPreferences this name will then be the same as the code name base of the module.
<answer id="resources-preferences">
XXX no answer for resources-preferences
<question id="resources-read" when="final">
Does your module read any resources from layers? For what purpose?
As this is some kind of intermodule dependency, it is a kind of API.
Please describe it and classify according to
<a href="">
common stability categories</a>.
<answer id="resources-read">
XXX no answer for resources-read
<question id="security-grant" when="final">
Does your code grant additional rights to some other code?
<hint>Avoid using a class loader that adds extra
permissions to loaded code unless really necessary.
Also note that your API implementation
can also expose unneeded permissions to enemy code by
calling AccessController.doPrivileged().</hint>
<answer id="security-grant">
XXX no answer for security-grant
<question id="security-policy" when="final">
Does your functionality require modifications to the standard policy file?
<hint>Your code might pass control to third-party code not
coming from trusted domains. This could be code downloaded over the
network or code coming from libraries that are not bundled
with NetBeans. Which permissions need to be granted to which domains?</hint>
<answer id="security-policy">
XXX no answer for security-policy