blob: a954e647182e3e4089afca2392de6ffe42468f98 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.core.output2;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import static javax.swing.SwingConstants.EAST;
import static javax.swing.SwingConstants.NORTH;
import static javax.swing.SwingConstants.SOUTH;
import static javax.swing.SwingConstants.WEST;
import javax.swing.text.Position.Bias;
import org.openide.awt.GraphicsUtils;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
* A custom Swing text View which supports line wrapping. The default Swing
* line wrapping code is not appropriate for our purposes - particularly, it
* will iterate the entire buffer multiple times to determine break positions.
* Since it would defeat the purpose of using a memory mapped file to have to
* pull the entire thing into memory every time it's painted or its size should
* be calculated, we have this class instead.
* <p>
* All position/line calculations this view does are based on the integer array
* of line offsets kept by the writer's Lines object.
* @author Tim Boudreau, Martin Entlicher
public class WrappedTextView extends View implements TabExpander {
static final int TAB_SIZE = 8; // The default tab size
* The component we will paint
private JTextComponent comp;
* Precalculated number of characters per line
private int charsPerLine = 80;
* Precalculated font descent, used to adjust the bounding rectangle of
* characters as returned by modelToView. This is added to the y position
* of character rectangles in modelToView() so painting the selection
* includes the complete character and does not interfere with the line above.
private int fontDescent = 4;
* A scratch Segment object to avoid allocation while painting lines
private static final Segment SEGMENT = new Segment();
* Precalculated width (in pixels) we are to paint into, the end being the wrap point
private int width = 0;
* Flag indicating we need to recalculate metrics before painting
private boolean changed = true;
* Precalculated width of a single character (assumes fixed width font).
private int charWidth = 12;
* Precalculated height of a single character (assumes fixed width font).
private int charHeight = 7;
* A scratchpad int array
static final int[] ln = new int[3];
* Flag indicating that the antialiasing flag is set on the Graphics object.
* We do a somewhat prettier arrow if it is.
private boolean aa = false;
static final Color arrowColor = new Color (80, 162, 80);
int tabSize;
int tabBase;
private int tabOffsetX = 0;
private final PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener;
public WrappedTextView(Element elem, JTextComponent comp,
PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener1) {
this.comp = comp;
this.propertyChangeListener = propertyChangeListener1;
public float getPreferredSpan(int axis) {
OutputDocument doc = odoc();
float result = 0;
if (doc != null) {
switch (axis) {
case X_AXIS :
result = charsPerLine;
case Y_AXIS :
result = doc.getLines().getLogicalLineCountIfWrappedAt(charsPerLine) * charHeight + fontDescent;
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException (Integer.toString(axis));
return result;
public float getMinimumSpan(int axis) {
return getPreferredSpan(axis);
public float getMaximumSpan(int axis) {
return getPreferredSpan(axis);
float viewWidth = -1;
public void setSize(float width, float height) {
super.setSize(width, height);
if (viewWidth != width) {
viewWidth = width;
private int getTabSize() {
//Integer i = (Integer) getDocument().getProperty(PlainDocument.tabSizeAttribute);
//int size = (i != null) ? i.intValue() : TAB_SIZE;
//return size;
return TAB_SIZE;
public float nextTabStop(float x, int tabOffset) {
if (tabSize == 0) {
return x;
int ntabs = (((int) x) - margin() + tabOffsetX) / tabSize;
return margin() + ((ntabs + 1) * tabSize) - tabOffsetX;
void updateMetrics() {
Font font = comp.getFont();
FontMetrics fm = comp.getFontMetrics(font);
charWidth = fm.charWidth('m'); //NOI18N
charHeight = fm.getHeight();
fontDescent = fm.getMaxDescent();
Graphics2D g2d = ((Graphics2D) comp.getGraphics());
if (g2d != null) {
aa = g2d.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING) ==
tabSize = getTabSize() * charWidth;
* Get the component's document as an instance of OutputDocument, if it
* is one, returning null if it is not (briefly it will not be after the
* editor kit has been installed - this is unavoidable).
* @return An instance of OutputDocument or null.
private OutputDocument odoc() {
Document doc = comp.getDocument();
if (doc instanceof OutputDocument) {
return (OutputDocument) doc;
return null;
private void updateWidth() {
int oldCharPerWidth = charsPerLine;
if (comp.getParent() instanceof JViewport) {
JViewport jv = (JViewport) comp.getParent();
width = jv.getExtentSize().width - (aa ? 18 : 17);
} else {
width = comp.getWidth() - (aa ? 18 : 17);
if (width < 0) {
width = 0;
charsPerLine = width / charWidth;
if (charsPerLine != oldCharPerWidth) {
propertyChangeListener.propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(this,
"charsPerLine", oldCharPerWidth, charsPerLine)); //NOI18N
* Get the left hand margin required for printing line wrap decorations.
* @return A margin in pixels
private static int margin() {
return 9;
public void paint(Graphics g, Shape allocation) {
tabBase = ((Rectangle) allocation).x + margin();
OutputDocument doc = odoc();
if (doc != null) {
Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
clip.y = Math.max (0, clip.y - charHeight);
clip.height += charHeight * 2;
int lineCount = doc.getElementCount();
if (lineCount == 0) {
ln[0] = clip.y / charHeight;
Lines lines = doc.getLines();
lines.toPhysicalLineIndex(ln, charsPerLine);
int firstline = ln[0];
g.setColor (comp.getForeground());
Segment seg = SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ? SEGMENT : new Segment();
int selStart = comp.getSelectionStart();
int selEnd = comp.getSelectionEnd();
int y = (clip.y - (clip.y % charHeight) + charHeight);
int maxVisibleChars = ((clip.height + charHeight - 1) / charHeight) * charsPerLine;
try {
for (int i = firstline; i < lines.getLineCount(); i++) {
if (y > clip.y + clip.height) {
int visibleLine = lines.realToVisibleLine(i);
if (visibleLine < 0) {
int lineStart = doc.getLineStart(i);
int lineEnd = doc.getLineEnd (i);
int length = lineEnd - lineStart;
if (length == 0) {
y += charHeight;
length = lines.lengthWithTabs(i);
LineInfo info = lines.getLineInfo(i);
// get number of logical lines
int logicalLines = length <= charsPerLine ? 1 :
(charsPerLine == 0 ? length : (length + charsPerLine - 1) / charsPerLine);
// get current (first which we will draw) logical line
int currLogicalLine = (i == firstline && logicalLines > 0 && ln[1] > 0 ) ? ln[1] : 0;
int charpos = 0;
//int tabOverLine = 0; // 0 or 1
int charsWithTabs = 0;
int arrowDrawn = currLogicalLine - 1;
int x = 0;
int remainCharsOnLogicalLine = charsPerLine;
int logLineOffset;
if (currLogicalLine > 0) {
// shift lineStart to position of first logical line that will be drawn
// we have lineStart - offset of the beginning of the physical line
// we have to add (currLogicalLine * charsPerLine) characters with expanded TABs
// this corresponds to a different real number of characters
logLineOffset = currLogicalLine * charsPerLine;
int[] tabShiftPtr = new int[] { 0 };
logLineOffset = lines.getNumPhysicalChars(lineStart, logLineOffset, tabShiftPtr);
lineStart += logLineOffset;
if (tabShiftPtr[0] > 0) {
//tabOverLine = 1;
remainCharsOnLogicalLine -= tabShiftPtr[0];
x = tabShiftPtr[0] * charWidth;
charsWithTabs += tabShiftPtr[0];
} else {
logLineOffset = 0;
// limit number of chars needed by estimation of maximum number of chars we need to repaint
length = Math.min(maxVisibleChars, length - logLineOffset);
int sourceLength = Math.min(maxVisibleChars, lineEnd - lineStart);
// get just small part of document we need (no need to get e.g. whole 10 MB line)
doc.getText(lineStart, sourceLength, seg);
tabOffsetX = charWidth * currLogicalLine * charsPerLine; //logLineOffset;
for (LineInfo.Segment ls : info.getLineSegments()) {
if (ls.getEnd() < logLineOffset) {
int shift = 0;
while (charpos < ls.getEnd() - logLineOffset && currLogicalLine < logicalLines) {
int lenToDraw = Math.min(remainCharsOnLogicalLine, ls.getEnd() - logLineOffset - charpos);
int charsToDraw = lenToDraw;
if (lenToDraw > 0) {
charsToDraw = getCharsForLengthWithTabs(seg.array, charpos, currLogicalLine * charsPerLine + shift, lenToDraw, remainCharsOnLogicalLine);// - tabOverLine;
if (currLogicalLine != logicalLines - 1 && arrowDrawn != currLogicalLine) {
arrowDrawn = currLogicalLine;
drawArrow(g, y, currLogicalLine == logicalLines - 2);
Color bg = ls.getCustomBackground();
drawText(seg, g, x, y, lineStart, charpos, selStart, charsToDraw, selEnd, bg);
if (ls.getListener() != null) {
underline(g, seg, charpos, charsToDraw, x, y);
lenToDraw = getCharLengthWithTabs(seg.array, charpos, currLogicalLine * charsPerLine + shift, charsToDraw);
charpos += charsToDraw;
if (charsToDraw == 0) {
break; // Prevent livelock, see bug 230840.
charsWithTabs += lenToDraw;
remainCharsOnLogicalLine -= lenToDraw;
x += lenToDraw * charWidth;
shift += lenToDraw;
//tabOverLine = (remainCharsOnLogicalLine < 0) ? 1 : 0;
while(remainCharsOnLogicalLine <= 0) {
shift = -remainCharsOnLogicalLine;
remainCharsOnLogicalLine += charsPerLine;
x = shift * charWidth;
tabOffsetX += charWidth * (charsPerLine);// + shift);
y += charHeight;
if (y > clip.y + clip.height) {
if (shift > 0) {
if (selStart != selEnd) {
int realPos = lineStart + charpos;
int a = Math.max(selStart, realPos);
int b = Math.min(selEnd, realPos + charsToDraw);
if (a < b) {
drawSelection(g, 0, x, y);
if (charsPerLine == 0 || charsWithTabs % charsPerLine != 0) {
y += charHeight;
tabOffsetX = 0;
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
* Draw text
* @param seg A Segment object containing the text
* @param g The graphics context
* @param y The baseline in the graphics context
* @param lineStart The character position at which the line starts
* @param charpos The current character position within the segment
* @param selStart The character index at which the selected range, if any, starts
* @param lenToDraw The number of characters we'll draw before we're outside the clip rectangle
* @param selEnd The end of the selected range of text, if any
private void drawText(Segment seg, Graphics g, int x, int y, int lineStart,
int charpos, int selStart, int lenToDraw, int selEnd, Color bg) {
Color clr = g.getColor();
if (selStart != selEnd) {
int realPos = lineStart + charpos;
int a = Math.max(selStart, realPos);
int b = Math.min(selEnd, realPos + lenToDraw);
if (a < b) {
realPos = odoc().getLines().getNumLogicalChars(lineStart, realPos - lineStart) + lineStart;
a = odoc().getLines().getNumLogicalChars(lineStart, a - lineStart) + lineStart;
b = odoc().getLines().getNumLogicalChars(lineStart, b - lineStart) + lineStart;
int start = x + margin() + (a - realPos) * charWidth;
int len = (b - a) * charWidth;
int w = charsPerLine * charWidth;
if (start - margin() + len > w) {
len = w - start + margin();
g.setColor (comp.getSelectionColor());
g.fillRect (start, y + fontDescent - charHeight, len, charHeight);
g.setColor (clr);
//g.drawChars(seg.array, charpos, lenToDraw, margin() + x, y);
int count = seg.count;
int offset = seg.offset;
seg.count = lenToDraw;
seg.offset = charpos;
drawTextBackground(g, clr, bg, selStart != selEnd, seg, x, y, charpos);
Utilities.drawTabbedText(seg, margin() + x, y, g, this, charpos);
seg.count = count;
seg.offset = offset;
private void drawTextBackground(Graphics g, Color fg, Color bg,
boolean selection, Segment seg, int x, int y, int charpos) {
if (bg != null && !selection) {
int w = Utilities.getTabbedTextWidth(
seg, g.getFontMetrics(), x, this, charpos);
int h = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
g.fillRect(x + margin(), y - h + g.getFontMetrics().getDescent(),
w, h);
private void drawSelection(Graphics g, int x1, int x2, int y) {
Color c = g.getColor();
g.setColor (comp.getSelectionColor());
g.fillRect (x1 + margin(), y + fontDescent - charHeight, x2 - x1, charHeight);
g.setColor (c);
private void underline(Graphics g, Segment seg, int charpos, int lenToDraw, int x, int y) {
if (!ExtPlainView.isLinkUndeliningEnabled(this)) {
int underlineStart = margin() + x;
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
int underlineEnd = underlineStart + fm.charsWidth(seg.array, charpos, lenToDraw);
int underlineShift = fm.getDescent() - 1;
g.drawLine (underlineStart, y + underlineShift, underlineEnd, y + underlineShift);
* Draw the decorations used with wrapped lines.
* @param g A graphics to paint into
* @param y The y coordinate of the line as a font baseline position
private void drawArrow (Graphics g, int y, boolean drawHead) {
Color c = g.getColor();
g.setColor (arrowColor());
int w = width + 15;
int rpos = aa ? 8 : 4;
if (aa) {
g.drawArc(w - rpos, y - (charHeight / 2), rpos + 1, charHeight, 265, 185);
} else {
g.drawLine (w-rpos, y - (charHeight / 2), w, y - (charHeight / 2));
g.drawLine (w, y - (charHeight / 2)+1, w, y + (charHeight / 2) - 1);
g.drawLine (w-rpos, y + (charHeight / 2), w, y + (charHeight / 2));
if (drawHead) {
rpos = aa ? 7 : 8;
int[] xpoints = new int[] {
w - rpos,
w - rpos + 5,
w - rpos + 5,
int[] ypoints = new int[] {
y + (charHeight / 2),
y + (charHeight / 2) - 5,
y + (charHeight / 2) + 5,
g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3);
g.setColor (arrowColor());
g.drawLine (1, y - (charHeight / 2), 5, y - (charHeight / 2));
g.drawLine (1, y - (charHeight / 2), 1, y + (charHeight / 2));
g.drawLine (1, y + (charHeight / 2), 5, y + (charHeight / 2));
g.setColor (c);
* Get the color used for the line wrap arrow
* @return The arrow color
private static Color arrowColor() {
return arrowColor;
public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException {
Rectangle result = new Rectangle();
result.setBounds (0, 0, charWidth, charHeight);
OutputDocument od = odoc();
if (od != null) {
int line, start;
synchronized (od.getLines().readLock()) {
line = Math.max(0, od.getLines().getLineAt(pos));
start = od.getLineStart(line);
int column = pos - start;
column = od.getLines().getNumLogicalChars(start, column);
int row = od.getLines().getLogicalLineCountAbove(line, charsPerLine);
int end = getLineEnd(line, od.getLines());
int len = od.getLines().getNumLogicalChars(start, end - start);
if ((column >= charsPerLine)
&& charsPerLine != 0) {
row += (column % charsPerLine == 0 && column == len)
? column / charsPerLine - 1
: column / charsPerLine;
column = (column % charsPerLine == 0 && column == len)
? charsPerLine
: column % charsPerLine;
result.y = (row * charHeight) + fontDescent;
result.x = margin() + (column * charWidth);
// System.err.println(pos + "@" + result.x + "," + result.y + " line " + line + " start " + start + " row " + row + " col " + column);
return result;
public int viewToModel(float x, float y, Shape a, Position.Bias[] biasReturn) {
OutputDocument od = odoc();
if (od != null) {
int ix = Math.max((int) x - margin(), 0);
int iy = (int) y - fontDescent;
ln[0] = (iy / charHeight);
od.getLines().toPhysicalLineIndex(ln, charsPerLine);
int logicalLine = ln[0];
int wraps = ln[2] - 1;
int totalLines = od.getLines().getLineCount();
if (totalLines == 0) {
return 0;
if (logicalLine >= totalLines) {
return od.getLength();
int lineStart = od.getLineStart(logicalLine);
int lineLength = od.getLines().lengthWithTabs(logicalLine);
int lineEnd = lineStart + lineLength;//od.getLineEnd(logicalLine);
int column = ix / charWidth;
if (column > lineLength) {
column = lineLength;
int result = wraps > 0 ?
Math.min(lineEnd, lineStart + (ln[1] * charsPerLine) + column)
: Math.min(lineStart + column, lineEnd);
Lines lines = od.getLines();
result = lines.getNumPhysicalChars(lineStart, result - lineStart, null) + lineStart;
result = Math.min (od.getLength(), result);
return result;
/* System.err.println ("ViewToModel " + ix + "," + iy + " = " + result + " physical ln " + physicalLine +
" logical ln " + logicalLine + " on wrap line " + ln[1] + " of " + wraps + " charsPerLine " +
charsPerLine + " column " + column + " line length " + lineLength);
// System.err.println ("v2m: [" + ix + "," + iy + "] = " + result);
} else {
return 0;
private int getCharLengthWithTabs(char[] array, int charpos, int tabLineOffset, int lenToDraw) {
int n = Math.min(array.length, charpos + lenToDraw);
int tabExpand = 0;
for (int i = charpos; i < n; i++) {
if ('\t' == array[i]) {
int numSpaces = TAB_SIZE - (((i - charpos + tabLineOffset) + tabExpand) % TAB_SIZE);
tabExpand += numSpaces - 1;
lenToDraw += numSpaces - 1;
return lenToDraw;
private int getCharsForLengthWithTabs(char[] array, int charpos, int tabLineOffset, int lenToDraw, int length) {
int n = Math.min(array.length, charpos + lenToDraw);
int lengthWithTab = 0;
int tabExpand = 0;
int i;
for (i = charpos; i < n && lengthWithTab < length; i++) {
if ('\t' == array[i]) {
int numSpaces = TAB_SIZE - (((i - charpos + tabLineOffset) + tabExpand) % TAB_SIZE);
tabExpand += numSpaces - 1;
lengthWithTab += numSpaces;
} else {
if (lengthWithTab > length && i > (charpos + 1) && array[i-1] != '\t') {
return i - charpos;
* Replaces usage of slow
* Utilities.getPositionAbove()/Utilities.getPositionBelow(), skips hidden
* lines.
public int getNextVisualPositionFrom(int pos, Bias b, Shape a,
int direction, Bias[] biasRet) throws BadLocationException {
Element elem = getElement();
if (pos == -1) {
pos = (direction == SOUTH || direction == EAST)
? getStartOffset()
: (getEndOffset() - 1);
int lineIndex;
int visibleLineIndex;
int origLineIndex;
PositionInfo pi;
Lines lines = odoc().getLines();
switch (direction) {
case NORTH:
pi = getPositionInfo(pos);
if (pi.lineIndex > 0 || pi.innerRowIndex > 0) {
if (pi.innerRowIndex > 0) {
return jumpInLine(lines, pi, direction);
return jumpToLine(lines, pi, direction);
case SOUTH:
pi = getPositionInfo(pos);
if (pi.innerRowIndex < pi.innerRowsCount - 1) {
return jumpInLine(lines, pi, direction);
visibleLineIndex = lines.realToVisibleLine(pi.lineIndex);
if (visibleLineIndex < elem.getElementCount() - 1) {
return jumpToLine(lines, pi, direction);
case WEST:
origLineIndex = lines.getLineAt(pos);
pos = Math.max(0, pos - 1);
lineIndex = lines.getLineAt(pos);
if (origLineIndex != lineIndex) {
int origVisibleLine = lines.realToVisibleLine(origLineIndex);
pos = elem.getElement(origVisibleLine - 1).getEndOffset() - 1;
case EAST:
origLineIndex = lines.getLineAt(pos);
pos = Math.min(pos + 1, elem.getEndOffset() - 1);
lineIndex = lines.getLineAt(pos);
if (origLineIndex != lineIndex) {
int origVisibleLine = lines.realToVisibleLine(origLineIndex);
pos = elem.getElement(origVisibleLine + 1).getStartOffset();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad direction"); //NOI18N
return pos;
* Get info about a line. The offset of the returned position info will be
* set to the first character of that line.
private PositionInfo getLineInfo(int lineIndex) {
Lines lines = odoc().getLines();
int lineStart = lines.getLineStart(lineIndex);
return getPositionInfo(lines, lineIndex, lineStart, lineStart);
* Get info about a position and containing line.
private PositionInfo getPositionInfo(int offset) {
Lines lines = odoc().getLines();
int lineIndex = lines.getLineAt(offset);
int lineStart = lines.getLineStart(lineIndex);
return getPositionInfo(lines, lineIndex, lineStart, offset);
* Get info about a position. Should not be called directly.
private PositionInfo getPositionInfo(Lines lines, int lineIndex,
int lineStart, int offset) {
PositionInfo pi = new PositionInfo();
pi.offset = offset;
pi.lineIndex = lineIndex;
pi.lineStart = lineStart;
pi.lineEnd = getLineEnd(pi.lineIndex, lines);
int lineLen = pi.lineEnd - pi.lineStart;
int column = offset - pi.lineStart;
int logicalColumn = lines.getNumLogicalChars(pi.lineStart, column);
pi.logicalLineLength = lines.getNumLogicalChars(pi.lineStart, lineLen);
int innerRowsCount = (pi.logicalLineLength / charsPerLine)
+ (pi.logicalLineLength % charsPerLine > 0 ? 1 : 0);
pi.innerRowsCount = Math.max(1, innerRowsCount);
pi.innerRowIndex = logicalColumn / charsPerLine
- (pi.logicalLineLength > 0 && logicalColumn == pi.logicalLineLength
&& logicalColumn % charsPerLine == 0
? 1 : 0);
if (lineLen > 0 && pi.lineEnd == offset
&& pi.logicalLineLength % charsPerLine == 0) {
// handle last char in line
pi.innerColumn = charsPerLine - (pi.innerRowsCount > 1 ? 1 : 0);
} else {
pi.innerColumn = lines.getNumLogicalChars(
pi.lineStart, offset - pi.lineStart) % charsPerLine;
return pi;
* Jump to appropriate position from a position in a neighboring line. The
* line above/below is assumed to exist.
* @param pi Source position.
* @param direction SwingConstants.NORTH for jumping to line above,
* SwingConstants.SOUTH for line below.
* @param lines The lines object.
private int jumpToLine(Lines lines, PositionInfo pi, int direction) {
assert direction == NORTH || direction == SOUTH;
int newRealLine = findNearestVisibleLine(lines, pi.lineIndex, direction);
if (newRealLine < 0) {
return pi.offset;
PositionInfo targetLine = getLineInfo(newRealLine);
int newInnerRow = direction == NORTH
? targetLine.innerRowsCount - 1
: 0;
int logicalLineStart = targetLine.lineStart + lines.getNumPhysicalChars(
targetLine.lineStart, newInnerRow * charsPerLine, null);
int physicalColumn = lines.getNumPhysicalChars(logicalLineStart,
pi.innerColumn, null);
int physicalPos = fixPhysicalPosition(lines, logicalLineStart
+ physicalColumn, newInnerRow, targetLine.lineStart);
return Math.min(physicalPos, targetLine.lineEnd);
* Find the nearest visible from {@code realLineIndex}.
* @param lines Info about lines.
* @param realLineIndex Real index of line above/below which the first
* visible line should be found.
* @param direction SwingConstants.SOUTH or SwingConstants.NORTH.
* @return Real line index of the nearest visible line, or -1 if no such
* line exists.
private int findNearestVisibleLine(Lines lines, int realLineIndex,
int direction) {
assert direction == SOUTH || direction == NORTH;
int inc = direction == SOUTH ? 1 : -1;
int visibleLine = lines.realToVisibleLine(realLineIndex);
if (visibleLine < 0) {
// the source line is not visible, let's search
for (int i = realLineIndex + inc; i >= 0
&& i < lines.getLineCount(); i += inc) {
if (lines.realToVisibleLine(i) >= 0) {
return i;
return -1;
} else {
return lines.visibleToRealLine(visibleLine + inc);
* Jump to a logical line in a physical line.
* @param pi Source position.
* @param lines Lines object.
* @param direction Direction, SwingConstants.NORTH or SwingConstants.SOUTH.
private int jumpInLine(Lines lines, PositionInfo pi, int direction) {
assert direction == NORTH || direction == SOUTH;
assert pi.innerRowIndex > 0 || direction == SOUTH;
assert pi.innerRowIndex + 1 < pi.innerRowsCount || direction == NORTH;
int newRow = pi.innerRowIndex + ((direction == SOUTH) ? 1 : -1);
int newLogicalColumn = newRow * charsPerLine + pi.innerColumn;
int newPos = pi.lineStart + lines.getNumPhysicalChars(pi.lineStart,
newLogicalColumn, null);
newPos = fixPhysicalPosition(lines, newPos, newRow, pi.lineStart);
return Math.min(pi.lineEnd, Math.max(pi.lineStart, newPos));
* When computing physical position from logical position (including tabs),
* and the position is inside a tab, the tab offset is returned. It is a
* problem if start of the tab is in another line than the position inside
* the tab. This method checks it and corrects the physical position.
* @param lines Lines object.
* @param pos Physical position.
* @param dir Direction, SOUTH or NORTH.
* @param newRow Index or inner row in which the position should be placed.
* @param lineStart Start offset of the physical line.
* @return Position that is sure to be in the correct inner line.
private int fixPhysicalPosition(Lines lines, int pos, int newRow,
int lineStart) {
//check that new pos is really in the next logical inner line
int newLogicalLineStart = newRow * charsPerLine;
int computedLogicalColumn = lines.getNumLogicalChars(lineStart,
pos - lineStart);
if (computedLogicalColumn < newLogicalLineStart) {
return pos + 1;
return pos;
* Find position of the last char in line.
private int getLineEnd(int realLineIndex, Lines lines) {
synchronized (lines.readLock()) {
return realLineIndex + 1 < lines.getLineCount()
? lines.getLineStart(realLineIndex + 1) - 1
: lines.getCharCount();
* Simple data structure for short-term storing of information about a
* position in a wrapped line.
private static final class PositionInfo {
* Physical character offset. Not counting tabs.
public int offset;
* Real line index. Counting invisible lines.
public int lineIndex;
* Start offset of the line.
public int lineStart;
* End offset of the line.
public int lineEnd;
* Logical length (expanded tabs) of the line.
public int logicalLineLength;
* Number of inner wrapped rows for the real row.
public int innerRowsCount;
* Index of inner row that contains the position.
public int innerRowIndex;
* Column in the inner row at which the position is displayed.
public int innerColumn;