blob: 4d5256dc4e3f70c80e615b3be39c6a186f383100 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.core.output2;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import org.netbeans.core.output2.ui.AbstractOutputPane;
* Component that draws controls for expanding and collapsing of folds.
* @author jhavlin
public class FoldingSideBar extends JComponent {
private static final Logger LOG =
private final int BAR_WIDTH = 15;
private final JEditorPane textView;
private AbstractLines lines;
private int charsPerLine = 80;
private boolean wrapped;
private int activeFold = -1;
public FoldingSideBar(JEditorPane textView, AbstractOutputPane outputPane) {
this.textView = textView;
this.lines = getLines();
textView.addPropertyChangeListener("document", //NOI18N
new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
FoldingSideBar.this.lines = getLines();
textView.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(BAR_WIDTH,
setMinimumSize(new Dimension(BAR_WIDTH, 0));
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(BAR_WIDTH, textView.getHeight()));
setMaximumSize(new Dimension(BAR_WIDTH, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
wrapped = outputPane.isWrapped();
addMouseListener(new FoldingMouseListener());
addMouseMotionListener(new FoldingMouseListener()); //TODO one is enough
private AbstractLines getLines() {
Document doc = textView.getDocument();
if (doc instanceof OutputDocument) {
Lines l = ((OutputDocument) doc).getLines();
if (l instanceof AbstractLines) {
return (AbstractLines) l;
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Rectangle cp = g.getClipBounds();
g.fillRect(cp.x, cp.y, cp.width, cp.height);
if (lines == null) {
FontMetrics fontMetrics = textView.getFontMetrics(textView.getFont());
int lineHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight();
int descent = fontMetrics.getDescent();
int offset = 0;
try {
Rectangle modelToView = textView.modelToView(0);
offset = modelToView == null ? 0 : modelToView.y;
} catch (BadLocationException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.INFO, null, ex);
offset += lineHeight - fontMetrics.getAscent();
int size = lines.getLineCount();
int logLine = 0; // logical line (including wrapped lines)
int nextLogLine;
int firstVisibleLine = Math.max(0, getLineAtPosition(cp.y) - 1);
int lastVisibleLine = getLastVisibleLine(cp, size);
for (int i = firstVisibleLine; i < lastVisibleLine; i++) {
if (!lines.isVisible(i)) {
nextLogLine = findLogicalLineIndex(findNextVisibleLine(i), size);
drawLineGraphics(g, i, logLine, nextLogLine, offset, lineHeight,
logLine = nextLogLine;
* Get real index of the last line visible in the current clip bounds.
* @param cp Clip bounds.
* @param realLineSize Total count of real lines.
private int getLastVisibleLine(Rectangle cp, int realLineSize) {
int lineAtClipBoundsEnd = getLineAtPosition(cp.y + cp.height);
return lineAtClipBoundsEnd < 0
? realLineSize - 1
: Math.min(realLineSize - 1, lineAtClipBoundsEnd + 1);
* Find absolute line number at a y coordinate.
private int getLineAtPosition(int y) {
// TODO refactor, the same code as in paint()
FontMetrics fontMetrics = textView.getFontMetrics(textView.getFont());
int lineHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight();
int offset = 0;
try {
Rectangle modelToView = textView.modelToView(0);
offset = modelToView == null ? 0 : modelToView.y;
} catch (BadLocationException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.INFO, null, ex);
offset += lineHeight - fontMetrics.getAscent();
// end TODO
int logicalLine = (y - offset) / lineHeight;
final int physicalLine;
if (wrapped) {
int[] info = new int[]{logicalLine, 0, 0};
lines.toPhysicalLineIndex(info, charsPerLine);
physicalLine = info[0];
} else {
physicalLine = logicalLine < lines.getVisibleLineCount()
? lines.visibleToRealLine(logicalLine)
: -1;
return physicalLine;
* @param g Graphics to draw into.
* @param line Physical line index.
* @param logLine Logical visible line index.
* @param nextLogLine Logical index of the next visible line.
* @param offset Y offset of the first line (pixels).
* @param lineHeight Height of line (pixels).
* @param descent Descent of font metrics (pixels).
private void drawLineGraphics(Graphics g, int line, int logLine,
int nextLogLine, int offset, int lineHeight, int descent) {
int currOffset;
int nextOffset;
try {
currOffset = lines.getFoldOffsets().get(line);
nextOffset = line + 1 < lines.getFoldOffsets().size()
? lines.getFoldOffsets().get(line + 1) : 0;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) { // Some lines were removed.
LOG.log(Level.FINE, null, ioobe);
int startY = logLine * lineHeight + offset;
int endY = nextLogLine * lineHeight + offset;
if (nextOffset == 1) {
drawButton(g, startY, endY, line);
} else if (currOffset != 0 && currOffset + 1 == nextOffset) {
if (isActive(line)) {
g.drawLine(6, startY, 6, endY);
g.drawLine(7, startY, 7, endY);
} else if (currOffset > 0 && nextOffset == 0) {
drawFoldEnd(g, line, startY, lineMid(endY, lineHeight, descent));
} else if (currOffset > 0 && nextOffset > 0) {
drawNestedFoldEnd(g, line, startY, endY,
lineMid(endY, lineHeight, descent));
private static int lineMid(int lineEndY, int lineHeight, int descent) {
return lineEndY - (lineHeight / 2) - descent;
* Draw graphics for a line that is at the start of a fold, which includes
* expand/collapse button.
* @param g
* @param lineStartY Y coordinate of the start of the line.
* @param lineEndY Y coordinate of the end of the line.
private void drawButton(Graphics g, int lineStartY, int lineEndY, int line) {
boolean collapsed = !lines.isVisible(line + 1);
g.drawRect(2, lineStartY, 10, 10);
g.drawLine(5, lineStartY + 5, 9, lineStartY + 5);
if (collapsed) {
g.drawLine(7, lineStartY + 3, 7, lineStartY + 7);
if (lineEndY > lineStartY + 10
&& (!collapsed || isLastVisibleLineInFold(line))) {
g.drawLine(7, lineStartY + 10, 7, lineEndY);
if (isActive(line)) {
g.drawLine(6, lineStartY + 10, 6, lineEndY);
private boolean isLastVisibleLineInFold(int line) {
if (lines.getFoldOffsets().get(line) > 0) {
int visibleLine = lines.realToVisibleLine(line);
int nextVisibleRealIndex = lines.visibleToRealLine(visibleLine + 1);
if (nextVisibleRealIndex >= lines.getFoldOffsets().size()) {
return true;
return lines.getFoldOffsets().get(nextVisibleRealIndex) > 0;
} else {
return false;
* Draw graphics for a line at the end of a nested fold.
* @param g
* @param lineStartY Y coordinate of the start of the line.
* @param lineMid Y coordinate of the middle of the last logical line.
private void drawNestedFoldEnd(Graphics g, int lineIndex,
int lineStartY, int lineEndY, int lineMid) {
g.drawLine(7, lineStartY, 7, lineEndY);
g.drawLine(7, lineMid, 11, lineMid);
if (isActive(lineIndex)) {
g.drawLine(6, lineStartY, 6, lineMid);
g.drawLine(7, lineMid - 1, 11, lineMid - 1);
if (isActive(findNextVisibleLine(lineIndex))) {
g.drawLine(6, lineMid, 6, lineEndY);
* Draw graphics for a line at the end of a fold.
* @param g
* @param lineStartY Y coordinate of the start of the line.
* @param lineMid Y coordinate of the middle of the last logical line.
private void drawFoldEnd(Graphics g, int lineIndex, int lineStartY,
int lineMid) {
g.drawLine(7, lineStartY, 7, lineMid);
g.drawLine(7, lineMid, 11, lineMid);
if (isActive(lineIndex)) {
g.drawLine(6, lineStartY, 6, lineMid);
g.drawLine(7, lineMid - 1, 11, lineMid - 1);
* That logical line index for physical line {@code physicalLineIndex}. If
* the physical line index is bigger or equal to count of physical lines,
* return total count of logical lines.
* @param physicalLineIndex Index of physical (not wrapped) visible line.
* @param size Total count of physical visible lines.
private int findLogicalLineIndex(int physicalLineIndex, int size) {
if (wrapped) {
if (physicalLineIndex < size) {
return lines.getLogicalLineCountAbove(
physicalLineIndex, charsPerLine);
} else {
return lines.getLogicalLineCountIfWrappedAt(charsPerLine);
} else {
return lines.realToVisibleLine(physicalLineIndex);
* Find next visible line below a line.
* @param physicalLine Physical index of a visible line.
* @return Physical index of the nearest visible line below
* {@code physicalLine}.
private int findNextVisibleLine(int physicalLine) {
int visibleLineIndex = lines.realToVisibleLine(physicalLine);
if (visibleLineIndex < 0) {
return lines.getVisibleLineCount() - 1;
if (visibleLineIndex + 1 < lines.getVisibleLineCount()) {
return lines.visibleToRealLine(visibleLineIndex + 1);
} else {
return lines.getVisibleLineCount() - 1;
public void setWrapped(boolean wrapped) {
this.wrapped = wrapped;
public void setCharsPerLine(int charsPerLine) {
this.charsPerLine = charsPerLine;
* Check whether the the line belong to the fold under cursor.
* @param line Physical line index.
private boolean isActive(int line) {
int parent = line;
while (parent != activeFold && parent >= 0) {
int foldOffset = lines.getFoldOffsets().get(parent);
if (foldOffset == 0) {
} else {
parent = parent - foldOffset;
return parent == activeFold;
private class FoldingMouseListener extends MouseAdapter {
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
activeFold = -1;
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
if (lines == null) {
int physicalRealLine = getLineForEvent(e);
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if (lines == null) {
int physicalRealLine = getLineForEvent(e);
if (activeFold == physicalRealLine) {
if (lines.isVisible(physicalRealLine + 1)) {
} else {
private void updateActiveFold(int physicalLine) {
int origActiveFold = activeFold;
if (physicalLine < 0) {
activeFold = -1;
} else if (physicalLine + 1 < lines.getFoldOffsets().size()
&& lines.getFoldOffsets().get(physicalLine + 1) == 1) {
activeFold = physicalLine;
} else if (physicalLine < lines.getFoldOffsets().size()) {
activeFold = physicalLine
- lines.getFoldOffsets().get(physicalLine);
} else {
activeFold = -1;
if (activeFold != origActiveFold) {
private int getLineForEvent(MouseEvent e) {
return getLineAtPosition(e.getY());