blob: 4a6f542c8a1ce95c3e9dd2bf0fbf82a086551a69 [file] [log] [blame]
Prepare Bundles
This is a tool that simplifies creation of external binaries from NPM modules. To use it,
create a directory "bundles" and inside it a directory "package", with package.json.
The package.json should specifying modules that should be packed (their transitive dependencies
will be pulled in automatically as well). Then run this project with two parameters: the location of the
"bundles" directory, and the location of the NetBeans checkout. This tool will produce the
following inside the "bundles" directory:
* bundles directory, which should be suitable for copying into the "external" directory of
your module. This directory includes licenses, binaries-list, and the zipped modules
* external directory, which contains zips that should be uploaded to the binary storage server
* licenses directory, which contains new license files that should be put into nbbuild/licenses