blob: e99c8d46d0035d28577c49c8050c814630fd7148 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenHierarchy;
import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase;
import org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints.ErrorDescription;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
* @author lahvac
public class DeclarativeHintsParserTest extends NbTestCase {
public DeclarativeHintsParserTest(String name) {
public void testSimpleParse() throws Exception {
performTest(" 1 + 1 :: $1 instanceof something && $test instanceof somethingelse => 1 + 1;; ",
StringHintDescription.create(" 1 + 1 ")
.addCondition(new Instanceof(false, "$1", " something ", new int[2]))
.addCondition(new Instanceof(false, "$test", " somethingelse ", new int[2]))
.addTos(" 1 + 1"));
public void testParseDisplayName() throws Exception {
performTest("'test': 1 + 1 :: $1 instanceof something && $test instanceof somethingelse => 1 + 1;; ",
StringHintDescription.create(" 1 + 1 ")
.addCondition(new Instanceof(false, "$1", " something ", new int[2]))
.addCondition(new Instanceof(false, "$test", " somethingelse ", new int[2]))
.addTos(" 1 + 1")
public void testMultiple() throws Exception {
performTest("'test': 1 + 1 => 1 + 1;; 'test2': 1 + 1 => 1 + 1;;",
StringHintDescription.create(" 1 + 1 ")
.addTos(" 1 + 1")
StringHintDescription.create(" 1 + 1 ")
.addTos(" 1 + 1")
public void testMethodInvocationCondition1() throws Exception {
Map<String, ParameterKind> m = new LinkedHashMap<>();
m.put("a", ParameterKind.STRING_LITERAL);
m.put("$2", ParameterKind.VARIABLE);
m.put("$1", ParameterKind.VARIABLE);
performTest("'test': $1 + $2 :: test(\"a\", $2, $1) => 1 + 1;;",
StringHintDescription.create("$1 + $2 ")
.addCondition(new MethodInvocation(false, "test", m, null))
.addTos(" 1 + 1")
public void testMethodInvocationCondition2() throws Exception {
Map<String, ParameterKind> m = new LinkedHashMap<>();
m.put("$1", ParameterKind.VARIABLE);
m.put("javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.VOLATILE", ParameterKind.ENUM_CONSTANT);
m.put("javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.RELEASE_6", ParameterKind.ENUM_CONSTANT);
performTest("'test': $1 + $2 :: test($1, Modifier.VOLATILE, SourceVersion.RELEASE_6) => 1 + 1;;",
StringHintDescription.create("$1 + $2 ")
.addCondition(new MethodInvocation(false, "test", m, null))
.addTos(" 1 + 1")
public void testMethodInvocationCondition3() throws Exception {
Map<String, ParameterKind> m = new LinkedHashMap<>();
m.put("$1", ParameterKind.VARIABLE);
m.put("42", ParameterKind.INT_LITERAL);
performTest("'test': $1 + $2 :: test($1, 42) => 1 + 1;;",
StringHintDescription.create("$1 + $2 ")
.addCondition(new MethodInvocation(false, "test", m, null))
.addTos(" 1 + 1")
public void testNegation() throws Exception {
Map<String, ParameterKind> m = new LinkedHashMap<>();
m.put("$1", ParameterKind.VARIABLE);
m.put("javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.VOLATILE", ParameterKind.ENUM_CONSTANT);
m.put("javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.RELEASE_6", ParameterKind.ENUM_CONSTANT);
performTest("'test': $1 + $2 :: !test($1, Modifier.VOLATILE, SourceVersion.RELEASE_6) => 1 + 1;;",
StringHintDescription.create("$1 + $2 ")
.addCondition(new MethodInvocation(true, "test", m, null))
.addTos(" 1 + 1")
public void testComments1() throws Exception {
performTest("/**/'test': /**/1 /**/+ 1//\n =>/**/ 1 + 1/**/;; //\n'test2': /**/1 + 1 =>//\n 1/**/ + 1;;",
StringHintDescription.create("1 /**/+ 1//\n ")
.addTos(" 1 + 1/**/")
StringHintDescription.create("1 + 1 ")
.addTos(" 1/**/ + 1")
public void testParserSanity1() throws Exception {
String code = "'Use of assert'://\n" +
" assert /**/ $1 : $2; :: //\n $1 instanceof boolean && $2 instanceof java.lang.Object\n" +
"=> if (!$1) throw new /**/ IllegalStateException($2);\n" +
public void testJavaBlocks() throws Exception {
performTest("<?import java.util.List;?> /**/'test': List $l; :: test($_)\n => List $l; ;; <?private boolean test(Variable v) {return false;}?>",
"import java.util.List;",
Arrays.asList(StringHintDescription.create(" List $l; ")
.addTos(" List $l; ")
.addCondition(new MethodInvocation(false, "test", Collections.singletonMap("$_", ParameterKind.VARIABLE), null))),
Arrays.asList("private boolean test(Variable v) {return false;}"));
public void testConditionOnFix() throws Exception {
Map<String, ParameterKind> m = new LinkedHashMap<>();
m.put("a", ParameterKind.STRING_LITERAL);
m.put("$2", ParameterKind.VARIABLE);
m.put("$1", ParameterKind.VARIABLE);
performTest("'test': $1 + $2 => 1 + 1 :: test(\"a\", $2, $1);;",
StringHintDescription.create("$1 + $2 ")
.addTos(new StringFixDescription(" 1 + 1 ")
.addCondition(new MethodInvocation(false, "test", m, null)))
public void testParseOptions() {
Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
DeclarativeHintsParser.parseOptions("key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3", result);
Map<String, String> golden = new HashMap<>();
golden.put("key1", "value1");
golden.put("key2", "value2");
golden.put("key3", "value3");
assertEquals(golden, result);
result = new HashMap<>();
DeclarativeHintsParser.parseOptions("key1=\"value1a,value1b\",key2=\"value2a,value2b\",key3=\"value3a,value3b\"", result);
golden = new HashMap<>();
golden.put("key1", "value1a,value1b");
golden.put("key2", "value2a,value2b");
golden.put("key3", "value3a,value3b");
assertEquals(golden, result);
public void testParseOptionsInContext() throws Exception {
Map<String, ParameterKind> m = new LinkedHashMap<>();
m.put("a", ParameterKind.STRING_LITERAL);
m.put("$2", ParameterKind.VARIABLE);
m.put("$1", ParameterKind.VARIABLE);
performTest("<!key=value>'test': $1 + $2 <!key1=value1>=> 1 + 1 <!key2=value2>:: test(\"a\", $2, $1);;",
Collections.singletonMap("key", "value"),
StringHintDescription.create("$1 + $2 ")
.addTos(new StringFixDescription(" 1 + 1 ")
.addCondition(new MethodInvocation(false, "test", m, null))
.addOption("key2", "value2"))
.addOption("key1", "value1")
public void testOptionsSanity() throws Exception {
String code = "<!key=value>'test': $1 + $2 <!key1=value1>=> 1 + 1 <!key2=value2>:: test(\"a\", $2, $1);;";
public void testCustomConditionSanity() throws Exception {
String code = "Thread.sleep($time) :: condition($time) ;;\n<? boolean condition(Variable var) { return false; } ?>\n";
public void test218739() throws Exception {
String code = "<!description=\"ImageIcon\">\nnew javax.swing.ImageIcon($image) ::\norg.openide.util.ImageUtilities.image2icon(@image)\n;;";
public void testError1() throws Exception {
performErrorGatheringTest("$a + $b :: unknown($a, $b);;",
"0:10-0:26:error:Cannot resolve method");
public void testError2() throws Exception {
performErrorGatheringTest("$a + $b :: sourceVersionGE(Foo.BAR);;",
"0:27-0:34:error:Cannot resolve enum constant",
"0:10-0:35:error:Cannot resolve method");
public void testVarArgs1() throws Exception {
performErrorGatheringTest("$a + $b :: test($a, \"a\", \"b\");;");
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
SourceUtilsTestUtil.prepareTest(new String[0], new Object[0]);
FileObject dir = SourceUtilsTestUtil.makeScratchDir(this);
System.setProperty("netbeans.user", FileUtil.toFile(dir).getAbsolutePath());
DeclarativeHintsParser.auxConditionClasses = new Class[] {TestConditionClass.class};
private void performTest(String code, StringHintDescription... golden) throws Exception {
performTest(code, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), null, Arrays.asList(golden), Collections.<String>emptyList());
private void performTest(String code, String goldenImportsBlock, Collection<StringHintDescription> goldenHints, Collection<String> goldenBlocks) throws Exception {
performTest(code, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), goldenImportsBlock, goldenHints, goldenBlocks);
private void performTest(String code, Map<String, String> goldenGlobalOptions, String goldenImportsBlock, Collection<StringHintDescription> goldenHints, Collection<String> goldenBlocks) throws Exception {
TokenHierarchy<?> h = TokenHierarchy.create(code, DeclarativeHintTokenId.language());
FileObject file = FileUtil.createData(new File(getWorkDir(), ""));
TestUtilities.copyStringToFile(file, code);
Result parsed = new DeclarativeHintsParser().parse(file, code, h.tokenSequence(DeclarativeHintTokenId.language()));
List<StringHintDescription> real = new LinkedList<>();
for (HintTextDescription hint : parsed.hints) {
real.add(StringHintDescription.create(code, hint));
assertEquals(goldenGlobalOptions, parsed.options);
if (goldenImportsBlock != null) {
assertEquals(goldenImportsBlock, code.substring(parsed.importsBlock[0], parsed.importsBlock[1]));
} else {
assertEquals(goldenHints, real);
if (goldenBlocks != null) {
List<String> realBlocks = new LinkedList<>();
for (int[] span : parsed.blocks) {
realBlocks.add(code.substring(span[0], span[1]));
} else {
private void performErrorGatheringTest(String code, String... errors) throws Exception {
TokenHierarchy<?> h = TokenHierarchy.create(code, DeclarativeHintTokenId.language());
FileObject file = FileUtil.createData(new File(getWorkDir(), ""));
TestUtilities.copyStringToFile(file, code);
Result parsed = new DeclarativeHintsParser().parse(file, code, h.tokenSequence(DeclarativeHintTokenId.language()));
List<String> actualError = new LinkedList<>();
for (ErrorDescription ed : parsed.errors) {
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(errors), actualError);
private void performParserSanityTest(String code) throws Exception {
FileObject file = FileUtil.createData(new File(getWorkDir(), ""));
TestUtilities.copyStringToFile(file, code);
for (int cntr = 0; cntr < code.length(); cntr++) {
String currentpath = code.substring(0, cntr);
TokenHierarchy<?> h = TokenHierarchy.create(currentpath, DeclarativeHintTokenId.language());
new DeclarativeHintsParser().parse(file, currentpath, h.tokenSequence(DeclarativeHintTokenId.language()));
private void performSimpleParserSanityTest(String code) throws Exception {
FileObject file = FileUtil.createData(new File(getWorkDir(), ""));
TestUtilities.copyStringToFile(file, code);
TokenHierarchy<?> h = TokenHierarchy.create(code, DeclarativeHintTokenId.language());
new DeclarativeHintsParser().parse(file, code, h.tokenSequence(DeclarativeHintTokenId.language()));
private static final class StringHintDescription {
private String displayName;
private final String text;
private final List<String> conditions;
private final List<StringFixDescription> to;
private final Map<String, String> options;
private StringHintDescription(String text) {
this.text = text;
this.conditions = new LinkedList<>(); = new LinkedList<>();
this.options = new HashMap<>();
public static StringHintDescription create(String text) {
return new StringHintDescription(text);
public static StringHintDescription create(String code, HintTextDescription desc) {
StringHintDescription r = StringHintDescription.create(code.substring(desc.textStart, desc.textEnd));
for (Condition c : desc.conditions) {
r = r.addCondition(c);
for (FixTextDescription fix : desc.fixes) {
int[] range = fix.fixSpan;
final StringFixDescription sfd = new StringFixDescription(code.substring(range[0], range[1]));
for (Condition c : fix.conditions) {
r = r.addTos(sfd);
r.options.putAll(desc.options);//TODO: not nice
return r.setDisplayName(desc.displayName);
public StringHintDescription addCondition(Condition c) {
return this;
public StringHintDescription addTos(String... to) {
for (String t : to) { StringFixDescription(t));
return this;
public StringHintDescription addTos(StringFixDescription... to) {;
return this;
public StringHintDescription setDisplayName(String displayName) {
this.displayName = displayName;
return this;
public StringHintDescription addOption(String key, String value) {
this.options.put(key, value);
return this;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final StringHintDescription other = (StringHintDescription) obj;
if ((this.displayName == null) ? (other.displayName != null) : !this.displayName.equals(other.displayName)) {
return false;
if ((this.text == null) ? (other.text != null) : !this.text.equals(other.text)) {
return false;
if (this.conditions != other.conditions && (this.conditions == null || !this.conditions.equals(other.conditions))) {
return false;
if ( != && ( == null || ! {
return false;
if (this.options != other.options && (this.options == null || !this.options.equals(other.options))) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 3;
hash = 89 * hash + (this.displayName != null ? this.displayName.hashCode() : 0);
hash = 89 * hash + (this.text != null ? this.text.hashCode() : 0);
hash = 89 * hash + (this.conditions != null ? this.conditions.hashCode() : 0);
hash = 89 * hash + ( != null ? : 0);
hash = 89 * hash + (this.options != null ? this.options.hashCode() : 0);
return hash;
public String toString() {
return "<" + String.valueOf(displayName) + ":" + text + ":" + conditions + ":" + to + ":" + options + ">";
private static final class StringFixDescription {
private final String to;
private final List<String> conditions = new LinkedList<>();
private final Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
public StringFixDescription(String to) { = to;
public StringFixDescription addCondition(Condition c) {
return this;
public StringFixDescription addOption(String key, String value) {
options.put(key, value);
return this;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final StringFixDescription other = (StringFixDescription) obj;
if (( == null) ? ( != null) : ! {
return false;
if (this.conditions != other.conditions && (this.conditions == null || !this.conditions.equals(other.conditions))) {
return false;
if (this.options != other.options && (this.options == null || !this.options.equals(other.options))) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 5;
hash = 53 * hash + ( != null ? : 0);
hash = 53 * hash + (this.conditions != null ? this.conditions.hashCode() : 0);
hash = 53 * hash + (this.options != null ? this.options.hashCode() : 0);
return hash;
public String toString() {
return "<" + to + ":" + conditions + ":" + options + ">";
public static final class TestConditionClass {
public boolean test(String s, Variable v1, Variable v2) { return false; }
public boolean test(Variable var, int i) { return false; }
public boolean test(Variable var, Modifier mod, SourceVersion sv) { return false; }
public boolean test(Variable var, String... strings) { return false; }