blob: f6f794ccf51ea899583316bd194d96b19533facb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectManager;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectUtils;
import org.netbeans.spi.project.ActionProvider;
import org.netbeans.spi.project.AuxiliaryConfiguration;
import org.netbeans.spi.project.ui.CustomizerProvider;
import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
import org.openide.cookies.LineCookie;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileLock;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
import org.openide.text.Line.ShowOpenType;
import org.openide.text.Line.ShowVisibilityType;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;
import org.openide.xml.XMLUtil;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Comment;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
* Handles providing implementations of some Java-oriented IDE-specific actions.
* @see "issue #46886"
final class JavaActions implements ActionProvider {
/* Too problematic for importing <classpath> from existing <java>, since Ant would want NS on that too (oddly):
private static final String NS_JPDA = "antlib:org.netbeans.modules.debugger.jpda.ant"; // NOI18N
static final String JAVA_FILE_PATTERN = "\\.java$";
private static final String[] ACTIONS = {
// XXX more
* Script to hold file-sensitive generated targets like compile.single.
* (Or for generated targets for debug which cannot reuse any existing target body.)
* These pick up at least project.dir from project.xml and the entire
* target body is fixed by the IDE, except for some strings determined
* by information from project.xml like the classpath. The basedir
* is set to the project directory so that properties match their
* semantics in project.xml.
static final String FILE_SCRIPT_PATH = "nbproject/ide-file-targets.xml"; // NOI18N
* Script to hold non-file-sensitive generated targets like debug.
* These import the original build script and share its basedir, so that
* properties match the semantics of build.xml.
static final String GENERAL_SCRIPT_PATH = "nbproject/ide-targets.xml"; // NOI18N
private final Project project;
private final AntProjectHelper helper;
private final PropertyEvaluator evaluator;
private final AuxiliaryConfiguration aux;
private boolean setOutputsNotified;
public JavaActions(Project project, AntProjectHelper helper, PropertyEvaluator evaluator, AuxiliaryConfiguration aux) {
this.project = project;
this.helper = helper;
this.evaluator = evaluator;
this.aux = aux;
public String[] getSupportedActions() {
return ACTIONS;
public boolean isActionEnabled(String command, Lookup context) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_COMPILE_SINGLE)) {
return findPackageRoot(context) != null;
} else if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_DEBUG)) {
return true;
} else if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_PROFILE)) {
return true;
} else if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE)) {
return (findPackageRoot(context) != null) && isSingleJavaFileSelected(context);
} else if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_DEBUG_SINGLE)) {
return (findPackageRoot(context) != null) && isSingleJavaFileSelected(context);
} else if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_PROFILE_SINGLE)) {
return (findPackageRoot(context) != null) && isSingleJavaFileSelected(context);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(command);
public void invokeAction(final String command, final Lookup context) throws IllegalArgumentException {
try {
project.getProjectDirectory().getFileSystem().runAtomicAction(new FileSystem.AtomicAction() {
public void run() throws IOException {
try {
if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_COMPILE_SINGLE)) {
} else if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_DEBUG)) {
} else if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_PROFILE)) {
} else if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE)) {
} else if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_DEBUG_SINGLE)) {
} else if (command.equals(ActionProvider.COMMAND_PROFILE_SINGLE)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(command);
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw (IOException) new IOException(e.toString()).initCause(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
* Display an alert asking the user whether to really generate a target.
* @param commandDisplayName the display name of the action to be bound
* @param scriptPath the path that to the script that will be generated or written to
* @return true if IDE should proceed
private boolean alert(String commandDisplayName, String scriptPath) {
String projectDisplayName = ProjectUtils.getInformation(project).getDisplayName();
String title = NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "TITLE_generate_target_dialog", commandDisplayName, projectDisplayName);
String body = NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "TEXT_generate_target_dialog", commandDisplayName, scriptPath);
NotifyDescriptor d = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(body, NotifyDescriptor.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
JButton generate = new JButton(NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "LBL_generate"));
d.setOptions(new Object[] {generate, NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION});
return DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(d) == generate;
* Warns the user about missing project outputs setting
* @param commandDisplayName the display name of the action to be bound
private boolean alertOutputs (String commandDisplayName) {
JButton setOutputOption = new JButton (NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class,"CTL_SetOutput"));
setOutputOption.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription (NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class,"AD_SetOutput"));
String projectDisplayName = ProjectUtils.getInformation(project).getDisplayName();
String title = NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "TITLE_set_outputs_dialog", commandDisplayName, projectDisplayName);
String body = NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class,"TEXT_set_outputs_dialog");
NotifyDescriptor d = new NotifyDescriptor.Message (body, NotifyDescriptor.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
d.setOptions(new Object[] {setOutputOption, NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION});
if (DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify (d) == setOutputOption) {
CustomizerProvider customizerProvider = project.getLookup().lookup(CustomizerProvider.class);
assert customizerProvider != null;
return true;
return false;
* Implementation of Compile File.
private void handleCompileSingle(Lookup context) throws IOException, SAXException {
// XXX could also try copy + mod from build.xml? but less likely to have <compile> in an accessible place...
if (!alert(NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "ACTION_compile.single"), FILE_SCRIPT_PATH)) {
Document doc = readCustomScript(FILE_SCRIPT_PATH);
Comment comm = doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_edit_target") + " ");
comm = doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_more_info_x.single") + " ");
String propertyName = "files"; // NOI18N
AntLocation root = findPackageRoot(context);
assert root != null : context;
Element target = createCompileSingleTarget(doc, context, propertyName, root);
writeCustomScript(doc, FILE_SCRIPT_PATH);
// XXX #53622: support also folders (i.e. just files w/o ext??):
String targetName = target.getAttribute("name");
addBinding(ActionProvider.COMMAND_COMPILE_SINGLE, FILE_SCRIPT_PATH, targetName, propertyName, root.virtual, JAVA_FILE_PATTERN, "relative-path", ","); // NOI18N
jumpToBuildScript(FILE_SCRIPT_PATH, targetName);
Element createCompileSingleTarget(Document doc, Lookup context, String propertyName, AntLocation root) {
String targetName = "compile-selected-files-in-" + root.physical.getNameExt(); // NOI18N
// XXX do a uniquification check
Element target = doc.createElement("target"); // NOI18N
target.setAttribute("name", targetName); // NOI18N
Element fail = doc.createElement("fail"); // NOI18N
fail.setAttribute("unless", propertyName); // NOI18N
fail.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_must_set_property", propertyName)));
String classesDir = findClassesOutputDir(root.virtual);
if (classesDir == null) {
target.appendChild(doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_must_set_build_classes_dir") + " "));
classesDir = "${build.classes.dir}"; // NOI18N
Element mkdir = doc.createElement("mkdir"); // NOI18N
mkdir.setAttribute("dir", classesDir); // NOI18N
Element javac = doc.createElement("javac"); // NOI18N
javac.setAttribute("srcdir", root.virtual); // NOI18N
javac.setAttribute("destdir", classesDir); // NOI18N
javac.setAttribute("includes", "${" + propertyName + "}"); // NOI18N
String sourceLevel = findSourceLevel(root.virtual);
if (sourceLevel != null) {
javac.setAttribute("source", sourceLevel); // NOI18N
String cp = findCUClasspath(root.virtual, "compile");
if (cp != null) {
Element classpath = doc.createElement("classpath"); // NOI18N
classpath.setAttribute("path", cp); // NOI18N
return target;
private void handleDebug() throws IOException, SAXException {
if (!this.setOutputsNotified) {
ProjectModel pm = ProjectModel.createModel(Util.getProjectLocation(this.helper, this.evaluator),
FileUtil.toFile(project.getProjectDirectory()), this.evaluator, this.helper);
List<ProjectModel.CompilationUnitKey> cuKeys = pm.createCompilationUnitKeys();
assert cuKeys != null;
boolean hasOutputs = false;
for (ProjectModel.CompilationUnitKey ck : cuKeys) {
JavaProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit cu = pm.getCompilationUnit(ck,false);
if (cu.output != null && cu.output.size()>0) {
hasOutputs = true;
if (!hasOutputs) {
alertOutputs (NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "ACTION_debug"));
this.setOutputsNotified = true;
String[] bindings = findCommandBinding(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN);
Element task = null;
Element origTarget = null;
if (bindings != null && bindings.length <= 2) {
origTarget = findExistingBuildTarget(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN);
//The origTarget may be null if the user has removed it from build.xml
if (origTarget != null) {
task = targetUsesTaskExactlyOnce(origTarget, "java"); // NOI18N
if (!alert(NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "ACTION_debug"), task != null ? GENERAL_SCRIPT_PATH : FILE_SCRIPT_PATH)) {
String generatedTargetName = "debug-nb"; // NOI18N
String generatedScriptPath;
Document doc;
Element generatedTarget;
if (task != null) {
// We can copy the original run target with some modifications.
generatedScriptPath = GENERAL_SCRIPT_PATH;
doc = readCustomScript(GENERAL_SCRIPT_PATH);
ensureImports(doc.getDocumentElement(), bindings[0]);
generatedTarget = createDebugTargetFromTemplate(generatedTargetName, origTarget, task, doc);
} else {
// No info, need to generate a dummy debug target.
generatedScriptPath = FILE_SCRIPT_PATH;
doc = readCustomScript(FILE_SCRIPT_PATH);
generatedTarget = createDebugTargetFromScratch(generatedTargetName, doc);
Comment comm = doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_edit_target") + " ");
comm = doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_more_info_debug") + " ");
writeCustomScript(doc, generatedScriptPath);
addBinding(ActionProvider.COMMAND_DEBUG, generatedScriptPath, generatedTargetName, null, null, null, null, null);
jumpToBuildScript(generatedScriptPath, generatedTargetName);
private Element createNbjpdastart(Document ownerDocument) {
Element nbjpdastart = ownerDocument.createElement("nbjpdastart"); // NOI18N
nbjpdastart.setAttribute("name", ProjectUtils.getInformation(project).getDisplayName()); // NOI18N
nbjpdastart.setAttribute("addressproperty", "jpda.address"); // NOI18N
nbjpdastart.setAttribute("transport", "dt_socket"); // NOI18N
return nbjpdastart;
private static final String[] DEBUG_VM_ARGS = {
"-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=${jpda.address}", // NOI18N
private void addDebugVMArgs(Element java, Document ownerDocument) {
//Add fork="true" if not alredy there
NamedNodeMap attrs = java.getAttributes();
boolean found = false;
for (int i=0; i<attrs.getLength(); i++) {
Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(i);
if ("fork".equals(attr.getName())) { //NOI18N
String value = attr.getValue();
if ("on".equalsIgnoreCase (value) || //NOI18N
"true".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || //NOI18N
"yes".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { //NOI18N
found = true;
if (!found) {
java.setAttribute("fork", "true"); //NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < DEBUG_VM_ARGS.length; i++) {
Element jvmarg = ownerDocument.createElement("jvmarg"); // NOI18N
jvmarg.setAttribute("value", DEBUG_VM_ARGS[i]); // NOI18N
Element createDebugTargetFromTemplate(String generatedTargetName, Element origTarget, Element origTask, Document ownerDocument) {
NodeList tasks = origTarget.getChildNodes();
int taskIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < tasks.getLength(); i++) {
if (tasks.item(i) == origTask) {
taskIndex = i;
assert taskIndex != -1;
Element target = (Element) ownerDocument.importNode(origTarget, true);
Element task = (Element) target.getChildNodes().item(taskIndex);
target.setAttribute("name", generatedTargetName); // NOI18N
Element nbjpdastart = createNbjpdastart(ownerDocument);
String textualCp = task.getAttribute("classpath"); // NOI18N
if (textualCp.length() > 0) {
Element classpath = ownerDocument.createElement("classpath"); // NOI18N
classpath.setAttribute("path", textualCp); // NOI18N
} else {
NodeList origClasspath = task.getElementsByTagName("classpath"); // NOI18N
if (origClasspath.getLength() == 1) {
Element classpath = (Element) ownerDocument.importNode(origClasspath.item(0), true);
target.insertBefore(nbjpdastart, task);
addDebugVMArgs(task, ownerDocument);
return target;
Element createDebugTargetFromScratch(String generatedTargetName, Document ownerDocument) {
Element target = ownerDocument.createElement("target");
target.setAttribute("name", generatedTargetName); // NOI18N
Element path = ownerDocument.createElement("path"); // NOI18N
// XXX would be better to determine runtime CP from project.xml and put it here instead (if that is possible)...
path.setAttribute("id", "cp"); // NOI18N
path.appendChild(ownerDocument.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_set_runtime_cp") + " "));
Element nbjpdastart = createNbjpdastart(ownerDocument);
Element classpath = ownerDocument.createElement("classpath"); // NOI18N
classpath.setAttribute("refid", "cp"); // NOI18N
target.appendChild(ownerDocument.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_set_main_class") + " "));
Element java = ownerDocument.createElement("java"); // NOI18N
java.setAttribute("classname", "some.main.Class"); // NOI18N
classpath = ownerDocument.createElement("classpath"); // NOI18N
classpath.setAttribute("refid", "cp"); // NOI18N
addDebugVMArgs(java, ownerDocument);
return target;
private void handleProfile() throws IOException, SAXException {
if (!this.setOutputsNotified) {
ProjectModel pm = ProjectModel.createModel(Util.getProjectLocation(this.helper, this.evaluator),
FileUtil.toFile(project.getProjectDirectory()), this.evaluator, this.helper);
List<ProjectModel.CompilationUnitKey> cuKeys = pm.createCompilationUnitKeys();
assert cuKeys != null;
boolean hasOutputs = false;
for (ProjectModel.CompilationUnitKey ck : cuKeys) {
JavaProjectGenerator.JavaCompilationUnit cu = pm.getCompilationUnit(ck,false);
if (cu.output != null && cu.output.size()>0) {
hasOutputs = true;
if (!hasOutputs) {
alertOutputs (NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "ACTION_profile")); // NOI18N
this.setOutputsNotified = true;
String[] bindings = findCommandBinding(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN);
Element task = null;
Element origTarget = null;
if (bindings != null && bindings.length <= 2) {
origTarget = findExistingBuildTarget(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN);
//The origTarget may be null if the user has removed it from build.xml
if (origTarget != null) {
task = targetUsesTaskExactlyOnce(origTarget, "java"); // NOI18N
if (!alert(NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "ACTION_profile"), task != null ? GENERAL_SCRIPT_PATH : FILE_SCRIPT_PATH)) { // NOI18N
String generatedTargetName = "profile-nb"; // NOI18N
String generatedScriptPath;
Document doc;
Element generatedTarget;
if (task != null) {
// We can copy the original run target with some modifications.
generatedScriptPath = GENERAL_SCRIPT_PATH;
doc = readCustomScript(GENERAL_SCRIPT_PATH);
ensureImports(doc.getDocumentElement(), bindings[0]);
generatedTarget = createProfileTargetFromTemplate(generatedTargetName, origTarget, task, doc);
} else {
// No info, need to generate a dummy profile target.
generatedScriptPath = FILE_SCRIPT_PATH;
doc = readCustomScript(FILE_SCRIPT_PATH);
generatedTarget = createProfileTargetFromScratch(generatedTargetName, doc);
Comment comm = doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_edit_target") + " "); // NOI18N
comm = doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_more_info_profile") + " "); // NOI18N
writeCustomScript(doc, generatedScriptPath);
addBinding(ActionProvider.COMMAND_PROFILE, generatedScriptPath, generatedTargetName, null, null, null, null, null);
jumpToBuildScript(generatedScriptPath, generatedTargetName);
Element createProfileTargetFromTemplate(String generatedTargetName, Element origTarget, Element origTask, Document ownerDocument) {
NodeList tasks = origTarget.getChildNodes();
int taskIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < tasks.getLength(); i++) {
if (tasks.item(i) == origTask) {
taskIndex = i;
assert taskIndex != -1;
Element target = (Element) ownerDocument.importNode(origTarget, true);
target.setAttribute("depends", "-profile-check"); // NOI18N
target.setAttribute("if", "profiler.configured"); // NOI18N
Element task = (Element) target.getChildNodes().item(taskIndex);
target.setAttribute("name", generatedTargetName); // NOI18N
addProfileInit(ownerDocument, ownerDocument.getDocumentElement());
addProfileVMArgs(task, ownerDocument);
return target;
Element createProfileTargetFromScratch(String generatedTargetName, Document ownerDocument) {
Element target = ownerDocument.createElement("target"); // NOI18N
target.setAttribute("depends", "-profile-check"); // NOI18N
target.setAttribute("if", "profiler.configured"); // NOI18N
target.setAttribute("name", generatedTargetName); // NOI18N
Element path = ownerDocument.createElement("path"); // NOI18N
// XXX would be better to determine runtime CP from project.xml and put it here instead (if that is possible)...
path.setAttribute("id", "cp"); // NOI18N
path.appendChild(ownerDocument.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_set_runtime_cp") + " ")); // NOI18N
addProfileInit(ownerDocument, ownerDocument.getDocumentElement());
target.appendChild(ownerDocument.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_set_main_class") + " ")); // NOI18N
Element java = ownerDocument.createElement("java"); // NOI18N
java.setAttribute("classname", "some.main.Class"); // NOI18N
Element classpath = ownerDocument.createElement("classpath"); // NOI18N
classpath.setAttribute("refid", "cp"); // NOI18N
addProfileVMArgs(java, ownerDocument);
return target;
private void addProfileInit(Document ownerDocument, Element parent) {
NodeList nl = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName("target");
for(int i=0;i<nl.getLength();i++) {
if ("-profile-check".equals(((Element)nl.item(i)).getAttribute("name"))) {
Element init = ownerDocument.createElement("target"); // NOI18N
init.setAttribute("name", "-profile-check");
Element profilerStart = ownerDocument.createElement("startprofiler");
profilerStart.setAttribute("freeform", "true");
private void addProfileVMArgs(Element java, Document ownerDocument) {
//Add fork="true" if not alredy there
NamedNodeMap attrs = java.getAttributes();
boolean found = false;
for (int i=0; i<attrs.getLength(); i++) {
Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(i);
if ("fork".equals(attr.getName())) { //NOI18N
String value = attr.getValue();
if ("on".equalsIgnoreCase (value) || //NOI18N
"true".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || //NOI18N
"yes".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { //NOI18N
found = true;
if (!found) {
java.setAttribute("fork", "true"); //NOI18N
Element jvmarg = ownerDocument.createElement("jvmarg"); // NOI18N
jvmarg.setAttribute("line", "${agent.jvmargs}"); // NOI18N
* Read a generated script if it exists, else create a skeleton.
* Imports jdk.xml if appropriate.
* @param scriptPath e.g. {@link #FILE_SCRIPT_PATH} or {@link #GENERAL_SCRIPT_PATH}
Document readCustomScript(String scriptPath) throws IOException, SAXException {
// XXX if there is TAX support for rewriting XML files, use that here...
FileObject script = helper.getProjectDirectory().getFileObject(scriptPath);
Document doc;
if (script != null) {
InputStream is = script.getInputStream();
try {
doc = XMLUtil.parse(new InputSource(is), false, true, null, null);
} finally {
} else {
doc = XMLUtil.createDocument("project", /*XXX:""*/null, null, null); // NOI18N
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
String projname = ProjectUtils.getInformation(project).getDisplayName();
root.setAttribute("name", NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "LBL_generated_script_name", projname));
if (helper.getProjectDirectory().getFileObject(JdkConfiguration.JDK_XML) != null) {
return doc;
* Make sure that if the project defines ${project.dir} in project.xml that
* a custom build script also defines this property.
* Generally, copy any properties defined in project.xml to Ant syntax.
* Used for generated targets which essentially copy Ant fragments from project.xml
* (rather than the user's build.xml).
* Also sets the basedir to the (IDE) project directory.
* Idempotent, takes effect only once.
* Use with {@link #FILE_SCRIPT_PATH}.
* @param antProject XML of an Ant project (document element)
void ensurePropertiesCopied(Element antProject) {
if (antProject.getAttribute("basedir").length() > 0) {
// Do not do it twice to the same script.
antProject.setAttribute("basedir", /* ".." times count('/', FILE_SCRIPT_PATH) */".."); // NOI18N
// Look for <properties> in project.xml and make corresponding definitions in the Ant script.
Element data = Util.getPrimaryConfigurationData(helper);
Element properties = XMLUtil.findElement(data, "properties", Util.NAMESPACE);
if (properties != null) {
for (Element el : XMLUtil.findSubElements(properties)) {
Element nue = antProject.getOwnerDocument().createElement("property"); // NOI18N
if (el.getLocalName().equals("property")) { // NOI18N
String name = el.getAttribute("name"); // NOI18N
assert name != null;
String text = XMLUtil.findText(el);
assert text != null;
nue.setAttribute("name", name);
nue.setAttribute("value", text);
} else if (el.getLocalName().equals("property-file")) { // NOI18N
String text = XMLUtil.findText(el);
assert text != null;
nue.setAttribute("file", text);
} else {
assert false : el;
* Make sure that the custom build script imports the original build script
* and is using the same base dir.
* Used for generated targets which essentially copy Ant targets from build.xml.
* Use with {@link #GENERAL_SCRIPT_PATH}.
* Idempotent, takes effect only once.
* @param antProject XML of an Ant project (document element)
* @oaram origScriptPath Ant name of original build script's path
void ensureImports(Element antProject, String origScriptPath) throws IOException, SAXException {
if (antProject.getAttribute("basedir").length() > 0) {
// Do not do it twice to the same script.
String origScriptPathEval = evaluator.evaluate(origScriptPath);
if (origScriptPathEval == null) {
// Can't do anything, forget it.
String origScriptURI = Utilities.toURI(helper.resolveFile(origScriptPathEval)).toString();
Document origScriptDocument = XMLUtil.parse(new InputSource(origScriptURI), false, true, null, null);
String origBasedir = origScriptDocument.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("basedir"); // NOI18N
if (origBasedir.length() == 0) {
origBasedir = "."; // NOI18N
String basedir, importPath;
File origScript = new File(origScriptPathEval);
if (origScript.isAbsolute()) {
// Use full path.
importPath = origScriptPathEval;
if (new File(origBasedir).isAbsolute()) {
basedir = origBasedir;
} else {
basedir = PropertyUtils.resolveFile(origScript.getParentFile(), origBasedir).getAbsolutePath();
} else {
// Import relative to that path.
// Note that <import>'s path is always relative to the location of the importing script, regardless of the basedir.
String prefix = /* ".." times count('/', FILE_SCRIPT_PATH) */"../"; // NOI18N
importPath = prefix + origScriptPathEval;
if (new File(origBasedir).isAbsolute()) {
basedir = origBasedir;
} else {
int slash = origScriptPathEval.replace(File.separatorChar, '/').lastIndexOf('/');
if (slash == -1) {
basedir = prefix + origBasedir;
} else {
basedir = prefix + origScriptPathEval.substring(0, slash + 1) + origBasedir;
// Trim:
basedir = basedir.replaceAll("/\\.$", ""); // NOI18N
antProject.setAttribute("basedir", basedir); // NOI18N
Element importEl = antProject.getOwnerDocument().createElement("import"); // NOI18N
importEl.setAttribute("file", importPath); // NOI18N
* Write a script with a new or modified document.
* @param scriptPath e.g. {@link #FILE_SCRIPT_PATH} or {@link #GENERAL_SCRIPT_PATH}
void writeCustomScript(Document doc, String scriptPath) throws IOException {
FileObject script = helper.getProjectDirectory().getFileObject(scriptPath);
if (script == null) {
script = FileUtil.createData(helper.getProjectDirectory(), scriptPath);
FileLock lock = script.lock();
try {
OutputStream os = script.getOutputStream(lock);
try {
XMLUtil.write(doc, os, "UTF-8"); // NOI18N
} finally {
} finally {
private List<Element> compilationUnits() {
Element java = aux.getConfigurationFragment(JavaProjectNature.EL_JAVA, JavaProjectNature.NS_JAVA_LASTEST, true);
if (java == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return XMLUtil.findSubElements(java);
* Find a Java package root in which the selection is contained.
* @param context lookup with Java source files and/or folders and/or junk
* @return the package root if there is one, or null if the lookup is empty, has junk, or has multiple roots
AntLocation findPackageRoot(Lookup context) {
for (Element compilationUnitEl : compilationUnits()) {
assert compilationUnitEl.getLocalName().equals("compilation-unit") : compilationUnitEl;
List<String> packageRootNames = Classpaths.findPackageRootNames(compilationUnitEl);
Map<String,FileObject> packageRootsByName = Classpaths.findPackageRootsByName(helper, evaluator, packageRootNames);
for (Map.Entry<String,FileObject> entry : packageRootsByName.entrySet()) {
FileObject root = entry.getValue();
if (containsSelectedJavaSources(root, context)) {
return new AntLocation(entry.getKey(), root);
// Couldn't find it.
return null;
* Check to see if a (node-like) selection contains one or more Java sources (or folders) inside the root.
static boolean containsSelectedJavaSources(FileObject root, Lookup context) {
Set<FileObject> selection = new HashSet<FileObject>();
for (DataObject dob : context.lookupAll(DataObject.class)) {
if (selection.isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (FileObject f : selection) {
if (f.isData() && !f.hasExt("java")) { // NOI18N
return false;
if (f != root && !FileUtil.isParentOf(root, f)) {
return false;
return true;
* Represents a location as referred to by the Ant script.
* Contains both its logical representation, and actual (current) location (or null).
static final class AntLocation {
public final String virtual;
public final FileObject physical;
public AntLocation(String virtual, FileObject physical) {
this.virtual = virtual;
this.physical = physical;
public String toString() {
return "AntLocation[" + virtual + "=" + physical + "]"; // NOI18N
* Try to find the compilation unit containing a source root.
* @param sources a source root in the project (as a virtual Ant name)
* @return the compilation unit owning it, or null if not found
private Element findCompilationUnit(String sources) {
for (Element compilationUnitEl : compilationUnits()) {
for (Element packageRoot : XMLUtil.findSubElements(compilationUnitEl)) {
if (packageRoot.getLocalName().equals("package-root")) { // NOI18N
if (XMLUtil.findText(packageRoot).equals(sources)) {
return compilationUnitEl;
return null;
* Try to determine where classes from a given package root should be compiled to.
* @param sources a source root in the project (as a virtual Ant name)
* @return an output directory (never a JAR), as a virtual name, or null if none could be found
String findClassesOutputDir(String sources) {
Element compilationUnitEl = findCompilationUnit(sources);
if (compilationUnitEl != null) {
return findClassesOutputDir(compilationUnitEl);
} else {
return null;
* Find output classes given a compilation unit from project.xml.
private String findClassesOutputDir(Element compilationUnitEl) {
// Look for an appropriate <built-to>.
for (Element builtTo : XMLUtil.findSubElements(compilationUnitEl)) {
if (builtTo.getLocalName().equals("built-to")) { // NOI18N
String rawtext = XMLUtil.findText(builtTo);
// Check that it is not an archive.
String evaltext = evaluator.evaluate(rawtext);
if (evaltext != null) {
File dest = helper.resolveFile(evaltext);
URL destU;
try {
destU = Utilities.toURI(dest).toURL();
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
if (!FileUtil.isArchiveFile(destU)) {
// OK, dir, take it.
return rawtext;
return null;
* Try to find the source level corresponding to a source root.
* @param sources a source root in the project (as a virtual Ant name)
* @return the source level, or null if none was specified or there was no such source root
String findSourceLevel(String sources) {
Element compilationUnitEl = findCompilationUnit(sources);
if (compilationUnitEl != null) {
Element sourceLevel = XMLUtil.findElement(compilationUnitEl, "source-level", JavaProjectNature.NS_JAVA_LASTEST);
if (sourceLevel != null) {
return XMLUtil.findText(sourceLevel);
return null;
* Try to find the compile-time classpath corresponding to a source root.
* @param sources a source root in the project (as a virtual Ant name)
* @return the classpath (in Ant form), or null if none was specified or there was no such source root
String findCUClasspath(String sources, String moud) {
Element compilationUnitEl = findCompilationUnit(sources);
if (compilationUnitEl != null) {
for (Element classpath : XMLUtil.findSubElements(compilationUnitEl)) {
if (classpath.getLocalName().equals("classpath")) { // NOI18N
String mode = classpath.getAttribute("mode"); // NOI18N
if (mode.equals(moud)) {
return XMLUtil.findText(classpath);
return null;
* Finds all build-to elements in project.xml and returns their content as array
* @param srcRoot source root in the project
* @return array with content of all <built-to> elements built by CU containing the srcRoot
private String[] findCUOutputs(String srcRoot) {
List<String> outputs = new ArrayList<String>();
Element cuElem = findCompilationUnit(srcRoot);
if (cuElem != null) {
NodeList builts = cuElem.getElementsByTagName("built-to"); // NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < builts.getLength(); i++) {
return outputs.toArray(new String[outputs.size()]);
//The order of the root elements as specified in the schema.
//Used to add <ide-actions> at the correct place.
private static final String[] rootElementsOrder = {"name", "properties", "folders", "ide-actions", "export", "view", "subprojects"}; // NOI18N
* Add an action binding to project.xml.
* If there is no required context, the action is also added to the context menu of the project node.
* @param command the command name
* @param scriptPath the path to the generated script
* @param target the name of the target (in scriptPath)
* @param propertyName a property name to hold the selection (or null for no context, in which case remainder should be null)
* @param dir the raw text to use for the directory name
* @param pattern the regular expression to match, or null
* @param format the format to use
* @param separator the separator to use for multiple files, or null for single file only
void addBinding(String command, String scriptPath, String target, String propertyName, String dir, String pattern, String format, String separator) throws IOException {
// XXX cannot use FreeformProjectGenerator since that is currently not a public support SPI from ant/freeform
// XXX should this try to find an existing binding? probably not, since it is assumed that if there was one, we would never get here to begin with
Element data = Util.getPrimaryConfigurationData(helper);
Element ideActions = XMLUtil.findElement(data, "ide-actions", Util.NAMESPACE); // NOI18N
if (ideActions == null) {
//fix for #58442:
ideActions = data.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "ide-actions"); // NOI18N
XMLUtil.appendChildElement(data, ideActions, rootElementsOrder);
Document doc = data.getOwnerDocument();
Element action = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "action"); // NOI18N
action.setAttribute("name", command); // NOI18N
Element script = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "script"); // NOI18N
Element targetEl = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "target"); // NOI18N
if (propertyName != null) {
Element context = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "context"); // NOI18N
Element property = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "property"); // NOI18N
Element folder = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "folder"); // NOI18N
if (pattern != null) {
Element patternEl = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "pattern"); // NOI18N
Element formatEl = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "format"); // NOI18N
Element arity = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "arity"); // NOI18N
if (separator != null) {
Element separatorEl = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "separated-files"); // NOI18N
} else {
arity.appendChild(doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "one-file-only")); // NOI18N
} else {
// Add a context menu item, since it applies to the project as a whole.
// Assume there is already a <context-menu> defined, which is quite likely.
Element view = XMLUtil.findElement(data, "view", Util.NAMESPACE); // NOI18N
if (view != null) {
Element contextMenu = XMLUtil.findElement(view, "context-menu", Util.NAMESPACE); // NOI18N
if (contextMenu != null) {
Element ideAction = doc.createElementNS(Util.NAMESPACE, "ide-action"); // NOI18N
ideAction.setAttribute("name", command); // NOI18N
Util.putPrimaryConfigurationData(helper, data);
* Jump to a target in the editor.
* @param scriptPath the script to open
* @param target the name of the target (in scriptPath)
private void jumpToBuildScript(String scriptPath, String target) {
jumpToFile(scriptPath, target, "target", "name"); // NOI18N
* Jump to an action binding in the editor.
* @param command an {@link ActionProvider} command name found in project.xml
private void jumpToBinding(String command) {
jumpToFile(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_XML_PATH, command, "action", "name"); // NOI18N
* Jump to some line in an XML file.
* @param path project-relative path to the file
* @param match {@see #findLine}
* @param elementLocalName {@see #findLine}
* @param elementAttributeName {@see #findLine}
private void jumpToFile(String path, String match, String elementLocalName, String elementAttributeName) {
FileObject file = helper.getProjectDirectory().getFileObject(path);
if (file == null) {
int line;
try {
line = findLine(file, match, elementLocalName, elementAttributeName);
} catch (Exception e) {
ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e);
if (line == -1) {
// Just open it.
line = 0;
DataObject fileDO;
try {
fileDO = DataObject.find(file);
} catch (DataObjectNotFoundException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
LineCookie lines = fileDO.getCookie(LineCookie.class);
if (lines != null) {
try {
lines.getLineSet().getCurrent(line).show(ShowOpenType.OPEN, ShowVisibilityType.FOCUS);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// XXX reproducibly thrown if the document was already open. Why?? (file.refresh() above does not help.)
ErrorManager.getDefault().getInstance(JavaActions.class.getName()).log(ErrorManager.WARNING, e + " [file=" + file + " match=" + match + " line=" + line + "]"); // NOI18N
lines.getLineSet().getCurrent(0).show(ShowOpenType.OPEN, ShowVisibilityType.FOCUS);
* Find the line number of a target in an Ant script, or some other line in an XML file.
* Able to find a certain element with a certain attribute matching a given value.
* See also AntTargetNode.TargetOpenCookie.
* @param file an Ant script or other XML file
* @param match the attribute value to match (e.g. target name)
* @param elementLocalName the (local) name of the element to look for
* @param elementAttributeName the name of the attribute to match on
* @return the line number (0-based), or -1 if not found
static final int findLine(FileObject file, final String match, final String elementLocalName, final String elementAttributeName) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
InputSource in = new InputSource(file.toURL().toString());
SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
final int[] line = new int[] {-1};
class Handler extends DefaultHandler {
private Locator locator;
public void setDocumentLocator(Locator l) {
locator = l;
public void startElement(String uri, String localname, String qname, Attributes attr) throws SAXException {
if (line[0] == -1) {
if (localname.equals(elementLocalName) && match.equals(attr.getValue(elementAttributeName))) { // NOI18N
line[0] = locator.getLineNumber() - 1;
parser.parse(in, new Handler());
return line[0];
* Attempt to find the Ant build script target bound to a given IDE command.
* @param command an {@link ActionProvider} command
* @return the XML for the target if it could be found (and there was no more than one target bound), else null
Element findExistingBuildTarget(String command) throws IOException, SAXException {
String[] binding = findCommandBinding(command);
if (binding == null) {
return null;
String scriptName = binding[0];
assert scriptName != null;
String targetName;
if (binding.length == 1) {
targetName = null;
} else if (binding.length == 2) {
targetName = binding[1];
} else {
// Too many bindings; we do not support this.
return null;
String scriptPath = evaluator.evaluate(scriptName);
if (scriptPath == null) {
return null;
File scriptFile = helper.resolveFile(scriptPath);
String scriptURI = Utilities.toURI(scriptFile).toString();
Document doc = XMLUtil.parse(new InputSource(scriptURI), false, true, null, null);
if (targetName == null) {
targetName = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("default"); // NOI18N
if (targetName == null) {
return null;
for (Element target : XMLUtil.findSubElements(doc.getDocumentElement())) {
if (target.getLocalName().equals("target") && targetName.equals(target.getAttribute("name"))) { // NOI18N
return target;
return null;
* Find the target binding for some command.
* @param command an {@link ActionProvider} command
* @return an array of a script name (Ant syntax, never null) and zero or more target names (none means default target)
* or null if no binding could be found for this command
String[] findCommandBinding(String command) {
Element data = Util.getPrimaryConfigurationData(helper);
Element ideActions = XMLUtil.findElement(data, "ide-actions", Util.NAMESPACE); // NOI18N
if (ideActions == null) {
return null;
String scriptName = "build.xml"; // NOI18N
for (Element action : XMLUtil.findSubElements(ideActions)) {
assert action.getLocalName().equals("action");
if (action.getAttribute("name").equals(command)) {
Element script = XMLUtil.findElement(action, "script", Util.NAMESPACE); // NOI18N
if (script != null) {
scriptName = XMLUtil.findText(script);
List<String> scriptPlusTargetNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Element target : XMLUtil.findSubElements(action)) {
if (target.getLocalName().equals("target")) { // NOI18N
if (scriptName.equals(JdkConfiguration.NBJDK_XML) && scriptPlusTargetNames.size() > 1) {
// Try to find the original script instead.
FileObject nbjdkFO = helper.getProjectDirectory().getFileObject(JdkConfiguration.NBJDK_XML);
if (nbjdkFO != null) {
try {
Document nbjdk = XMLUtil.parse(new InputSource(nbjdkFO.toURL().toString()), false, false, null, null);
NodeList nl = nbjdk.getElementsByTagName("target"); // NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
if (((Element) nl.item(i)).getAttribute("name").equals(scriptPlusTargetNames.get(1))) { // NOI18N
NodeList nl2 = ((Element) nl.item(i)).getElementsByTagName("ant"); // NOI18N
if (nl2.getLength() == 1) {
String antfile = ((Element) nl2.item(0)).getAttribute("antfile"); // NOI18N
if (antfile.length() == 0) {
antfile = "build.xml"; // NOI18N
scriptPlusTargetNames.set(0, antfile);
} catch (Exception x) {
return scriptPlusTargetNames.toArray(new String[scriptPlusTargetNames.size()]);
return null;
* Check to see if a given Ant target uses a given task once (and only once).
* @param target an Ant <code>&lt;target&gt;</code> element
* @param taskName the (unqualified) name of an Ant task
* @return a task element with that name, or null if there is none or more than one
Element targetUsesTaskExactlyOnce(Element target, String taskName) {
// XXX should maybe also look for any other usage of the task in the same script in case there is none in the mentioned target
Element foundTask = null;
for (Element task : XMLUtil.findSubElements(target)) {
if (task.getLocalName().equals(taskName)) {
if (foundTask != null) {
// Duplicate.
return null;
} else {
foundTask = task;
return foundTask;
private void handleRunSingle(Lookup context) throws IOException, SAXException {
if (!alert(NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "ACTION_run.single"), FILE_SCRIPT_PATH)) {
Document doc = readCustomScript(FILE_SCRIPT_PATH);
AntLocation root = handleInitials(doc, context);
assert root != null : context;
String propertyName = "run.class"; // NOI18N
String targetName = "run-selected-file-in-" + root.physical.getNameExt(); // NOI18N
Element target = createRunSingleTargetElem(doc, targetName, propertyName, root);
writeCustomScript(doc, FILE_SCRIPT_PATH);
addBinding(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE, FILE_SCRIPT_PATH, targetName,
propertyName, root.virtual, JAVA_FILE_PATTERN, "java-name", null); // NOI18N
jumpToBuildScript(FILE_SCRIPT_PATH, targetName);
private void handleDebugSingle(Lookup context) throws IOException, SAXException {
if (!alert(NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "ACTION_debug.single"), FILE_SCRIPT_PATH)) {
Document doc = readCustomScript(FILE_SCRIPT_PATH);
AntLocation root = handleInitials(doc, context);
assert root != null : context;
String propertyName = "debug.class"; // NOI18N
String targetName = "debug-selected-file-in-" + root.physical.getNameExt(); // NOI18N
Element targetElem = createDebugSingleTargetElem(doc, targetName, propertyName, root);
writeCustomScript(doc, FILE_SCRIPT_PATH);
addBinding(ActionProvider.COMMAND_DEBUG_SINGLE, FILE_SCRIPT_PATH, targetName,
propertyName, root.virtual, JAVA_FILE_PATTERN, "java-name", null); // NOI18N
jumpToBuildScript(FILE_SCRIPT_PATH, targetName);
private void handleProfileSingle(Lookup context) throws IOException, SAXException {
if (!alert(NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "ACTION_profile.single"), FILE_SCRIPT_PATH)) { // NOI18N
Document doc = readCustomScript(FILE_SCRIPT_PATH);
AntLocation root = handleInitials(doc, context);
assert root != null : context;
String propertyName = "profile.class"; // NOI18N
String targetName = "profile-selected-file-in-" + root.physical.getNameExt(); // NOI18N
Element targetElem = createProfileSingleTargetElem(doc, targetName, propertyName, root);
writeCustomScript(doc, FILE_SCRIPT_PATH);
addBinding(ActionProvider.COMMAND_PROFILE_SINGLE, FILE_SCRIPT_PATH, targetName,
propertyName, root.virtual, JAVA_FILE_PATTERN, "java-name", null); // NOI18N
jumpToBuildScript(FILE_SCRIPT_PATH, targetName);
Element createRunSingleTargetElem(Document doc, String tgName,
String propName, AntLocation root) throws IOException, SAXException {
Element targetElem = doc.createElement("target"); // NOI18N
targetElem.setAttribute("name", tgName); // NOI18N
Element failElem = doc.createElement("fail"); // NOI18N
failElem.setAttribute("unless", propName); // NOI18N
"COMMENT_must_set_property", propName)));
String depends[] = getRunDepends();
if (depends != null) {
targetElem.appendChild(createAntElem(doc, depends[0], depends[1]));
Element javaElem = doc.createElement("java"); // NOI18N
javaElem.setAttribute("classname", "${" + propName + "}"); // NOI18N
javaElem.setAttribute("fork", "true"); // NOI18N
javaElem.setAttribute("failonerror", "true"); // NOI18N
Element cpElem = getPathFromCU(doc, root.virtual, "classpath");
// add comment only if there is no definition
if (cpElem.getChildNodes().getLength() == 0) {
cpElem.appendChild(doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class,
"COMMENT_set_runtime_cp") + " "));
return targetElem;
Element createDebugSingleTargetElem(Document doc, String tgName,
String propName, AntLocation root) throws IOException, SAXException {
Element targetElem = doc.createElement("target"); // NOI18N
targetElem.setAttribute("name", tgName); // NOI18N
Element failElem = doc.createElement("fail"); // NOI18N
failElem.setAttribute("unless", propName); // NOI18N
"COMMENT_must_set_property", propName)));
String depends[] = getRunDepends();
if (depends != null) {
targetElem.appendChild(createAntElem(doc, depends[0], depends[1]));
Element pElem = getPathFromCU(doc, root.virtual, "path"); // NOI18N
pElem.setAttribute("id", "cp"); // NOI18N
// add comment only if there is no definition
if (pElem.getChildNodes().getLength() == 0) {
pElem.appendChild(doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class,
"COMMENT_set_runtime_cp") + " "));
Element nbjpdastartElem = createNbjpdastart(doc);
Element cpElem = doc.createElement("classpath"); // NOI18N
cpElem.setAttribute("refid", "cp"); // NOI18N
Element javaElem = doc.createElement("java"); // NOI18N
javaElem.setAttribute("classname", "${" + propName + "}"); // NOI18N
cpElem = doc.createElement("classpath"); // NOI18N
cpElem.setAttribute("refid", "cp"); // NOI18N
addDebugVMArgs(javaElem, doc);
return targetElem;
Element createProfileSingleTargetElem(Document doc, String tgName,
String propName, AntLocation root) throws IOException, SAXException {
Element targetElem = doc.createElement("target"); // NOI18N
targetElem.setAttribute("name", tgName); // NOI18N
targetElem.setAttribute("if", "profiler.configured"); // NOI18N
targetElem.setAttribute("depends", "-profile-check"); // NOI18N
Element failElem = doc.createElement("fail"); // NOI18N
failElem.setAttribute("unless", propName); // NOI18N
"COMMENT_must_set_property", propName)));
String depends[] = getRunDepends();
if (depends != null) {
targetElem.appendChild(createAntElem(doc, depends[0], depends[1]));
Element pElem = getPathFromCU(doc, root.virtual, "path"); // NOI18N
pElem.setAttribute("id", "cp"); // NOI18N
// add comment only if there is no definition
if (pElem.getChildNodes().getLength() == 0) {
pElem.appendChild(doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class,
"COMMENT_set_runtime_cp") + " "));
Element cpElem = doc.createElement("classpath"); // NOI18N
cpElem.setAttribute("refid", "cp"); // NOI18N
Element javaElem = doc.createElement("java"); // NOI18N
javaElem.setAttribute("classname", "${" + propName + "}"); // NOI18N
cpElem = doc.createElement("classpath"); // NOI18N
cpElem.setAttribute("refid", "cp"); // NOI18N
addProfileInit(doc, doc.getDocumentElement());
addProfileVMArgs(javaElem, doc);
return targetElem;
private AntLocation handleInitials(Document doc, Lookup context) {
Comment comm = doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_edit_target") + " ");
comm = doc.createComment(" " + NbBundle.getMessage(JavaActions.class, "COMMENT_more_info_run.single") + " ");
return findPackageRoot(context);
* Get value of depends attribute of target mapped as Run target by user
String[] getRunDepends() throws IOException, SAXException {
String depends[] = null;
Element targetElem = findExistingBuildTarget(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN);
if (targetElem == null)
return null;
String[] bindings = findCommandBinding(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN);
String dep = targetElem.getAttribute("depends"); // NOI18N
if (bindings != null && bindings.length <= 2 && !"".equals(dep)) {
depends = new String[2];
depends[0] = bindings[0];
depends[1] = dep;
return depends;
* Create Path like element (path or classpath) consisting of either execute cp
* if it exists or compilation cp and build products
Element getPathFromCU(Document doc, String srcRoot, String type) {
String cp = findCUClasspath(srcRoot, "execute"); // NOI18N
Element pElem = null;
if (cp != null) {
// if EXECUTE cp exists use it
pElem = createPathLikeElem(doc, type, null, new String[] {cp}, null, null, null);
} else {
// if not try to create run cp from COMPILE cp and all output locations
cp = findCUClasspath(srcRoot, "compile"); // NOI18N
String paths[] = cp == null ? null : new String[] {cp};
String outputs[] = findCUOutputs(srcRoot);
pElem = createPathLikeElem(doc, type, null, paths, outputs, null, null);
return pElem;
* Creates path or classpath element according to params
Element createPathLikeElem(Document doc, String type, String id,
String[] paths, String[] locations, String refid, String comm) {
Element pElem = doc.createElement(type); // NOI18N
if (id != null)
pElem.setAttribute("id", id); // NOI18N
if (refid != null)
pElem.setAttribute("refid", refid); // NOI18N
if (comm != null)
if (paths != null && paths.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
Element pathelElem = doc.createElement("pathelement"); // NOI18N
pathelElem.setAttribute("path", paths[i]); // NOI18N
if (locations != null && locations.length > 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < locations.length; j++) {
Element pathelElem = doc.createElement("pathelement"); // NOI18N
pathelElem.setAttribute("location", locations[j]); // NOI18N
return pElem;
* Creates ant element according to params
Element createAntElem(Document doc, String antFile, String deps) {
assert antFile != null;
Element antElem = doc.createElement("ant"); // NOI18N
antElem.setAttribute("antfile", antFile);
antElem.setAttribute("inheritall", "false"); // NOI18N
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(deps, ","); // NOI18N
if (st.countTokens() > 1) {
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String dep = st.nextToken();
Element tgElem = doc.createElement("target"); // NOI18N
tgElem.setAttribute("name", dep.trim()); // NOI18N
} else {
antElem.setAttribute("target", deps); // NOI18N
return antElem;
private boolean isSingleJavaFileSelected(Lookup context) {
Collection<? extends DataObject> selectedDO = context.lookupAll(DataObject.class);
if (selectedDO.size() == 1 && selectedDO.iterator().next().getPrimaryFile().hasExt("java")) {
return true;
return false;
private void addJdkInitDeps(Element target) {
if (helper.getProjectDirectory().getFileObject(JdkConfiguration.JDK_XML) != null) {
String deps = target.getAttribute("depends"); // NOI18N
target.setAttribute("depends", deps.length() == 0 ? "-jdk-init" : "-jdk-init," + deps); // NOI18N