blob: 15b8186bb0304ccd837ebba04f1f29d17b541c22 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.i18n.form;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Element;
import javax.swing.text.Position;
import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.guards.GuardedSection;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.guards.GuardedSectionManager;
import org.netbeans.modules.form.FormDataObject;
import org.netbeans.modules.form.FormModel;
import org.netbeans.modules.form.FormProperty;
import org.netbeans.modules.form.RADComponent;
import org.netbeans.modules.form.RADConnectionPropertyEditor.RADConnectionDesignValue;
import org.netbeans.modules.i18n.HardCodedString;
import org.netbeans.modules.i18n.I18nString;
import org.netbeans.modules.i18n.I18nSupport;
import org.netbeans.modules.i18n.InfoPanel;
import org.netbeans.modules.nbform.FormEditorSupport;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.nodes.Node;
import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
import org.openide.nodes.Node.PropertySet;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
* Support for internationalizing strings in java sources with forms.
* @author Peter Zavadsky
public class FormI18nSupport extends JavaI18nSupport {
//see RADComponent and RADVisualComponent
private static final String RAD_PROPERTIES = "properties"; // NOI18N
private static final String RAD_PROPERTIES2 = "properties2"; // NOI18N
private static final String RAD_ACCESSIBILITY = "accessibility"; // NOI18N
private static final String RAD_LAYOUT = "layout"; // NOI18N
// PENDING - Has not been used because of implementation of method
// isGuardedPosition(int) (now replaced with isInGuardedSection(...))
// The replacement for the isGuardedPosition method was made
// during bugfixing phase so the documentListener remained disabled
// to keep the amount of changes small (and thus minimize the risk
// of introducing new bugs.
// /** Listener which listens on changes of form document. */
// DocumentListener documentListener;
/** Constructor. */
private FormI18nSupport(DataObject sourceDataObject) {
/** Creates <code>I18nFinder</code>. */
protected I18nFinder createFinder() {
return new FormI18nFinder(sourceDataObject, document);
/** Creates <code>I18nReplacer</code>. */
protected I18nReplacer createReplacer() {
return new FormI18nReplacer(/*sourceDataObject, document,*/ (FormI18nFinder)getFinder());
// PENDING - Has not been used because of implementation of method
// isGuardedPosition(int) (now replaced with isInGuardedSection(...))
// See the first PENDING note.
// documentListener = new DocumentListener() {
// public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
// }
// public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
// updateFormProperties();
// }
// public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
// }
// };
// document.addDocumentListener(documentListener);
/** Gets info panel about found hard string. */
public JPanel getInfo(HardCodedString hcString) {
return new FormInfoPanel(hcString, document);
/** Helper method. */
static String toAscii(String str) {
if (str == null) {
return null;
// Note: All this code is copied from org.netbeans.core.editors.StringEditor.
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(str.length() * 6); // x -> \u1234
char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
char c = chars[i];
switch (c) {
case '\b': buf.append("\\b"); break; // NOI18N
case '\t': buf.append("\\t"); break; // NOI18N
case '\n': buf.append("\\n"); break; // NOI18N
case '\f': buf.append("\\f"); break; // NOI18N
case '\r': buf.append("\\r"); break; // NOI18N
case '\"': buf.append("\\\""); break; // NOI18N
// case '\'': buf.append("\\'"); break; // NOI18N
case '\\': buf.append("\\\\"); break; // NOI18N
if (c >= 0x0020 && c <= 0x007f) {
} else {
buf.append("\\u"); // NOI18N
String hex = Integer.toHexString(c);
for (int j = 0; j < 4 - hex.length(); j++) {
return buf.toString();
/** Inner class for holding info about form proeprties which can include hardcoded string.
* see formProperties variable in enclosing class. */
private static class ValidFormProperty {
/** Holds property of form. */
private Node.Property property;
/** Holds rad component name. */
private String radCompName;
/** How many occurences of found string should be skipped in this property.
* 0 means find the first occurence.
* All this just means that the property (mostly 'code generation-> pre-init, post-init etc.' properties)
* could contain more than one occurence of found string
* and in that case is very important to match and replace the same found in document. */
private int skip;
/** Constructor. */
public ValidFormProperty(String radCompName, Node.Property property) {
this.radCompName = radCompName; = property;
this.skip = 0;
/** Constructor. */
public ValidFormProperty(ValidFormProperty validProperty) {
radCompName = validProperty.getRADComponentName();
property = validProperty.getProperty();
skip = validProperty.getSkip();
/** Getter for <code>radCompName</code> property. */
public String getRADComponentName() {
return radCompName;
/** Getter for property.
* @return property can contain hard-coded string */
public Node.Property getProperty() {
return property;
/** Getter for skip.
* @return amount of occurences of hard-coded string to skip */
public int getSkip() {
return skip;
/** Increment the amount of occurences to skip. */
public void incrementSkip() {
/** Decrement skip amount of occurences to skip. */
public void decrementSkip() {
if (skip > 0) {
} // end of ValidFormProperty inner class
* Iterator over form properties of a component.
* Form properties are defined as properties from property sets named
* &quot;properties&quot;, &quot;properties2&quot;,
* &quot;accessibility&quot; and &quot;layout&quot;.
* @author Marian Petras
static final class FormPropertiesIterator implements Iterator<Node.Property> {
private final RADComponent comp;
private boolean ready = false;
private Node.PropertySet[] propSets;
private int propSetIndex = -1;
private Node.Property[] properties;
private int propIndex = -1;
private boolean first = true;
private boolean exhausted = false;
FormPropertiesIterator(RADComponent comp) {
this.comp = comp;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (!ready) {
if (first || (++propIndex == properties.length)) {
if (first) {
propSets = comp.getProperties();
first = false;
while (++propSetIndex != propSets.length) {
Node.PropertySet propSet;
if (isFormPropSet(propSet = propSets[propSetIndex])
&& ((properties = propSet.getProperties()).length != 0)) {
propIndex = 0;
if (propSetIndex == propSets.length) {
exhausted = true;
ready = true;
return !exhausted;
private static boolean isFormPropSet(PropertySet propertySet) {
String propSetName = propertySet.getName();
return RAD_PROPERTIES.equals(propSetName)
|| RAD_PROPERTIES2.equals(propSetName)
|| RAD_LAYOUT.equals(propSetName)
|| RAD_ACCESSIBILITY.equals(propSetName);
public Node.Property next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
ready = false;
return properties[propIndex];
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Helper inner class for formProperties variable in enclosing class.
* Provides sorting of ValidPropertyComparator classes with intenetion to get the order of
* properties to match order like they are generated to initComponents form guarded block.
* It has four stages of comparing two properies.
* 1) the property which belongs to creation block (preCreationCode, customCreationCode, postCreationCode)
* is less (will be generated sooner) then property which is from init block(other names).
* 2) than the property which component was added to form sooner is less then property which component was
* added later. (Top-level component is the least one.)
* 3) than a) creation block: preCreationCode < (is less) customCreationCode < postCreationCode
* b) init block: preInitCode < set-method-properties < postInitCode
* 4) than (for init block only) in case of set-method-properties. The property is less which has less index in
* array returned by method getAllProperties on component.
* */
private static class ValidFormPropertyComparator implements Comparator<ValidFormProperty> {
private static final String CREATION_CODE_PRE = "creationCodePre"; // NOI18N
private static final String CREATION_CODE_CUSTOM = "creationCodeCustom"; // NOI18N
private static final String CREATION_CODE_POST = "creationCodePost"; // NOI18N
private static final String INIT_CODE_PRE = "initCodePre"; // NOI18N
private static final String INIT_CODE_POST = "initCodePost"; // NOI18N
/** <code>FormModel</code> on which <code>FormDataObject</code> the i18n session runs.*/
private final FormModel formModel;
/** Constructor. */
public ValidFormPropertyComparator(FormDataObject formDataObject) {
FormEditorSupport fes = (FormEditorSupport)formDataObject.getFormEditorSupport();
formModel = fes.getFormModel();
/** Compares two <code>ValidFormPropertiesObjects</code>. */
public int compare(ValidFormProperty p1, ValidFormProperty p2) {
Node.Property prop1 = p1.getProperty();
Node.Property prop2 = p2.getProperty();
// 1st stage
String propName1 = prop1.getName();
String propName2 = prop2.getName();
boolean isInCreation1 = false;
boolean isInCreation2 = false;
if (propName1.equals(CREATION_CODE_PRE)
|| propName1.equals(CREATION_CODE_CUSTOM)
|| propName1.equals(CREATION_CODE_POST)) {
isInCreation1 = true;
if (propName2.equals(CREATION_CODE_PRE)
|| propName2.equals(CREATION_CODE_CUSTOM)
|| propName2.equals(CREATION_CODE_POST)) {
isInCreation2 = true;
if(isInCreation1 != isInCreation2) {
return isInCreation1 ? -1 : 1; // end of 1st stage
} // end of 1st stage
// 2nd stage
RADComponent comp1 = formModel.findRADComponent(p1.getRADComponentName());
RADComponent comp2 = formModel.findRADComponent(p2.getRADComponentName());
int index1 = -1;
int index2 = -1;
if (!comp1.equals(comp2)) {
for (RADComponent comp : formModel.getOrderedComponentList()) {
if (comp == comp1) {
return -1;
if (comp == comp2) {
return 1;
assert false;
return 0;
} // end of 2nd stage
// 3rd stage
if (isInCreation1) {
// 3a) stage
index1 = -1;
index2 = -1;
if (propName1.equals(CREATION_CODE_PRE)) {
index1 = 0;
} else if (propName1.equals(CREATION_CODE_CUSTOM)) {
index1 = 1;
} else if (propName1.equals(CREATION_CODE_POST)) {
index1 = 2;
if (propName2.equals(CREATION_CODE_PRE)) {
index2 = 0;
} else if (propName2.equals(CREATION_CODE_CUSTOM)) {
index2 = 1;
} else if (propName2.equals(CREATION_CODE_POST)) {
index2 = 2;
return index1 - index2; // end of 3a) stage
} else {
// 3b) stage
index1 = -1;
index2 = -1;
if (propName1.equals(INIT_CODE_PRE)) {
index1 = 0;
} else if (propName1.equals(INIT_CODE_POST)) {
index1 = 2;
} else {
index1 = 1; // is one of set-method property
if (propName2.equals(INIT_CODE_PRE)) {
index2 = 0;
} else if (propName2.equals(INIT_CODE_POST)) {
index2 = 2;
} else {
index2 = 1; // is one of set-method property
if ((index1 != 1) || (index2 != 1)) {
return index1 - index2; // end of 3b) stage
} // end of 3rd stage
// 4th stage
index1 = -1;
index2 = -1;
Iterator<Node.Property> it = new FormPropertiesIterator(comp1);
for (int propIndex = 0; it.hasNext(); propIndex++) {
Node.Property property =;
if (prop1.equals(property)) {
index1 = propIndex;
if (prop2.equals(property)) {
index2 = propIndex;
if ((index1 != -1) && (index2 != -1)) {
return index1 - index2; // end of 4th stage
} // end of compare method
} // End of ValidFormPropertyCompoarator inner class.
/** Nested class. Finder in java source with form. */
private static class FormI18nFinder extends JavaI18nFinder {
/** */
private DataObject sourceDataObject;
/** Holds name of component which property has hardcoded string. */
private String componentName = ""; // NOI18N
/** Holds name of property with found hardcoded string */
private String propertyName = ""; // NOI18N
/** Collection for holding properties of form and their components, if search is in form performed. */
private TreeSet<ValidFormProperty> formProperties;
/** Found valid form property from last search. */
private ValidFormProperty lastFoundProp;
/** Constructor. */
public FormI18nFinder(DataObject sourceDataObject, StyledDocument document) {
this.sourceDataObject = sourceDataObject;
/** Initializes finder. */
private void init() {
lastFoundProp = null;
/** Resets finder. */
protected void reset() {
/** Decrements skip value of last found property. Called from replacer. */
void decrementLastFoundSkip() {
if (lastFoundProp != null) {
/** Cretaes collection of properties of form which are value type of String.class
* and could have null value (it saves time to determine the cases the value was changed).
* Collection is referenced to formProperties variable.
* @return True if sorted collection was created. */
private synchronized boolean createFormProperties() {
// creates new collection
formProperties = new TreeSet<ValidFormProperty>(
new ValidFormPropertyComparator((FormDataObject) sourceDataObject));
return true;
/** Updates collection in formProperties variable. */
private synchronized void updateFormProperties() {
if (formProperties == null) {
// All components in current FormDataObject.
FormDataObject formDataObject = (FormDataObject) sourceDataObject;
FormEditorSupport fes = (FormEditorSupport)formDataObject.getFormEditorSupport();
Collection<RADComponent> c = fes.getFormModel().getAllComponents();
// search thru all RADComponents in the form
for (RADComponent radComponent : c) {
Iterator<Node.Property> it = new FormPropertiesIterator(radComponent);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Node.Property property =;
// skip hidden and unchanged properties
if (property.isHidden()
|| !(property instanceof FormProperty)
|| !((FormProperty)property).isChanged()) {
// get value
Object value;
try {
value = property.getValue();
} catch(IllegalAccessException iae) {
continue; // next property
} catch(InvocationTargetException ite) {
continue; // next property
// Property have to be a non-null value and have "value type" of String (don't confuse with the type of object referred by value variable!!)
// or value be RADconnectiondesignValue and be type of TYPE_VALUE or TYPE_CODE
if(value != null && (property.getValueType().equals(String.class)
|| (value instanceof RADConnectionDesignValue
&& ( ((RADConnectionDesignValue)value).getType() == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_VALUE
|| ((RADConnectionDesignValue)value).getType() == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_CODE)
) )
) {
// Actually add the property to the list.
// Note: add only ValidFormProperty instances
formProperties.add(new ValidFormProperty(radComponent.getName(), property));
protected HardCodedString findNextString() {
//boolean found;
HardCodedString hcString;
boolean guarded = false;
do {
hcString = super.findNextString();
// If i18n search we are not interesting in form values.
if (i18nSearch) {
return hcString;
if (hcString != null) {
guarded = isInGuardedSection(hcString.getStartPosition(),
} else {
// No more hardcoded strings in source.
if (guarded) {
hcString = findInForm(hcString);
// Skip found hardcoded string if it is in a guarded block and not found appropriate form component property.
// Skip found hardcoded string if it is in a guarded block and not found appropriate form component property.
} while(guarded && (hcString == null));
// See first PENDING.
// if(!found)
// document.removeDocumentListener(documentListener);
return hcString;
/** Helper method. */
private void clearFormInfoValues() {
componentName = ""; // NOI18N
propertyName = ""; // NOI18N
/** Analyzes the text in a guraded block, tries to find the name
* of the component and of the property which value matches
* with just found hardcoded string.
private synchronized HardCodedString findInForm(HardCodedString hcString) {
boolean found = false;
String hardString = hcString.getText();
// Valid form property.
ValidFormProperty validProp = null;
// Node property.
Node.Property nodeProperty = null;
Iterator<ValidFormProperty> it;
if (lastFoundProp != null) {
validProp = lastFoundProp;
it = formProperties.tailSet(lastFoundProp).iterator();
* In the first cycle of the following do-while loop, value
* of 'lastFoundProp' will be used, not the one from
* the iterator. So make sure the property following
* 'lastFoundProp' is used in the next cycle:
} else {
it = formProperties.iterator();
do {
if (validProp == null && it.hasNext()) {
validProp =;
if (validProp == null) {
Node.Property property = validProp.getProperty();
String radCompName = validProp.getRADComponentName();
// get value
Object value;
try {
value = property.getValue();
} catch(IllegalAccessException iae) {
ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, iae);
validProp = null;
continue; // next property
} catch(InvocationTargetException ite) {
ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ite);
validProp = null;
continue; // next property
// Property have to be a non-null value and have "value type" of String (don't confuse with the type of object referred by value variable!!)
// or value be RADconnectiondesignValue and be type of TYPE_VALUE or TYPE_CODE
if(value != null && (property.getValueType().equals(String.class)
|| (value instanceof RADConnectionDesignValue
&& ( ((RADConnectionDesignValue)value).getType() == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_VALUE
|| ((RADConnectionDesignValue)value).getType() == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_CODE)
) )
) {
String string;
if(property instanceof FormProperty) {
// RADProperty, the value could be constructed from one of PropertyEditors
if(value instanceof FormI18nString) {
// resource bundle value, do not replace, is internationalized already !!
validProp = null;
continue; // next property
} else if (value instanceof RADConnectionDesignValue) {
// is Form connection value
string = ""; // NOI18N
RADConnectionDesignValue connectionValue = (RADConnectionDesignValue)value;
if(connectionValue.getType() == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_VALUE) {
// is type of VALUE
string = connectionValue.getValue();
if (indexOfNonI18nString(string, hardString, validProp.getSkip()) != -1) {
found = true;
} else if (connectionValue.getType() == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_CODE) {
// is type of TYPE_CODE
string = connectionValue.getCode();
if (indexOfNonI18nString(string, hardString, validProp.getSkip()) != -1) {
found = true;
} else if(value instanceof String) { // #179872
// Has to be plain String, there is other Property Editor for String RAD Property.
// It's converted via toAscii method cause for this value is used org.netbeans.core.editors.StringEditor
// which does the same thing.
string = toAscii((String)value);
if ((validProp.getSkip() == 0) && string.equals(toAscii(hardString))) {
found = true;
} else {
// TODO: now, do nothing, but see #179872 :
// org.netbeans.modules.swingapp.ResourceValueImpl
} else {
// Node.Property, the value should be plain String.
string = (String)value;
if (indexOfNonI18nString(string, hardString, validProp.getSkip()) != -1) {
// non-internationalized hardString found.
found = true;
if (found) {
nodeProperty = property;
componentName = radCompName;
propertyName = property.getName();
} else {
validProp = null;
} while(it.hasNext());
if(found) {
lastFoundProp = new ValidFormProperty(validProp);
return new FormHardCodedString(
} else {
return null;
/** Getter for <code>lastPosition</code> property. */
public Position getLastPosition() {
return lastPosition;
/** Setter for <code>lastPosition</code> property. */
public void setLastPosition(Position lastPosition) {
super.lastPosition = lastPosition;
/** Helper method. */
public int indexOfNonI18nString(String source, String hardString, int skip) {
// Index of found string in code described by source string.
int index = 0;
// Start index for each iteration of loop.
int startIndex=0;
while (true) {
// Find out if there could be some string yet.
int startString = source.indexOf('\"', startIndex);
if (startString == -1) {
// Get the string.
int endString = source.indexOf('\"', startString+1);
int endLineIndex = source.indexOf('\n', startString+1);
// Check for validity of that string. (It has to be in one row).
if(endLineIndex == -1 || endString < endLineIndex) {
// Get valid string.
String foundString = source.substring(startString, endString+1);
// Construct part line which will be compared in with regular expression.
String partLine;
// Adjust start index so the part line starts at the same line like found string.
int startLine = source.indexOf('\n', startIndex + 1);
if (startLine != -1 && startLine < startString) {
startIndex = startLine + 1;
if (endLineIndex == -1) {
partLine = source.substring(startIndex);
} else {
int quote = source.indexOf('\"', endString+1);
// If there is another string on that line cut part line before that.
if (quote != -1 && quote < endLineIndex) {
// The second part is little trick to cheat out regular expression in minor case the next string is same and i18n-ized already.
partLine = source.substring(startIndex, quote) + source.substring(quote, endLineIndex).replace('\"', '_');
} else {
partLine = source.substring(startIndex, endLineIndex);
// Compare with regular expression.
if(isSearchedString(partLine, foundString)) {
// Is non-i18n-ized string and has the has the order number in source string code we search for.
if (index == skip) {
if (foundString.equals("\""+hardString+"\"")) {
// It is our hard string.
return startString;
} else {
// Is not our hardString.
return -1;
// Set start index for next iteration.
startIndex = endString + 1;
} else {
startIndex = endLineIndex + 1;
} // End of infinite loop.
return -1;
* Checks whether the given section of text overlaps with any of the
* guarded sections in the editor.
* @param startPos beginning position if the section to check
* @param endPos ending position of the section to check
* @return <code>true</code> if the section of text overlaps,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
private synchronized boolean isInGuardedSection(final Position startPos,
final Position endPos) {
EditorCookie editor = sourceDataObject.getCookie(EditorCookie.class);
StyledDocument doc = null;
GuardedSectionManager guards = null;
if (editor != null) {
try {
doc = editor.openDocument();
catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger("global").log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
return false;
if (doc != null) {
guards = GuardedSectionManager.getInstance(doc);
if (guards != null) {
for (Iterator it = guards.getGuardedSections().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
GuardedSection gsection = (GuardedSection);
if (gsection.contains(startPos, true) ||
gsection.contains(endPos, true)) {
return true;
return false;
DataObject getSourceDataObject() {
return sourceDataObject;
} // End of nested class I18nFormFinder.
/** Replacer used by enclosing class. */
private static class FormI18nReplacer extends JavaI18nReplacer {
/** Reference to form finder. */
private FormI18nFinder finder;
private final ResourceBundle bundle;
/** Constructor. */
public FormI18nReplacer(FormI18nFinder finder) {
this.finder = finder;
bundle = NbBundle.getBundle(FormI18nSupport.class);
public void replace(final HardCodedString hcString, final I18nString i18nString) {
if(hcString instanceof FormHardCodedString) {
replaceInGuarded((FormHardCodedString)hcString, (JavaI18nString)i18nString);
} else {
super.replace(hcString, i18nString);
/** Replaces found hard coded string in guarded blocks. */
private void replaceInGuarded(FormHardCodedString formHcString, JavaI18nString javaI18nString) {
try {
String replaceString = javaI18nString.getReplaceString();
// Remember position offset before change of guarded block
int lastPos = finder.getLastPosition().getOffset();
int pos = formHcString.getEndPosition().getOffset();
// new value to set
Object newValue;
Node.Property nodeProperty = formHcString.getNodeProperty();
ValidFormProperty validProp = formHcString.getValidProperty();
// old value
Object oldValue = nodeProperty.getValue();
// RAD property -> like text, title etc.
if(nodeProperty instanceof FormProperty) {
if(oldValue instanceof RADConnectionDesignValue
&& ((RADConnectionDesignValue)oldValue).getType() == RADConnectionDesignValue.TYPE_CODE) {
// The old value is set via RADConnectionPropertyEditor,
// (in our case if value was RADConnectionDesignValue of type TYPE_CODE (= user code))
String oldString = ((RADConnectionDesignValue)oldValue).getCode();
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(oldString);
int index = indexOfHardString(oldString, formHcString.getText(), validProp.getSkip());
if (index == -1) {
NotifyDescriptor.Message message = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
bundle.getString("MSG_StringNotFoundInGuarded"), NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int startOffset = index;
int endOffset = startOffset + formHcString.getText().length() + 2; // 2 for quotes.
buff.replace(startOffset, endOffset, replaceString);
RADConnectionDesignValue newConnectionValue = new RADConnectionDesignValue(buff.toString());
newValue = newConnectionValue;
} else {
// The old value is set via ResourceBundleStringFormEditor,
// (in our case if value was "plain string" or
// RADConnectionDesignValue of type TYPE_VALUE.
((FormProperty)nodeProperty).setCurrentEditor(new FormI18nStringEditor());
newValue = new FormI18nString(javaI18nString);
} else {
// Node.Property -> code generation properties.
// Replace the part of old value which matches "quoted" hardString only.
String oldString = (String)oldValue;
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(oldString);
int index = indexOfHardString(oldString, formHcString.getText(), validProp.getSkip());
if(index == -1) {
NotifyDescriptor.Message message = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
bundle.getString("MSG_StringNotFoundInGuarded"), NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int startOffset = index;
int endOffset = startOffset + formHcString.getText().length() + 2; // 2 for quotes
buff.replace(startOffset, endOffset, replaceString);
newValue = buff.toString();
// Finally set the new value to property.
// Decrement last found skip.
final StyledDocument document = javaI18nString.getSupport().getDocument();
// form editor may change the string, e.g. replace ResourceBundle.getBundle with bundle variable
int replaceStringLength = newValue instanceof FormI18nString ? 0 : replaceString.length();
final int lastP = lastPos + replaceStringLength - formHcString.getText().length() - 2; // 2 for quotes
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Little trick to reset the last position in finder after guarded block was regenerated.
if (document instanceof AbstractDocument) {
try {
} catch (BadLocationException ble) {
ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ble);
} finally {
if (document instanceof AbstractDocument) {
((AbstractDocument) document).readUnlock();
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, iae);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ite);
/** Helper method. */
private int indexOfHardString(String source, String hardString, int skip) {
while (skip >= 0) {
int index = finder.indexOfNonI18nString(source, hardString, skip);
if (index >= 0) {
return index;
return -1;
} // End of nested class FormI18nReplacer
/** HardCoded string found within form guarded block
* and which contains values of form property to wich belongs. */
private static class FormHardCodedString extends HardCodedString {
/** Valid property with name etc. */
private ValidFormProperty validProperty;
/** Valid property. */
private Node.Property nodeProperty;
/** Constructor. */
FormHardCodedString(String text, Position startPosition, Position endPosition,
ValidFormProperty validProperty, Node.Property nodeProperty) {
super(text, startPosition, endPosition);
this.validProperty = validProperty;
this.nodeProperty = nodeProperty;
/** Getter for <code>validProperty</code>. */
public ValidFormProperty getValidProperty() {
return validProperty;
/** Getter for <code>nodeProperty</code>. */
public Node.Property getNodeProperty() {
return nodeProperty;
} // End of nested class FormHardCodedString.
/** Panel for showing info about hard coded string. */
private static class FormInfoPanel extends InfoPanel {
/** Constructor. */
public FormInfoPanel(HardCodedString hcString, StyledDocument document) {
super(hcString, document);
/** Implements superclass abstract method. */
protected void setHardCodedString(HardCodedString hcString, StyledDocument document) {
getStringText().setText(hcString == null ? "" : hcString.getText()); // NOI18N
int pos;
String hardLine;
if (hcString.getStartPosition() == null) {
hardLine = ""; // NOI18N
} else {
pos = hcString.getStartPosition().getOffset();
try {
Element paragraph = document.getParagraphElement(pos);
hardLine = document.getText(paragraph.getStartOffset(), paragraph.getEndOffset()-paragraph.getStartOffset()).trim();
} catch (BadLocationException ble) {
hardLine = ""; // NOI18N
if(hcString instanceof FormHardCodedString) {
getComponentText().setText( ((FormHardCodedString)hcString).getValidProperty().getRADComponentName());
getPropertyText().setText( ((FormHardCodedString)hcString).getNodeProperty().getName());
} else {
} // End of FormInfoPanel inner class.
/** Factory for <code>FormI18nSupport</code>. */
public static class Factory extends I18nSupport.Factory {
/** Instantiated from META-INF/services */
public Factory() {
/** Gets <code>I18nSupport</code> instance for specified data object and document.
* @exception IOException when the document could not be loaded */
public I18nSupport create(DataObject dataObject) throws IOException {
I18nSupport support = super.create(dataObject);
FormDataObject formDataObject = (FormDataObject)dataObject;
FormEditorSupport formSupport = (FormEditorSupport)formDataObject.getFormEditorSupport();
if (formSupport.isOpened()) {
return support;
if (formSupport.loadForm()) {
return support;
throw new IOException("I18N: Loading form for " + dataObject.getName() + " was not succesful."); // NOI18N
/** Implements superclass abstract method. */
public I18nSupport createI18nSupport(DataObject dataObject) {
return new FormI18nSupport(dataObject);
/** Gets class of supported <code>DataObject</code>.
* @return <code>FormDataObject</code> class or <code>null</code> */
public Class getDataObjectClass() {
return FormDataObject.class;
// try {
// // FIXME remove reflection with system classloader. what's wrong missing implementaion dependency?
// return Class.forName("org.netbeans.modules.form..FormDataObject", false, (ClassLoader) Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ClassLoader.class)); // NOI18N
// } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.WARNING, "Cannot enable I18N support: " + e.getMessage()); //NOI18N
// return null;
// }
} // End of class Factory.