blob: 8dd5eb0d421cedb55d5151addc9cb9b8ba435655 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.subversion;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.netbeans.modules.subversion.client.SvnClientFactory;
import org.netbeans.modules.subversion.config.SvnConfigFiles;
import org.netbeans.modules.subversion.options.AnnotationExpression;
import org.netbeans.modules.subversion.ui.diff.Setup;
import org.netbeans.modules.subversion.ui.repository.RepositoryConnection;
import org.netbeans.modules.versioning.util.KeyringSupport;
import org.netbeans.modules.versioning.util.Utils;
import org.openide.util.NbPreferences;
* Stores Subversion module configuration.
* @author Maros Sandor
public class SvnModuleConfig {
public static final String PROP_IGNORED_FILEPATTERNS = "ignoredFilePatterns"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROP_COMMIT_EXCLUSIONS = "commitExclusions"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROP_DEFAULT_VALUES = "defaultValues"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_EXECUTABLE_BINARY = "svnExecBinary"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_ANNOTATION_FORMAT = "annotationFormat"; // NOI18N
public static final String SAVE_PASSWORD = "savePassword"; // NOI18N
private static final String FILE_SELECTOR_PREFIX = "fileSelector"; // NOI18N
private static final String SEARCH_HISTORY_ALL_INFO = "histAllInfo"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_RECENT_URL = "repository.recentURL"; // NOI18N
private static final String SHOW_CHECKOUT_COMPLETED = "checkoutCompleted.showCheckoutCompleted"; // NOI18N
private static final String URL_EXP = "annotator.urlExp"; // NOI18N
private static final String ANNOTATION_EXP = "annotator.annotationExp"; // NOI18N
public static final String TEXT_ANNOTATIONS_FORMAT_DEFAULT = "{DEFAULT}"; // NOI18N
private static final String AUTO_OPEN_OUTPUT_WINDOW = "autoOpenOutput"; // NOI18N
private static final String LAST_USED_MODIFICATION_CONTEXT = "lastUsedModificationContext"; //NOI18N
public static final String KEY_PASSWORD = "versioning.subversion."; //NOI18N
public static final String KEY_CERT_PASSWORD = "versioning.subversion.cert."; //NOI18N
private static final String PROP_EXCLUDE_NEW_FILES = "excludeNewFiles"; //NOI18N
private static final String PROP_GET_REMOTE_LOCKS = "getRemoteLocks"; //NOI18N
private static final String PROP_AUTO_LOCK = "autoLockFiles"; //NOI18N
private static final String PREFIX_REPOSITORY_PATH = "prefixRepositoryPath"; //NOI18N
private static final String SEPARATOR = "###"; //NOI18N
private static final String KEY_SORTING = "sortingStatus."; //NOI18N
private static final String PROP_FORCE_COMMANDLINE = "forcedCommandline"; //NOI18N
private static final String PROP_PREFERRED_FACTORY = "preferredFactory"; //NOI18N
private static final String PROP_FILTER_PROPERTIES_ENABLED = "filterProperties.enabled"; //NOI18N
private static final String PROP_DETERMINE_BRANCHES_ENABLED = "determineBranch.enabled"; //NOI18N
private static final SvnModuleConfig INSTANCE = new SvnModuleConfig();
private Map<String, Object[]> urlCredentials;
private String userPreferredFactory = "";
public static SvnModuleConfig getDefault() {
return INSTANCE;
private Set<String> exclusions;
private String lastCanceledCommitMessage;
private String factory;
// properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public Preferences getPreferences() {
return NbPreferences.forModule(SvnModuleConfig.class);
public boolean getShowCheckoutCompleted() {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(SHOW_CHECKOUT_COMPLETED, true);
public Pattern [] getIgnoredFilePatterns() {
return getDefaultFilePatterns();
public boolean isExcludedFromCommit(String path) {
return getCommitExclusions().contains(path);
* @param paths collection of paths, of File.getAbsolutePath()
public void addExclusionPaths(Collection<String> paths) {
Set<String> exclusions = getCommitExclusions();
if (exclusions.addAll(paths)) {
Utils.put(getPreferences(), PROP_COMMIT_EXCLUSIONS, new ArrayList<String>(exclusions));
* @param paths collection of paths, File.getAbsolutePath()
public void removeExclusionPaths(Collection<String> paths) {
Set<String> exclusions = getCommitExclusions();
if (exclusions.removeAll(paths)) {
Utils.put(getPreferences(), PROP_COMMIT_EXCLUSIONS, new ArrayList<String>(exclusions));
public String getExecutableBinaryPath() {
return (String) getPreferences().get(KEY_EXECUTABLE_BINARY, "");
public void setExecutableBinaryPath(String path) {
getPreferences().put(KEY_EXECUTABLE_BINARY, path);
public String getAnnotationFormat() {
return (String) getPreferences().get(KEY_ANNOTATION_FORMAT, getDefaultAnnotationFormat());
public String getDefaultAnnotationFormat() {
return "[{" + Annotator.ANNOTATION_STATUS + "} {" + Annotator.ANNOTATION_FOLDER + "}]";
public void setAnnotationFormat(String annotationFormat) {
getPreferences().put(KEY_ANNOTATION_FORMAT, annotationFormat);
public void setShowCheckoutCompleted(boolean bl) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(SHOW_CHECKOUT_COMPLETED, bl);
public boolean getSavePassword() {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(SAVE_PASSWORD, true);
public void setSavePassword(boolean bl) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(SAVE_PASSWORD, bl);
public String getFileSelectorPreset(String hash) {
return getPreferences().get(FILE_SELECTOR_PREFIX + "-" + hash, "");
public void setFileSelectorPreset(String hash, String path) {
getPreferences().put(FILE_SELECTOR_PREFIX + "-" + hash, path);
public boolean getShowFileAllInfo() {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(SEARCH_HISTORY_ALL_INFO, false);
public void setShowFileAllInfo(boolean value) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(SEARCH_HISTORY_ALL_INFO, value);
public boolean getAutoOpenOutput() {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(AUTO_OPEN_OUTPUT_WINDOW, true);
public void setAutoOpenOutputo(boolean value) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(AUTO_OPEN_OUTPUT_WINDOW, value);
public RepositoryConnection getRepositoryConnection(String url) {
RepositoryConnection rc = getRepositoryConnectionIntern(url.toString());
if (rc == null) {
try {
// this will remove username from the hostname
rc = getRepositoryConnectionIntern(new RepositoryConnection(url).getSvnUrl().toString());
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// not interested
return rc;
public void insertRecentUrl(final RepositoryConnection rc) {
Preferences prefs = getPreferences();
List<String> urlValues = Utils.getStringList(prefs, KEY_RECENT_URL);
for (Iterator<String> it = urlValues.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String rcOldString =;
RepositoryConnection rcOld = RepositoryConnection.parse(rcOldString);
if(rcOld.equals(rc)) {
try {
Utils.removeFromArray(prefs, KEY_RECENT_URL, rcOldString);
} finally {
String url = RepositoryConnection.getString(rc);
if (!"".equals(url)) { //NOI18N
try {
Utils.insert(prefs, KEY_RECENT_URL, url, -1);
} finally {
public void setRecentUrls(List<RepositoryConnection> recentUrls) {
List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>(recentUrls.size());
int idx = 0;
for (Iterator<RepositoryConnection> it = recentUrls.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
RepositoryConnection rc =;
String url = RepositoryConnection.getString(rc);
if (!"".equals(url)) { //NOI18N
Preferences prefs = getPreferences();
try {
Utils.put(prefs, KEY_RECENT_URL, urls);
} finally {
public List<RepositoryConnection> getRecentUrls() {
Preferences prefs = getPreferences();
List<String> urls = Utils.getStringList(prefs, KEY_RECENT_URL);
List<RepositoryConnection> ret = new ArrayList<RepositoryConnection>(urls.size());
List<RepositoryConnection> withPassword = new LinkedList<RepositoryConnection>();
for (String urlString : urls) {
RepositoryConnection rc = RepositoryConnection.parse(urlString);
if (rc.getPassword() != null || rc.getCertPassword() != null) {
} else {
if(getUrlCredentials().containsKey(rc.getUrl())) {
Object[] creds = getUrlCredentials().get(rc.getUrl());
if(creds.length < 3) continue; //skip garbage
rc = new RepositoryConnection(rc.getUrl(), (String)creds[0], (char[])creds[1], rc.getExternalCommand(), rc.getSavePassword(), rc.getCertFile(), (char[])creds[2], rc.getSshPortNumber());
} else if (!EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
char[] password = rc.getSavePassword() ?, rc.getUrl().toString()) : null;
char[] certPassword = rc.getCertFile().isEmpty() ? null :, rc.getUrl().toString());
rc = new RepositoryConnection(rc.getUrl(), rc.getUsername(), password, rc.getExternalCommand(), rc.getSavePassword(), rc.getCertFile(), certPassword, rc.getSshPortNumber());
// there's an old-style connection with password set
// rewrite these connections with the new version with no password included
if (withPassword.size() > 0) {
for (RepositoryConnection conn : withPassword) {
return getRecentUrls();
return ret;
public void setAnnotationExpresions(List<AnnotationExpression> exps) {
List<String> urlExp = new ArrayList<String>(exps.size());
List<String> annotationExp = new ArrayList<String>(exps.size());
int idx = 0;
for (Iterator<AnnotationExpression> it = exps.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
AnnotationExpression exp =;
Preferences prefs = getPreferences();
Utils.put(prefs, URL_EXP, urlExp);
Utils.put(prefs, ANNOTATION_EXP, annotationExp);
public List<AnnotationExpression> getAnnotationExpresions() {
Preferences prefs = getPreferences();
List<String> urlExp = Utils.getStringList(prefs, URL_EXP);
List<String> annotationExp = Utils.getStringList(prefs, ANNOTATION_EXP);
List<AnnotationExpression> ret = new ArrayList<AnnotationExpression>(urlExp.size());
for (int i = 0; i < urlExp.size(); i++) {
ret.add(new AnnotationExpression(urlExp.get(i), annotationExp.get(i)));
if(ret.size() < 1) {
ret = getDefaultAnnotationExpresions();
return ret;
public List<AnnotationExpression> getDefaultAnnotationExpresions() {
List<AnnotationExpression> ret = new ArrayList<AnnotationExpression>(1);
ret.add(new AnnotationExpression(".*?/(?<!/src/.{1,200})(branches|tags)/(.+?)(/.*)?", "\\2")); //NOI18N
return ret;
public boolean isDetermineBranchesEnabled () {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(PROP_DETERMINE_BRANCHES_ENABLED, true);
public void setDetermineBranchesEnabled (boolean enabled) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(PROP_DETERMINE_BRANCHES_ENABLED, enabled);
public int getLastUsedModificationContext () {
int lastUsedContext = getPreferences().getInt(LAST_USED_MODIFICATION_CONTEXT, Setup.DIFFTYPE_LOCAL);
if (lastUsedContext != Setup.DIFFTYPE_LOCAL
&& lastUsedContext != Setup.DIFFTYPE_REMOTE
&& lastUsedContext != Setup.DIFFTYPE_ALL) {
lastUsedContext = Setup.DIFFTYPE_LOCAL;
return lastUsedContext;
public void setLastUsedModificationContext (int lastUsedContext) {
getPreferences().putInt(LAST_USED_MODIFICATION_CONTEXT, lastUsedContext);
public boolean getExludeNewFiles () {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(PROP_EXCLUDE_NEW_FILES, false);
public void setExcludeNewFiles (boolean excludeNewFiles) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(PROP_EXCLUDE_NEW_FILES, excludeNewFiles);
public Color getColor(String colorName, Color defaultColor) {
int colorRGB = getPreferences().getInt(colorName, defaultColor.getRGB());
return new Color(colorRGB);
public void setColor(String colorName, Color value) {
getPreferences().putInt(colorName, value.getRGB());
public String getLastCanceledCommitMessage() {
return lastCanceledCommitMessage == null ? "" : lastCanceledCommitMessage; //NOI18N
public void setLastCanceledCommitMessage(String message) {
lastCanceledCommitMessage = message;
public boolean isRepositoryPathPrefixed() {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(PREFIX_REPOSITORY_PATH, false);
public void setRepositoryPathPrefixed(boolean prefixRepositoryPath) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(PREFIX_REPOSITORY_PATH, prefixRepositoryPath);
public LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> getSortingStatus(String panel) {
LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> sortingState = null;
String packed = getPreferences().get(KEY_SORTING + panel, null);
if (packed != null) {
String[] tokens = packed.split(SEPARATOR);
sortingState = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(tokens.length >> 1);
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length - 1;) {
String column = tokens[i++];
try {
Integer colState = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i++]);
sortingState.put(column, colState);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
return sortingState;
public void setSortingStatus (String panel, Map<String, Integer> sortingState) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : sortingState.entrySet()) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
getPreferences().put(KEY_SORTING + panel, sb.toString());
} else {
getPreferences().remove(KEY_SORTING + panel);
public boolean isGetRemoteLocks () {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(PROP_GET_REMOTE_LOCKS, false);
public void setGetRemoteLocks (boolean flag) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(PROP_GET_REMOTE_LOCKS, flag);
public boolean isAutoLock () {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(PROP_AUTO_LOCK, false);
public void setAutoLock (boolean flag) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(PROP_AUTO_LOCK, flag);
public boolean isFilterPropertiesEnabled () {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(PROP_FILTER_PROPERTIES_ENABLED, true);
public void setFilterPropertiesEnabled (boolean enabled) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(PROP_FILTER_PROPERTIES_ENABLED, enabled);
// private methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
private synchronized Set<String> getCommitExclusions() {
if (exclusions == null) {
exclusions = new HashSet<String>(Utils.getStringList(getPreferences(), PROP_COMMIT_EXCLUSIONS));
return exclusions;
private static Pattern[] getDefaultFilePatterns() {
return new Pattern [] {
Pattern.compile("cvslog\\..*"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile("\\.make\\.state"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile("\\.nse_depinfo"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*~"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile("#.*"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile("\\.#.*"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(",.*"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile("_\\$.*"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\$"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.old"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.bak"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.BAK"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.orig"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.rej"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.del-.*"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.a"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.olb"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.o"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.obj"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.so"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.exe"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.Z"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.elc"), // NOI18N
Pattern.compile(".*\\.ln"), // NOI18N
private void handleCredentials(RepositoryConnection rc) {
String url;
try {
url = rc.getSvnUrl().toString();
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
url = rc.getUrl();
if(!rc.getSavePassword()) {
getUrlCredentials().put(rc.getUrl(), new Object[]{rc.getUsername(), rc.getPassword(), rc.getCertPassword()});
if (!url.equals(rc.getUrl())) {
getUrlCredentials().put(url, new Object[]{rc.getUsername(), rc.getPassword(), rc.getCertPassword()});
} else {
private Map<String, Object[]> getUrlCredentials() {
if(urlCredentials == null) {
urlCredentials = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
return urlCredentials;
private RepositoryConnection getRepositoryConnectionIntern (String url) {
if(url.endsWith("/")) url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1); //NOI18N
List<RepositoryConnection> rcs = getRecentUrls();
for (Iterator<RepositoryConnection> it = rcs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
RepositoryConnection rc =;
String rcUrl = rc.getUrl();
if(rcUrl.endsWith("/")) rcUrl = rcUrl.substring(0, rcUrl.length() - 1); //NOI18N
if(url.equals(rcUrl)) {
return rc; // exact match
for (Iterator<RepositoryConnection> it = rcs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
RepositoryConnection rc =;
String rcUrl = rc.getUrl();
if(rcUrl.endsWith("/")) rcUrl = rcUrl.substring(0, rcUrl.length() - 1); //NOI18N
if(rcUrl.startsWith(url)) {
return rc; // try this
return null;
private void storeCredentials (final RepositoryConnection rc) {
if ((rc.getSavePassword() && rc.getPassword() != null) || rc.getCertPassword() != null) {
Runnable outOfAWT = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String url;
try {
url = rc.getSvnUrl().toString();
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
url = rc.getUrl();
if (rc.getSavePassword() && rc.getPassword() != null) {, url, rc.getPassword().clone(), null);
if (rc.getCertPassword() != null) {, url, rc.getCertPassword().clone(), null);
// keyring should be called only in a background thread
if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
} else {;
public void setForceCommnandlineClient (boolean forced) {
if (forced) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(PROP_FORCE_COMMANDLINE, true);
} else {
public boolean isForcedCommandlineClient () {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(PROP_FORCE_COMMANDLINE, false);
public String getPreferredFactoryType (String defaultFactory) {
return getPreferences().get(PROP_PREFERRED_FACTORY, defaultFactory);
public void setPreferredFactoryType (String preferredFactory) {
if (preferredFactory == null) {
} else {
assert SvnClientFactory.FACTORY_TYPE_COMMANDLINE.equals(preferredFactory)
|| SvnClientFactory.FACTORY_TYPE_SVNKIT.equals(preferredFactory)
|| SvnClientFactory.FACTORY_TYPE_JAVAHL.equals(preferredFactory);
getPreferences().put(PROP_PREFERRED_FACTORY, preferredFactory);
factory = ""; // override the global setting
userPreferredFactory = preferredFactory;
public String getGlobalSvnFactory () {
if (factory == null) {
factory = System.getProperty("svnClientAdapterFactory", ""); //NOI18N
return factory;
public String getForcedSvnFactory () {
String fact = getGlobalSvnFactory();
if (fact.isEmpty()) {
fact = userPreferredFactory;
return fact;