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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.html.editor.lib.dtd;
import java.util.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.html.editor.lib.api.model.NamedCharRef;
/** The interface representing SGMLish Document Type Definition. There is separate
* instance for every DTD ID.
* The DTD in whole provides informations about Elements, Attributes, their types,
* possible Values, Character references and Content models.
* @author Petr Nejedly
* @version 1.0
public interface DTD {
/** Identify this instance of DTD
* @return the name under which should be this DTD registered in DTD registry.
public String getIdentifier();
/** Get List of all Elements whose names starts with given prefix
* @param prefix the prefix all returned Elements must start with. For empty
* string or <CODE>null</CODE>, List of all Elements from this DTD will be returned.
* The implementation <B>must</B> handle <CODE>null</CODE> correctly.
* @return List of all Elements from this DTD starting with <CODE>prefix</CODE>,
* or empty List if no such Element found. Never returns <CODE>null</CODE>.
public List getElementList( String prefix );
/** Get the Element of given name.
* @return DTD.Element for given name or <CODE>null</CODE>, if no such Element
* exists in this DTD.
public DTD.Element getElement( String name );
/** Get List of all CharRefs whose aliases starts with given prefix.
* @param prefix the requred prefix of CharRefs. For empty string
* or <CODE>null</CODE>, List of all CharRefs from this DTD is returned.
* The implementation <B>must</B> handle <CODE>null</CODE> correctly.
* @return List of all such CharRefs, maybe empty, never <CODE>null</CODE>.
public List getCharRefList( String prefix );
/** Get the CharRef of given name.
* @return DTD.CharRef for given name or <CODE>null</CODE>, if no such CharRef
* exists in this DTD.
public DTD.CharRef getCharRef( String name );
/** Element is the interface providing informations about HTML Element
* and its content model.
public static interface Element {
/** Get the name of this Element
public String getName();
/** Shorthand to resolving if content model of this Element is EMPTY
* @return true iff content model of this Element is EMPTY.
public boolean isEmpty();
/** Tells if this Element has optional Start Tag. */
public boolean hasOptionalStart();
/** Tells if this Element has optional End Tag. */
public boolean hasOptionalEnd();
/** Get the List of Attributes of this Element, which starts with
* given <CODE>prefix</CODE>.
* @param prefix the requred prefix of Attributes. For empty string
* or <CODE>null</CODE>, List of all Attributes of this Element is returned.
* The implementation <B>must</B> handle <CODE>null</CODE> correctly.
* @return List of all such Attributes, maybe empty, never <CODE>null</CODE>.
public List getAttributeList( String prefix );
/** Get the Attribute of given name.
* @return DTD.Attribute for given name or <CODE>null</CODE>, if no such
* Attribute exists in this Element.
public DTD.Attribute getAttribute( String name );
/** Get the content model of this Element */
public DTD.ContentModel getContentModel();
* Interface providing informations about one type of attribute.
* Every Element provides List of its' Attributes, which in turn provide.
* information about their types and possible values.
public static interface Attribute {
/** attribute of boolean type - the one which can't have "= smgt." after it */
public static final int TYPE_BOOLEAN = 0;
/** attribute of one-of-set type - the one which can complete value */
public static final int TYPE_SET = 1;
/** attribute of some base type like NUMBER, CDATA, ID, NAME,... */
public static final int TYPE_BASE = 2;
public static final String MODE_IMPLIED = "#IMPLIED"; // NOI18N
public static final String MODE_REQUIRED = "#REQUIRED"; // NOI18N
public static final String MODE_FIXED = "#FIXED"; // NOI18N
/** @return name of this attribute */
public String getName();
/** @return type of this attribute, could be TYPE_BOOLEAN,
public int getType();
/** The base type of this attribute. Used only for TYPE_BASE
* attributes.
* @return the base type, like CDATA, NUMBER, ID, if known
* (getType() == TYPE_BASE, null elsewhere.
public String getBaseType();
/** Only helper method, should return the last entity name through
* which was this Attribute's type defined. e.g. for color attrib in:
* <!ENTITY % Color "CDATA"> <ATTLIST FONT color %Color #IMPLIED>
* should this method return "Color".
* May return <CODE>null</CODE>.
public String getTypeHelper();
/** This method is used to obtain default value information.
* @returns the default value or one of MODE_IMPLIED, MODE_REQUIRED
* or MODE_FIXED constants.
public String getDefaultMode();
/** Shorthand for determining if defaultMode is "#REQUIRED" */
public boolean isRequired();
/** The way how to obtain possible values for TYPE_SET Attributes
* @param prefix required prefix, or <CODE>null</CODE>, if all
* possible values are required.
* @return List of Values starting with prefix, from this attribute
* if it is of TYPE_SET. For other types, it doesn't make a sense
* and returns null.
public List getValueList( String prefix );
/** Get the value of given name.
public Value getValue( String name );
/* Simple shell for value, maybe there will be some additional info about
* value in future */
public static interface Value {
public String getName();
/** The interface representing Character reference. Provides its name
* and character it refers to
public static interface CharRef extends NamedCharRef {
/** @return alias to this CharRef */
public String getName();
/** @return the character this alias is for */
public char getValue();
/** The interface representing Content model of an Element. Content model
* is based on expression matching some sequence of Elements (the Content)
* and Set of added and excluded Elements. The point of added and excluded
* Elements is that they are "sticky" - are propagated down the hierarchy
* of Elements.
public static interface ContentModel {
/** @return the Content tree part of this model */
public Content getContent();
/** @return Set of Elements which are additionally possible anywhewe
* (recursively) in the content of the Element which has this
* ContentModel, unless explicitely excluded. Inclusion can not
* override explicit exclusion.
public Set getIncludes();
/** @return Set of Elements which are recursively excluded from
* ContentModel of all Elements inside the Element with this ContentModel.
* Exclusion overrieds inclusion, but not otherwise.
public Set getExcludes();
/** This interface represents an element of content tree. Its instances
* should be either instances of ContetLeaf or instances of ContentNode.
public static interface Content {
static class EmptyContent implements Content {
public boolean isDiscardable() { return true; }
public Content reduce( String name ) { return null; }
public Set getPossibleElements() { return new TreeSet(); }
public static Content EMPTY_CONTENT = new EmptyContent();
/* public static Content EMPTY_CONTENT = new Content() {
public boolean isDiscardable() { return true; }
public Content reduce( String name ) { return null; }
public Set getPossibleElements() { return new TreeSet(); }
/** Tells whether this content can be discarded - i.e. matches
* empty sequence of elements.
* @return true iff this Content matches empty sequence */
public boolean isDiscardable();
/** Make a left reduction of this Content. Match the given element
* and create a content model of the rest. Notify caller, when given
* element doesn't match this Content
* @return reduced Content, if element left-reduces the content,
* in the case the reduction lead to empty content, return
* If the element doesn't reduce the content, return <CODE>null</CODE>.
public Content reduce( String elementName );
/** Return the Set of all DTD.Elements that are permitted by this Content */
public Set getPossibleElements();
/** ContentLeaf is leaf of content tree, matches just one Element name (String)*/
public static interface ContentLeaf extends Content {
/** get the Element of this leaf Content */
public Element getElement();
/** @return name of the leaf element. */
public String getElementName();
/** ContentNode is node of content tree, contains one operator (either unary
* or n-ary) and sequence of elements on which this operator is applied.
public static interface ContentNode extends Content {
/** Get the operator for this node, could be unary ('+', '*', '?')
* or n-ary ('|', '&', ',')
public char getType();