blob: fca54e99bbe4234c998c4a5107607e241ae94166 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.netbeans.lib.editor.util;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.RandomAccess;
* Utility methods related to arrays.
* @author Miloslav Metelka
* @version 1.00
public final class ArrayUtilities {
private static boolean[] EMPTY_BOOLEAN_ARRAY;
private static char[] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY;
private static int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
private ArrayUtilities() {
// no instances
public static boolean[] booleanArray(boolean[] oldArray) {
return booleanArray(oldArray, (oldArray != null) ? oldArray.length << 1 : 1);
public static boolean[] booleanArray(boolean[] oldArray, int newSize) {
return booleanArray(oldArray, newSize,
(oldArray != null) ? Math.min(newSize, oldArray.length) : 0, true);
public static boolean[] booleanArray(boolean[] oldArray, int newSize, int copyLen, boolean forwardFill) {
boolean[] newArray = new boolean[newSize];
if (copyLen > 0)
if (forwardFill)
System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, newArray, 0, copyLen);
else // backward fill
System.arraycopy(oldArray, oldArray.length - copyLen,
newArray, newSize - copyLen, copyLen);
return newArray;
public static char[] charArray(char[] oldArray) {
return charArray(oldArray, (oldArray != null) ? oldArray.length << 1 : 1);
public static char[] charArray(char[] oldArray, int newSize) {
return charArray(oldArray, newSize,
(oldArray != null) ? Math.min(newSize, oldArray.length) : 0, true);
public static char[] charArray(char[] oldArray, int newSize, int copyLen, boolean forwardFill) {
char[] newArray = new char[newSize];
if (copyLen > 0)
if (forwardFill)
System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, newArray, 0, copyLen);
else // backward fill
System.arraycopy(oldArray, oldArray.length - copyLen,
newArray, newSize - copyLen, copyLen);
return newArray;
public static char[] charArray(char[] oldArray, int newSize, int gapStart, int gapLength) {
char[] newArray = new char[newSize];
if (gapStart > 0)
System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, newArray, 0, gapStart);
gapStart += gapLength;
gapLength = oldArray.length - gapStart;
if (gapLength > 0)
System.arraycopy(oldArray, gapStart,
newArray, newSize - gapLength, gapLength);
return newArray;
public static int[] intArray(int[] oldArray) {
return intArray(oldArray, (oldArray != null) ? oldArray.length << 1 : 1);
public static int[] intArray(int[] oldArray, int newSize) {
return intArray(oldArray, newSize,
(oldArray != null) ? Math.min(newSize, oldArray.length) : 0, true);
public static int[] intArray(int[] oldArray, int newSize, int copyLen, boolean forwardFill) {
int[] newArray = new int[newSize];
if (copyLen > 0)
if (forwardFill)
System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, newArray, 0, copyLen);
else // backward fill
System.arraycopy(oldArray, oldArray.length - copyLen,
newArray, newSize - copyLen, copyLen);
return newArray;
public static int[] intArray(int[] oldArray, int newSize, int gapStart, int gapLength) {
int[] newArray = new int[newSize];
if (gapStart > 0)
System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, newArray, 0, gapStart);
gapStart += gapLength;
gapLength = oldArray.length - gapStart;
if (gapLength > 0)
System.arraycopy(oldArray, gapStart,
newArray, newSize - gapLength, gapLength);
return newArray;
public static boolean[] emptyBooleanArray() {
if (EMPTY_BOOLEAN_ARRAY == null) { // unsynced intentionally
EMPTY_BOOLEAN_ARRAY = new boolean[0];
public static char[] emptyCharArray() {
if (EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY == null) { // unsynced intentionally
EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY = new char[0];
public static int[] emptyIntArray() {
if (EMPTY_INT_ARRAY == null) { // unsynced intentionally
EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0];
public static int digitCount(int number) {
return String.valueOf(Math.abs(number)).length();
public static void appendIndex(StringBuilder sb, int index, int maxDigitCount) {
String indexStr = String.valueOf(index);
appendSpaces(sb, maxDigitCount - indexStr.length());
public static void appendIndex(StringBuffer sb, int index, int maxDigitCount) {
String indexStr = String.valueOf(index);
appendSpaces(sb, maxDigitCount - indexStr.length());
public static void appendSpaces(StringBuilder sb, int spaceCount) {
while (--spaceCount >= 0) {
sb.append(' ');
public static void appendSpaces(StringBuffer sb, int spaceCount) {
while (--spaceCount >= 0) {
sb.append(' ');
public static void appendBracketedIndex(StringBuilder sb, int index, int maxDigitCount) {
appendIndex(sb, index, maxDigitCount);
sb.append("]: ");
public static void appendBracketedIndex(StringBuffer sb, int index, int maxDigitCount) {
appendIndex(sb, index, maxDigitCount);
sb.append("]: ");
* Return unmodifiable list for the given array.
* <br/>
* Unlike <code>Collections.unmodifiableList()</code> this method
* does not use any extra wrappers etc.
* @since 1.14
public static <E> List<E> unmodifiableList(E[] array) {
return new UnmodifiableList<E>(array);
public static String toString(Object[] array) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int maxDigitCount = digitCount(array.length);
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
appendBracketedIndex(sb, i, maxDigitCount);
return sb.toString();
public static String toString(int[] array) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int maxDigitCount = digitCount(array.length);
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
appendBracketedIndex(sb, i, maxDigitCount);
return sb.toString();
private static final class UnmodifiableList<E> extends AbstractList<E>
implements RandomAccess {
private E[] array;
UnmodifiableList(E[] array) {
this.array = array;
public E get(int index) {
if (index >= 0 && index < array.length) {
return array[index];
} else {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index = " + index + ", size = " + array.length); //NOI18N
public int size() {
return array.length;
public Object[] toArray() {
return array.clone();
public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {
if (a.length < array.length) {
T[] aa = (T[])java.lang.reflect.Array.
newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), array.length);
a = aa;
System.arraycopy(array, 0, a, 0, array.length);
if (a.length > array.length)
a[array.length] = null;
return a;
* Searches for the <code>key</code> in the <code>array</code>.
* @param array the array to search in
* @param key the number to search for
* @return The index of the <code>key</code> in the <code>array</code>. For
* details see {@link #binarySearch(int[], int, int, int)}.
* @since 1.18
public static int binarySearch(int[] array, int key) {
return binarySearch(array, 0, array.length - 1, key);
* Searches for the <code>key</code> in the <code>array</code> in the area
* between <code>start</code> and <code>end</code>.
* @param array the array to search in
* @param start the first index to look at
* @param end the last index to look at
* @param key the number to search for
* @return The index of the search key, if it is contained in the array;
* otherwise, <tt>(-(<i>insertion point</i>) - 1)</tt>. The
* <i>insertion point</i> is defined as the point at which the
* key would be inserted into the array: the index of the first
* element greater than the key, or <tt>array.length</tt>, if all
* elements in the array are less than the specified key. Note
* that this guarantees that the return value will be &gt;= 0 if
* and only if the key is found.
* @since 1.18
public static int binarySearch(int[] array, int start, int end, int key) {
assert start >= 0 && start < array.length : "Invalid start index " + start + " (length = " + array.length + ")"; //NOI18N
assert end >= start && end < array.length : "Invalid end index " + end + " (start = " + start + ", length = " + array.length + ")"; //NOI18N
int low = start;
int high = end;
while (low <= high) {
int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
int midVal = array[mid];
int cmp = midVal - key;
if (cmp < 0) {
low = mid + 1;
} else if (cmp > 0) {
high = mid - 1;
} else {
return mid; // key found
return -(low + 1); // key not found