blob: 29dd85faab59739ebf96b33c42c45b2352294f19 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.mimelookup.MimePath;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileChangeAdapter;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileChangeListener;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileEvent;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileRenameEvent;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileStateInvalidException;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
* The tracker of mime types registered as folders under a common root. This class
* will listen on a hierarchical structure of folders under a <code>baseFolder</code>
* and will interpret its subfolders as mime type definitions. For example the
* following structure of folders will be interpreted as two mime types 'text/x-java'
* and 'application/pdf'.
* <pre>
* &lt;baseFolder&gt;/text/x-java
* &lt;baseFolder&gt;/application/pdf
* </pre>
* @author Vita Stejskal
public final class MimeTypesTracker {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MimeTypesTracker.class.getName());
/** The property for notifying changes in mime types tracked by this tracker. */
public static final String PROP_MIME_TYPES = "mime-types"; //NOI18N
private static final Map<String, Map<StorageDescription, MimeTypesTracker>> settingMimeTypes = new HashMap<>();
public static MimeTypesTracker get(String settingsTypeId, String basePath) {
assert basePath != null : "The parameter basePath must not be null"; //NOI18N
StorageDescription sd = null;
if (settingsTypeId != null) {
sd = SettingsType.find(settingsTypeId);
assert sd != null : "Invalid editor settings type id: '" + settingsTypeId + "'"; //NOI18N
synchronized (settingMimeTypes) {
Map<StorageDescription, MimeTypesTracker> map = settingMimeTypes.get(basePath);
if (map == null) {
map = new WeakHashMap<>();
settingMimeTypes.put(basePath, map);
MimeTypesTracker tracker = map.get(sd);
if (tracker == null) {
tracker = new MimeTypesTracker(sd == null ? null : SettingsType.getLocator(sd), basePath);
map.put(sd, tracker);
return tracker;
* Create a new tracker for tracking mime types under the <code>basePath</code>
* folder.
* @param settingsType The type of settings to track mime types for. If not
* <code>null</code> the tracker will only list mime types that declare
* settings of this type.
* @param basePath The path on the system <code>FileSystem</code> where the
* mime types should be tracked.
/* package */ MimeTypesTracker(SettingsType.Locator locator, String basePath) {
this.locator = locator;
this.basePath = basePath;
this.basePathElements = basePath.split("/"); //NOI18N
// Start listening
this.listener = new Listener();
FileSystem sfs = null;
try {
sfs = FileUtil.getConfigRoot().getFileSystem();
} catch (FileStateInvalidException ex) {
sfs.addFileChangeListener(WeakListeners.create(FileChangeListener.class,listener, sfs));
* Gets the root of the mime types hierarchy watched by this tracker.
* @return The <code>basePath</code> passed to the constructor.
public String getBasePath() {
return basePath;
* Gets the list of mime types (<code>String</code>s) located under this
* tracker's <code>basePath</code>.
* @return The list of mime types.
public Set<String> getMimeTypes() {
synchronized (LOCK) {
return mimeTypes.keySet();
* Gets a display name for a mime type. The display name is read from the
* localizing bundle associated to the mime type's folder (<code>FileObject</code>).
* The value of the <code>mimeType</code> parameter will be used as bundle
* key to read the display name.
* @param mimeType The mime type to get the display name for.
* @return The display (localized) name of the mime type or the <code>mimeType</code>
* if the display name can't be found.
public String getMimeTypeDisplayName(String mimeType) {
String displayName = mimeTypes.get(mimeType);
return displayName == null ? mimeType : displayName;
* Adds a listener that will be receiving <code>PROP_MIME_TYPES</code> notifcations.
* @param l The listener to add.
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
* Removes a previously added listener.
* @param l The listener to remove.
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// private implementation
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private final String LOCK = new String("MimeTypesTracker.LOCK"); //NOI18N
private final String basePath;
private final String [] basePathElements;
private final SettingsType.Locator locator;
private FileObject folder;
private boolean isBaseFolder;
private Map<String, String> mimeTypes = Collections.<String, String>emptyMap();
private final PropertyChangeSupport pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
private final FileChangeListener listener;
//for tests only:
static boolean synchronous = false;
/* package */ static final RequestProcessor RP = new RequestProcessor(MimeTypesTracker.class.getName()); //NOI18N
private final RequestProcessor.Task task = RP.create(() -> {
// #172043 - this is here to keep all folder FileObjects that we have traversed in the memory
// so that FileSystems would know about them and fired events correctly
private final Set<FileObject> trackedFolders = new HashSet<>();
private void rebuild() {
PropertyChangeEvent event = null;
synchronized (LOCK) {
Object [] ret = findTarget(basePathElements);
FileObject f = (FileObject) ret[0];
boolean isBase = ((Boolean) ret[1]);
// The base folder or some folder up in the hierarchy has been created/deleted
if (f != folder) {
// Set the current folder and its is-target-flag
folder = f;
isBaseFolder = isBase;
LOG.finest("folder = '" + folder.getPath() + "'"); //NOI18N
LOG.finest("isBaseFolder = '" + isBaseFolder + "'"); //NOI18N
Map<String, String> newMimeTypes;
if (isBaseFolder) {
// Clear the cache
newMimeTypes = new HashMap<>();
// Go through mime type types
FileObject [] types = folder.getChildren();
for(int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (!isValidType(types[i])) {
// keep track of the type folder
// Go through mime type subtypes
FileObject [] subTypes = types[i].getChildren();
for(int j = 0; j < subTypes.length; j++) {
if (!isValidSubtype(subTypes[j])) {
String mimeType = types[i].getNameExt() + "/" + subTypes[j].getNameExt(); //NOI18N
boolean add;
if (locator != null) {
Map<String, List<Object []>> scan = new HashMap<>();
locator.scan(folder, mimeType, null, false, true, true, false, scan);
add = !scan.isEmpty();
// we are interested in the subtype folder's content, so keep track of the subtype folder too
} else {
add = true;
if (add) {
// First try the standard way for filesystem annotations
String displayName = Utils.getLocalizedName(subTypes[j], null);
// Then try the crap way introduced with Tools-Options
if (displayName == null) {
displayName = Utils.getLocalizedName(subTypes[j], mimeType, mimeType);
newMimeTypes.put(mimeType, displayName);
newMimeTypes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(newMimeTypes);
} else {
newMimeTypes = Collections.<String, String>emptyMap();
if (!mimeTypes.equals(newMimeTypes)) {
event = new PropertyChangeEvent(this, PROP_MIME_TYPES, mimeTypes, newMimeTypes);
mimeTypes = newMimeTypes;
for(Iterator<FileObject> i = trackedFolders.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
if (! {
if (event != null) {
EditorSettingsImpl.getInstance().notifyMimeTypesChange(event.getOldValue(), event.getNewValue());
private static boolean isValidType(FileObject typeFile) {
if (!typeFile.isFolder()) {
return false;
String typeName = typeFile.getNameExt();
return MimePath.validate(typeName, null);
private static boolean isValidSubtype(FileObject subtypeFile) {
if (!subtypeFile.isFolder()) {
return false;
String typeName = subtypeFile.getNameExt();
return MimePath.validate(null, typeName) && !typeName.equals("base"); //NOI18N
private static Object [] findTarget(String [] path) {
FileObject target = FileUtil.getConfigRoot();
boolean isTarget = 0 == path.length;
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
FileObject f = target.getFileObject(path[i]);
if (f == null || !f.isFolder() || !f.isValid() || f.isVirtual()) {
} else {
target = f;
isTarget = i + 1 == path.length;
return new Object [] { target, isTarget};
private final class Listener extends FileChangeAdapter {
public Listener() {
public void fileFolderCreated(FileEvent fe) {
public void fileDeleted(FileEvent fe) {
public void fileRenamed(FileRenameEvent fe) {
private void notifyRebuild(FileObject f) {
String path = f.getPath();
if (path.startsWith(basePath)) {
if (synchronous) rebuild();
else task.schedule(1000);
} // End of Listener class