blob: ce64add8941310b1c62b22761b6f56672c51cceb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import javax.swing.text.Position;
import org.netbeans.lib.editor.util.swing.DocumentUtilities;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib2.DocUtils;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
* @author Martin Roskanin
public class DocumentFinder
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(EditorFindSupport.class.getName());
/** Creates a new instance of DocumentFinder */
private DocumentFinder()
private static DocFinder getFinder(Document doc, Map<String, Object> searchProps, boolean oppositeDir, boolean blocksFinder) throws PatternSyntaxException{
String text = (String)searchProps.get(EditorFindSupport.FIND_WHAT);
if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
if (blocksFinder) {
return FalseBlocksFinder.INSTANCE;
} else {
return FalseFinder.INSTANCE;
Boolean b = (Boolean)searchProps.get(EditorFindSupport.FIND_BACKWARD_SEARCH);
boolean bwdSearch = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
if (oppositeDir) { // negate for opposite direction search
bwdSearch = !bwdSearch;
b = (Boolean)searchProps.get(EditorFindSupport.FIND_MATCH_CASE);
boolean matchCase = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
b = (Boolean)searchProps.get(EditorFindSupport.FIND_SMART_CASE);
boolean smartCase = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
b = (Boolean)searchProps.get(EditorFindSupport.FIND_WHOLE_WORDS);
boolean wholeWords = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
if (smartCase && !matchCase) {
int cnt = text.length();
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(text.charAt(i))) {
matchCase = true;
b = (Boolean) searchProps.get(EditorFindSupport.FIND_REG_EXP);
boolean regExpSearch = (b!=null && b.booleanValue());
Pattern pattern = null;
if (regExpSearch){
pattern = PatternCache.getPattern(text, matchCase);
if (pattern == null){
pattern = (matchCase) ? Pattern.compile(text, Pattern.MULTILINE) : Pattern.compile(text, Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); // NOI18N
PatternCache.putPattern(text, matchCase, pattern);
}catch(PatternSyntaxException pse){
PatternCache.putPattern(text, matchCase, null);
throw pse;
if (blocksFinder) {
if (wholeWords && !regExpSearch) {
WholeWordsBlocksFinder wholeWordsBlocksFinder = new WholeWordsBlocksFinder();
wholeWordsBlocksFinder.setParams(doc, text, matchCase);
return wholeWordsBlocksFinder;
} else {
if (regExpSearch){
RegExpBlocksFinder regExpBlocksFinder = new RegExpBlocksFinder();
regExpBlocksFinder.setParams(pattern, matchCase);
return regExpBlocksFinder;
StringBlocksFinder stringBlocksFinder = new StringBlocksFinder();
stringBlocksFinder.setParams(text, matchCase);
return stringBlocksFinder;
} else {
if (wholeWords && !regExpSearch) {
if (bwdSearch) {
WholeWordsBwdFinder wholeWordsBwdFinder = new WholeWordsBwdFinder();
wholeWordsBwdFinder.setParams(doc, text, matchCase);
return wholeWordsBwdFinder;
} else {
WholeWordsFwdFinder wholeWordsFwdFinder = new WholeWordsFwdFinder();
wholeWordsFwdFinder.setParams(doc, text, matchCase);
return wholeWordsFwdFinder;
} else {
if (regExpSearch){
if (bwdSearch) {
RegExpBwdFinder regExpBwdFinder = new RegExpBwdFinder();
regExpBwdFinder.setParams(pattern, matchCase);
return regExpBwdFinder;
} else {
RegExpFwdFinder regExpFwdFinder = new RegExpFwdFinder();
regExpFwdFinder.setParams(pattern, matchCase);
return regExpFwdFinder;
if (bwdSearch) {
StringBwdFinder stringBwdFinder = new StringBwdFinder();
stringBwdFinder.setParams(text, matchCase);
return stringBwdFinder;
} else {
StringFwdFinder stringFwdFinder = new StringFwdFinder();
stringFwdFinder.setParams(text, matchCase);
return stringFwdFinder;
private static FindReplaceResult findReplaceImpl(String replaceText, Document doc, int startOffset, int endOffset, Map<String, Object> props,
boolean oppositeDir) throws BadLocationException{
int ret[] = new int[2];
if (endOffset == -1){
endOffset = doc.getLength();
DocFinder finder = null;
try {
finder = getFinder(doc, props, oppositeDir, false);
} catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) {
FindReplaceResult findReplaceResult = new FindReplaceResult(new int[]{-1, -1}, "");
findReplaceResult.setErrorMsg(NbBundle.getMessage(DocumentFinder.class, "pattern-error-dialog-content") + " " + pse.getDescription());
return findReplaceResult;
if (finder == null){
return null;
Boolean b = (Boolean)props.get(EditorFindSupport.FIND_BACKWARD_SEARCH);
boolean back = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
if (oppositeDir) {
back = !back;
b = (Boolean)props.get(EditorFindSupport.FIND_BLOCK_SEARCH);
boolean blockSearch = (b != null && b.booleanValue());
Position blockStartPos = (Position) props.get(EditorFindSupport.FIND_BLOCK_SEARCH_START);
int blockSearchStartOffset = (blockStartPos != null) ? blockStartPos.getOffset() : 0;
if (blockSearchStartOffset > doc.getLength()) {
blockSearchStartOffset = 0;
Position pos = (Position) props.get(EditorFindSupport.FIND_BLOCK_SEARCH_END);
int blockSearchEndOffset = (pos != null) ? pos.getOffset() : doc.getLength();
if (blockSearchEndOffset > doc.getLength()) {
blockSearchEndOffset = doc.getLength();
if (blockSearchStartOffset > blockSearchEndOffset) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "end="+blockSearchEndOffset+" < start="+blockSearchStartOffset);
//Changing places start and end block position
int tmp = blockSearchStartOffset;
blockSearchStartOffset = blockSearchEndOffset;
blockSearchEndOffset = tmp;
CharSequence docText = DocumentUtilities.getText(doc).subSequence(0, doc.getLength()); // exclude the artificial last \n
CharSequence blockText = blockSearch
? docText.subSequence(blockSearchStartOffset, blockSearchEndOffset)
: docText;
int initOffset;
if (blockSearch && endOffset < startOffset) {
int temp = endOffset;
endOffset = startOffset;
startOffset = temp;
if (blockSearch) {
if (back) {
initOffset = endOffset - startOffset;
} else {
initOffset = startOffset - blockSearchStartOffset;
} else {
if (back) {
initOffset = oppositeDir ? startOffset : endOffset;
} else {
initOffset = startOffset;
if (initOffset < 0 || initOffset > blockText.length ()) {
LOG.log (
"Index: " + initOffset +
"\nOffset: " + startOffset + "-" + endOffset +
"\nBlock: " + blockSearchStartOffset + "-" + blockSearchEndOffset +
"\nLength : " + blockText.length ()
initOffset = Math.max (initOffset, 0);
initOffset = Math.min (initOffset, blockText.length ());
int findRet = finder.find(initOffset, blockText);
if (!finder.isFound()){
ret[0] = -1;
return new FindReplaceResult(ret, replaceText);
if (blockSearch) {
ret[0] = blockSearchStartOffset + findRet;
} else {
ret[0] = findRet;
if (finder instanceof StringFinder){
int length = ((StringFinder)finder).getFoundLength();
ret[1] = ret [0] + length;
if (finder instanceof RegExpFinder){
Matcher matcher = ((RegExpFinder)finder).getMatcher();
if (matcher != null && replaceText != null){
CharSequence foundString = docText.subSequence(ret[0], ret[1]);
if (matcher.find()){
replaceText = matcher.replaceFirst(convertStringForMatcher(replaceText));
}catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException | IllegalArgumentException ioobe){
String additionalHint = ""; //NOI18N
if (ioobe instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
additionalHint = "\n" + NbBundle.getMessage(DocumentFinder.class, "pattern-error-missing-escape-hint"); //NOI18N
FindReplaceResult findReplaceResult = new FindReplaceResult(new int[]{-1, -1}, "");
findReplaceResult.setErrorMsg(NbBundle.getMessage(DocumentFinder.class, "pattern-error-dialog-content") + " "
+ ioobe.getLocalizedMessage() + additionalHint);
return findReplaceResult;
return new FindReplaceResult(ret, replaceText);
* Finds in document
* @param doc document where to find
* @param startOffset offset in the document where the search will start
* @param endOffset offset where the search will end with reporting
* that nothing was found.
* @param props find properties
public static int[] find(Document doc, int startOffset, int endOffset, Map<String, Object> props,
boolean oppositeDir) throws BadLocationException{
FindReplaceResult result = findReplaceImpl(null, doc, startOffset, endOffset, props, oppositeDir);
if (result == null){
return null;
return result.getFoundPositions();
public static FindReplaceResult findBlocks(Document doc, int startOffset, int endOffset,
Map<String, Object> props, int blocks[]) throws BadLocationException{
BlocksFinder finder;
try {
finder = (BlocksFinder) getFinder(doc, props, false, true);
} catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) {
FindReplaceResult findReplaceResult = new FindReplaceResult(new int[]{-1, -1}, "");
findReplaceResult.setErrorMsg(NbBundle.getMessage(DocumentFinder.class, "pattern-error-dialog-content") + " " + pse.getDescription());
return findReplaceResult;
if (finder == null){
return new FindReplaceResult(blocks, "");
CharSequence cs = DocumentUtilities.getText(doc, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset);
if (cs==null){
return null;
synchronized (finder) {
finder.find(startOffset, cs);
int ret [] = finder.getBlocks();
return new FindReplaceResult(ret, "");
* Finds the searching string and substitute replace expression in case of
* regexp backreferences.
* @return FindReplaceResult, that contains positions of found string and substituted replace expression
public static FindReplaceResult findReplaceResult(String replaceString, Document doc, int startOffset, int endOffset, Map<String, Object> props,
boolean oppositeDir) throws BadLocationException{
FindReplaceResult findReplaceImpl = findReplaceImpl(replaceString, doc, startOffset, endOffset, props, oppositeDir);
return preserveCaseImpl(findReplaceImpl, replaceString, doc, props);
private static boolean getBoolFromEditorFindSupport(Map<String, Object> searchProps, String editorFindSupportConstant) {
Boolean b = (Boolean) searchProps.get(editorFindSupportConstant);
return (b != null && b.booleanValue());
private static boolean getMatchCaseFromEditorFindSupport(Map<String, Object> searchProps, String text) {
boolean matchCase = getBoolFromEditorFindSupport(searchProps, EditorFindSupport.FIND_MATCH_CASE);
boolean smartCase = getBoolFromEditorFindSupport(searchProps, EditorFindSupport.FIND_SMART_CASE);
if (smartCase && !matchCase) {
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(text.charAt(i))) {
matchCase = true;
return matchCase;
private static FindReplaceResult preserveCaseImpl(FindReplaceResult findReplaceResult, String replaceString, Document doc, Map<String, Object> searchProps) throws BadLocationException {
if (replaceString == null || findReplaceResult == null || findReplaceResult.getFoundPositions()[0] == -1 || "".equals(replaceString)) {
return findReplaceResult;
boolean regExpSearch = getBoolFromEditorFindSupport(searchProps, EditorFindSupport.FIND_REG_EXP);
boolean preserveCase = getBoolFromEditorFindSupport(searchProps, EditorFindSupport.FIND_PRESERVE_CASE);
boolean matchCase = getMatchCaseFromEditorFindSupport(searchProps, replaceString);
if (preserveCase && !regExpSearch && !matchCase) {
assert(findReplaceResult.getFoundPositions()[0] <= findReplaceResult.getFoundPositions()[1]);
int length = findReplaceResult.getFoundPositions()[1] - findReplaceResult.getFoundPositions()[0];
String findStr = doc.getText(findReplaceResult.getFoundPositions()[0], length);
String replStr = replaceString;
if (findStr.equals(findStr.toUpperCase())) {
replStr = replStr.toUpperCase();
} else if (findStr.equals(findStr.toLowerCase())) {
replStr = replStr.toLowerCase();
} else if (Character.isUpperCase(findStr.charAt(0))) {
replStr = Character.toUpperCase(replStr.charAt(0)) + replStr.substring(1);
} else if (Character.isLowerCase(findStr.charAt(0))) {
if (findStr.substring(1).equals(findStr.substring(1).toUpperCase())) {
replStr = Character.toLowerCase(replStr.charAt(0)) + replStr.substring(1).toUpperCase();
} else {
replStr = Character.toLowerCase(replStr.charAt(0)) + replStr.substring(1);
return new FindReplaceResult(findReplaceResult.getFoundPositions(), replStr);
} else {
return findReplaceResult;
private static String convertStringForMatcher(String text) {
StringBuilder sb = null;
if (text != null){
String[] sGroups = text.split("\\\\\\\\", text.length()); //NOI18N
sb = new StringBuilder();//NOI18N
for(int i=0;i<sGroups.length;i++){
String tmp = sGroups[i];
tmp = tmp.replace("\\" + "r", "\r"); //NOI18N
tmp = tmp.replace("\\" + "n", "\n"); //NOI18N
tmp = tmp.replace("\\" + "t", "\t"); //NOI18N
if (i != sGroups.length - 1){
sb.append("\\\\"); //NOI18N
return sb != null ? sb.toString() : null;
private interface DocFinder{
public int find(int initOffset, CharSequence data);
public boolean isFound();
public void reset();
private static final class FalseBlocksFinder extends AbstractBlocksFinder {
public static final FalseBlocksFinder INSTANCE = new FalseBlocksFinder();
public int find(int initOffset, CharSequence data) {
return -1;
private FalseBlocksFinder() {}
/** Request non-existent position immediately */
private static class FalseFinder extends AbstractFinder implements StringFinder {
public static final FalseFinder INSTANCE = new FalseFinder();
public int find(int initOffset, CharSequence data) {
return -1;
public int getFoundLength() {
return 0;
private FalseFinder() {}
private abstract static class AbstractBlocksFinder extends AbstractFinder
implements BlocksFinder {
private static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0];
private int[] blocks = EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
private int blocksInd;
private boolean closed;
public void reset() {
blocksInd = 0;
closed = false;
public final int[] getBlocks() {
if (!closed) { // not closed yet
closed = true;
return blocks;
public final void setBlocks(int[] blocks) {
this.blocks = blocks;
blocksInd = 0;
closed = false;
protected final void addBlock(int blkStartPos, int blkEndPos) {
if (blocksInd + 2 > blocks.length) {
int[] dbl = new int[Math.max(10, (blocksInd + 1) * 2)];
System.arraycopy(blocks, 0, dbl, 0, blocks.length);
blocks = dbl;
blocks[blocksInd] = blkStartPos;
blocks[blocksInd + 1] = blkEndPos;
blocksInd += 2;
/** Insert closing sequence [-1, -1] */
protected final void closeBlocks() {
addBlock(-1, -1);
public final String debugBlocks() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int ind = 0;
while (blocks[ind] != -1) {
buf.append(ind/2 + 1).append(": [").append(blocks[ind]).append(", ").append(blocks[ind + 1]).append("]\n"); // NOI18N
ind+= 2;
return buf.toString();
/** Finder that constructs [begin-pos, end-pos] blocks.
* This is useful for highlight-search draw layer.
* The block-finders are always forward-search finders.
private interface BlocksFinder extends DocFinder {
/** Set the array into which the finder puts
* the position blocks. If the length of array is not sufficient
* the finder extends the array. The last block is set to [-1, -1].
public void setBlocks(int[] blocks);
/** Get the array filled with position blocks. It is either
* original array passed to setBlocks() or the new array
* if the finder extended the array.
public int[] getBlocks();
/** Abstract finder implementation. The only <CODE>find()</CODE>
* method must be redefined.
private abstract static class AbstractFinder implements DocFinder {
/** Was the string found? */
protected boolean found;
/** Was the string found? */
public final boolean isFound() {
return found;
/** Reset the finder */
public void reset() {
found = false;
/** Finder that looks for some search expression expressed by string.
* It can be either simple string
* or some form of regular expression expressed by string.
private interface StringFinder extends DocFinder {
/** Get the length of the found string. This is useful
* for regular expressions, because the length of the regular
* expression can be different than the length of the string
* that matched the expression.
public int getFoundLength();
/** String forward finder that finds whole words only
* and that creates position blocks.
* There are some speed optimizations attempted.
private static final class WholeWordsBlocksFinder extends AbstractBlocksFinder {
char chars[];
int stringInd;
boolean matchCase;
boolean insideWord;
boolean firstCharWordPart;
boolean wordFound;
Document doc;
public WholeWordsBlocksFinder() {
public void setParams(Document doc, String s, boolean matchCase){
this.matchCase = matchCase;
this.doc = doc;
chars = (matchCase ? s : s.toLowerCase()).toCharArray();
firstCharWordPart = DocUtils.isIdentifierPart(doc, chars[0]);
public void reset() {
insideWord = false;
wordFound = false;
stringInd = 0;
public int find(int initOffset, CharSequence data) {
int offset = 0;
int limitPos = data.length();
int limitOffset = limitPos - 1;
while (offset >= 0 && offset < limitPos) {
char ch = data.charAt(offset);
if (!matchCase) {
ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
// whole word already found but must verify next char
if (wordFound) {
if (DocUtils.isIdentifierPart(doc, ch)) { // word continues
insideWord = firstCharWordPart;
offset -= chars.length - 1;
} else {
int blkEnd = initOffset + offset;
addBlock(blkEnd - chars.length, blkEnd);
insideWord = false;
wordFound = false;
stringInd = 0;
if (stringInd == 0) { // special case for first char
if (ch != chars[0] || insideWord) { // first char doesn't match
insideWord = DocUtils.isIdentifierPart(doc, ch);
} else { // first char matches
stringInd = 1; // matched and not inside word
if (chars.length == 1) {
if (offset == limitOffset) {
int blkStart = initOffset + offset;
addBlock(blkStart, blkStart + 1);
} else {
wordFound = true;
} else { // already matched at least one char
if (ch == chars[stringInd]) { // matches current char
if (stringInd == chars.length) { // found whole string
if (offset == limitOffset) {
int blkEnd = initOffset + offset + 1;
addBlock(blkEnd - chars.length, blkEnd);
} else {
wordFound = true;
} else { // current char doesn't match, stringInd > 0
offset += 1 - stringInd;
stringInd = 0;
insideWord = firstCharWordPart;
return offset;
/** String forward finder that creates position blocks */
private static final class StringBlocksFinder
extends AbstractBlocksFinder {
char chars[];
int stringInd;
boolean matchCase;
public StringBlocksFinder() {
public void setParams(String s, boolean matchCase){
this.matchCase = matchCase;
chars = (matchCase ? s : s.toLowerCase()).toCharArray();
public void reset() {
stringInd = 0;
public int find(int initOffset, CharSequence data) {
int offset = 0;
int endPos = data.length();
while (offset >= 0 && offset < endPos) {
char ch = data.charAt(offset);
if (!matchCase) {
ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
if (ch == chars[stringInd]) {
if (stringInd == chars.length) {
int blkEnd = initOffset + offset + 1;
addBlock(blkEnd - stringInd, blkEnd);
stringInd = 0;
} else {
offset += 1 - stringInd;
stringInd = 0;
return offset;
private static final class WholeWordsBwdFinder extends GenericBwdFinder
implements StringFinder {
char chars[];
int stringInd;
boolean matchCase;
boolean insideWord;
boolean lastCharWordPart;
boolean wordFound;
int endInd;
Document doc;
public WholeWordsBwdFinder() {
public void setParams(Document doc, String s, boolean matchCase){
this.doc = doc;
this.matchCase = matchCase;
chars = (matchCase ? s : s.toLowerCase()).toCharArray();
endInd = chars.length - 1;
lastCharWordPart = DocUtils.isIdentifierPart(doc, chars[endInd]);
public int getFoundLength() {
return chars.length;
public void reset() {
insideWord = false;
wordFound = false;
stringInd = endInd;
protected int scan(char ch, boolean lastChar) {
if (!matchCase) {
ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
// whole word already found but must verify next char
if (wordFound) {
if (DocUtils.isIdentifierPart(doc, ch)) { // word continues
wordFound = false;
insideWord = lastCharWordPart;
stringInd = endInd;
return endInd;
} else {
found = true;
return 1;
if (stringInd == endInd) { // special case for last char
if (ch != chars[endInd] || insideWord) { // first char doesn't match
insideWord = DocUtils.isIdentifierPart(doc, ch);
return -1;
} else { // first char matches
stringInd = endInd - 1; // matched and not inside word
if (chars.length == 1) {
if (lastChar) {
found = true;
return 0;
} else {
wordFound = true;
return -1;
return -1;
} else { // already matched at least one char
if (ch == chars[stringInd]) { // matches current char
if (stringInd == -1) { // found whole string
if (lastChar) {
found = true;
return 0;
} else {
wordFound = true;
return -1;
return -1; // successfully matched char, go to next char
} else { // current char doesn't match, stringInd > 0
int back = chars.length - 2 - stringInd;
stringInd = endInd;
insideWord = lastCharWordPart;
return back;
/** Generic forward finder that simplifies the search process. */
private abstract static class GenericFwdFinder extends AbstractFinder {
public final int find(int initOffset, CharSequence chars) {
int offset = initOffset;//0;
int limitPos = chars.length();
int limitOffset = limitPos - 1;
while (offset >= 0 && offset < limitPos) {
offset += scan(chars.charAt(offset), (offset == limitOffset));
if (found) {
return offset;
/** This function decides if it found a desired string or not.
* The function receives currently searched character and flag if it's
* the last one that is searched or not.
* @return if the function decides that
* it found a desired string it sets <CODE>found = true</CODE> and returns
* how many characters back the searched string begins in forward
* direction (0 stands for current character).
* For example if the function looks for word 'yes' and it gets
* 's' as parameter it sets found = true and returns -2.
* If the string is not yet found it returns how many characters it should go
* in forward direction (in this case it would usually be 1).
* The next searched character will be that one requested.
protected abstract int scan(char ch, boolean lastChar);
/** Generic backward finder that simplifies the search process. */
private abstract static class GenericBwdFinder extends AbstractFinder {
public final int find(int initOffset, CharSequence chars) {
int offset = initOffset-1;
int limitPos = 0;
int limitOffset = chars.length();
while (offset >= 0 && offset < limitOffset) {
offset += scan(chars.charAt(offset), (offset == limitPos));
if (found) {
return offset;
/** This function decides if it found a desired string or not.
* The function receives currently searched character and flag if it's
* the last one that is searched or not.
* @return if the function decides that
* it found a desired string it sets <CODE>found = true</CODE> and returns
* how many characters back the searched string begins in backward
* direction (0 stands for current character). It is usually 0 as the
* finder usually decides after the last required character but it's
* not always the case e.g. for whole-words-only search it can be 1 or so.
* If the string is not yet found it returns how many characters it should go
* in backward direction (in this case it would usually be -1).
* The next searched character will be that one requested.
protected abstract int scan(char ch, boolean lastChar);
private static final class WholeWordsFwdFinder extends GenericFwdFinder
implements StringFinder {
char chars[];
int stringInd;
boolean matchCase;
Document doc;
boolean insideWord;
boolean firstCharWordPart;
boolean wordFound;
public WholeWordsFwdFinder() {
public void setParams(Document doc, String s, boolean matchCase){
this.doc = doc;
this.matchCase = matchCase;
chars = (matchCase ? s : s.toLowerCase()).toCharArray();
firstCharWordPart = DocUtils.isIdentifierPart(doc, chars[0]);
public int getFoundLength() {
return chars.length;
public void reset() {
insideWord = false;
wordFound = false;
stringInd = 0;
protected int scan(char ch, boolean lastChar) {
if (!matchCase) {
ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
// whole word already found but must verify next char
if (wordFound) {
if (DocUtils.isIdentifierPart(doc, ch)) { // word continues
wordFound = false;
insideWord = firstCharWordPart;
stringInd = 0;
return 1 - chars.length;
} else {
found = true;
return -chars.length;
if (stringInd == 0) { // special case for first char
if (ch != chars[0] || insideWord) { // first char doesn't match
insideWord = DocUtils.isIdentifierPart(doc, ch);
return 1;
} else { // first char matches
stringInd = 1; // matched and not inside word
if (chars.length == 1) {
if (lastChar) {
found = true;
return 0;
} else {
wordFound = true;
return 1;
return 1;
} else { // already matched at least one char
if (ch == chars[stringInd]) { // matches current char
if (stringInd == chars.length) { // found whole string
if (lastChar) {
found = true;
return 1 - chars.length; // how many chars back the string starts
} else {
wordFound = true;
return 1;
return 1; // successfully matched char, go to next char
} else { // current char doesn't match, stringInd > 0
int back = 1 - stringInd;
stringInd = 0;
insideWord = firstCharWordPart;
return back; // go back to search from the next to first char
private static class StringBwdFinder extends GenericBwdFinder
implements StringFinder {
char chars[];
int stringInd;
boolean matchCase;
int endInd;
public StringBwdFinder() {
public void setParams(String s, boolean matchCase){
this.matchCase = matchCase;
chars = (matchCase ? s : s.toLowerCase()).toCharArray();
endInd = chars.length - 1;
public int getFoundLength() {
return chars.length;
public void reset() {
stringInd = endInd;
protected int scan(char ch, boolean lastChar) {
if (!matchCase) {
ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
if (ch == chars[stringInd]) {
if (stringInd == -1) {
found = true;
return 0;
return -1;
} else {
if (stringInd == endInd) {
return -1;
} else {
int back = chars.length - 2 - stringInd;
stringInd = endInd;
return back;
private static final class StringFwdFinder extends GenericFwdFinder
implements StringFinder {
char chars[];
int stringInd;
boolean matchCase;
public StringFwdFinder() {
public void setParams(String s, boolean matchCase){
this.matchCase = matchCase;
chars = (matchCase ? s : s.toLowerCase()).toCharArray();
public int getFoundLength() {
return chars.length;
public void reset() {
stringInd = 0;
protected int scan(char ch, boolean lastChar) {
if (!matchCase) {
ch = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
if (ch == chars[stringInd]) {
if (stringInd == chars.length) { // found whole string
found = true;
return 1 - stringInd; // how many chars back the string starts
return 1; // successfully matched char, go to next char
} else {
if (stringInd == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
int back = 1 - stringInd;
stringInd = 0;
return back;
private abstract static class RegExpFinder extends AbstractFinder implements StringFinder{
public abstract Matcher getMatcher();
// ----------------- regexp ----------------------
private static class RegExpBwdFinder extends RegExpFinder{
boolean matchCase;
Pattern pattern;
int length = 0;
Matcher matcher;
public RegExpBwdFinder() {
public Matcher getMatcher(){
return matcher;
public void setParams(Pattern pattern, boolean matchCase){
this.matchCase = matchCase;
this.pattern = pattern;
public int getFoundLength() {
return length;
public void reset() {
length = 0;
private int lineFind (int lineStart, int lineEnd, CharSequence chars){
matcher = pattern.matcher(chars.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd));
int ret = -1;
while (matcher.find()){
int start = matcher.start();
int end = matcher.end();
length = end - start;
if (length <= 0){
found = false;
return -1;
ret = start;
return ret;
public int find(int initOffset, CharSequence chars) {
char ch;
int charsEnd = (initOffset !=0) ? initOffset-1 : chars.length() - 1;
int lineEnd = charsEnd;
int lineStart = charsEnd;
for (int i = charsEnd; i>=0; i--){
ch = chars.charAt(i);
if (ch == '\n' || i==0){
int retFind = lineFind (lineStart+((i==0)?0:1), lineEnd+1, chars);
if (retFind!=-1){
found = true;
return i + retFind + ((i==0)?0:1);
lineEnd = lineStart;
return -1;
private static final class RegExpFwdFinder extends RegExpFinder{
Pattern pattern;
boolean matchCase;
int length = 0;
Matcher matcher;
public RegExpFwdFinder() {
public Matcher getMatcher(){
return matcher;
public void setParams(Pattern pattern, boolean matchCase){
this.matchCase = matchCase;
this.pattern = pattern;
public int getFoundLength() {
return length;
public void reset() {
length = 0;
public int find(int initOffset, CharSequence chars) {
matcher = pattern.matcher(chars);
if (matcher.find(initOffset)){
found = true;
int start = matcher.start();
int end = matcher.end();
length = end - start;
if (length <= 0){
found = false;
do {
initOffset = matcher.end() > initOffset ? matcher.end() : initOffset + 1;
} while(initOffset < chars.length() &&
chars.charAt(initOffset) == chars.charAt(initOffset-1)
|| (matcher.find(initOffset) && matcher.end() - matcher.start() == 0))
if(initOffset < chars.length() && matcher.find(initOffset) && matcher.end() - matcher.start() > 0) {
return find(initOffset,chars);
} else {
return -1;
return start;
return -1;
/** String forward finder that creates position blocks */
private static final class RegExpBlocksFinder
extends AbstractBlocksFinder {
Pattern pattern;
int stringInd;
boolean matchCase;
public RegExpBlocksFinder() {
public void setParams(Pattern pattern, boolean matchCase){
this.pattern = pattern;
this.matchCase = matchCase;
public void reset() {
stringInd = 0;
public int find(int initOffset, CharSequence data) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(data);
int ret = 0;
while (matcher.find()){
int start = initOffset + matcher.start();
int end = initOffset + matcher.end();
addBlock(start, end);
ret = start;
return ret;
private static class PatternCache{
private static String cache_str;
private static boolean cache_matchCase;
private static Pattern cache_pattern;
private PatternCache(){
public static void putPattern(String str, boolean matchCase, Pattern pattern){
cache_str = str;
cache_matchCase = matchCase;
cache_pattern = pattern;
public static Pattern getPattern(String str, boolean matchCase){
if (str == null) {
return null;
if (str.equals(cache_str) && matchCase == cache_matchCase){
return cache_pattern;
return null;
public static void clear(){
cache_str = null;
cache_matchCase = false;
cache_pattern = null;
public static class FindReplaceResult{
private final int[] positions;
private final String replacedString;
private String errorMsg;
public FindReplaceResult(int[] positions, String replacedString){
this.positions = new int[positions.length];
System.arraycopy(positions, 0, this.positions, 0, positions.length);
this.replacedString = replacedString;
public String getReplacedString(){
return replacedString;
public int[] getFoundPositions(){
return positions;
public void setErrorMsg(String error) {
errorMsg = error;
public boolean hasErrorMsg() {
return errorMsg != null;
public String getErrorMsg() {
return errorMsg;