blob: 7d9b1d7b05ceae1ac8a440fa4b6cfe1b39f7fe26 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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Provides out of the box experience features for the Java DB database, such as starting/stopping the database server, or creating a new database.
OpenIDE-Module-Name=Java DB Database Support
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Integration with the Java DB database.
LBL_DerbyDatabase=Java DB Database
LBL_outputtab=Java DB Database Process
# actions
LBL_StartAction=&Start Server
LBL_StopAction=Sto&p Server
# CreateDatabaseAction
LBL_CreateDBAction=&Create Database...
LBL_CreateSampleDBAction=Create &Sample Database...
LBL_CreateDatabaseTitle=Create Java DB Database
LBL_CreateSampleDatabaseTitle=Create Java DB Sample Database
LBL_PropertiesTitle=Java DB Properties
# 0 ... file name of the derby database being created
MSG_CreatingDBProgressLabel=Creating Java DB database {0}
# RegisterDerby
EXC_JavaExecutableNotFound=ERROR: The java executable was not found
MSG_DerbyPropsFile=Java DB Properties File
MSG_DerbyLocationIncorrect=The Java DB location is not set correctly.
MSG_StartingDerby=Starting the Java DB Server
# 0 - the error message
ERR_CreateDatabase=An error occurred while creating the database: {0}.
# 0 - the time to wait
MSG_WaitStart=The Java DB server did not start in {0} seconds. Do you want to wait another {0} seconds?
# DerbyOptions, DerbyOptionsBeanInfo
LBL_DerbyOptions=Java DB Database
LBL_DerbyLocation=Java DB Location
HINT_DerbyLocation=The directory where the installation of the Java DB database is located.
LBL_DatabaseLocation=Database Location
HINT_DatabaseLocation=The directory where the Java DB databases are located. The directory entered here will be used as the value of the derby.system.home property.
ERR_InvalidDerbyLocation=Invalid Java DB installation directory.
ERR_DirectoryDoesNotExist=The directory {0} does not exist.
ERR_DirectoryIsNotWritable=The directory {0} is not writable.
ERR_EnterDerbyLocation=The Java DB installation directory is empty.
# {0} - Driver name
ERR_DerbyDriverNotFoundConfigure=The {0} driver was not found.\nDo you want to add it now?
MSG_RegisterJavaDB=Registering the Java DB database.
# unused
ERR_NotThere=The Java DB database installation was not found in your copy of NetBeans.
CTL_SelectNameDescription=Choose a name for the new database.
MSG_DbNameEmpty=Specify the name of the new database.
MSG_DbNameExists=A database with the selected name already exists.
ACSD_CreateDatabaseAction=Create Java DB Database
ACSD_CreateDatabaseAction=Create Java DB Sample Database
DerbyDatabaseNode_ShortDescription=Database {0} found in Database Location {1}