blob: 1ca059e31c5b2af4ae7f3d8ab40a1e24dbdbb192 [file] [log] [blame]
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Css modules list (source
* Selectors
* CSS Color
* CSS Namespaces
* CSS Backgrounds & Borders
* CSS Multi-column Layout
(*) Media Queries
* CSS Marquee
* CSS Ruby
* CSS Basic User Interface
* CSS Style Attributes
* CSS Paged Media
* CSS Values & Units
* CSS Cascading & Inheritance
* CSS Text
* CSS Writing Modes
* CSS Generated Content for Paged Media
* CSS Fonts
* CSS Basic Box Model
x CSS Template Layout
* CSS Speech
* CSS Grid Positioning
* CSS Flexible Box Layout
* CSS Image Values & Replaced Content
* CSS 2D Transformations
* CSS 3D Transformations
* CSS Transitions
* CSS Animations
* CSSOM View
x CSS Syntax
* CSS Lists and Counters
x CSS Reader Media Type
CSS Generated & Replaced Content
* CSS Line Layout
* CSS Hyperlink Presentation
* CSS Presentation Levels
- css module should be able to provide new unit acceptors
- support for functions providing + completion, checking?
- inherit property support (parsing, error checking, completion, ...)
- support for extending property grammar definition by other module/s (merging)
- characters escaping in grammar definition (like '[' or '*' chars), see GridPositioningModuleTest
-uncomment #display=flexbox | inline-flexbox then
- context aware properties - works only in some context of the css file
selectors module:
completion of pseudo elements on pseudo classes:
*:target::before { content : url(target.png) }
values and units module:
- functions