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<h2>GSF Registration</h2>
<blockquote style="background-color: #ffdddd; color: black; padding: 20px; border: solid 1px black">
WARNING: Registration is one of the rough spots in GSF
which will need to be changed. This section describes the current
way to do it, which is definitely not a great solution.
GSF is based on mime types. You register mime services for a particular mime type,
such as <code>text/x-ruby</code> or <code>text/javascript</code>. When you are
adding a new language, you should go and see if there is a common mime type
that is associated with your language, and if so use it. It doesn't really matter
what you choose, since GSF doesn't interpret it in any way, but by picking something
standard, other modules have a chance of using your editor services. For example,
in the property sheet code, used by the Visual Web Pack, some properties are associated
with JavaScript onclick handlers. This code just creates a <code>JEditorPane</code>
and sets the mime type to <code>text/javascript</code>. "Magically" this makes
syntax highlighting etc. in these customizers for JavaScript attributes work,
since GSF has registered editing services for this mimetype.
The first think you'll want to do is make sure there is a mime resolver for files
of the type you're trying to edit. This is described in detail in the
<a href="mime-resolver.html">Mime Resolver</a> document. There is nothing GSF
specific about this, but if you're trying to start writing a language support,
you'll want to begin there. Registering a mime resolver will tell the IDE how
to figure out the mime type of a file, but it doesn't create NetBeans DataLoaders
or DataObjects for these files. GSF does that, as soon as you register the mime
type with GSF.
<h3>Layer Registration</h3>
To register your mime type with GSF, you'll want to modify your layer as follows:
<pre style="background: #ffffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 5px">
&lt;folder name="GsfPlugins"&gt;
&lt;folder name="text"&gt;
&lt;folder name="javascript"&gt;
&lt;file name="language.instance"&gt;
&lt;attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.javascript.editing.JsLanguage"/&gt;
This tells GSF that it should "own" the mime type "text/javascript".
(<b>NOTE</b>: When you're describing mime types in the layer system, you must use nested
folders for the mimetype. You can NOT create a <code>name="text/javascript"</code> item; it must
be a folder named <code>text</code> with a folder named <code>javascript</code> inside it!).
Once you've done this, GSF will claim files of this mime type and register its own
editor kit with it, and so on. (There is a way to use custom loaders with GSF if you
for example are trying to mix and match GSF with Schliemann or you have existing code
you are trying to integrate; that will be described later in this document.)
<h3>Build Modification</h3>
In addition, you also need to add the following target to your project's build file,
such that at build time, GSF gets a chance to interject some things into your layer file.
In earlier version, GSF would do this at runtime, by modifying your user directory
such that it would merge content into the layer file, but this has had several disadvantages.
An extra build step avoids this problem. It does however mean that when GSF changes incompatibly,
it cannot easily account for older module registrations. Until this issue is resolved, you
may have to regenerate your module when versions change.
<pre style="background: #ffffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 5px">
&lt;target name="jar" depends="init,compile,jar-prep" unless="is.jar.uptodate"&gt;
&lt;taskdef name="gsfjar" classname="org.netbeans.modules.gsf.GsfJar" classpath="${nb_all}/gsf.api/anttask/gsfanttask.jar:${nb_all}/nbbuild/nbantext.jar"/&gt;
&lt;gsfjar jarfile="${cluster}/${module.jar}" compress="${build.package.compress}" index="${build.package.index}" manifest="${}" stamp="${cluster}/.lastModified"&gt;
&lt;fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}"/&gt;
<h3>The Language Configuration</h3>
In the above registration, we have named the <code>JsLanguage</code> class as the language
configuration object for this class. This <code>JsLanguage</code> object is just an instance
of the <code>GsfLanguage</code> interface. It's actually a subclass of the
<code>DefaultLanguageConfig</code> class in the GSF SPI package, which implements this
The GSF language object defines key characteristics about your language.
The most important method you have to implement is
<pre style="background: #ffffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 5px">
@NonNull Language <b>getLexerLanguage</b>();
This is referring to the Lexer API's Language class. GSF is built on top of the
Lexer API. You must create a Lexer for your language. The Lexer API is already quite
well documented so I won't repeat it here (though I should include a documentation
reference link).
The first step is implementing a Lexer for your language, and returning its language
from your language configuration subclass. If you subclass <code>DefaultLanguageConfig</code>,
you are finally ready to just test things. You can now start the IDE, double on source files in
the file navigator, which should open them in the editor - and they should be properly
syntax highlighted! There is more information about the lexer aspects in the
<a href="lexing.html">lexing document</a>.
<h3>Lexer Registration and Colors</h3>
You also need to register the lexer language with NetBeans. This
is described in the <a href="lexing.html#registration">lexing</a> document
in more detail.
<h3>Other Language Configuration settings</h3>
There are some other methods in the language configuration class you can override.
<table border="1" style="background: #ffffcc; border-collapse: collapse; border:solid 1px black">
<td><pre>String getLineCommentPrefix()</pre></td>
If your language supports line comments, return the comment string here.
For example, for Java and JavaScript it's <code>//</code>, and for Ruby it's <code>#</code>.
If you return non null from this method, GSF will enable the comment, uncomment
and toggle comment actions, add them to your toolbar and implement an editor
action which commments, uncomments and toggles comments in your source files.
<td><pre>boolean isIdentifierChar(char c)</pre></td>
<td>This method lets you return whether a character is an identifier character
in your language. This method will be used to for example automatically
handle the case where the user double clicks in your editor; this should
select a complete identifiers. By default in NetBeans you get the Java behavior,
but in a language like JavaScript for example, <code>$</code> should also be
included in the double click selection.<br/><br/>(Unfortunately, the current design
doesn't make it easy to handle more complicated scenarios like Ruby, where
a <code>$</code> should only be accepted as a prefix of the identifier, and
a <code>!</code> should only be accepted as a suffix. I plan to refine this
approach a bit to handle this.
If you extend the <code>DefaultLanguageConfig</code> class, there are additional
methods you can subclass. I'll describe these after I introduce the other services
you can register with NetBeans.
Most features in GSF will require parse information. This relies upon calling
your own implementation of the
<a href="org/netbeans/modules/gsf/api/Parser.html">Parser</a> interface.
If you are subclassing the <code>DefaultLanguageConfig</code> class, just override
the <code>getParser()</code> method:
<pre style="background: #ffffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 5px">
public Parser getParser() {
return new JsParser();
Alternatively, you can register this service directly in the layer:
<pre style="background: #ffffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 5px">
&lt;folder name="GsfPlugins"&gt;
&lt;folder name="text"&gt;
&lt;folder name="javascript"&gt;
<b>&lt;file name="parser.instance"&gt;
&lt;attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.javascript.editing.JsParser"/&gt;
This is just like the parser registration. You need to implement the
<a href="org/netbeans/modules/gsf/api/Indexer.html">Indexer</a> interface, and
then register it, either via subclassing <code>DefaultLanguageConfig</code> and
overriding <code>getIndexer()</code>:
<pre style="background: #ffffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 5px">
public Parser getIndexer() {
return new JsIndexer();
Alternatively, you can register this service directly in the layer:
<pre style="background: #ffffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 5px">
&lt;folder name="GsfPlugins"&gt;
&lt;folder name="text"&gt;
&lt;folder name="javascript"&gt;
<b>&lt;file name="indexer.instance"&gt;
&lt;attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.javascript.editing.JsIndexer"/&gt;
<h3>Other Services</h3>
You get the idea. You can override configuration functiosn in <code>DefaultLanguageConfig</code>,
or register services directly in the layer. Sometimes you can do a combination of things.
For example, in the Ruby plugin, most editing related services are implemented by and registered
in the Ruby Editing module. These are instantiated directly by the <code>RubyLanguage</code>
configuration class. However, Ruby Quickfixes are implemented in a separate module, and therefore
the <code>HintsProvider</code> implementation for Ruby is registered via the layer in the
hint module.
<span style="background: #ffcccc; color: black">HACK ALERT</span>:
There are two ugly exceptions to the ability to register services with the
<code>DefaultLanguageConfig</code>. Two attributes <b>must</b> be initialized
via the layer instead:
<li> Structure scanners</li>
<li> The <code>customEditorKit</code> attribute</li>
Structure scanners are used to for example populate the navigator view.
The customEditorKit attribute will be described later in this document.
The problem with both of these attributes is that they are needed early during startup,
even during IDE sessions where file types of the given mimetype is never loaded!
There are implementation reasons for this. Currently, the way we hook into the navigator
API, we have to know when we first see the GSF language registrations whether a given
language supports navigation (in which case we'll modify the system file system to register
a GSF navigator view for this file type). Similarly, we need to know during GSF data loader
initialization whether GSF should be on the lookout for files of the given mime type; this
is only the case if <code>customEditorKit</code> is false.
Well, if GSF were to look for these attributes in the langauge configuration objects,
it would have to load and instantiate all the language configuration objects at startup!
That would mean initializing a WHOLE bunch of classes at startup, since language configuration
classes typically reference a bunch of other services. (I in fact DID try this, and ended
up failing the blacklisted class commit validation test, so I had to revert initialization
of these two attributes to being layer-only).
<a name="UseCustomEditorKit"/>
<h3>Using Custom Loaders and Kits</h3>
Normally when you register a mime type with GSF, GSF will automatically handle
file type handling for you, by creating NetBeans implementations like DataObjects,
creating an EditorKit for these DataObjects, and so on.
However, there are cases where you have an existing EditorKit or DataLoader, and
you want to add GSF support selectively. To do that, you need to tell GSF
to back off. You do that with the <code>useCustomEditorKit</code> attribute,
which you add as an attribute to the mime folder in the <code>GsfPlugins</code>
folder in the layer:
<pre style="background: #ffffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 5px">
&lt;folder name="GsfPlugins"&gt;
&lt;folder name="application"&gt;
&lt;folder name="x-httpd-eruby"&gt;
<b>&lt;attr name="useCustomEditorKit" boolvalue="true"/&gt;</b>
When GSF sees this, it will not add ANY editing services for you.
You are now free to add these in yourself in your layer.
This is done by the HTML module for example, which had a lot of existing
legacy code we didn't want to rewrite (at least not yet). HTML already
has DataObjects (which were subclassed in other modules), it had custom
code to handle formatting and code completion, and we wanted to keep these
classes using the old code for now. So, the HTML module specifies
With the <code>useCustomEditorKit</code> attribute you can use your own
EditorKit implementation. There is a price to pay though. When you do
this, you need to manually register all the GSF implementations you <b>do</b>
want to use. For example, if you're providing a semantic highlighter, you
have to register the GSF highlighting factory in the Editors folder:
<pre style="background: #ffffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 5px">
&lt;folder name="Editors"&gt;
&lt;folder name="text"&gt;
&lt;folder name="html"&gt;
<i>Required for semantic highlighting:</i>
&lt;file name="org-netbeans-modules-gsfret-editor-semantic-HighlightsLayerFactoryImpl.instance"/&gt;
<i>Required for code folding:</i>
&lt;folder name="FoldManager"&gt;
&lt;file name="org-netbeans-modules-gsfret-editor-fold-GsfFoldManagerFactory.instance"/&gt;
&lt;folder name="SideBar"&gt;
&lt;file name="org-netbeans-modules-editor-gsfret-GsfCodeFoldingSideBarFactory.instance"&gt;
&lt;attr name="position" intvalue="1200"/&gt;
<i>Required for GSF go to declaration:</i>
&lt;folder name="HyperlinkProviders"&gt;
&lt;file name="GsfHyperlinkProvider.instance"&gt;
&lt;attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.gsfret.editor.hyperlink.GsfHyperlinkProvider"/&gt;
&lt;attr name="instanceOf" stringvalue="org.netbeans.lib.editor.hyperlink.spi.HyperlinkProviderExt"/&gt;
<i>Required for error status:</i>
&lt;folder name="UpToDateStatusProvider"&gt;
&lt;file name="org-netbeans-modules-gsfret-hints-GsfUpToDateStateProviderFactory.instance"/&gt;
<i>Required for code completion:</i>
&lt;folder name="CompletionProviders"&gt;
&lt;file name="org-netbeans-modules-gsfret-editor-completion-GsfCompletionProvider.instance"/&gt;
I may be missing some services here - like live code templates and mark occurrences.
If you <b>do</b> go this route, you should look at the <code>LanguageRegistry</code> class
in the GSF implementation to make sure you're picking up everything you intend to, to
make sure you have the right class names, with all the right attributes, etc.
<div style="background: #ccffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 10px">
I need to do something to make this more solid. Perhaps I can use .shadow or other forms of aliasing
such that all you need to do is reference a service by hand and the correct class name etc. is
used. I think I've seen this for actions (which are registered in one place, and just a shadow used
elsewhere to link to it) so it might work in this case if I switch to a logical name and use the
<code>instanceClass</code> attribute instead of the filename to designate the class to be instantiated.
<h3>Mixing and Matching APIs</h3>
You are free to use the NetBeans APIs directly. For example, in addition to relying on GSF's code completion
provider, you can add an additional direct implementation of NetBeans' code completion API if you should
want to. You don't need to switch to a custom editor kit to do this.
<h3>Adding Actions</h3>
In NetBeans 6.5, there is a new API which lets you register editor actions (along with keybindings)
for arbitrary mime types. This means that you can extend the available actions for an editor type
from your modules. GSF used to have an API to help with this, but it's no longer necessary. To do this,
you just have to implement the editor <code>BaseAction</code> class, and register it in the Editors mime
<pre style="background: #ffffcc; color: black; border: solid 1px black; padding: 5px">
&lt;folder name="Editors"&gt;
&lt;folder name="text"&gt;
&lt;folder name="x-ruby"&gt;
<b>&lt;folder name="Actions"&gt;
&lt;file name="org-netbeans-modules-ruby-ReflowParagraphAction.instance"/&gt;
From here, you can proceed to also create a <code>Popup</code> folder to add it to the context
menu for this file type, and/or register a keybinding for it via an XML file
referenced from the <code>Keybindings</code> folder.
<span style="color: #cccccc">Tor Norbye &lt;;</span>