blob: 456f9ddad6c7bd2ddd1649cd7aba442e3ce346a5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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<!DOCTYPE api-answers PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Arch Answers//EN" "../nbbuild/antsrc/org/netbeans/nbbuild/Arch.dtd" [
<!ENTITY api-questions SYSTEM "../nbbuild/antsrc/org/netbeans/nbbuild/Arch-api-questions.xml">
<!-- Question: arch-what
<question id="arch-what">
What is this project good for?
Please provide here few lines describing the the project,
what problem it should solve, provide links to documentation,
specifications, etc.
<answer id="arch-what">
It helps with editing XML files and supports leveraging XML in developed application.
<!-- Question: compat-i18n
<question id="compat-i18n">
Is your module correctly internationalized?
Correct internationalization means that it obeys instuctions
at <a href="">
NetBeans I18N pages</a>.
<answer id="compat-i18n">
All but code generated by JavaCC.
<!-- Question: compat-standards
<question id="compat-standards">
Does the module implements or defines any standards? Is the
implementation exact or it deviates somehow?
<answer id="compat-standards">
The support implements following standards XML 1.0 Recommendation, XML Schema Recommendation,
XSLT Recommendation, CSS Level 2 Recommendation, DOM Level 1 Core and XML Recommendation,
SAX version 2, JAXP 1.1 Specification and XML Catalog Standard.
<!-- Question: compat-version
<question id="compat-version">
Does your module properly coexists with earlier and future
versions? Can you correctly read settings? Will future
versions be able to read settings?
Very helpful for reading settings is to store version number
there, so future versions can decide whether how to read/convert
the settings and older versions can ignore the new ones.
<answer id="compat-version">
It uses several persistence mechanisms including Java serialization of
third party objects. It's not fully under module control.
<!-- Question: dep-jre
<question id="dep-jre">
Which version of JRE you need (1.2, 1.3, 1.4, etc.)?
It is expected that if your module runs on 1.x that it will run
on 1.x+1 if no, state that please. Also describe here cases where
you run different code on different versions of JRE and why.
<answer id="dep-jre">
It requires JRE 1.3.
<!-- Question: dep-jrejdk
<question id="dep-jrejdk">
Do you require JDK or is JRE enough?
<answer id="dep-jrejdk">
JRE is enough.
<!-- Question: dep-nb
<question id="dep-nb">
What other NetBeans projects this one depends on?
If you want, describe such projects as imported API using
the <code>&lt;api name="identification" type="import or export" category="stable" url="where is the description" /&gt;</code>
<answer id="dep-nb">
It uses various kinds of API's:
<api name="NodesAPI" type="import" category="official"
url="@org-openide-nodes@/index.html" group="java"/>
The support class <code>NodeAction</code>.
<api name="WindowSystemAPI" type="import" category="official"
url="@org-openide-windows@/index.html" group="java"/>
<code>NodeAction</code> uses <code>TopComponent.Registry</code>.
<api group="java" name="Explorer" type="import" category="official">
<code>PasteAction</code> uses <code>ExplorerManager</code>.
<api group="java" name="Filesystems" type="import" category="official">
E.g. <code>FileSystemAction</code> uses <code>FileSystem</code>.
<api group="java" name="Datasystems" type="import" category="official">
E.g. <code>FileSystemAction</code> uses <code>DataObject</code>.
<api name="UtilitiesUIAPI" type="import" category="official" url="@org-openide-util-ui@/index.html" group="java"/>
<!-- Question: dep-non-nb
<question id="dep-non-nb">
What other non-NetBeans projects this one depends on?
Some non-NetBeans projects are packaged as NetBeans modules
(see <a href="">libraries</a>) and
it is prefered to use this approach when more modules may
depend on such third-party library.
<answer id="dep-non-nb">
W3C's SAC API and Flute - it's implementation.
<!-- Question: dep-platform
<question id="dep-platform">
On which platforms your module run? Any? Does it run in the same
If your module is using JNI or deals with special differences of
OSes like filesystems, etc. please describe here what they are.
<answer id="dep-platform">
100% pure Java.
<!-- Question: deploy-jar
<question id="deploy-jar">
Do you deploy just module JAR file(s) or some other files?
If your module consist just from one module JAR file, just confirm that.
If it uses more than one JAR, describe where there are located, how
they refer to each other.
If it consist of module JAR(s) and other files, please describe
what is their purpose, why other files are necessary. Please
make sure that installation/deinstallation leaves the system
in state as it was before installation.
<answer id="deploy-jar">
It comes with several files in <tt>ext</tt>tt> area. Namely <tt>flute.jar</tt>,
<tt>sac.jar</tt>, <tt>resolver_nb.jar</tt> and <tt>xerces2.jar</tt>. SAC and
Flute should be moved to libs. Resolver and Xerces should be replaced by existing
<tt>libs</tt> sub projects.
<!-- Question: deploy-nbm
<question id="deploy-nbm">
Can you deploy NBM via AutoUpdate center?
If not why?
<answer id="deploy-nbm">
<!-- Question: deploy-packages
<question id="deploy-packages">
Are packages of your module made inaccessible by not declaring them
NetBeans module system allows restriction of access rights to
public classes of your module from other modules. This prevents
unwanted dependencies of others on your code and should be used
whenever possible (<a href="">
public packages
<answer id="deploy-packages">
XML tools APIs are exported. Also several experimental packages is exposed.
Openide-Module-Provides and Openide-Module-Requires guarding tokens are defined
for these.
<!-- Question: deploy-shared
<question id="deploy-shared">
Do you need to be installed in shared location or only in user directory?
Installation location shall not matter, if it does explain why.
<answer id="deploy-shared">
It does not matter.
<!-- Question: exec-classloader
<question id="exec-classloader">
Does your code uses own classloader?
A bit unusual. Please explain why and what for.
<answer id="exec-classloader">
Yes, xerces2.jar is loaded by an isolatings classloader. There is strong
implementation dependency and the module can use two Xerces versions.
<!-- Question: exec-component
<question id="exec-component">
Is execution of your code influenced by (string) property
of any of your components?
Often <code>JComponent.getClientProperty</code>, <code>Action.getValue</code>
or <code>PropertyDescriptor.getValue</code>, etc. are used to influence
a behaviour of some code. This of course forms an interface that should
be documented. Also if one depends on some interface that an object
implements (<code>component instanceof Runnable</code>) that forms an
API as well.
<answer id="exec-component">
A lot of defined by Open APIs.
<!-- Question: exec-privateaccess
<question id="exec-privateaccess">
Are you aware of any other part of the system calling some of
your methods by reflection?
If so, describe the "contract" as an API. Likely private or friend one, but
still API and consider rewrite of it.
<answer id="exec-privateaccess">
<!-- Question: exec-property
<question id="exec-property">
Is execution of your code influenced by any environment of
system (<code>System.getProperty</code>) property?
If there is a property that can change the behaviour of your
code, somebody will likely use it. You should describe what it does
and the stability category of this API. You may use
&lt;property name="id" category="private" &gt;
description of the property, where it is used, what it influence, etc.
<answer id="exec-property">
XML modules uses following system properties:
<!-- Question: exec-reflection
<question id="exec-reflection">
Does your code uses java.lang.reflect to execute some other code?
This usually indicates a missing or unsufficient API in the other
part of the system. If the other side is not aware of your dependency
this contract can be easily broken.
<answer id="exec-reflection">
Yes to access <code>EntityCatalog</code>'s map that is filled by deprecated registration methods.
In TAX to construct instance of isolated Xerces parser.
In <code>TokenContext</code> for fill a map from instance fields.
In <code>BeanUtil</code> to introspect beans.
In <code>AbstractObjectNode</code> to introspect listeners using a debug action.
In <code>ElementInfo</code> and <code>WriteCache</code> to apply declaratively defined
property values.
In <code>org.netbeans.modules.xml.tree.nodes.propertysheet</code> which is tuned copy of
OpenAPI's propertysheet API.
In <code>TreeEventChangeSupport</code> to get access to listeners list.
In <code>TreeStreamResult</code> and <code>XNIBuilder</code> to access/set internal DTD
as plain string. It could be replaced by a map.
<!-- Question: format-clipboard
<question id="format-clipboard">
Which protocols your code reads/inserts when communicating with
<answer id="format-clipboard">
Implementations of cut, copy and paste (<code>CutAction</code>, <code>CopyAction</code>
and <code>PasteAction</code>) reads/writes from/into clipboard. It uses standard
<a href="@JDK@/java/awt/datatransfer/package-summary.html">java datatransfer mechanism</a>
and <a href="@org-openide-util-ui@/org/openide/util/datatransfer/package-summary.html">Netbeans extension to the mechanism</a>.
<!-- Question: format-dnd
<question id="format-dnd">
Which protocols your code understands during drag-n-drop?
<answer id="format-dnd">
See format-clibpoard.
<!-- Question: format-types
<question id="format-types">
Which file formats your code reads or writes on disk?
<answer id="format-types">
Configuration XMLs. Users XMLs and CCS files.
<!-- Question: lookup-lookup
<question id="lookup-lookup">
Does your module uses <code>org.openide.util.Lookup</code>
to find any components to communicate to? Which ones?
Please describe the interfaces you are searching for, where
are defined, whether you are searching for just one or more of them,
if the order is important, etc. Also clasify the stability of such
API contract.
<answer id="lookup-lookup">
Almost all XMLDataObject properties all in turn searched in default Lookup.
<!-- Question: lookup-register
<question id="lookup-register">
Do you register anything into the lookup for other to find?
Do you register using layer file or using <code>META-INF/services</code>?
Who is supposed to find your component?
<answer id="lookup-register">
XML submodules registers in lookup their action and cookies.
Also text grammars and user's catalogs are registered in lookup.
<!-- Question: lookup-remove
<question id="lookup-remove">
Are removing entries of other modules from the lookup?
Why? Of course, that is possible, but it can be dangerous. Is the module
your are masking resource from aware of what you are doing?
<answer id="lookup-remove">
<!-- Question: perf-exit
<question id="perf-exit">
Does your module executes anything on exit?
<answer id="perf-exit">
<!-- Question: perf-huge_dialogs
<question id="perf-huge_dialogs">
Does your module contain any dialogs or wizards with huge
amount of GUI controls like combo boxes, lists, trees, text
<answer id="perf-huge_dialogs">
Several multi-step wizards with tables.
<!-- Question: perf-limit
<question id="perf-limit">
Are there any limits in number/size of elements your code
can handle?
<answer id="perf-limit">
Size of available memory is the limit. It depends on JVM configuration.
<!-- Question: perf-mem
<question id="perf-mem">
What is the amount of memory your component occupies? Estimate
with a relaction to the number of windows, etc.
<answer id="perf-mem">
XML Document model takes 10-20 times memory comparing to plain text representation.
<!-- Question: perf-menus
<question id="perf-menus">
Does your module use dynamically changing context menus or
context sensitive actions with complicated logic for enable/disable?
<answer id="perf-menus">
It creates dynamically changing context menus. Enableness logic is under
providers control. Known providers uses cookie checks that can needlessly
initialize these.
<!-- Question: perf-progress
<question id="perf-progress">
Does your module executes some long running task?
<hint>Typically they are tasks like connecting over
network, computing huge amount of data, compilation.
Such communication should be done asynchronously (for example
using <code>RequestProcessor</code>), definitively it should
not block AWT thread.
<answer id="perf-progress">
XSLT transformations and XML validation tasks. User cannot cancel those
and there is not any progress feedback.
<!-- Question: perf-scale
<question id="perf-scale">
Which external criteria influence the performance of your
program (size of file in editor, number of files in menu,
in source directory, etc.) and how well your code scales?
Please include some estimates.
<answer id="perf-scale">
It scales linearly to input. Transformations and validation depends on
complexity of declarations.
<!-- Question: perf-startup
<question id="perf-startup">
Does your module executes anything on startup?
<answer id="perf-startup">
It registers some editor stuff.
<!-- Question: perf-wakeup
<question id="perf-wakeup">
Is any piece of your code waking up periodically?
<answer id="perf-wakeup">
<!-- Question: resources-file
<question id="resources-file">
Does your module use <code></code> directly?
NetBeans provide a logical wrapper over plain files called
<code>org.openide.filesystems.FileObject</code> that
provides uniform access to such resources and is the prefered
way that should be used. But of course there can be situations when
this is not suitable.
<answer id="resources-file">
Yes to access files that are referenced by <code>file:</code> protocol.
<!-- Question: resources-layer
<question id="resources-layer">
Does your module provide own layer? Does it create some files or
folders on it? What it is trying to communicate by that and with which
NetBeans allows automatic and declarative installation of resources
by module layers. Module register files into appropriate places
and other components use that information to perform their task
(build menu, toolbar, window layout, list of templates, set of
options, etc.).
<answer id="resources-layer">
Yes. Almost all registrations are placed on it.
<!-- Question: resources-mask
<question id="resources-mask">
Does your module mask/hide/override any resource provided by another one in
module layer?
If you mask a file provided by another module, you probably depend
on that and do not want the other module to (for example) change
the file's name. That module shall thus make that file available as an API
of some stability category.
<answer id="resources-mask">
Branded version of module masks its own parts.
<!-- Question: resources-read
<question id="resources-read">
Does your module read any resources from layers? For what purpose?
As this is some kind of intermodule dependency, it is a kind of API.
Please describe it and clasify according to
<a href="">
common stability categories</a>.
<answer id="resources-read">
Grammar and scenario providers registrations. Probably more to come and start to use
layer as a naming service.
Can also register global XML catalogs as instances of <code>CatalogReader</code> in
<question id="arch-overall" when="init">
Describe the overall architecture.
What will be API for
<a href="" shape="rect">
clients and what support API</a>?
What parts will be pluggable?
How will plug-ins be registered? Please use <code>&lt;api type="export"/&gt;</code>
to describe your general APIs.
If possible please provide
simple diagrams.
<answer id="arch-overall">
XML APIs provide support for editing XML files and leveraging XML in developed application.
<api name="XMLAPIs" group="java" type="export" category="official" url="index.html"/>
<!-- XXX need more detailed description -->