blob: fe8ea7f9c38a720a1e3bf4fac21e0eea40e2a3f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.websvc.wsitconf.util;
import com.sun.source.tree.*;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.lang.model.element.*;
import javax.lang.model.type.*;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.loaders.DataFolder;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.util.Parameters;
* @author Andrei Badea
public final class GenerationUtils extends SourceUtils {
// XXX this class both provides some state (getClassTree()) and
// method which could be static if they didn't need TreeMaker.
// GenerationUtils should only contain these "static" method and should not
// inherit from SourceUtils. Instead it should have just a newInstance(WorkingCopy)
// method and there should also be a SourceUtils.getGenerationUtils() method.
// TODO use CharSequence instead of String where possible
* The templates for regular Java class and interface.
static final String CLASS_TEMPLATE = "Templates/Classes/"; // NOI18N
static final String INTERFACE_TEMPLATE = "Templates/Classes/"; // NOI18N
private static final String MODIFIERS_TREE = "modifiersTree";
private static final String PROPERTY_NAME = "propertyName";
private static final String PROPERTY_TYPE = "propertyType";
// <editor-fold desc="Constructors and factory methods">
private GenerationUtils(WorkingCopy copy, TypeElement typeElement) {
super(copy, typeElement);
private GenerationUtils(WorkingCopy copy, ClassTree classTree) {
super(copy, classTree);
public static GenerationUtils newInstance(WorkingCopy copy, TypeElement typeElement) {
Parameters.notNull("copy", copy); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("typeElement", typeElement); // NOI18N
return new GenerationUtils(copy, typeElement);
public static GenerationUtils newInstance(WorkingCopy copy, ClassTree classTree) {
Parameters.notNull("copy", copy); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("classTree", classTree); // NOI18N
return new GenerationUtils(copy, classTree);
public static GenerationUtils newInstance(WorkingCopy copy) throws IOException {
Parameters.notNull("copy", copy); // NOI18N
ClassTree classTree = findPublicTopLevelClass(copy);
if (classTree != null) {
return newInstance(copy, classTree);
return null;
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold desc="Public static methods">
* Creates a new Java class based on the default template for classes.
* @param targetFolder the folder the new class should be created in;
* cannot be null.
* @param targetName the name of the new class (a valid Java identifier);
* cannot be null.
* @param javadoc the new class's Javadoc; can be null.
* @return the FileObject for the new Java class; never null.
public static FileObject createClass(FileObject targetFolder, String className, final String javadoc) throws IOException{
return createClass(CLASS_TEMPLATE, targetFolder, className, javadoc);
* Creates a new Java class based on the default template for interfaces.
* @param targetFolder the folder the new interface should be created in;
* cannot be null.
* @param interfaceName the name of the new interface (a valid Java identifier);
* cannot be null.
* @param javadoc the new interface's Javadoc; can be null.
* @return the FileObject for the new Java interface; never null.
public static FileObject createInterface(FileObject targetFolder, String interfaceName, final String javadoc) throws IOException{
return createClass(INTERFACE_TEMPLATE, targetFolder, interfaceName, javadoc);
* Creates a new Java class based on the provided template.
* @param targetFolder the folder the new class should be created in;
* cannot be null.
* @param targetName the name of the new interface (a valid Java identifier);
* cannot be null.
* @return the FileObject for the new Java class; never null.
public static FileObject createClass(String template, FileObject targetFolder, String className, final String javadoc) throws IOException {
Parameters.notNull("template", template); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("targetFolder", targetFolder); // NOI18N
Parameters.javaIdentifier("className", className); // NOI18N
FileObject classFO = createDataObjectFromTemplate(template, targetFolder, className).getPrimaryFile();
// JavaSource javaSource = JavaSource.forFileObject(classFO);
// final boolean[] commit = { false };
// ModificationResult modification = javaSource.runModificationTask(new AbstractTask<WorkingCopy>() {
// public void run(WorkingCopy copy) throws IOException {
// GenerationUtils genUtils = GenerationUtils.newInstance(copy);
// if (javadoc != null) {
// genUtils.setJavadoc(copy, mainType, javadoc);
// }
// }
// });
// if (commit[0]) {
// modification.commit();
// }
return classFO;
* Creates a new Java class based on the provided template.
* @param targetFolder the folder the new class should be created in;
* cannot be null.
* @param targetName the name of the new interface (a valid Java identifier);
* cannot be null.
* @param parameters map of named objects that are going to be used when creating the new object
* @return the FileObject for the new Java class; never null.
public static FileObject createClass(String template, FileObject targetFolder, String className, final String javadoc,
Map<String,? extends Object> parameters) throws IOException {
Parameters.notNull("template", template); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("targetFolder", targetFolder); // NOI18N
Parameters.javaIdentifier("className", className); // NOI18N
FileObject classFO = createDataObjectFromTemplate(template, targetFolder, className, parameters).getPrimaryFile();
return classFO;
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Non-public static methods">
* Creates a data object from a given template path in the system
* file system.
* @return the <code>DataObject</code> of the newly created file.
* @throws IOException if an error occured while creating the file.
private static DataObject createDataObjectFromTemplate(String template, FileObject targetFolder, String targetName) throws IOException {
assert template != null;
assert targetFolder != null;
assert targetName != null && targetName.trim().length() > 0;
FileObject templateFO = FileUtil.getConfigFile(template);
DataObject templateDO = DataObject.find(templateFO);
DataFolder dataFolder = DataFolder.findFolder(targetFolder);
return templateDO.createFromTemplate(dataFolder, targetName);
* Creates a data object from a given template path in the system
* file system and using parameters defined in <code>parameters</code> map.
* @return the <code>DataObject</code> of the newly created file.
* @throws IOException if an error occured while creating the file.
private static DataObject createDataObjectFromTemplate(String template, FileObject targetFolder, String targetName,
Map<String,? extends Object> parameters) throws IOException {
assert template != null;
assert targetFolder != null;
assert targetName != null && targetName.trim().length() > 0;
FileObject templateFO = FileUtil.getConfigFile(template);
DataObject templateDO = DataObject.find(templateFO);
DataFolder dataFolder = DataFolder.findFolder(targetFolder);
return templateDO.createFromTemplate(dataFolder, targetName, parameters);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold desc="Public methods">
public Tree createType(String typeName) {
TypeKind primitiveTypeKind = null;
if ("boolean".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
primitiveTypeKind = TypeKind.BOOLEAN;
} else if ("byte".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
primitiveTypeKind = TypeKind.BYTE;
} else if ("short".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
primitiveTypeKind = TypeKind.SHORT;
} else if ("int".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
primitiveTypeKind = TypeKind.INT;
} else if ("long".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
primitiveTypeKind = TypeKind.LONG;
} else if ("char".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
primitiveTypeKind = TypeKind.CHAR;
} else if ("float".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
primitiveTypeKind = TypeKind.FLOAT;
} else if ("double".equals(typeName)) { // NOI18N
primitiveTypeKind = TypeKind.DOUBLE;
if (primitiveTypeKind != null) {
return getTreeMaker().PrimitiveType(primitiveTypeKind);
return createQualIdent(typeName);
public ModifiersTree createModifiers(Modifier modifier) {
return getTreeMaker().Modifiers(EnumSet.of(modifier), Collections.<AnnotationTree>emptyList());
* Creates a new annotation.
* @param annotationType the fully-qualified name of the annotation type;
* cannot be null.
* @return the new annotation; never null.
public AnnotationTree createAnnotation(String annotationType) {
Parameters.notNull("annotationType", annotationType); // NOI18N
return createAnnotation(annotationType, Collections.<ExpressionTree>emptyList());
* Creates a new annotation.
* @param annotationType the fully-qualified name of the annotation type;
* cannot be null.
* <code>java.lang.SuppressWarnings</code>; cannot be null.
* @param arguments the arguments of the new annotation; cannot be null.
* @return the new annotation; never null.
public AnnotationTree createAnnotation(String annotationType, List<? extends ExpressionTree> arguments) {
Parameters.notNull("annotationType", annotationType); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("arguments", arguments); // NOI18N
ExpressionTree annotationTypeTree = createQualIdent(annotationType);
return getTreeMaker().Annotation(annotationTypeTree, arguments);
* Creates a new annotation argument whose value is a literal.
* @param argumentName the argument name; cannot be null.
* @param argumentValue the argument value; cannot be null. The semantics
* of this parameter is the same as of the parameters of
* {@link TreeMaker#Literal(Object)}.
* @return the new annotation argument; never null.
public ExpressionTree createAnnotationArgument(String argumentName, Object argumentValue) {
Parameters.javaIdentifierOrNull("argumentName", argumentName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("argumentValue", argumentValue); // NOI18N
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
ExpressionTree argumentValueTree = make.Literal(argumentValue);
if (argumentName == null) {
return argumentValueTree;
} else {
return make.Assignment(make.Identifier(argumentName), argumentValueTree);
* Creates a new annotation argument whose value is an array.
* @param argumentName the argument name; cannot be null.
* @param argumentValue the argument value; cannot be null.
* @return the new annotation argument; never null.
public ExpressionTree createAnnotationArgument(String argumentName, List<? extends ExpressionTree> argumentValues) {
Parameters.javaIdentifierOrNull("argumentName", argumentName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("argumentValues", argumentValues); // NOI18N
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
ExpressionTree argumentValuesTree = make.NewArray(null, Collections.<ExpressionTree>emptyList(), argumentValues);
if (argumentName == null) {
return argumentValuesTree;
} else {
return make.Assignment(make.Identifier(argumentName), argumentValuesTree);
* Creates a new annotation argument whose value is a member of a type. For
* example it can be used to generate <code>@Target(ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR)</code>.
* @param argumentName the argument name; cannot be null.
* @param argumentType the fully-qualified name of the type whose member is to be invoked
* (e.g. <code>java.lang.annotations.ElementType</code> in the previous
* example); cannot be null.
* @param argumentTypeField a field of <code>argumentType</code>
* (e.g. <code>CONSTRUCTOR</code> in the previous example);
* cannot be null.
* @return the new annotation argument; never null.
public ExpressionTree createAnnotationArgument(String argumentName, String argumentType, String argumentTypeField) {
Parameters.javaIdentifierOrNull("argumentName", argumentName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("argumentType", argumentType); // NOI18N
Parameters.javaIdentifier("argumentTypeField", argumentTypeField); // NOI18N
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
MemberSelectTree argumentValueTree = make.MemberSelect(createQualIdent(argumentType), argumentTypeField);
if (argumentName == null) {
return argumentValueTree;
} else {
return make.Assignment(make.Identifier(argumentName), argumentValueTree);
* Ensures the given class has a public no-arg constructor.
* @param classTree the class to ensure the constructor for; cannot be null.
* @return a modified class if a no-arg constructor was added, the original
* class otherwise; never null.
public ClassTree ensureNoArgConstructor(ClassTree classTree) throws IOException {
ExecutableElement constructor = getNoArgConstructor();
MethodTree constructorTree = constructor != null ? getWorkingCopy().getTrees().getTree(constructor) : null;
MethodTree newConstructorTree = null;
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
if (constructor != null) {
if (!constructor.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
ModifiersTree oldModifiersTree = constructorTree.getModifiers();
Set<Modifier> newModifiers = EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC);
for (Modifier modifier : oldModifiersTree.getFlags()) {
if (!Modifier.PROTECTED.equals(modifier) && !Modifier.PRIVATE.equals(modifier)) {
newConstructorTree = make.Constructor(
} else {
newConstructorTree = make.Constructor(
"{ }"); // NOI18N
ClassTree newClassTree = classTree;
if (newConstructorTree != null) {
if (constructorTree != null) {
newClassTree = make.removeClassMember(newClassTree, constructorTree);
newClassTree = make.addClassMember(newClassTree, newConstructorTree);
return newClassTree;
* Creates a constructor which assigns its parameters to fields with the
* same names. For example it can be used to generate:
* <pre>
* public void Constructor(String field1, Object field2) {
* this.field1 = field1;
* this.field2 = field2;
* }
* </pre>
* @param modifier the constructor modifier.
* @param constructorName the constructor name; cannot be null.
* @param parameters the constructor parameters; cannot be null.
* @return the new constructor; never null.
public MethodTree createAssignmentConstructor(ModifiersTree modifiersTree, String constructorName, List<VariableTree> parameters) {
Parameters.notNull( MODIFIERS_TREE,modifiersTree);
Parameters.javaIdentifier("constructorName", constructorName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("parameters", parameters); // NOI18N
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(parameters.size() * 30);
body.append("{"); // NOI18N
for (VariableTree parameter : parameters) {
String parameterName = parameter.getName().toString();
body.append("this." + parameterName + " = " + parameterName + ";"); // NOI18N
body.append("}"); // NOI18N
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
return make.Constructor(
* Creates a new field.
* @param modifiersTree the field modifiers; cannot be null.
* @param fieldType the fully-qualified name of the field type; cannot be null.
* @param fieldName the field name; cannot be null.
* @return the new field; never null.
public VariableTree createField(ModifiersTree modifiersTree, String fieldName, String fieldType) {
Parameters.notNull( MODIFIERS_TREE,modifiersTree); // NOI18N
Parameters.javaIdentifier("fieldName", fieldName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("fieldType", fieldType); // NOI18N
return getTreeMaker().Variable(
// MISSING createField(ModifiersTree, String, String, ExpressionTree)
* Creates a new variable (a <code>VariableTree</code> with no
* modifiers nor initializer).
* @param variableType the fully-qualified name of the variable type; cannot be null.
* @param variableName the variable name; cannot be null.
* @return the new variable; never null.
public VariableTree createVariable(String variableName, String variableType) {
Parameters.javaIdentifier("variableName", variableName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("variableType", variableType); // NOI18N
return createField(
* Creates a new variable (a <code>VariableTree</code> with no
* modifiers nor initializer).
* @param variableType the variable type; cannot be null.
* @param variableName the variable name; cannot be null.
* @return the new variable; never null.
public VariableTree createVariable(String variableName, Tree variableType) {
Parameters.javaIdentifier("variableName", variableName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("variableType", variableType); // NOI18N
return getTreeMaker().Variable(
* Removes any modifiers from the given <code>VariableTree</code>. This can be e.g.
* used to create a variable suitable for use as a method parameter.
* @param variableTree the <code>VariableTree</code> to remove the modifiers from.
* @return a <code>VariableTree</code> with the same properties but no modifiers.
public VariableTree removeModifiers(VariableTree variableTree) {
Parameters.notNull("variableTree", variableTree);
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
return make.Variable(
* Creates a new public property getter method.
* @param modifiersTree the method modifiers; cannot be null.
* @param propertyType the fully-qualified name of the property type; cannot be null.
* @param propertyName the property name; cannot be null.
* @return the new method; never null.
public MethodTree createPropertyGetterMethod(ModifiersTree modifiersTree, String propertyName, String propertyType) throws IOException {
Parameters.notNull( MODIFIERS_TREE,modifiersTree); // NOI18N
Parameters.javaIdentifier( PROPERTY_NAME,propertyName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull( PROPERTY_TYPE,propertyType); // NOI18N
return createPropertyGetterMethod(modifiersTree, propertyName, createType(propertyType));
* Creates a new public property getter method.
* @param modifiersTree the method modifiers; cannot be null.
* @param propertyType the property type; cannot be null.
* @param propertyName the property name; cannot be null.
* @return the new method; never null.
public MethodTree createPropertyGetterMethod(ModifiersTree modifiersTree, String propertyName, Tree propertyType) throws IOException {
Parameters.notNull( MODIFIERS_TREE,modifiersTree); // NOI18N
Parameters.javaIdentifier( PROPERTY_NAME,propertyName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull( PROPERTY_TYPE,propertyType); // NOI18N
return getTreeMaker().Method(
createPropertyAccessorName(propertyName, true),
"{ return " + propertyName + "; }", // NOI18N
* Creates a new public property setter method.
* @param propertyType the fully-qualified name of the property type; cannot be null.
* @param propertyName the property name; cannot be null.
* @return the new method; never null.
public MethodTree createPropertySetterMethod(ModifiersTree modifiersTree, String propertyName, String propertyType) throws IOException {
Parameters.notNull( MODIFIERS_TREE,modifiersTree); // NOI18N
Parameters.javaIdentifier( PROPERTY_NAME,propertyName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull( PROPERTY_TYPE,propertyType); // NOI18N
return createPropertySetterMethod(modifiersTree, propertyName, createType(propertyType));
* Creates a new public property setter method.
* @param propertyType the property type; cannot be null.
* @param propertyName the property name; cannot be null.
* @return the new method; never null.
public MethodTree createPropertySetterMethod(ModifiersTree modifiersTree, String propertyName, Tree propertyType) throws IOException {
Parameters.notNull( MODIFIERS_TREE,modifiersTree); // NOI18N
Parameters.javaIdentifier( PROPERTY_NAME,propertyName); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull( PROPERTY_TYPE,propertyType); // NOI18N
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
return make.Method(
createPropertyAccessorName(propertyName, false),
Collections.singletonList(createVariable(propertyName, propertyType)),
"{ this." + propertyName + " = " + propertyName + "; }", // NOI18N
* Adds an annotation to a class. This is equivalent to {@link TreeMaker#addModifiersAnnotation},
* but it creates and returns a new <code>ClassTree, not a new <code>ModifiersTree</code>.
* @param classTree the class to add the annotation to; cannot be null.
* @param annotationTree the annotation to add; cannot be null.
* @return a new class annotated with the new annotation; never null.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // NOI18N
public ClassTree addAnnotation(ClassTree classTree, AnnotationTree annotationTree) {
Parameters.notNull("classTree", classTree); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("annotationTree", annotationTree); // NOI18N
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
return make.Class(
make.addModifiersAnnotation(classTree.getModifiers(), annotationTree),
* Adds an annotation to a method. This is equivalent to {@link TreeMaker#addModifiersAnnotation},
* but it creates and returns a new <code>MethodTree, not a new <code>ModifiersTree</code>.
* @param methodTree the method to add the annotation to; cannot be null.
* @param annotationTree the annotation to add; cannot be null.
* @return a new method annotated with the new annotation; never null.
public MethodTree addAnnotation(MethodTree methodTree, AnnotationTree annotationTree) {
Parameters.notNull("methodTree", methodTree); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("annotationTree", annotationTree); // NOI18N
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
return make.Method(
make.addModifiersAnnotation(methodTree.getModifiers(), annotationTree),
* Adds an annotation to a variable. This is equivalent to {@link TreeMaker#addModifiersAnnotation},
* but it creates and returns a new <code>VariableTree, not a new <code>ModifiersTree</code>.
* @param variableTree the variable to add the annotation to; cannot be null.
* @param annotationTree the annotation to add; cannot be null.
* @return a new variable annotated with the new annotation; never null.
public VariableTree addAnnotation(VariableTree variableTree, AnnotationTree annotationTree) {
Parameters.notNull("variableTree", variableTree); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("annotationTree", annotationTree); // NOI18N
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
return make.Variable(
make.addModifiersAnnotation(variableTree.getModifiers(), annotationTree),
* Inserts the given fields in the given class after any fields already existing
* in the class (if any, otherwise the fields are inserted at the beginning
* of the class).
* @param classTree the class to add fields to; cannot be null.
* @param fieldTrees the fields to be added; cannot be null.
* @return the class containing the new fields; never null.
public ClassTree addClassFields(ClassTree classTree, List<? extends VariableTree> fieldTrees) {
Parameters.notNull("classTree", classTree); // NOI18N
Parameters.notNull("fieldTrees", fieldTrees); // NOI18N
int firstNonFieldIndex = 0;
Iterator<? extends Tree> memberTrees = classTree.getMembers().iterator();
while (memberTrees.hasNext() && == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE) {
TreeMaker make = getTreeMaker();
ClassTree newClassTree = getClassTree();
for (VariableTree fieldTree : fieldTrees) {
newClassTree = make.insertClassMember(newClassTree, firstNonFieldIndex, fieldTree);
return newClassTree;
// MISSING addClassConstructors(), addClassMethods()
* Adds the specified interface to the implements clause of
* {@link #getClassTree()}.
* @param interfaceType the fully-qualified name of the interface; cannot be null.
public ClassTree addImplementsClause(ClassTree classTree, String interfaceType) {
if (getTypeElement().getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add an implements clause to the non-class type " + getTypeElement().getQualifiedName()); // NOI18N
ExpressionTree interfaceTree = createQualIdent(interfaceType);
return getTreeMaker().addClassImplementsClause(classTree, interfaceTree);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Non-public methods">
* Returns the working copy this instance works with.
* @return the working copy this instance works with; never null.
private WorkingCopy getWorkingCopy() {
return (WorkingCopy)getCompilationController();
private TreeMaker getTreeMaker() {
return getWorkingCopy().getTreeMaker();
private ModifiersTree createEmptyModifiers() {
return getTreeMaker().Modifiers(Collections.<Modifier>emptySet(), Collections.<AnnotationTree>emptyList());
private ExpressionTree createQualIdent(String typeName) {
TypeElement typeElement = getWorkingCopy().getElements().getTypeElement(typeName);
if (typeElement == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type " + typeName + " cannot be found"); // NOI18N
return getTreeMaker().QualIdent(typeElement);
private String createPropertyAccessorName(String propertyName, boolean getter) {
assert propertyName.length() > 0;
StringBuffer pascalCaseName = new StringBuffer(propertyName);
pascalCaseName.setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(pascalCaseName.charAt(0)));
return (getter ? "get" : "set") + pascalCaseName; // NOI18N
// </editor-fold>