blob: c8b5703d57940871030f41553b694b4f14734a46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.structure;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.Token;
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence;
import org.netbeans.api.xml.lexer.XMLTokenId;
import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure.api.DocumentElement;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure.api.DocumentModel;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure.api.DocumentModel.DocumentChange;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure.api.DocumentModel.DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure.api.DocumentModelException;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure.api.DocumentModelUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure.spi.DocumentModelProvider;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.api.dom.SyntaxElement;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.api.dom.XMLSyntaxSupport;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import static org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.structure.XMLConstants.*;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction;
* @author mf100882
public class XMLDocumentModelProvider implements DocumentModelProvider {
public void updateModel(DocumentModel.DocumentModelModificationTransaction dtm,
DocumentModel model, DocumentChange[] changes)
throws DocumentModelException, DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException {
long a = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(debug) System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\n");
if(debug) DocumentModelUtils.dumpElementStructure(model.getRootElement());
XMLSyntaxSupport sup = XMLSyntaxSupport.getSyntaxSupport(model.getDocument());
if (sup == null) {
ArrayList regenerate = new ArrayList(); //used to store elements to be regenerated
for(int i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
DocumentChange dch = changes[i];
int changeOffset = dch.getChangeStart().getOffset();
Exception[] thrown = new Exception[1];
try {
(TokenSequence s) -> {
try {
updateModelLocked(sup, regenerate, dtm, model, dch, s);
} catch (DocumentModelException | DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException ex) {
thrown[0] = ex;
return null;
if (thrown[0] != null) {
if (thrown[0] instanceof DocumentModelException) {
throw (DocumentModelException)thrown[0];
if (thrown[0] instanceof DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException) {
throw (DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException)thrown[0];
} catch (BadLocationException ex) {
//update the model
Iterator elementsToUpdate = regenerate.iterator();
while(elementsToUpdate.hasNext()) {
DocumentElement de = (DocumentElement);
generateDocumentElements(dtm, model, de);
if(measure) System.out.println("[xmlmodel] generated in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - a));
private void updateModelLocked(XMLSyntaxSupport sup, ArrayList regenerate, DocumentModel.DocumentModelModificationTransaction dtm,
DocumentModel model, DocumentChange dch, TokenSequence seq)
throws DocumentModelException, DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException, BadLocationException {
int changeOffset = dch.getChangeStart().getOffset();
int changeLength = dch.getChangeLength();
//find an element in which the change happened
DocumentElement leaf = model.getLeafElementForOffset(changeOffset);
DocumentElement toRegenerate = leaf;
if(debug) System.out.println("");
if(debug) System.out.println(dch);
try {
if(debug) System.out.println("inserted text:'" + model.getDocument().getText(changeOffset, changeLength) + "'");
}catch(BadLocationException e) {
if(debug) System.out.println("leaf = " + leaf);
//parse the document context
boolean textOnly = false;
boolean attribsOnly = false;
//scan the inserted text - if it contains only text set textOnly flag
W: while (seq.moveNext()) {
Token<XMLTokenId> ti = seq.token();
XMLTokenId id =;
switch (id) {
case TEXT:
textOnly = true;
break W;
case VALUE:
attribsOnly = true;
break W;
if(textOnly &&
( leaf.getType().equals(XML_CONTENT)
|| leaf.getType().equals(XML_DOCTYPE)
|| leaf.getType().equals(XML_PI)
|| leaf.getType().equals(XML_COMMENT)
|| leaf.getType().equals(XML_CDATA))){
//just a text written into a text element simply fire document element change event and do not regenerate anything
//add the element update request into transaction
if(debug) System.out.println("ONLY CONTENT UPDATE!!!");
//do not scan the context tag if the change is only insert or remove of one character into a text (typing text perf. optimalization)
if(dch.getChangeLength() == 1) {
if((attribsOnly || dch.getChangeType() == DocumentChange.REMOVE)
&& (leaf.getType().equals(XML_TAG)
|| leaf.getType().equals(XML_EMPTY_TAG))) {
if(debug) System.out.println("POSSIBLE ATTRIBS UPDATE!!!");
//we need to parse the tag element attributes and set them according to the new values
try {
SyntaxElement sel = sup.getElementChain(leaf.getStartOffset() + 1);
if (sup.isStartTag(sel) || sup.isEmptyTag(sel)) {
//test whether the attributes changed
Map newAttrs = createAttributesMap(sel.getNode());
AttributeSet existing = leaf.getAttributes();
boolean update = false;
if(existing.getAttributeCount() == newAttrs.size()) {
Iterator itr = newAttrs.keySet().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
String attrName = (String);
String attrValue = (String)newAttrs.get(attrName);
if(attrName != null && attrValue != null
&& !existing.containsAttribute(attrName, attrValue)) {
update = true;
} else update = true;
if(update) {
dtm.updateDocumentElementAttribs(leaf, newAttrs);
}catch(BadLocationException ble) {
ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, ble);
//if one or more elements are deleted get correct paret to regenerate
if((leaf.getStartOffset() == leaf.getEndOffset())
|| (changeOffset == leaf.getStartOffset())
|| (changeOffset == leaf.getEndOffset()))
toRegenerate = leaf.getParentElement();
else {
//user written a tag or something what is not a text
//we need to get the element's parent. Simple leaf.getParent() is not enought
//since when an element is deleted then a wrong parent can be choosen
if(leaf.getType().equals(XML_CONTENT)) {
do {
toRegenerate = toRegenerate.getParentElement();
} while(toRegenerate != null && toRegenerate.getType().equals(XML_CONTENT));
if(toRegenerate == null) {
//no suitable parent found - the element is either a root or doesn't have any xml_tag ancestor => use root
toRegenerate = model.getRootElement();
if(toRegenerate == null) toRegenerate = model.getRootElement(); //root element is empty
//now regenerate all sub-elements inside parent of the affected element
//check if the element is not a descendant a one of the elements
//which are going to be regenerated
Iterator itr = regenerate.iterator();
boolean hasAncestor = false;
while(itr.hasNext()) {
DocumentElement de = (DocumentElement);
if(de.equals(toRegenerate) || model.isDescendantOf(de, toRegenerate)) {
hasAncestor = true;
if(!hasAncestor) {
//check whether the element is not an ancestor of one or more element
//which are going to be regenerated
ArrayList toRemove = new ArrayList();
Iterator i2 = regenerate.iterator();
while(i2.hasNext()) {
DocumentElement de = (DocumentElement);
if(model.isDescendantOf(toRegenerate, de)) toRemove.add(de);
//now really remove the elements
//add the element - it will be likely regenerated in next model update
if(debug) System.out.println("===================================================================");
if(debug) System.out.println("change happened in " + leaf);
if(debug) System.out.println("we will regenerate its parent " + toRegenerate);
/** generates document elements within an area defined by startoffset and
*endoffset. */
private void generateDocumentElements(DocumentModel.DocumentModelModificationTransaction dtm,
DocumentModel model, DocumentElement de) throws DocumentModelException, DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException {
int startOffset = de.getStartOffset();
int endOffset = de.getEndOffset();
BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)model.getDocument();
XMLSyntaxSupport sup = XMLSyntaxSupport.createSyntaxSupport(doc);
if(debug) System.out.println("[XMLDocumentModelProvider] regenerating " + de);
Set addedElements = new TreeSet(DocumentModel.ELEMENTS_COMPARATOR);
ArrayList skipped = new ArrayList();
try {
Stack<SyntaxElement> elementsStack = new Stack<>(); //we need this to determine tags nesting
//the syntax element is created for token on offset - 1
//so I need to add 1 to the startOffset
SyntaxElement sel = sup.getElementChain(Math.min(doc.getLength(), startOffset+1));
//scan the document for syntax elements - from startOffset to endOffset
while(sel != null && getSyntaxElementEndOffset(sel) <= endOffset) {
if(sel.getType() == SyntaxElement.NODE_ERROR) {
//add error element into the structure
if(debug) System.out.println("Error found! => adding error element.");
String errorText = doc.getText(sel.getElementOffset(), sel.getElementLength());
//check for empty elements - the error syntax elements is often
//just one character long and due to the great hack with
//substracting the elements lenght (see getSyntaxElementEndOffset()
//method comment) we need to ensure we do not try to add
//empty elements (from==to).
int from = sel.getElementOffset();
int to = getSyntaxElementEndOffset(sel);
if(from == to) {
addedElements.add(dtm.addDocumentElement(errorText, XML_ERROR, Collections.emptyMap(),
from, to));
if(sup.isStartTag(sel)) {
//test if there is already an existing documet element in the model
String nn = sel.getNode().getNodeName();
DocumentElement tagDE = DocumentModelUtils.findElement(model, sel.getElementOffset(), nn, XML_TAG);
//do not skip the 'de' element which is to be regenerated
if(tagDE != null && !tagDE.equals(de)) {
//test if the element has also correct end tag
SyntaxElement endTagCheck = sup.getElementChain(Math.min(doc.getLength(), tagDE.getEndOffset() + 1));
if(sup.isEndTag(endTagCheck) && endTagCheck.getNode().getNodeName().equals(nn)) {
//there is an element - skip it - analyze an element after the end of the
//existing element
if(debug) System.out.println("found existing element " + tagDE + " => skipping");
//sel = sup.getElementChain(Math.min(doc.getLength(), tagDE.getEndOffset() + 2));
sel = endTagCheck.getNext();
//add the tag syntax element into stack
} else if (sup.isEndTag(sel)) {
if(!elementsStack.isEmpty()) {
SyntaxElement latest = elementsStack.peek();
String nn = latest.getNode().getNodeName();
if((sel.getNode().getNodeName().equals(nn))) {
//we have encountered a pair end tag to open tag on the peek of the stack
Map attribs = createAttributesMap(latest.getNode());
addedElements.add(dtm.addDocumentElement(nn, XML_TAG, attribs,
latest.getElementOffset(), getSyntaxElementEndOffset(sel)));
//remove the open tag syntax element from the stack
} else {
//found an end tag which doesn't have a start tag
//=> take elements from the stack until I found a matching tag
//I need to save the pop-ed elements for the case that there isn't
//any matching start tag found
ArrayList<SyntaxElement> savedElements = new ArrayList<>();
//this semaphore is used behind the loop to detect whether a
//matching start has been found
boolean foundStartTag = false;
while(!elementsStack.isEmpty()) {
SyntaxElement s = (SyntaxElement)elementsStack.pop();
int soff = s.getElementOffset();
String sn = s.getNode().getNodeName();
String en = sel.getNode().getNodeName();
if(sup.isStartTag(s) && sn.equals(en)) {
//found a matching start tag
//XXX I am not sure whether this algorith is correct
Map attribs = createAttributesMap(s.getNode());
addedElements.add(dtm.addDocumentElement(sn, XML_TAG, attribs,
soff, getSyntaxElementEndOffset(sel)));
foundStartTag = true;
break; //break the while loop
if(!foundStartTag) {
//we didn't find any matching start tag =>
//return all elements back to the stack
for(int i = savedElements.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
} else if(sup.isEmptyTag(sel)) {
Map attribs = createAttributesMap(sel.getNode());
addedElements.add(dtm.addDocumentElement(sel.getNode().getNodeName(), XML_EMPTY_TAG, attribs,
sel.getElementOffset(), getSyntaxElementEndOffset(sel)));
} else {
switch (sel.getType()) {
addedElements.add(dtm.addDocumentElement("cdata", XML_CDATA, Collections.emptyMap(),
sel.getElementOffset(), getSyntaxElementEndOffset(sel)));
//PI section
String nodeName = ((ProcessingInstruction)sel.getNode()).getNodeName();
//if the nodename is not parsed, then the element is somehow broken => do not show it.
if(nodeName != null) {
addedElements.add(dtm.addDocumentElement(nodeName, XML_PI, Collections.emptyMap(),
sel.getElementOffset(), getSyntaxElementEndOffset(sel)));
//document type <!DOCTYPE xxx [...]>
String nodeName = ((DocumentType)sel.getNode()).getName();
//if the nodename is not parsed, then the element is somehow broken => do not show it.
if(nodeName != null) {
addedElements.add(dtm.addDocumentElement(nodeName, XML_DOCTYPE, Collections.emptyMap(),
sel.getElementOffset(), getSyntaxElementEndOffset(sel)));
//comment element <!-- xxx -->
addedElements.add(dtm.addDocumentElement("comment", XML_COMMENT, Collections.emptyMap(),
sel.getElementOffset(), getSyntaxElementEndOffset(sel)));
//everything else is content
int from = sel.getElementOffset();
// because of changeset #1d6a31161c70, all elements report end at the last char, but that is not
// what is expected from the DocumentElement.
int to = getSyntaxElementEndOffset(sel) + 1;
if(from < to) {
//Do not allow empty elements to be added:
//Otherwise it causes problems in DocumentModel.ELEMENTS_COMPARATOR
//(idential elements are considered as unequal (the reason why this
//required is distinguishing elements after text deletion) and subsequently
//the empty elements are added and removed all over again after each model
//update which causes performance problems.
addedElements.add(dtm.addDocumentElement("...", XML_CONTENT, Collections.emptyMap(), from, to));
//find next syntax element
// sel = sel.getNext(); //this cannot be used since it chains the results and they are hard to GC then.
try {
//prevent cycles
SyntaxElement prev = null;
int add = 0;
do {
prev = sup.getElementChain(sel.getElementOffset() + sel.getElementLength() + add);
} while(prev != null && sel.getElementOffset() >= prev.getElementOffset());
sel = prev;
}catch(BadLocationException ble) {
sel = null;
//*** elements removal ***
// we need to remove those elements which existed before and not exist now
//we need to get all descendants from non-skipped elements
List existingElements = getDescendantsOfNotSkippedElements(de, skipped);
Iterator existingItr = existingElements.iterator();
//iterate all existing elements and check if they are still valid
while(existingItr.hasNext()) {
DocumentElement d = (DocumentElement);
if(!addedElements.contains(d)) {
//remove the element - it doesn't longer exist
dtm.removeDocumentElement(d, false);
if(debug) System.out.println("[xml model] removed element " + d);
} catch( BadLocationException e ) {
throw new DocumentModelException("Error occurred during generation of Document elements", e);
private List<DocumentElement> getDescendantsOfNotSkippedElements(DocumentElement de, List<DocumentElement> skippedElements) {
ArrayList desc = new ArrayList();
Iterator children = de.getChildren().iterator();
while(children.hasNext()) {
DocumentElement child = (DocumentElement);
if(!skippedElements.contains(child)) {
desc.addAll(getDescendantsOfNotSkippedElements(child, skippedElements));
return desc;
private int getSyntaxElementEndOffset(SyntaxElement sel) {
//I have reduced the length of all SyntaxElements by one character which
//solves a problem of typing at the SE end position. In such case the text
//is added to the next SyntaxElement after the position.
//An example:
// <a>xxx</a>X
//Originally the X char was added to the 'a' element which is wrong
//TODO - the problem of the reduced length needs to be solved somehow
//resonably. Now if anyone needs to get the SE's text, one character needs
//to be added to the SE lenght.
//Please note that this is a big hack which is supposed to be solved
//in completely different way. However such change would be quite extensive
//so keeping the current state until it is absolute must to fix that :-|
return sel.getElementOffset() + sel.getElementLength() -1;
private Map createAttributesMap(Node tag) {
if(tag.getAttributes().getLength() == 0) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
} else {
HashMap map = new LinkedHashMap(tag.getAttributes().getLength());
for(int i = 0; i < tag.getAttributes().getLength(); i++) {
Attr attr = (Attr)tag.getAttributes().item(i);
map.put(attr.getName(), attr.getValue());
return map;
private static final boolean debug = Boolean.getBoolean("org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.structure.debug");
private static final boolean measure = Boolean.getBoolean("org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.structure.measure");