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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* Created on December 15, 2006, 4:23 PM
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package org.netbeans.modules.xml.retriever.catalog;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.xam.locator.CatalogModelException;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
* Extend this class to implement custom URIs that could be added and resolved by the project CatalogModel(s).
* The project catalog resolver (org.netbeans.modules.xml.retriever.catalog.CatalogModel
* and org.netbeans.modules.xml.retriever.catalog.CatalogWriteModel) will look for
* this implementation in the Project.lookup(). When present any URI that is not understood by the
* resolver will be deligated to the impl of this class.
* One of the usecase of this class is when a special URI has to be written in to the
* catalog file by a project that is referencing artifacts from another dependent sub-project.
* @author girix
public abstract class ProjectCatalogSupport {
/** Creates a new instance of ProjectCatalogSupport */
public ProjectCatalogSupport() {
* This method will be called by the CatalogWriteModel if the FileObject passed
* in the org.netbeans.modules.xml.retriever.catalog.addURI(URI LEFT, FileObject rightFO);
* does not belong to same project as of the catalog. The impl of this class must
* return a URI similar to the following:
* sample URI = nb-uri:project.project_identifier_name/src/a/b/c/xyz.xsd
* @param foTobeAddedInCat FileObject that is supposed to be added to the catalog file of the project
* @return URI constructed for the passed FO. A URI could look something like this: nb-uri:project.project_identifier_name/src/a/b/c/xyz.xsd
public abstract URI constructProjectProtocol(FileObject foTobeAddedInCat);
* This method is called when the CatalogModel looks in to the catalog file and
* gets back a URI that is not a standard URI. If the parameter URI is
* understood by the impl of this class, return true, else false.
* This method is for extension purpose. If a project wants to add a new sort of
* URI in to the catalog file in the future, it will have to implement this method.
* @param uriStoredInCatFile URI found in the catalog file.
* @return True if this URI is understood by this impl. False otherwise.
public abstract boolean isProjectProtocol(URI uriStoredInCatFile);
* This method will be called after isProjectProtocol(URI) returns true.
* The impl has to interpret the URI parameter (that looks similar to sample
* URI mentioned above) and get the equivalent FileObject associated with that
* URI. A null should be returned in case if the file is not found on
* disk (and hence can not create corresponding FileObject)
* @param uriToBeResolved URI that is to be interpreted by the impl.
* @return FileObject associated with the URI.
public abstract FileObject resolveProjectProtocol(URI uriToBeResolved);
* This method should add catalog entry in to the project catalog given
* 2 file objects. The impl muse calculate the key and value pair for the
* catalog entry and call CatalogWriteModel for adding the entry. The URI
* returned must be the calculated key of the catalog entry.
* @param source The FileObject that is making this entry to the catalog. This arg may be
* used for calculating the Key of the catalog entry.
* @param target The FileObject that is referenced by this indirection via catalog entry.
* @return The key (Left Hand Side) of the catalog entry that was added new in to the catalog file. If nothing was added then null.
public abstract URI createCatalogEntry(FileObject source, FileObject target) throws
CatalogModelException, IOException ;
* This method should implement the implementation logic for removing a catalog entry with the parameter URI as the key (LHS).
* The impl must verify if there entry is indeed present in the catalog and then do a delete.
* @return True if the delete was successful false otherwise.
* @param uri URI to be removed from the catalog.
public abstract boolean removeCatalogEntry(URI uri) throws IOException;