blob: a9377d33315dfcf2f3d9a795e124e162e09e652e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.jellytools;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.ProjectViewAction;
import org.netbeans.jellytools.nodes.ProjectRootNode;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.ComponentChooser;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JLabelOperator;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JTreeOperator;
* Operator handling Projects TopComponent.<p>
* Functionality related to Projects tree is delegated to JTreeOperator (method
* tree()) and nodes (method getRootNode()).<p>
* Example:<p>
* <pre>
* ProjectsTabOperator pto = new ProjectsTabOperator();
* // or when Projects pane is not already opened
* //ProjectsTabOperator pto = ProjectsTabOperator.invoke();
* // get the tree if needed
* JTreeOperator tree = pto.tree();
* // work with nodes
* ProjectRootNode prn = pto.getProjectRootNode("SampleProject").select();
* Node node = new Node(prn, "subnode|sub subnode");
* </pre>
* @see ProjectViewAction
* @see ProjectRootNode
public class ProjectsTabOperator extends TopComponentOperator {
static final String PROJECT_CAPTION = Bundle.getStringTrimmed(
protected static final ProjectViewAction viewAction = new ProjectViewAction();
private JTreeOperator _tree;
* Search for Projects TopComponent within all IDE.
public ProjectsTabOperator() {
super(waitTopComponent(null, PROJECT_CAPTION, 0, new ProjectsTabSubchooser()));
* invokes Projects and returns new instance of ProjectsTabOperator
* @return new instance of ProjectsTabOperator
public static ProjectsTabOperator invoke() {
return new ProjectsTabOperator();
* Getter for Projects JTreeOperator
* @return JTreeOperator of Projects tree
public JTreeOperator tree() {
if (_tree == null) {
_tree = new JTreeOperator(this);
return _tree;
* Collapse all nodes.
public void collapseAll() {
JTreeOperator tree = tree();
for (int i = tree.getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Gets ProjectRootNode. Wait if Opening Projects label is in main window
* progress bar.
* @param projectName display name of project
* @return ProjectsRootNode
public ProjectRootNode getProjectRootNode(String projectName) {
final String openingProjectsLabel = "Opening Projects";
Object lblOpening = JLabelOperator.findJLabel(
(Container) MainWindowOperator.getDefault().getSource(),
openingProjectsLabel, false, false);
if (lblOpening != null) {
JLabelOperator lblOper = new JLabelOperator((JLabel) lblOpening);
lblOper.getTimeouts().setTimeout("ComponentOperator.WaitStateTimeout", 180000);
lblOper.waitState(new ComponentChooser() {
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
String text = ((JLabel) comp).getText();
return text == null || !text.startsWith(openingProjectsLabel) || !comp.isShowing();
public String getDescription() {
return openingProjectsLabel + " label disappears";
return new ProjectRootNode(tree(), projectName);
* Performs verification by accessing all sub-components
public void verify() {
* SubChooser to determine TopComponent is instance of
* org.netbeans.modules.projects.ui.ProjectTab Used in constructor.
private static final class ProjectsTabSubchooser implements ComponentChooser {
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
return comp.getClass().getName().endsWith("ProjectTab");
public String getDescription() {
return "org.netbeans.modules.projects.ui.ProjectTab";