blob: 79ebe7fa5b6fedce5e22e146813a568c853fb7eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.EventListener;
import java.util.EventObject;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JToolBar;
import javax.swing.JViewport;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
import org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.Scene;
import org.openide.util.ImageUtilities;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;
* Manages the zoom level for a particular Scene instance.
* @author Nathan Fiedler
public class ZoomManager {
/** The default zoom percent value. */
public static final int DEFAULT_ZOOM_PERCENT = 100;
/** The minimum zoom percent value. */
public static final int MIN_ZOOM_PERCENT = 33;
/** The maximum zoom percent value. */
public static final int MAX_ZOOM_PERCENT = 200;
/** Point at which the zoom increments/decrements more or less
* (less below the threshold, more above the threshold). */
/** Small zoom increment, when below the threshold. */
private static final int ZOOM_STEP_SMALL = 5;
/** Large zoom increment, when above the threshold. */
private static final int ZOOM_STEP_LARGE = 25;
/** The scene to zoom in/out. */
private Scene scene;
/** The zoom factor in the form of a percentage (e.g. 75%). */
private int zoomPercentage = DEFAULT_ZOOM_PERCENT;
/** List of zoom listeners. */
private EventListenerList listeners;
* Creates a new instance of ZoomManager.
* @param scene the scene to be managed.
public ZoomManager(Scene scene) {
this.scene = scene;
listeners = new EventListenerList();
scene.addSceneListener(new Scene.SceneListener(){
public void sceneRepaint() {
public void sceneValidating() {
public void sceneValidated() {
int newZoomPercentage = (int)(getScene().getZoomFactor()*100);
if(newZoomPercentage != zoomPercentage) {
zoomPercentage = newZoomPercentage;
* Adds the given listener to this manager instance. It will be notified
* when the zoom value is changed.
* @param listener listener to be added.
public void addZoomListener(ZoomListener listener) {
listeners.add(ZoomListener.class, listener);
* Adds zoom actions to the given toolbar (no separators are added).
* @param toolbar to which the actions are added.
public void addToolbarActions(JToolBar toolbar) {
toolbar.add(new FitDiagramAction(this));
toolbar.add(new FitWidthAction(this));
toolbar.add(new ZoomDefaultAction(this));
toolbar.add(new ZoomComboBox(this));
ZoomInAction inAction = new ZoomInAction(this);
ZoomOutAction outAction = new ZoomOutAction(this);
* Determine the zoom percentage if the user is zooming in
* (e.g. from 75 to 80, 100 to 125, etc.).
* @param percent the current percent value.
* @return the decreased percent value.
public static int calculateZoomInValue(int percent) {
int newZoomValue;
if (percent >= ZOOM_STEP_THRESHOLD) {
newZoomValue = ((percent + ZOOM_STEP_LARGE) / ZOOM_STEP_LARGE)
} else {
newZoomValue = ((percent + ZOOM_STEP_SMALL) / ZOOM_STEP_SMALL)
return newZoomValue;
* Determine the zoom percentage if the user is zooming out
* (e.g. from 75 to 70, 150 to 125, etc.).
* @param percent the current percent value.
* @return the increased percent value.
public static int calculateZoomOutValue(int percent) {
int newZoomValue;
if (percent > ZOOM_STEP_THRESHOLD) {
newZoomValue = ((percent - 1) / ZOOM_STEP_LARGE) * ZOOM_STEP_LARGE;
} else {
newZoomValue = ((percent - 1) / ZOOM_STEP_SMALL) * ZOOM_STEP_SMALL;
return newZoomValue;
* Fires zoom events to the registered listeners, if any.
* @param percent the new percent value.
private void fireZoomEvent(int percent) {
Object[] list = listeners.getListenerList();
ZoomEvent event = null;
for (int ii = list.length - 2; ii >= 0; ii -= 2) {
if (list[ii] == ZoomListener.class) {
if (event == null) {
event = new ZoomEvent(this, percent);
((ZoomListener) list[ii + 1]).zoomChanged(event);
* Return the Scene for which this manager is controlling the zoom.
* @return Scene managed by this manager.
public Scene getScene() {
return scene;
* Return the zoom factor for the Scene mananged by this ZoomManager
* instance. The value represents a percentage (e.g. 100%) and
* is always a positive number.
* @return current zoom percentage.
public int getZoom() {
return zoomPercentage;
* Removes the given listener from this manager instance, such that it
* will no longer receive zoom events.
* @param listener listener to be removed.
public void removeZoomListener(ZoomListener listener) {
listeners.remove(ZoomListener.class, listener);
* Set the zoom factor for the Scene mananged by this ZoomManager
* instance. The value represents a percentage (e.g. 100%) and
* must be a positive number. Any value outside of the defined
* range (<tt>MIN_ZOOM_PERCENT</tt> and <tt>MAX_ZOOM_PERCENT</tt>)
* will be forced into that range.
* @param percent the percent value (e.g. 50 for half-size,
* 200 for double-size).
public void setZoom(int percent) {
JScrollPane pane = (JScrollPane) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(
JScrollPane.class, scene.getView());
assert pane != null : "Scene view component not in a JScrollPane?!?";
if (pane == null) {
JViewport viewport = pane.getViewport();
Rectangle visRect = viewport.getViewRect();
Point center = new Point(visRect.x + visRect.width / 2,
visRect.y + visRect.height / 2);
setZoom(percent, center);
* Set the zoom factor for the Scene mananged by this ZoomManager
* instance. The value represents a percentage (e.g. 100%) and
* must be a positive number. Any value outside of the defined
* range (<tt>MIN_ZOOM_PERCENT</tt> and <tt>MAX_ZOOM_PERCENT</tt>)
* will be forced into that range.
* @param percent the percent value (e.g. 50 for half-size,
* 200 for double-size).
* @param center the point at which to zoom in and keep centered.
public void setZoom(int percent, Point center) {
if (percent < MIN_ZOOM_PERCENT) {
} else if (percent > MAX_ZOOM_PERCENT) {
// Find the current center point prior to zooming.
Point sceneCenter = scene.convertViewToScene(center);
zoomPercentage = percent;
// Convert the percent value to the zoom factor Scene is expecting
// (a double that acts as the multiplier to the component sizes and
// locations, such that 0.5 is 50%, 1.0 is 100%, and 2.0 is 200%.
double factor = ((double) percent) / 100.0d;
// Setting the zoom factor alone is not enough, must force
// validation and repainting of the scene for it to work.
// Find the new center point and scroll the view after zooming.
Point newViewCenter = scene.convertSceneToView(sceneCenter);
JComponent view = scene.getView();
Rectangle visRect = view.getVisibleRect();
visRect.x = newViewCenter.x - (center.x - visRect.x);
visRect.y = newViewCenter.y - (center.y - visRect.y);
Dimension viewSize = view.getSize();
if (visRect.x + visRect.width > viewSize.width) {
visRect.x = viewSize.width - visRect.width;
if (visRect.y + visRect.height > viewSize.height) {
visRect.y = viewSize.height - visRect.height;
if (visRect.x < 0) {
visRect.x = 0;
if (visRect.y < 0) {
visRect.y = 0;
// Notify registered listeners so they may update their state.
* Manages the combobox for setting the zoom level.
private static class ZoomComboBox extends JComboBox {
/** The associated zoom manager. */
private ZoomManager manager;
* Creates a new instance of ZoomComboBox.
* @param manager the zoom manager.
public ZoomComboBox(ZoomManager manager) {
super(new Model());
this.manager = manager;
// The combo will expand to fill all available space, so
// instead, give it a prototype value and then ask for the
// preferred size, making that the maximum size
// (make it wide enough to accomodate the '%').
setPrototypeDisplayValue(new Integer(100000));
Listener l = new Listener(manager);
// We can't listen to ourselves, so use a delegate.
* Combobox model, provides default zoom values.
private static class Model extends DefaultComboBoxModel {
* Creates a new instance of Model.
public Model() {
addElement(new Value(33));
addElement(new Value(50));
addElement(new Value(75));
// We are assuming the default is between 75 and 150...
Value def = new Value(DEFAULT_ZOOM_PERCENT);
addElement(new Value(150));
addElement(new Value(200));
* Class Value represents a combobox element.
private static class Value {
/** The value of the combobox element. */
private int value;
/** The String to represent this value. */
private String str;
* Creates a new instance of Value.
* @param value the zoom value (e.g. 75, 100, 150).
public Value(int value) {
this.value = value;
str = value + "%";
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Value) {
return value == ((Value) o).getValue();
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return value;
* Returns the integer value of this instance.
* @return integer value.
public int getValue() {
return value;
public String toString() {
return str;
* Listener to the combobox and zoom manager.
private class Listener implements ActionListener, ZoomListener {
/** The associated zoom manager. */
private ZoomManager manager;
* Creates a new instance of Listener.
* @param manager the zoom manager.
public Listener(ZoomManager manager) {
this.manager = manager;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
Object src = event.getSource();
String cmd = event.getActionCommand();
if (src == ZoomComboBox.this &&
cmd.equals(ZoomComboBox.this.getActionCommand())) {
// Ignore the "edited" action, since the "changed" action
// is sent on both accounts (selection or edit).
Object item = ZoomComboBox.this.getSelectedItem();
Value value = null;
if (item instanceof String) {
String str = (String) item;
if (str.endsWith("%")) {
str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1);
try {
int i = Integer.parseInt(str);
value = new Value(i);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// ignore and fall through
} else if (item instanceof Value) {
value = (Value) item;
if (value == null) {
value = new Value(ZoomComboBox.this.manager.getZoom());
public void zoomChanged(ZoomEvent event) {
// Set the selected combobox value.
ZoomComboBox.this.setSelectedItem(new Value(event.getPercent()));
* Event object representing a change in the zoom level of a ZoomManager.
private static class ZoomEvent extends EventObject {
/** Percent value of the zoom manager at the time of the event. */
private int percent;
* Creates a new instance of ZoomEvent.
* @param src the source of the event.
* @param percent the new zoom percent value.
public ZoomEvent(Object src, int percent) {
this.percent = percent;
* Returns the percent value of the zoom manager at the time of
* the event.
* @return percent value.
public int getPercent() {
return percent;
* The listener interface for receiving zoom events.
private static interface ZoomListener extends EventListener {
* The zoom level of the ZoomManager has changed.
* @param event the zoom event.
void zoomChanged(ZoomEvent event);
* Implements the fit-diagram feature, such that it sets the zoom to
* show the Scene contents at the largest percentage while still
* fitting within the available scroll area.
private static class FitDiagramAction extends AbstractAction {
/** The associated ZoomManager. */
private ZoomManager manager;
* Creates a new instance of FitDiagramAction.
* @param manager the zoom manager.
public FitDiagramAction(ZoomManager manager) {
this.manager = manager;
String path = NbBundle.getMessage(FitDiagramAction.class,
Image img = ImageUtilities.loadImage(path);
if (img != null) {
putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(img));
String desc = NbBundle.getMessage(FitDiagramAction.class,
putValue(Action.NAME, desc); // for accessibility
putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, desc);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Scene scene = manager.getScene();
JScrollPane pane = (JScrollPane) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(
JScrollPane.class, scene.getView());
if (pane == null) {
// Unlikely, but we cannot assume it exists.
JViewport viewport = pane.getViewport();
Rectangle visRect = viewport.getViewRect();
Rectangle compRect = scene.getPreferredBounds();
int zoomX = visRect.width * 100 / compRect.width;
int zoomY = visRect.height * 100 / compRect.height;
int zoom = Math.min(zoomX, zoomY);
* Implements the fit-width feature, such that it sets the zoom to
* show the Scene contents at the largest percentage while still
* fitting within the width of the available scroll area.
private static class FitWidthAction extends AbstractAction {
/** The associated ZoomManager. */
private ZoomManager manager;
* Creates a new instance of FitWidthAction.
* @param manager the zoom manager.
public FitWidthAction(ZoomManager manager) {
this.manager = manager;
String path = NbBundle.getMessage(FitWidthAction.class,
Image img = ImageUtilities.loadImage(path);
if (img != null) {
putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(img));
String desc = NbBundle.getMessage(FitWidthAction.class,
putValue(Action.NAME, desc); // for accessibility
putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, desc);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Scene scene = manager.getScene();
JScrollPane pane = (JScrollPane) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(
JScrollPane.class, scene.getView());
if (pane == null) {
// Unlikely, but we cannot assume it exists.
JViewport viewport = pane.getViewport();
Rectangle visRect = viewport.getViewRect();
Rectangle compRect = scene.getPreferredBounds();
int zoom = visRect.width * 100 / compRect.width;
* Implements the 100% zoom feature, such that it sets the zoom percent
* to the fixed value of 100 (the default zoom level).
private static class ZoomDefaultAction extends AbstractAction {
/** The associated ZoomManager. */
private ZoomManager manager;
* Creates a new instance of ZoomDefaultAction.
* @param manager the zoom manager.
public ZoomDefaultAction(ZoomManager manager) {
this.manager = manager;
String path = NbBundle.getMessage(ZoomDefaultAction.class,
Image img = ImageUtilities.loadImage(path);
if (img != null) {
putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(img));
String desc = NbBundle.getMessage(ZoomDefaultAction.class,
putValue(Action.NAME, desc); // for accessibility
putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, desc);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
* Implements the zoom-in feature, such that it sets the zoom percent
* to a decreased amount for the scene.
private static class ZoomInAction extends AbstractAction implements ZoomListener {
/** The associated ZoomManager. */
private ZoomManager manager;
* Creates a new instance of ZoomInAction.
* @param manager the zoom manager.
public ZoomInAction(ZoomManager manager) {
this.manager = manager;
String path = NbBundle.getMessage(ZoomInAction.class,
Image img = ImageUtilities.loadImage(path);
if (img != null) {
putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(img));
String desc = NbBundle.getMessage(ZoomInAction.class,
putValue(Action.NAME, desc); // for accessibility
putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, desc);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
int percent = manager.getZoom();
percent = ZoomManager.calculateZoomInValue(percent);
public void zoomChanged(ZoomEvent event) {
boolean enable = event.getPercent() < MAX_ZOOM_PERCENT;
* Implements the zoom-out feature, such that it sets the zoom percent
* to an increased amount for the scene.
private static class ZoomOutAction extends AbstractAction implements ZoomListener {
/** The associated ZoomManager. */
private ZoomManager manager;
* Creates a new instance of ZoomOutAction.
* @param manager the zoom manager.
public ZoomOutAction(ZoomManager manager) {
this.manager = manager;
String path = NbBundle.getMessage(ZoomOutAction.class,
Image img = ImageUtilities.loadImage(path);
if (img != null) {
putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(img));
String desc = NbBundle.getMessage(ZoomOutAction.class,
putValue(Action.NAME, desc); // for accessibility
putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, desc);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
int percent = manager.getZoom();
percent = ZoomManager.calculateZoomOutValue(percent);
public void zoomChanged(ZoomEvent event) {
boolean enable = event.getPercent() > MIN_ZOOM_PERCENT;