blob: 6dd10e6c144df7061a60f9b2c82a024a15da2d72 [file] [log] [blame]
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="CHANGEME/nbbuild/javadoctools/apichanges.xsl"?>
<!DOCTYPE apichanges PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD API changes list 1.0//EN" "../../nbbuild/javadoctools/apichanges.dtd">
Check the DTD (apichanges.dtd) for details on the syntax. You do not
need to regenerate the HTML, as this is part of Javadoc generation; just
change the XML. Rough syntax of a change (several parts optional):
<api name="compiler"/>
<summary>Some brief description here, can use <b>XHTML</b></summary>
<version major="1" minor="99"/>
<date day="13" month="6" year="2001"/>
<author login="jrhacker"/>
<compatibility addition="yes"/>
The main description of the change here.
Again can use full <b>XHTML</b> as needed.
<class package="org.openide.compiler" name="DoWhatIWantCompiler"/>
<issue number="14309"/>
Also permitted elements: <package>, <branch>. <version> is API spec
version, recommended for all new changes. <compatibility> should say
if things were added/modified/deprecated/etc. and give all information
related to upgrading old code. List affected top-level classes and
link to issue numbers if applicable. See the DTD for more details.
Changes need not be in any particular order, they are sorted in various
ways by the stylesheet anyway.
Dates are assumed to mean "on the trunk". If you *also* make the same
change on a stabilization branch, use the <branch> tag to indicate this
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Please only change this file on the trunk! Rather: you can change it
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Deprecations do not count as incompatible, assuming that code using the
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specify deprecation="yes" in <compatibility>.
This file is not a replacement for Javadoc: it is intended to list changes,
not describe the complete current behavior, for which ordinary documentation
is the proper place.
<!-- First, a list of API names you may use: -->
<apidef name="progress_api">Progress API</apidef>
<!-- etc. -->
<change id="progresshandle.time">
<api name="progress_api"/>
Allow tracking of stale handles
<version major="1" minor="45"/>
<date day="4" month="2" year="2015"/>
<author login="sdedic"/>
<compatibility binary="compatible" source="compatible" addition="yes"/>
Internal handle allows to inspect the last time the handle was pinged by the
running process. This is needed to report stale processes and/or stop them.
<class package="org.netbeans.modules.progress.spi" name="InternalHandle"/>
<change id="taskmodel.sync">
<api name="progress_api"/>
Allow to synchronize with Controller's event delivery.
<version major="1" minor="44"/>
<date day="7" month="12" year="2014"/>
<author login="sdedic"/>
<compatibility binary="compatible" source="compatible" addition="yes"/>
Exposes Executor used by the <a href="@TOP@/org/netbeans/modules/progress/spi/Controller.html">Controller</a> to deliver progress events, so that
<a href="@TOP@/org/netbeans/modules/progress/spi/TaskModel.html">TaskModel</a> can synchronize its change events to the same event stream.
<class package="org.netbeans.modules.progress.spi" name="Controller"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.modules.progress.spi" name="TaskModel"/>
<change id="swingSplit">
<api name="progress_api"/>
Swing dependencies separated into a new module.
<version major="1" minor="40"/>
<date day="18" month="9" year="2014"/>
<author login="sdedic"/>
<compatibility binary="compatible" source="incompatible" deprecation="yes" deletion="yes" addition="yes"/>
Progress API was split so that parts that are directly connected to Swing types were migrated
to a separate module. Please see <a href="@org-netbeans-api-progress-nb@/apichanges.html">it's API changes
document</a> for additional info. Affected classes:
<a href="@org-netbeans-api-progress-nb@/org/netbeans/api/progress/ProgressHandleFactory.html">ProgressHandleFactory</a>
<a href="@org-netbeans-api-progress-nb@/org/netbeans/api/progress/ProgressUtils.html">ProgressUtils</a>
<a href="@org-netbeans-api-progress-nb@/org/netbeans/api/progress/aggregate/AggregateProgressFactory.html">AggregateProgressFactory</a>
<a href="@org-netbeans-api-progress-nb@/org/netbeans/modules/progress/spi/ExtractedProgressUIWorker.html">ExtractedProgressUIWorker</a>
<a href="@org-netbeans-api-progress-nb@/org/netbeans/modules/progress/spi/ExtractedProgressUIWorker.html">ProressUIWorkerProvider</a>
<a href="@org-netbeans-api-progress-nb@/org/netbeans/modules/progress/spi/SwingController.html">SwingController</a>
<a href="@org-netbeans-api-progress-nb@/org/netbeans/modules/progress/spi/UIInternalHandle.html">UIInternalHandle</a>
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress" name="ProgressHandleFactory" link="no"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress" name="ProgressUtils" link="no"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress.aggregate" name="AggregateProgressFactory" link="no"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.modules.progress.spi" name="ExtractedProgressUIWorker" link="no"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.modules.progress.spi" name="ProgressUIWorkerProvider" link="no"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.modules.progress.spi" name="Controller"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.modules.progress.spi" name="InternalHandle"/>
<issue number="247111"/>
<change id="customDialogs">
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary><code>ProgressUtils</code> class with <code>runOffEventThreadWithCustomDialogContent</code> and <code>runOffEventThreadWithProgressDialog</code> methods were added.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="30"/>
<date day="28" month="8" year="2012"/>
<author login="pflaska "/>
<compatibility binary="compatible" source="compatible" deprecation="no" deletion="no" addition="yes"/>
<description><code>ProgressUtils</code> class with <code>runOffEventThreadWithCustomDialogContent</code> and <code>runOffEventThreadWithProgressDialog</code> methods were added. These methods allow movement of operations out of AWT thread, showing the waint cursor after one second and a dialog when task is not finished in a three seconds.
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress" name="ProgressUtils" link="no"/>
<issue number="204553"/>
<change id="modalRunMethods">
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary>Modal progress dialogs</summary>
<version major="1" minor="19"/>
<date day="8" month="2" year="2010"/>
<author login="tboudreau"/>
<compatibility addition="yes"/>
Added methods to ProgressUtils for invoking a runnable or
similar with
a modal dialog blocking the UI and showing progress:
<li><code>public static void showProgressDialogAndRun(Runnable operation, String displayName)</code></li>
<li><code>public static &lt;T&gt; T showProgressDialogAndRun(final ProgressRunnable&lt;T&gt; operation, final String displayName, boolean includeDetailLabel)</code></li>
<li><code>public static void showProgressDialogAndRun(Runnable operation, ProgressHandle progress, boolean includeDetailLabel)</code></li>
<li><code>public static RequestProcessor.Task showProgressDialogAndRunLater(Runnable operation, ProgressHandle progress, boolean includeDetailLabel)</code></li>
Added interface ProgressRunnable for performing background
work, and an SPI class ProgressRunOffEdtProvider which is
implemented by the Progress UI module.
<issue number="165005"/>
<change id="spi">
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary>SPI added</summary>
<version major="1" minor="18"/>
<date day="8" month="1" year="2010"/>
<author login="jglick"/>
<compatibility addition="yes"/>
An internal SPI package was exposed. Normal modules should not
need to access this package.
<issue number="177945"/>
<change id="ProgressUtils">
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary><code>ProgressUtils</code> class with <code>runOffEventDispatchThread</code> methods was added.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="16"/>
<date day="2" month="11" year="2009"/>
<author login="t_h"/>
<compatibility binary="compatible" source="compatible" deprecation="no" deletion="no" addition="yes"/>
<description><code>ProgressUtils</code> class with <code>runOffEventDispatchThread</code> methods
was added. These methods allow movement of operations out of AWT thread while blocking UI.
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress" name="ProgressUtils" link="no"/>
<issue number="170882"/>
<change id="suspend">
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary>Add <code>ProgressHandle.suspend(String)</code> method for visual suspend of a running task.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="9"/>
<date day="23" month="10" year="2006"/>
<author login="mkleint"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" deletion="no" deprecation="no" modification="no" semantic="compatible" source="compatible"/>
<p>Adding <code>suspend(String)</code> to <code>ProgressHandle</code> class.
Any progress event coming after this call wakes up the progress bar to previous state. </p>
Currently running task can switch to silent suspend mode where the progress bar stops moving, hides completely or partially.
The exact UI behaviour is undefined. </p>
Useful to make progress in status bar less intrusive for very long running tasks, eg. running an ant script that executes user application, debugs user application etc.
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress" name="ProgressHandle"/>
<issue number="63586"/>
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary>Add methods to create main/detail labels for an custom placed progress component.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="8"/>
<date day="3" month="8" year="2006"/>
<author login="mkleint"/>
<compatibility addition="yes"/>
<p>Adding <code>createMainLabelComponent(ProgressHandle)</code> and
<code>createDetailLabelComponent(ProgressHandle)</code> to <code>ProgressHandleFactory</code> and <code>AggregateProgressFactory</code> classes.
These are complementary to the <code>createProgressComponent(ProgressHandle)</code> method and allow to
externalize the display of task's display name and detail messages when embedded in custom UI components.
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress" name="ProgressHandleFactory" link="no"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress.aggregate" name="AggregateProgressFactory" link="no"/>
<issue number="58889"/>
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary>Split API and implementation of progress component</summary>
<version major="1" minor="7"/>
<date day="24" month="7" year="2006"/>
<author login="mkleint"/>
<compatibility addition="yes"/>
Split the implementation and APIs of progress component.
<issue number="78605"/>
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary>Allow to change display name of running progress task</summary>
<version major="1" minor="5"/>
<date day="25" month="11" year="2005"/>
<author login="mkleint"/>
<compatibility addition="yes"/>
Added new method <code>setDisplayName(String)</code> to <code>ProgressHandle</code> and <code>AggregateProgressHandle</code>,
allows to change the main identifying name of the progress task.
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress" name="ProgressHandle"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress.aggregate" name="AggregateProgressHandle"/>
<issue number="68923"/>
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary>Adding <code>createProgressComponent(AggregateProgressHandle)</code> method to <code>AggregateProgressFactory</code></summary>
<version major="1" minor="3"/>
<date day="19" month="10" year="2005"/>
<author login="mkleint"/>
<compatibility addition="yes"/>
For aggregated progress handles the equivalent of ProgressHandleFactory.createProgressComponent() was missing.
Added in this version.
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress.aggregate" name="AggregateProgressFactory" link="no"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress.aggregate" name="AggregateProgressHandle"/>
<issue number="66554"/>
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary>Adding <code>setInitialDelay(int)</code> method to <code>ProgressHandle</code> and <code>AggregateProgressHandle</code></summary>
<version major="1" minor="2"/>
<date day="26" month="9" year="2005"/>
<author login="mkleint"/>
<compatibility addition="yes"/>
The newly added methods allow to customize the amount of time that shall pass between the start of handle's progress
and it's appearance in the status bar. If the progress task finishes fast enough it won't appear in the UI at all.
The default value is around 0.5s. </p>
For handles that are used in dialogs and elsewhere, this property has no effect and the handle's component is shown immediately.
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress" name="ProgressHandle"/>
<class package="org.netbeans.api.progress.aggregate" name="AggregateProgressHandle"/>
<issue number="60966"/>
<api name="progress_api"/>
<summary>Initial version released</summary>
<version major="1" minor="0"/>
<date day="4" month="5" year="2005"/>
<author login="mkleint"/>
<compatibility addition="yes"/>
<description>first initial release of the progress api.
<!-- Now the surrounding HTML text and document structure: -->
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<title>Change History for the Progress API</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="prose.css" type="text/css"/>
<p class="overviewlink"><a href="overview-summary.html">Overview</a></p>
<p>This document lists changes made to the Progress API/SPI.</p>
<!-- The actual lists of changes, as summaries and details: -->
<hr/><standard-changelists module-code-name="org.netbeans.api.progress"/>