blob: bc3d97174cde9218c35a2d082bb97573fd4ed24c [file] [log] [blame]
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<!DOCTYPE apichanges PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD API changes list 1.0//EN" "../../nbbuild/javadoctools/apichanges.dtd">
<apidef name="javasource_base">Java Source API</apidef>
<change id="TreeMaker.SwitchExpression">
<api name="javasource_base" />
<summary>Creates a new SwitchExpressionTree</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.41.0"/>
<date day="27" month="2" year="2019"/>
<author login="vikasprabhakar"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Creates a new SwitchExpressionTree.
<class name="TreeMaker" package=""/>
<change id="Matcher.setKeepSyntheticTrees">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Adding Matcher.setKeepSyntheticTrees method</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.40"/>
<date day="7" month="12" year="2018"/>
<author login="jlahoda"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Added Matcher.setKeepSyntheticTrees method, that allows to keep synthetically
generated variables mapping in the outgoing variables.
<class name="Matcher" package=""/>
<change id="TreeMaker.Case">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Adding case-related overload to TreeMaker</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.39"/>
<date day="6" month="9" year="2018"/>
<author login="jlahoda"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Added TreeMaker.CaseMultipleLabels(List&lt;? extends ExpressionTree&gt; patterns, List&lt;? extends StatementTree&gt; statements) and
TreeMaker.Case(List&lt;? extends ExpressionTree&gt; patterns, Tree body) overloads.
<class name="TreeUtilities" package=""/>
<change id="BuildArtifactMapper.isCompileOnSaveSupported">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Check the var type variable in given tree path.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.32"/>
<date day="20" month="4" year="2018"/>
<author login="jlahoda"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Added BuildArtifactMapper.isCompileOnSaveSupported method, which
checks if compile on save is suported in the current configuration.
<class name="TreeUtilities" package=""/>
<change id="TreeUtilities.isTreeHasError">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Check the tree has compile error in given collection of errors.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.37"/>
<date day="18" month="7" year="2018"/>
<author login="vikasprabhakar"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Check the tree has compile error in given collection of errors.
<class name="TreeUtilities" package=""/>
<change id="TreeUtilities.isVarType">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Check the var type variable in given tree path.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.31"/>
<date day="27" month="3" year="2018"/>
<author login="vikasprabhakar"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Check the var type variable in given tree path.
<class name="TreeUtilities" package=""/>
<change id="TreeUtilities.isEndOfCompoundVariableDeclaration">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Check the tree is the end of compound declaration.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.33"/>
<date day="3" month="5" year="2018"/>
<author login="vikasprabhakar"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Check the tree end with comma.
<class name="TreeUtilities" package=""/>
<change id="TreeUtilities.isPartOfCompoundVariableDeclaration">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Check the tree is the end of compound declaration.</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.34"/>
<date day="14" month="5" year="2018"/>
<author login="arusinha"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Check whether tree is part of compound declaration.
<class name="TreeUtilities" package=""/>
<change id="ElementHandle.createModuleElementHandle">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Added a method to create an <code>ElementHandle</code> for module</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.26"/>
<date day="17" month="1" year="2017"/>
<author login="tzezula"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Added a method to create a module <code>ElementHandle</code> from a module name.
<class name="ElementHandle" package=""/>
<change id="TreeMaker.module">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Added methods to generate/modify the files</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.23"/>
<date day="4" month="10" year="2016"/>
<author login="dbalek"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Added methods to generate/modify the files
<class name="TypesEvent" package=""/>
<change id="TypesEvent.module">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Added an information about changes in the module-info</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.23"/>
<date day="4" month="10" year="2016"/>
<author login="tzezula"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Added an information about changes in the module-info.
<class name="TypesEvent" package=""/>
<change id="TypeUtilities.getDenotableType">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Provide type suitable for declaration in source</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.17"/>
<date day="16" month="5" year="2016"/>
<author login="sdedic"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Support method which allows to infer a type suitable for use in symbol
declaration in the source was added.
<class name="TypeUtilities" package=""/>
<issue number="262073"/>
<change id="utilities.findVisibleElements">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>List elements with their definining Scope</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.16"/>
<date day="31" month="5" year="2016"/>
<author login="sdedic"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Allows to enumerate Elements matching passed <code>ElementFilter</code> according
to hiding and inheritance rules. The method may be useful to list elements matching certain
criteria, or to check whether an element exists and find what class/method defined it.
<class name="ElementUtilities" package=""/>
<issue number="262281"/>
<change id="utilities.implementAndOverride.defaultMethods">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Allow to return also unimplemented default methods</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.15"/>
<date day="10" month="5" year="2016"/>
<author login="sdedic"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
<code>findUnimplementedMethods</code> and <code>findOverridableMethods</code>
work better with interface default methods: they are treated as implemented,
but overridable.
Allow <code>ElementUtilities.findUnimplementedMethods</code> enumerate
also default methods whose implementations are not provided by class or
<class name="ElementUtilities" package=""/>
<issue number="258981"/>
<change id="generator.insert.caretlocation">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Code Generator uses caret location to insert members</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.11"/>
<date day="5" month="10" year="2015"/>
<author login="ralphbenjamin"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Added an overloaded method to Code Generator should to include the
caret location when inserting members. This will be used when the
codestyle is CodeStyle.InsertionPoint.CARET_LOCATION.
<class name="CodeStyle" package=""/>
<issue number="255214"/>
<change id="classindex.searchkind.lambda">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>ClassIndex SearchKind extended by FUNCTIONAL_IMPLEMENTORS</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.9"/>
<date day="23" month="9" year="2015"/>
<author login="tzezula"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Added a possibility to <code>ClassIndex</code> to search a lambda
<class name="ClassIndex" package=""/>
<issue number="255393"/>
<change id="classindex.resources.binaryroots">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>ClassIndex returns resources from binaryroots</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.6"/>
<date day="27" month="6" year="2015"/>
<author login="ralphbenjamin"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
ClassIndex holds information from different types of roots. Added a
parameter to ClassIndex#getResources to specify which roots to use
for its results.
<class name="ClassIndex" package=""/>
<issue number="252992"/>
<change id="generator.sort.dependencies">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Code Generator uses dependencies between fields</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.2"/>
<date day="9" month="2" year="2015"/>
<author login="sdedic"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Proper textual order of members should be used
when inserting a field or class/interface initializer. The analysis
could be optionally turned off.
<class name="CodeStyle" package=""/>
<issue number="249199"/>
<change id="remove.openide.text">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Remove dependency on Openide Text API</summary>
<version major="1" minor="1"/>
<date day="25" month="5" year="2014"/>
<author login="sdedic"/>
<compatibility modification="yes" binary="compatible" source="incompatible"/>
OpenIDE Text API dependencies are removed, affecting <code>ModificationResult.Difference</code>
API class, whose interface <b>changed</b> incompatibly. The class now returns
<code>java.swing.text.Position</code> instead of <code>org.openide.text.PositionRef</code>
for the start and end positions.
For binary compatibility, an additional module <code>java.source.compat8</code> was created,
which provides compatible method that still returns <code>PositionRef</code>
<class name="ModificationResult" package=""/>
<issue number="244744"/>
<change id="">
<api name="javasource_base"/>
<summary>Desktop independent parts of the Java Source module extracted</summary>
<version major="1" minor="0"/>
<date day="30" month="4" year="2014"/>
<author login="dbalek"/>
<compatibility modification="yes" addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="incompatible">
Runtime compatibility remains, compile time compatibility is
mostly preserved too. It is however recommended to upgrade
dependencies of client modules. Try running
<code>ant fix-dependencies</code> in your Ant module.
<change id="TreeUtilities.getBreakContinueTargetTree">
<api name="javasource_base" />
<summary>Find the target of Break or Continue statement</summary>
<version major="1" minor="2.40.0"/>
<date day="22" month="1" year="2019"/>
<author login="sarveshkesharwani"/>
<compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" source="compatible"/>
Find the target of <code>break</code> or <code>continue</code>
statement. Target is of type Tree here.
<class name="TreeUtilities" package=""/>
<title>Change History for the Base Java Source API</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="prose.css" type="text/css"/>
<p class="overviewlink">
<a href="overview-summary.html">Overview</a>
<h2>What do the Dates Mean?</h2>
<p>The supplied dates indicate when the API change was made, on the CVS
trunk. From this you can generally tell whether the change should be
present in a given build or not; for trunk builds, simply whether it
was made before or after the change; for builds on a stabilization
branch, whether the branch was made before or after the given date. In
some cases corresponding API changes have been made both in the trunk
and in an in-progress stabilization branch, if they were needed for a
bug fix; this ought to be marked in this list.</p>
<li>The <code>release41</code> branch was made on Apr 03 '05 for use in the NetBeans 4.1 release.
Specification versions: 6.0 begins after this point.</li>
<li>The <code>release40</code> branch was made on Nov 01 '04 for use in the NetBeans 4.0 release.
Specification versions: 5.0 begins after this point.</li>
<standard-changelists module-code-name="$codebase"/>