blob: e8c06389806bbade4bfc07adad0960f4941aa667 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
OpenIDE-Module-Name=Web Projects
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Support for web module projects.
Permits user to create projects representing web module applications. \
These can be built and deployed to a web server. \
JSPs and Servlets are supported, as well as web services.
MSG_SessionRunning={0} cannot be executed when a debugging session is running. Do you want to close the debugging session and execute the {0}?
MSG_CantDeployWhenSessionRunning={0} cannot be (re)deployed when a debugging session is running. Do you want to close the debugging session and (re)deploy the {0}?
MSG_FinishSession=JSP/Servlet debugging is currently not available because another remote debugging session is active on the same server. The IDE will automatically close the session and start a new one.
MSG_WebInfCorrupted=WEB-INF directory cannot be found in {0}. It may have been removed or renamed.
MSG_WebInfCorrupted2=Deployment descriptor directory cannot be found. It may have been removed or renamed.
# {0} - project name, {1} - path to Web Pages folder
Cannot find the Web Pages folder "{1}".\n\
Open the project properties and in the Sources category browse the correct Web Pages folder.
# {0} - project name
Cannot find the Web Pages folder.\n\
Open the project properties and in the Sources category browse the correct Web Pages folder.
MSG_WebXmlNotFound=web.xml file cannot be found in {0}. It may have been removed or renamed.
MSG_JSPCompileFileMissing=Cannot find enterprise/ant/extra/jspcompile.jar in the installation folder.
MSG_EjbRef=Web module contains local reference to an enterprise bean(s). To deploy, run or debug the web module it must be included in an enterprise application.
MSG_ErrorSavingOnWSRemove=Error saving project when removing web service
MSG_Unable_WRITE_WS_DD=Unable to write to the webservices deployment descriptor
MSG_ErrorSavingOnWSClientAdd=Error saving project after adding web service client ''{0}''.\nMessage: {1}\n
MSG_ErrorSavingOnWSClientRemove=Error saving project after removing web service client ''{0}''.\nMessage: {1}\n
MSG_ErrorSavingGlobalProperties=Error saving global properties after adding for service ''{0}''\nMessage: {1}\n
MSG_WebInfNotFoundForWsdlFolder=WEB-INF directory not found during call to getWsdlFolder() with create set to true.
LBL_JSR109ClientStub=Java EE Container-generated static stub
LBL_JAXRPCStaticClientStub=IDE-generated static stub
LBL_SEIServiceStub=SEI Service Stub
LBL_WSDLServiceStub=WSDL Service Stub
# NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: This is a folder name, do not use odd characters:
TXT_ProjectUpdate=<html><b>Project Needs Upgrading</b></html>\n\
This project was created in an earlier version of NetBeans IDE. If you edit its properties\n\
in NetBeans IDE {0}, the project will be upgraded and\n\
<html><b>will no longer work in earlier versions of the IDE.</b></html>\n\n\
Do you want to upgrade your project to current version?
TXT_ProjectUpdateTitle=Change Project Properties
CTL_UpdateOption=Upgrade Project
TXT_noExecutableClass=Class "{0}" neither has a main method nor is it a servlet specified in web.xml.
ACTION_run=Run Project
ACTION_run.single=Run File
ACTION_debug=Debug Project
ACTION_debug.single=Debug File
ACTION_debug.stepinto=Debug Project
LBL_No_Build_XML_Found=The project does not have a build script.
NAME_src.dir=Source Packages
NAME_test.src.dir=Test Packages
TTL_setServletExecutionUri=Set Servlet Execution URI
TXT_missingServletMappings=There are no servlet mappings specified in web.xml for {0} servlet.
TXT_cannotDebugWebservice=This is a web service implementation file. To debug, call this service from a web service client.
LBL_Node_DocBase=Web Pages
LBL_Node_WebModule=Web Module
# Do not translate
# UI Logging
# when an web application is opened.
#{0} server type id
#{1} server instance id
UI_WEB_PROJECT_OPENED=A web application was opened with target server {0}.
# Usage Logging
# when an web application is opened.
# {0} server name
# {1} JavaEE version
USG_PROJECT_OPEN_WEB=A web application was opened [Target server: {0}, JavaEE version: {1}].
LBL_No_Main_Classs_Found=Class "{0}" does not have a main method.
MSG_WaitScan=Please wait, servlet scanning in progress...
LBL_CancelAction=Cancel {0}
# WebProjectUtilities:
COMMENT_dist.archive.excludes=Files to be excluded from distribution war