blob: 6fef074962822a94f8c3f3d07cdda04e1c3cae1f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.weblogic9.deploy;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.ActionType;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.CommandType;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.StateType;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressEvent;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressListener;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject;
import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.api.J2eeModule;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.plugins.api.AppChangeDescriptor;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.plugins.api.DeploymentChangeDescriptor;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.plugins.spi.DeploymentContext;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.plugins.spi.IncrementalDeployment;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.plugins.spi.IncrementalDeployment2;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.plugins.spi.config.ModuleConfiguration;
import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.weblogic9.WLConnectionSupport;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
* @author Petr Hejl
public class WLIncrementalDeployment extends IncrementalDeployment implements IncrementalDeployment2 {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WLIncrementalDeployment.class.getName());
private static RequestProcessor DEPLOYMENT_RP = new RequestProcessor("Weblogic Incremental Deployment", 5); // NOI18N
private static final boolean FORBID_DIRECTORY_DEPLOYMENT = Boolean.getBoolean(WLIncrementalDeployment.class.getName() + ".forbidDirectoryDeployment");
private static final int FAST_SWAP_TIMEOUT = 3000;
private static final int FAST_SWAP_POLLING = 100;
private static final String WLDEPLOY = "wldeploy"; // NOI18N
private final WLDeploymentManager dm;
public WLIncrementalDeployment(WLDeploymentManager dm) { = dm;
public boolean canFileDeploy(Target target, J2eeModule deployable) {
return false;
return deployable != null && !J2eeModule.Type.CAR.equals(deployable.getType())
&& !J2eeModule.Type.RAR.equals(deployable.getType());
public File getDirectoryForModule(final TargetModuleID module) {
if (module.getParentTargetModuleID() == null) {
return null;
File file = null;
// this won't happen currently just being defensive
if (module instanceof WLTargetModuleID) {
file = ((WLTargetModuleID) module).getDir();
// the following code should work even for standalone apps (not just in
// EAR) but the condition above prevents such call to be defensive
if (file == null) {
WLConnectionSupport support = dm.getConnectionSupport();
try {
file = support.executeAction(new WLConnectionSupport.JMXRuntimeAction<File>() {
public File call(MBeanServerConnection con, ObjectName service) throws Exception {
Object uri = null;
Object path = null;
TargetModuleID parent = module.getParentTargetModuleID() == null ? module : module.getParentTargetModuleID();
ObjectName testPattern = new ObjectName("com.bea:Name=" + parent.getModuleID() + ",Location="
+ parent.getTarget().getName() + ",Type=AppDeployment,*"); // NOI18N
Set<ObjectName> deployments = con.queryNames(testPattern, null);
if (!deployments.isEmpty()) {
ObjectName appItem = (ObjectName) con.getAttribute(
deployments.iterator().next(), "AppMBean");
if (appItem == null) {
return null;
ObjectName[] comps = (ObjectName[]) con.getAttribute(appItem, "Components");
for (ObjectName comp : comps) {
String name = (String) con.getAttribute(comp, "Name");
if (module.getModuleID().equals(name)) {
uri = (String) con.getAttribute(comp, "URI");
if (uri != null) {
// FullPath attribute is sometimes wrong :(
// TODO resolve relative paths - is it possible ?
path = con.getAttribute(appItem, "Path");
if (path == null || (uri == null && module.getParentTargetModuleID() != null)) {
return null;
return (uri != null) ? new File(path.toString() + File.separator + uri.toString()) : new File(path.toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
// pass through
if (null != file && !file.isDirectory()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(NbBundle.getMessage(WLIncrementalDeployment.class,
return file;
public File getDirectoryForNewApplication(Target target, J2eeModule app, ModuleConfiguration configuration) {
// FIXME more or less copied from GlassFish
// 1) should be in common place
// 2) the logic is inverted - this should be in project
File dest = null;
if (app.getType() == J2eeModule.Type.EAR) {
File tmp = getProjectDir(app);
if (null == tmp) {
return dest;
dest = new File(tmp, "target"); // NOI18N
if (!dest.exists()) {
// the app wasn't a maven project
dest = new File(tmp, "dist"); // NOI18N
if (dest.isFile() || (dest.isDirectory() && !dest.canWrite())) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
String moduleName = sanitizeName(computeModuleID(app));
String dirName = WLDEPLOY;
if (null != moduleName) {
dirName += "/"+moduleName; // NOI18N
dest = new File(dest, dirName);
boolean retval = true;
if (!dest.exists()) {
retval = dest.mkdirs();
if (!retval || !dest.isDirectory()) {
dest = null;
return dest;
public File getDirectoryForNewModule(File appDir, String uri, J2eeModule module, ModuleConfiguration configuration) {
//return new File(appDir, transform(removeLeadSlash(uri)));
return new File(appDir, removeLeadSlash(uri));
public ProgressObject incrementalDeploy(TargetModuleID module, AppChangeDescriptor changes) {
boolean redeploy = changes.classesChanged() || changes.descriptorChanged()
|| changes.ejbsChanged() || changes.manifestChanged() || changes.serverDescriptorChanged();
if (changes instanceof DeploymentChangeDescriptor) {
DeploymentChangeDescriptor deploymentChanges = (DeploymentChangeDescriptor) changes;
redeploy = redeploy || deploymentChanges.serverResourcesChanged();
if (!redeploy) {
WLProgressObject progress = new WLProgressObject(module);
progress.fireProgressEvent(module, new WLDeploymentStatus(
ActionType.EXECUTE, CommandType.DISTRIBUTE, StateType.COMPLETED,
NbBundle.getMessage(WLIncrementalDeployment.class, "MSG_Deployment_Completed")));
return progress;
return dm.redeploy(module);
// CommandBasedDeployer deployer = new CommandBasedDeployer(dm);
// return deployer.directoryRedeploy(module, dm.getDeployTargets());
public ProgressObject initialDeploy(Target target, J2eeModule app, ModuleConfiguration configuration,
File dir) {
String name = dir.getName();
// FIXME this needs more fine tuning (escape chars)
try {
FileObject content = app.getContentDirectory();
if (content != null) {
Project project = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(content);
if (project != null) {
name = ProjectUtils.getInformation(project).getName();
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, null, ex);
CommandBasedDeployer deployer = new CommandBasedDeployer(dm);
return deployer.directoryDeploy(target, name, dir, dm.getHost(), dm.getPort(),
dm.getCommonConfiguration().isSecured(), app.getType());
public ProgressObject incrementalDeploy(TargetModuleID module, DeploymentContext context) {
return incrementalDeploy(module, context.getChanges());
public ProgressObject initialDeploy(Target target, DeploymentContext context) {
return initialDeploy(target, context.getModule(), null, context.getModuleFile());
public boolean isDeployOnSaveSupported() {
return !dm.isRemote();
public ProgressObject deployOnSave(final TargetModuleID module,
final DeploymentChangeDescriptor desc) {
if (desc.classesChanged() && !desc.descriptorChanged()
&& !desc.ejbsChanged() && !desc.manifestChanged()
&& !desc.serverDescriptorChanged() && !desc.serverResourcesChanged()) {
final BridgingProgressObject progress = new BridgingProgressObject(module);
progress.fireProgressEvent(null, new WLDeploymentStatus(
ActionType.EXECUTE, CommandType.REDEPLOY, StateType.RUNNING,
NbBundle.getMessage(CommandBasedDeployer.class, "MSG_Redeployment_Started")));
DEPLOYMENT_RP.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
progress.fireProgressEvent(null, new WLDeploymentStatus(
ActionType.EXECUTE, CommandType.DISTRIBUTE, StateType.RUNNING,
NbBundle.getMessage(CommandBasedDeployer.class, "MSG_Redeploying", module.getModuleID())));
// DISABLED SINCE 7.1.1 see #206798
// if (deployFastSwap(module)) {
// LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Fast swap successful");
// progress.fireProgressEvent(null, new WLDeploymentStatus(
// ActionType.EXECUTE, CommandType.REDEPLOY, StateType.COMPLETED,
// NbBundle.getMessage(CommandBasedDeployer.class, "MSG_Redeployment_Completed")));
// return;
// }
// LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Fast swap failed doing incremental deploy");
progress.startListening(module, incrementalDeploy(module, desc));
return progress;
return incrementalDeploy(module, desc);
public String getModuleUrl(final TargetModuleID module) {
assert module != null;
if (module.getWebURL() == null) {
String url = module.getModuleID();
return url.startsWith("/") ? url : "/" + url;
// TODO is this hack ?
// looks like weblogic (TargetModulesIDs returned by server)
// is using weburl as moduleID for war in ear
// and ejb jar name for ejb in ear, we need moduleURI
final String id = module.getModuleID();
final String slashId = id.startsWith("/") ? id : "/" + id;
WLConnectionSupport support = dm.getConnectionSupport();
String url = null;
try {
url = support.executeAction(new WLConnectionSupport.JMXRuntimeAction<String>() {
public String call(MBeanServerConnection con, ObjectName service) throws Exception {
ObjectName pattern = new ObjectName(
"com.bea:Type=WebAppComponentRuntime,*"); // NOI18N
Set<ObjectName> runtimes = con.queryNames(pattern, null);
for (ObjectName runtime : runtimes) {
String moduleId = (String) con.getAttribute(runtime, "ModuleId"); // NOI18N
if (id.equals(moduleId)
|| slashId.equals(moduleId)) {
return (String) con.getAttribute(runtime, "ModuleURI"); // NOI18N
TargetModuleID parent = module.getParentTargetModuleID();
ObjectName testPattern = new ObjectName("com.bea:Name=" + module.getModuleID() + ",Location="
+ module.getTarget().getName() + ",Type=WebAppComponent"
+ (parent != null ? ",Application=" + parent.getModuleID() + ",*" : ",*")); // NOI18N
Set<ObjectName> deployments = con.queryNames(testPattern, null);
if (!deployments.isEmpty()) {
return (String) con.getAttribute(deployments.iterator().next(), "URI"); // NOI18N
return null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// pass through
if (url != null) {
return url.startsWith("/") ? url : "/" + url; // NOI18N
// will fail probably
return id.startsWith("/") ? id : "/" + id; // NOI18N
private boolean deployFastSwap(TargetModuleID module) {
final String server = module.getTarget().getName();
final String application = module.getModuleID();
WLConnectionSupport support = dm.getConnectionSupport();
try {
Boolean ret = support.executeAction(new WLConnectionSupport.JMXAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(MBeanServerConnection connection) throws Exception {
ObjectName appRuntime = new ObjectName(
"com.bea:ServerRuntime=" + server + ",Name=" + application + ",Type=ApplicationRuntime"); // NOI18N
ObjectName redefinitionRuntime = (ObjectName) connection.getAttribute(
appRuntime, "ClassRedefinitionRuntime"); // NOI18N
if (redefinitionRuntime == null) {
return false;
ObjectName redef = (ObjectName) connection.invoke(
redefinitionRuntime, "redefineClasses", new Object[] {null, null}, // NOI18N
new String[] {String.class.getName(), String[].class.getName()});
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String str = (String) connection.getAttribute(redef, "Status"); // NOI18N
while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) < FAST_SWAP_TIMEOUT && isRunning(str)) {
str = (String) connection.getAttribute(redef, "Status"); // NOI18N
Integer candidates = (Integer) connection.getAttribute(redef, "CandidateClassesCount"); // NOI18N
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
Integer processed = (Integer) connection.getAttribute(redef, "ProcessedClassesCount"); // NOI18N
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Processed {0} from {1} candidate classes", // NOI18N
new Object[] {processed, candidates});
if (isRunning(str)) {
connection.invoke(redef, "cancel", new Object[0], new String[0]); // NOI18N
return false;
if (!("FINISHED".equals(str)) // NOI18N
|| (candidates != null && candidates.intValue() == 0)) {
return false;
return true;
public String getPath() {
return "/jndi/"; // NOI18N
return ret.booleanValue();
}catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, null, ex);
return false;
private static boolean isRunning(String status) {
return "RUNNING".equals(status) || "SCHEDULED".equals(status); // NOI18N
// FIXME copied from GF
// try to get the Project Directory as a File
// use a couple different stratgies, since the resource.dir is in a user-
// editable file -- but it is quicker to access, if it is there....
private File getProjectDir(J2eeModule app) {
try {
FileObject fo = app.getContentDirectory();
Project p = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(fo);
if (null != p) {
fo = p.getProjectDirectory();
return FileUtil.toFile(fo);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger("glassfish-javaee").log(Level.FINER, // NOI18N
} tmp = app.getResourceDirectory();
if (tmp != null) {
return tmp.getParentFile();
return null;
// FIXME copied from GF
public static String sanitizeName(String name) {
if (null == name || name.matches("[\\p{L}\\p{N}_][\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-_./;#:]*")) {
return name;
// the string is bad...
return "_" + name.replaceAll("[^\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-_./;#:]", "_");
// FIXME copied from GF
public static String computeModuleID(J2eeModule module) {
String moduleID = null;
FileObject fo = null;
try {
fo = module.getContentDirectory();
if (null != fo) {
moduleID = ProjectUtils.getInformation(FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(fo)).getDisplayName();
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, null, ex);
// if (null == moduleID || moduleID.trim().length() < 1) {
// J2eeModuleHelper j2eeModuleHelper = J2eeModuleHelper.getSunDDModuleHelper(module.getType());
// if(j2eeModuleHelper != null) {
// RootInterface rootDD = j2eeModuleHelper.getStandardRootDD(module);
// if(rootDD != null) {
// try {
// moduleID = rootDD.getDisplayName(null);
// } catch (VersionNotSupportedException ex) {
// // ignore, handle as null below.
// }
// }
// }
// }
return moduleID;
// FIXME copied from GF
// private static String transform(String s) {
// int len = s.length();
// if (len > 4) {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s);
// char tmp = sb.charAt(len - 4);
// if (tmp == '.') {
// sb.setCharAt(len-4, '_');
// return sb.toString();
// }
// }
// return s;
// }
// FIXME copied from GF
private static String removeLeadSlash(String s) {
if (null == s) {
return s;
if (s.length() < 1) {
return s;
if (!s.startsWith("/")) {
return s;
return s.substring(1);
private static class BridgingProgressObject extends WLProgressObject implements ProgressListener {
public BridgingProgressObject(TargetModuleID... moduleIds) {
public void startListening(TargetModuleID moduleID, ProgressObject po) {
if (!po.getDeploymentStatus().isRunning()) {
fireProgressEvent(moduleID, po.getDeploymentStatus());
public void handleProgressEvent(ProgressEvent pe) {
if (!getDeploymentStatus().isRunning() && pe.getDeploymentStatus().isRunning()) {
// prevent wrong ordering
fireProgressEvent(pe.getTargetModuleID(), pe.getDeploymentStatus());