blob: 959a639107fdb04ce96c47d173ec3a13b029b3ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.web.jsf.editor;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import org.netbeans.api.html.lexer.HTMLTokenId;
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.InputAttributes;
import org.netbeans.modules.html.editor.api.gsf.HtmlParserResult;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.api.Snapshot;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.api.Source;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.Scheduler;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.SchedulerEvent;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.SchedulerTask;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.ParserResultTask;
import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.TaskFactory;
import org.netbeans.modules.web.jsfapi.api.DefaultLibraryInfo;
import org.netbeans.modules.web.jsfapi.api.Library;
import org.netbeans.modules.web.jsfapi.api.LibraryComponent;
import org.netbeans.modules.web.jsfapi.api.NamespaceUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.web.jsfapi.api.Tag;
* @author Marek Fukala
public final class HtmlSourceTask extends ParserResultTask<HtmlParserResult> {
private static final String CSS_CLASS_MAP_PROPERTY_KEY = "cssClassTagAttrMap"; //semi api - defined in HtmlLexer
private static final String STYLE_CLASS_ATTR_NAME = "styleClass"; //NOI18N
public static class Factory extends TaskFactory {
public Collection<? extends SchedulerTask> create(Snapshot snapshot) {
String mimeType = snapshot.getMimeType();
if (mimeType.equals("text/html")) { //NOI18N
return Collections.singletonList(new HtmlSourceTask());
} else {
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
public int getPriority() {
return 50; //todo use reasonable number
public Class<? extends Scheduler> getSchedulerClass() {
public void cancel() {
public void run(HtmlParserResult result, SchedulerEvent event) {
Source source = result.getSnapshot().getSource();
//embedding stuff: process only xhtml file contents, while the task needs to be bound to text/html
if (!source.getMimeType().equals(JsfUtils.XHTML_MIMETYPE)) { //NOI18N
JsfSupportImpl sup = JsfSupportImpl.findFor(source); //activate the jsf support
if (sup == null) {
//enable EL support it this xhtml file
//TODO possibly add if(jsf_used()) { //enable el }
Document doc = result.getSnapshot().getSource().getDocument(true);
if (doc == null) {
InputAttributes inputAttributes = (InputAttributes) doc.getProperty(InputAttributes.class);
if (inputAttributes == null) {
inputAttributes = new InputAttributes();
// inputAttributes.setValue(HTMLTokenId.language(), "enable el", new Object(), false); //NOI18N
doc.putProperty(InputAttributes.class, inputAttributes);
//enable css class embedding in default facelets libraries tags
//TODO this should be done in some more generic way but so far I haven't
//found a way how to get an info if a tag's attribute represents css class or not.
//It seems that almost only html library contains such tags, we should
//probably create some metadata also for third party libraries
//check if the default html library is defined
String prefix = NamespaceUtils.getForNs(result.getNamespaces(), DefaultLibraryInfo.HTML.getNamespace());
if (prefix != null) {
//html lib declared, lets build a map of tags containing attributes whose values are
//supposed to represent a css class. The map is then put into the document's
//input attributes and then html lexer takes this information into account
//when lexing the html code
Map<String, Collection<String>> cssClassTagAttrMap = new HashMap<>();
Library lib = sup.getLibrary(DefaultLibraryInfo.HTML.getNamespace());
if (lib != null) {
Collection<? extends LibraryComponent> components = lib.getComponents();
for (LibraryComponent comp : components) {
Tag tag = comp.getTag();
//hacking datatable's attributes embedding - waiting for Tomasz' tag metadata API
if ("dataTable".equals(tag.getName())) { //NOI18N
cssClassTagAttrMap.put(prefix + ":" + tag.getName(),
Arrays.asList(new String[]{STYLE_CLASS_ATTR_NAME,
"headerClass", "footerClass", "rowClasses", "columnClasses", "captionClass"})); //NOI18N
} else {
if (tag.getAttribute(STYLE_CLASS_ATTR_NAME) != null) {
cssClassTagAttrMap.put(prefix + ":" + tag.getName(), Collections.singletonList(STYLE_CLASS_ATTR_NAME));
inputAttributes.setValue(HTMLTokenId.language(), CSS_CLASS_MAP_PROPERTY_KEY, cssClassTagAttrMap, true);
} else {
//remove the map, the html library is not declared (anymore)
inputAttributes.setValue(HTMLTokenId.language(), CSS_CLASS_MAP_PROPERTY_KEY, null, true);