blob: d5e2324c38a376a30b5c2c5fd77ce027d3328fa4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure.api;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent.EventType;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import javax.swing.text.Position;
import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
import org.netbeans.editor.BaseKit;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure.DocumentModelProviderFactory;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.structure.spi.DocumentModelProvider;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
* DocumentModel represents a hirarchical structure of a {@link javax.swing.text.Document}.
* It consists of a tree of DocumentElement objects which represents a various
* pieces of the document.
* <br>
* The model content is created by an implementation of the SPI class
* DocumentModelProvider responsible for parsing the text document a producing
* appropriate DocumentElement-s.
* For more information about how to create an implementation of the DocumentModelProvider
* and how to register to a specific file-type look into
* {@link org.netbeans.modules.editor.spi.DocumentModelProvider} documentation.
* <br>
* There can be only one instance of the model associated to a document
* instance at the time. Clients can obtain the instance
* through DocumentModel.getDocumentModel(Document doc) method.
* The client will obtain an instance of the model immediately, if the model
* already exists, or, when noone had asked for it, a new one will be created.
* <br>
* The model registers a DocumentListener to the associated Document and
* listen on its changes. When there is a change in the document,
* the model waits for a defined amount of time if another update happens,
* and if not, then asks DocumentModelProvider to regenerate the model's
* elements. If the document changes during the parsing process,
* the process will be stopped, all model changes thrown away,
* and a new update process will be started after the specified amount of time.
* The DocumentModelProvider obtains a list of document changes which
* happened during the 500ms interval and an instance of DocumentModelTransaction.
* The provider is then responsible to decide what parts of the document
* needs to be reparsed (based on what and where was changed in the document)
* and update the elements accordingly. During the parsing process the
* provider puts add, change and remove requests to the transaction.
* Once the provider finishes the parsing all the changes stored in the
* transactions are commited. Only during this process the content of the model
* is really updated. All event's (both from the model itself and from elements)
* are fired during the transaction commit, not during adding the requests
* into the transaction.
* <br>
* The model is read-only. All DocumentElement instancies are immutable and clients
* cannot modify them. Only DocumentModelProvider can modify the model.
* <br>
* DocumentElements cannot cross. There cannot be two elements with the same
* boundaries.
* <br>
* <b>Threading: Do not access the document model's element under the document writeLock()!!!</b>
* This may cause a deadlock if you do a document change, do not do writeUnlock() and access the model.
* In such case the model needs to resort it's elements which is done under document readLock().
*@author Marek Fukala
*@version 1.0
*@see DocumentElement
public final class DocumentModel {
//after each document change update of the model is postponed for following timeout.
//if another document change happens in the time interval the update is postponed again.
private static int MODEL_UPDATE_TIMEOUT = 2000; //milliseconds
//a Document instance which the model is build upon.
private BaseDocument doc;
private DocumentModelProvider provider;
private DocumentChangesWatcher changesWatcher;
private RequestProcessor requestProcessor;
private RequestProcessor.Task task;
private ElementsArray elements = new ElementsArray();
//stores a default root element
private DocumentElement rootElement;
//the transaction is used to regenerate document model elements
//its non-null value states that there is an already running model update
private DocumentModel.DocumentModelModificationTransaction modelUpdateTransaction = null;
// private Object modelUpdateLock = new Object();
//a semaphore signalling the state of synchronization between document and the elements
//this is always se to true when the document is changed and is set back to false
//when the elements are resorted.
boolean documentDirty = true;
//model synchronization
private int numReaders = 0;
private int numWriters = 0;
private Thread currWriter = null;
private Thread currReader = null;
//stores DocumentModel listeners
private HashSet<DocumentModelListener> dmListeners = new HashSet<DocumentModelListener>();
private HashSet<DocumentModelStateListener> dmsListeners = new HashSet<DocumentModelStateListener>();
private static final int ELEMENT_ADDED = 1;
private static final int ELEMENT_REMOVED = 2;
private static final int ELEMENT_CHANGED = 3;
private static final int ELEMENT_ATTRS_CHANGED = 4;
private static Map<Document, Object> locks = new WeakHashMap<Document, Object>();
final Map<String,String> elementsNamesCache = new WeakHashMap<String,String>();
final Map<String,String> elementsTypesCache = new WeakHashMap<String,String>();
final Map<String,String> elementsAttrNamesCache = new WeakHashMap<String,String>();
final Map<String,String> elementsAttrValueCache = new WeakHashMap<String,String>();
private static final Map<String,String> EMPTY_ATTRS_MAP = Collections.emptyMap();
private static final List<DocumentElement> EMPTY_ELEMENTS_LIST = Collections.emptyList();
DocumentModel(Document doc, DocumentModelProvider provider) throws DocumentModelException {
this.doc = (BaseDocument)doc; //type changed in DocumentModel.getDocumentModel(document);
this.provider = provider;
//init RP & RP task
requestProcessor = new RequestProcessor(DocumentModel.class.getName());
task = requestProcessor.create(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//create a new root element - this element comprises the entire document
/*create a sorted set which sorts its elements according to their
startoffsets and endoffsets.
- lets have elements E1 and E2:
if E1.startOffset > E2.startOffset then the E1 is before E2.
if E1.startOffset == E2.startOffset then
if E1.endOffset > E2.endOffset then the E1 is before E2
this.changesWatcher = new DocumentChangesWatcher();
getDocument().addDocumentListener(WeakListeners.document(changesWatcher, doc));
/** Clients uses this method to obtain an instance of the model for a particullar text document.
* The client will either obtain an instance of the model immediately, if the model
* already exists, or, when noone had asked for the model, a new one will be created (which may take some time).
* @param doc the text document for which the client wants to create a model
* @return an initialized DocumentModel instance containing the structural data got from DocumentModelProvider
public static DocumentModel getDocumentModel(Document doc) throws DocumentModelException {
synchronized (getLock(doc)) {
if(!(doc instanceof BaseDocument))
throw new ClassCastException("Currently it is necessary to pass org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument instance into the DocumentModel.getDocumentProvider(j.s.t.Document) method.");
//first test if the document has already associated a document model
WeakReference<DocumentModel> modelWR = (WeakReference<DocumentModel>)doc.getProperty(DocumentModel.class);
DocumentModel cachedInstance = modelWR == null ? null : modelWR.get();
if(cachedInstance != null) {
// System.out.println("[document model] got from weak reference stored in editor document property");
return cachedInstance;
} else {
//create a new modelx
Class editorKitClass = ((BaseDocument)doc).getKitClass();
BaseKit kit = BaseKit.getKit(editorKitClass);
if (kit != null) {
String mimeType = kit.getContentType();
//get the provider instance (the provider is a singleton class)
DocumentModelProvider provider =
if(provider != null) {
DocumentModel model = new DocumentModel(doc, provider);
//and put it as a document property
doc.putProperty(DocumentModel.class, new WeakReference<DocumentModel>(model));
// System.out.println("[document model] created a new instance");
return model;
} else
return null; //no provider ??? should not happen?!?!
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("No editor kit for document " + doc + "!");
private static Object getLock(Document doc) {
synchronized (locks) {
Object lock = locks.get(doc);
if(lock == null) {
lock = new Object();
locks.put(doc, lock);
return lock;
/** @return the text document this model is based upon */
public Document getDocument() {
return doc;
/** Every model has at least one element - a root element.
* This element cannot be removed or manipulated somehow.
* All elements created by DocumentModelProvider are descendants of this element.
* <br>
* This is an entry point to the tree structure of the document.
* Use element.getChildren() to traverse the tree of elements.
* @return the root DocumentElement
public DocumentElement getRootElement() {
return rootElement;
/** Adds an instance of DocumentModelListener to the model.*/
public void addDocumentModelListener(DocumentModelListener dml) {
/** Removes an instance of DocumentModelListener from the model.*/
public void removeDocumentModelListener(DocumentModelListener dml) {
/** Adds an instance of {@link DocumentModelStateListener} to the model.
* @since 1.14
public void addDocumentModelStateListener(DocumentModelStateListener dml) {
/** Removes an instance of {@link DocumentModelStateListener} from the model.
* @since 1.14
public void removeDocumentModelStateListener(DocumentModelStateListener dml) {
/** Decides whether the elements are in ancestor - descendant relationship.
* The relationship is defined as follows:
* isDescendant = ((ancestor.getStartOffset() < descendant.getStartOffset()) &&
* (ancestor.getEndOffset() > descendant.getEndOffset()));
* @return true if the ancestor element is an ancestor of the descendant element.
public boolean isDescendantOf(DocumentElement ancestor, DocumentElement descendant) {
try {
if(ancestor == descendant) {
if(debug) System.out.println("ERROR in " + ancestor);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ancestor == descendant!!!");
//there cannot normally by two elements with the same start or end offsets (boundaries)
//the only exception where startoffset and endoffset can be the some is root elements =>
if(isRootElement(ancestor)) return true;
return isDescendantOf(ancestor.getStartOffset(), ancestor.getEndOffset(),
descendant.getStartOffset(), descendant.getEndOffset());
private static boolean isDescendantOf(int ancestorSO, int ancestorEO, int descendantSO, int descendantEO) {
if(descendantEO != descendantSO) {
if((ancestorSO == descendantSO && ancestorEO > descendantEO)
|| (ancestorEO == descendantEO && ancestorSO < descendantSO))
return true;
return (ancestorSO < descendantSO && ancestorEO > descendantEO);
/** Returns a leaf element from the hierarchy which contains the
* given offset. If there is not such an element it returns root element.
* The element is returned as a leaf if it contains the offset and there
* isn't any children of the element containing the offset.
* @return the most top (leaf) element containing the offset.
public DocumentElement getLeafElementForOffset(int offset) {
if(getDocument().getLength() == 0) return getRootElement();
DocumentElement leaf = null;
for(int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
DocumentElement de = elements.get(i);
if(de.getStartOffset() <= offset) {
if(de.getEndOffset() >=offset) {
//a possible candidate found
if(de.getStartOffset() == de.getEndOffset() && de.getStartOffset() == offset) {
//empty tag on the offset => return nearest candidate (its parent)
leaf = de;
} else {
//we have crossed the 'offset' => there cannot be a suitable
//element in the rest of the 'elements' set.
//#69756 - there may be no found element in the case when the document content has been
//changed during the model update - then the documentmodel element's may be in inconsistent
//state so no element is found here. The correct approach to this is always lock the document
//for reading when updating the model. However from performance reasons it is not possible now.
if(leaf == null) leaf = getRootElement();
return leaf;
} finally {
/** Forces the model to start update immediately. The call is non-blocking, client is supposed to listen
* on DocumentModelStateListener.updateFinished() before using the model.
* @since 1.14
public void forceUpdate() {
// ---- private methods -----
static void setModelUpdateTimout(int timeout) {
private boolean isRootElement(DocumentElement de) {
return de == getRootElement();
/** Returns a DocumentElement instance if there is such one with given boundaries. */
//noone except tests use this method so the linear complexity doesn't matter
DocumentElement getDocumentElement(int startOffset, int endOffset) throws BadLocationException {
try {
for(int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
DocumentElement de = elements.get(i);
if(de.getStartOffset() == startOffset &&
de.getEndOffset() == endOffset)
return de;
//we are far behind => there isn't such element => break the loop
if(de.getStartOffset() > startOffset) break;
//nothing found
return null;
/** Finds all {@link DocumentElement}s whose start offset = given startOfset.
* @return List of {@link DocumentElement}s with start offset = startOffset
List<DocumentElement> getDocumentElements(int startOffset) throws BadLocationException {
try {
int elementIndex = elements.binarySearchForOffset(startOffset);
if(elementIndex < 0) {
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
//we found an element with the startoffset
//there might be some others just before or just after this one
//in the elements array - find them.
ArrayList<DocumentElement> found = new ArrayList<DocumentElement>();
found.add(elements.get(elementIndex)); //add the found one
//find previous
int eli = elementIndex;
while(--eli >= 0) {
DocumentElement previous = elements.get(eli);
if(previous.getStartOffset() == startOffset) {
//previous element has still the same start offset
found.add(0, previous);
} else {
break; //no more elements with the same startoffset
//find next
while(++elementIndex < elements.size()) {
DocumentElement next = elements.get(elementIndex);
if(next.getStartOffset() == startOffset) {
//next element has still the same start offset
} else {
break; //no more elements with the same startoffset
return found;
private DocumentModel.DocumentModelModificationTransaction createTransaction(boolean init) {
return new DocumentModelModificationTransaction(init);
//generate elements for the entire document
private void initDocumentModel() throws DocumentModelException {
try {
DocumentModel.DocumentModelModificationTransaction trans = createTransaction(true);
provider.updateModel(trans, this, new DocumentChange[]{new DocumentChange(getDocument().getStartPosition(), getDocument().getLength(), DocumentChange.INSERT)});
}catch(DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException e) {
assert false : "We should never get here";
private void requestModelUpdate(boolean updateImmediately) {
//test whether there is an already running model update and if so cancel it
if(modelUpdateTransaction != null) {
task.schedule(updateImmediately ? 0 : MODEL_UPDATE_TIMEOUT);
private void updateModel() {
try {
//create a new transaction
modelUpdateTransaction = createTransaction(false);
DocumentChange[] changes = changesWatcher.getDocumentChanges();
if(debug) debugElements();
//let the model provider to decide what has changed and what to regenerate
provider.updateModel(modelUpdateTransaction, this, changes);
//commit all changes => update the model and fire events
//do that in EDT
try {
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
writeLock(); //lock the model for reading
//clear document changes cache -> if the transaction has been cancelled
//the cache is not cleared so next time the changes will be taken into account.
modelUpdateTransaction = null; //states that the model update has already finished
}catch(DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException dmte) {
}catch(Exception e) {
ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.EXCEPTION, e);
writeUnlock(); //unlock the model
}catch(Exception ie) {
ie.printStackTrace(); //XXX handle somehow
}catch(DocumentModelException e) {
if(debug) System.err.println("[DocumentModelUpdate] " + e.getMessage());
}catch(DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException dmcte) {
if(debug) System.out.println("[document model] update transaction cancelled.");
if(debug) DocumentModelUtils.dumpElementStructure(getRootElement());
/** AFAIK there isn't also any way how to explicitly resort a set so I need to use a list and resort it
* manually after each elements change. This allows me to resort elements after a document change to
* keep correct he eleements order. */
private void checkDocumentDirty() {
//the resort has to lock the model for access since it modifies the elements order
//and the document for modifications
if(documentDirty) {
try {
try {
} finally {
}finally {
documentDirty = false;
private void addRootElement() {
try {
DocumentModelModificationTransaction dmt = createTransaction(false);
rootElement = dmt.addDocumentElement("root", DOCUMENT_ROOT_ELEMENT_TYPE, EMPTY_ATTRS_MAP,
0, getDocument().getLength());
}catch(BadLocationException e) {
//this is very unlikely that the BLE will be thrown from this code
throw new IllegalStateException("Adding of root document element failed - strange!");
}catch(DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException dmtce) {
assert false : "We should never get here";
List<DocumentElement> getChildren(DocumentElement de) {
try {
//test whether the element has been removed - in such a case anyone can still have a reference to it
//but the element is not held in the document structure elements list
int index = elements.indexof(de);
if(index < 0) {
if(debug) System.out.println("Warning: DocumentModel.getChildren(...) called for " + de + " which has already been removed!");
return Collections.emptyList();
//there is a problem with empty elements - if an element is removed its boundaries
//are the some and the standart getParent/getChildren algorith fails.
//the root element can be empty however it has to return children (also empty)
if(de.isEmpty()) {
//if the root element is empty the rest of elements is also empty and
//has to be returned as children
if(isRootElement(de)) {
//ommit the root element which is always first
if(elements.size() > 1) {
return Arrays.asList(elements.subarray(1, elements.size()));
} else {
//just root element exists
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
//empty element has no children
return Collections.emptyList();
ArrayList<DocumentElement> children = new ArrayList<DocumentElement>();
//get all elements with startOffset >= de.getStartOffset()
index++;//skip the first element - this is the given element
//is there any other elements behind the 'de' element?
if(index < elements.size()) {
//Since the elements are sorted acc. to their start and end offsets and elements cannot cross!!!
//the next element must be the first child if its startOffset < the given element endOffset
DocumentElement firstChild = elements.get(index);
if(!isDescendantOf(de, firstChild)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
//the element is a child
//check the other elements - find first element which has startOffset > firstChild.endOffset
DocumentElement nextChild = firstChild;
for(int i = index + 1; i < elements.size(); i++) {
DocumentElement docel = elements.get(i);
int docel_so = docel.getStartOffset();
//test whether we didn't overpal the given 'de' endOffset
if(docel_so > de.getEndOffset()) break;
//test if the element is the first next child which has startOffset > previous child endOffset
if(docel_so >= nextChild.getEndOffset() ) {
//found a next child
nextChild = docel;
return children;
} finally {
DocumentElement getParent(DocumentElement de) {
int index = elements.indexof(de);
if(index < 0) {
//the element is not in the list
throw new IllegalArgumentException("getParent() called for " + de + " which is not in the elements list!");
} else {
return getParent(index, de.getStartOffset(), de.getEndOffset());
private DocumentElement getParent(int index, int de_so, int de_eo) {
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("index must be positive!");
if (index == 0) {
//root element has no parent
return null;
try {
//get all elements with startOffset <= de.getStartOffset()
//scan the elements in reversed order
for(int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
DocumentElement el = elements.get(i);
//test whether the element is empty - if so, get next one etc...
//if(!isEmpty(el) && el.getStartOffset() < de.getStartOffset() && isDescendantOf(el,de)) return cacheParent(de, el);
int el_so = el.getStartOffset();
int el_eo = el.getEndOffset();
if(el_so < de_so && el_so != el_eo && isDescendantOf(el_so, el_eo, de_so, de_eo)) {
// //measurement - average deepness of the find
// parent_count++;
// parent += index - i;
return el;
//if not found (e.g. has the same startoffsets in case of root)
//root is returned in all cases except parent of the root itself
return getRootElement();
/** This method should be owerrided by subclasses to return appropriate DocumentElement
* instancies according to given DocumentElementType. */
private DocumentElement createDocumentElement(String name, String type, Map<String, String> attributes,
int startOffset, int endOffset) throws BadLocationException {
//by default return DocumentElementBase
return new DocumentElement(name, type, attributes, startOffset, endOffset, this );
private void fireDocumentModelEvent(DocumentElement de, int type) {
for (DocumentModelListener cl: dmListeners) {
switch(type) {
case ELEMENT_ADDED: cl.documentElementAdded(de);break;
case ELEMENT_REMOVED: cl.documentElementRemoved(de);break;
case ELEMENT_CHANGED: cl.documentElementChanged(de);break;
case ELEMENT_ATTRS_CHANGED: cl.documentElementAttributesChanged(de);break;
private void fireSourceChanged() {
for (DocumentModelStateListener cl: dmsListeners) {
private void fireScanningStarted() {
for (DocumentModelStateListener cl: dmsListeners) {
private void fireUpdateStarted() {
for (DocumentModelStateListener cl: dmsListeners) {
private void fireUpdateFinished() {
for (DocumentModelStateListener cl: dmsListeners) {
// ------ model synchronization -------
public final synchronized void readLock() {
try {
while (currWriter != null) {
if (currWriter == Thread.currentThread()) {
// writer has full read access.
currReader = Thread.currentThread();
numReaders += 1;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new Error("Interrupted attempt to aquire read lock");
public final synchronized void readUnlock() {
if (currWriter == Thread.currentThread()) {
// writer has full read access.
assert numReaders > 0 : "Bad read lock state!";
numReaders -= 1;
if(numReaders == 0) currReader = null;
private final synchronized void writeLock() {
try {
while ((numReaders > 0) || (currWriter != null)) {
if (Thread.currentThread() == currWriter) {
if (Thread.currentThread() == currReader) {
//if this thread has readlock then we can write
return ;
currWriter = Thread.currentThread();
numWriters = 1;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new Error("Interrupted attempt to aquire write lock");
private final synchronized void writeUnlock() {
if (--numWriters <= 0) {
numWriters = 0;
currWriter = null;
// --------- debug methods ------------
void debugElements() {
System.out.println("DEBUG ELEMENTS:");
for(int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
DocumentElement[] elements() {
try {
DocumentElement[] clone = new DocumentElement[elements.size()];
System.arraycopy(elements.elements, 0, clone, 0, clone.length);
return clone;
} finally {
// --------- inner classes -------------
/** Used by DocumentModelProvider to store planned changes in the model
* (adds/removes/content changes) of elements and then commit them all together.
* <br>
* The transaction can be cancelled, then any attempt to add or remove document
* element to/from the transaction causes the DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException
* exception to be thrown.
public final class DocumentModelModificationTransaction {
private ArrayList<DocumentModelModification> modifications = new ArrayList<DocumentModelModification>();
private boolean transactionCancelled = false;
private boolean init;
DocumentModelModificationTransaction(boolean init) {
this.init = init;
/** Creates a new DocumentElement and adds it into the transaction.
* @param name the name of the DocumentElement
* @param type the type of the elemenent
* @param attributes the Map of element's attributes
* @param startOffset, endOffset the element's boundaries
* @throws DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException when the transaction has been cancelled and someone
* calls this method.
public DocumentElement addDocumentElement(String name, String type, Map<String, String> attributes, int startOffset,
int endOffset) throws BadLocationException, DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException {
//test if the transaction has been cancelled and if co throw TransactionCancelledException
if(transactionCancelled) throw new DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException();
//create a new DocumentElement instance
DocumentElement de = createDocumentElement(name, type, attributes, startOffset, endOffset);
if(!elements.contains(de)) {
if(debug) System.out.println("# ADD " + de + " adding into transaction");
DocumentModelModification dmm = new DocumentModelModification(de, DocumentModelModification.ELEMENT_ADD);
return de;
/** Adds a remove request of an already existing DocumentElement to the transaction.
* @param de the document element to be removed
* @param removeAllItsDescendants causes that all the element's descendants will be removed from the model as well.
public void removeDocumentElement(DocumentElement de, boolean removeAllItsDescendants) throws DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException {
//test if the transaction has been cancelled and if co throw TransactionCancelledException
if(transactionCancelled) throw new DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException();
//we cannot remove root element
if(isRootElement(de)) {
if(debug) System.out.println("WARNING: root element cannot be removed!");
return ;
if(debug) System.out.println("# REMOVE " + de + " adding into transaction ");
//first remove children
if(removeAllItsDescendants) {
//remove all its descendants recursivelly
Iterator/*<DocumentElement>*/ childrenIterator = getChildren(de).iterator();
while(childrenIterator.hasNext()) {
DocumentElement child = (DocumentElement);
removeDocumentElement(child, true);
//and then myself
DocumentModelModification dmm = new DocumentModelModification(de, DocumentModelModification.ELEMENT_REMOVED);
/** Adds a new text update request to the transaction.
* @param de the Document element which text content has been changed.
public void updateDocumentElementText(DocumentElement de) throws DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException {
//test if the transaction has been cancelled and if co throw TransactionCancelledException
if(transactionCancelled) throw new DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException();
DocumentModelModification dmm = new DocumentModelModification(de, DocumentModelModification.ELEMENT_CHANGED);
if(!modifications.contains(dmm)) modifications.add(dmm);
/** Adds a attribs update request to the transaction.
* @param de the Document element which text content has been changed.
* @param attrs updated attributes
public void updateDocumentElementAttribs(DocumentElement de, Map<String, String> attrs) throws DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException {
//test if the transaction has been cancelled and if co throw TransactionCancelledException
if(transactionCancelled) throw new DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException();
DocumentModelModification dmm = new DocumentModelModification(de, DocumentModelModification.ELEMENT_ATTRS_CHANGED, attrs);
if(!modifications.contains(dmm)) modifications.add(dmm);
private void commit() throws DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException {
// parent=0;
// parent_count = 0;
long a = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
//test if the transaction has been cancelled and if co throw TransactionCancelledException
if(transactionCancelled) throw new DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException();
//XXX not an ideal algorithm :-)
//first remove all elements
long r = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(debug) System.out.println("\n# commiting REMOVEs");
Iterator<DocumentModelModification> mods = modifications.iterator();
int removes = 0;
//reset last parent cache
last_empty_element_start_offset = -1;
last_parent = null;
while(mods.hasNext()) {
DocumentModelModification dmm =;
if(dmm.type == DocumentModelModification.ELEMENT_REMOVED) {
if(removeDE( {
} else {
System.out.println("[DMT] cannot remove element " +;
if(measure) System.out.println("[xmlmodel] "+ removes + " removes commited in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - r));
//if the entire document content has been removed the root element is marked as empty
//to be able to add new elements inside we need to unmark it now
long adds = System.currentTimeMillis();
//then add all new elements
//it is better to add the elements from roots to leafs
if(debug) System.out.println("\n# commiting ADDs");
mods = modifications.iterator();
ArrayList<DocumentElement> added = new ArrayList<DocumentElement>();
while(mods.hasNext()) {
DocumentModelModification dmm =;
if(dmm.type == DocumentModelModification.ELEMENT_ADD) {
if(!init) { //do not fire events during model init
for (DocumentElement de: added) {
if(measure) System.out.println("[xmlmodel] " + added.size() + " adds commited in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - adds));
long upds = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(debug) System.out.println("\n# commiting text UPDATESs");
mods = modifications.iterator();
while(mods.hasNext()) {
DocumentModelModification dmm =;
if(dmm.type == DocumentModelModification.ELEMENT_CHANGED) updateDEText(;
if(debug) System.out.println("\n# commiting attribs UPDATESs");
mods = modifications.iterator();
while(mods.hasNext()) {
DocumentModelModification dmm =;
if(dmm.type == DocumentModelModification.ELEMENT_ATTRS_CHANGED) updateDEAttrs(, dmm.attrs);
if(measure) System.out.println("[xmlmodel] updates commit done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - upds));
} finally {
if(debug) System.out.println("# commit finished\n");
if(measure) System.out.println("[xmlmodel] commit done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - a));
// System.out.println("parent root count = " + parent_count);
// System.out.println("parent root average = " + (parent / (parent_count == 0 ? 1 : parent_count)));
private void updateDEText(DocumentElement de) {
//notify model listeners
fireDocumentModelEvent(de, ELEMENT_CHANGED);
//notify element listeners
private void updateDEAttrs(DocumentElement de, Map<String, String> attrs) {
//set the new attributes
//notify model listeners
fireDocumentModelEvent(de, ELEMENT_ATTRS_CHANGED);
//notify element listeners
private void fireElementAddedEvent(DocumentElement de) {
DocumentElement parent = (DocumentElement)de.getParentElement();
/* events firing:
* If the added element has a children, we have to fire remove event
* to their previous parents (it is the added element's parent)
* and fire add event to the added element for all its children
if(parent != null) {//root element doesn't have any parent
List children = de.getChildren();
//fire add event for the new document element itself
//fire events for all affected children
Iterator/*<DocumentElement>*/ childrenIterator = children.iterator();
while(childrenIterator.hasNext()) {
DocumentElement child = (DocumentElement);
fireDocumentModelEvent(de, ELEMENT_ADDED);
//note: document change events are fired from the leafs to root
private boolean removeDE(DocumentElement de) {
if(debug) System.out.println("[DTM] removing " + de);
//I need to get the parent before removing from the list!
DocumentElement parent = null;
int index = elements.indexof(de);
if(index <= 0) {
return false; //element not found or root element (cannot be removed)
//empty element parent optimalization
//when a bigger part of a document is deleted then a number of
//elements gets to the same start and end offsets, in such
//case having a simple last empty element offset -> parent cache helps a lot.
int de_so = de.getStartOffset();
int de_eo = de.getEndOffset();
boolean empty = (de_eo - de_so) == 0;
if(empty) { //empty element
if(last_empty_element_start_offset == de_so) {
//we already know the parent
parent = last_parent;
if(parent == null) {
parent = getParent(index, de_so, de_eo);
//cache the parent if empty element
if(empty) {
last_empty_element_start_offset = de_so;
last_parent = parent;
//get children of the element to be removed
List<DocumentElement> children = empty ? null : de.getChildren();
/* events firing:
* If the removed element had a children, we have to fire add event
* to the parent of the removed element for each child.
if(!empty) {
//fire events for all affected children
for(DocumentElement child : children) {
if(debug) System.out.println("switching child " + child + "from removed " + de + "to parent " + parent);
//notify the parent element that one of its children has been removed
if(parent != null) parent.childRemoved(de);
fireDocumentModelEvent(de, ELEMENT_REMOVED);
if(debug) System.out.println("[DMT] removed element " + de + " ;parent = " + parent);
return true;
/** called by the DocumentModel when the document changes during model update (the trans. lifetime) */
private void setTransactionCancelled() {
transactionCancelled = true;
private final class DocumentModelModification {
public static final int ELEMENT_ADD = 1;
public static final int ELEMENT_REMOVED = 2;
public static final int ELEMENT_CHANGED = 3;
public static final int ELEMENT_ATTRS_CHANGED = 4;
public int type;
public DocumentElement de;
public Map<String, String> attrs = null;
public DocumentModelModification(DocumentElement de, int type) { = de;
this.type = type;
public DocumentModelModification(DocumentElement de, int type, Map<String, String> attrs) {
this(de, type);
this.attrs = attrs;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(!(o instanceof DocumentModelModification)) return false;
DocumentModelModification dmm = (DocumentModelModification)o;
return (dmm.type == this.type) && (;
/** This exception is thrown when someone tries to add a request to an already cancelled transaction.*/
public final class DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException extends Exception {
public DocumentModelTransactionCancelledException() {
//compares elements according to their start offsets
//XXX - design - this comparator should be defined in DocumentElement class in the compareTo method!!!!
public static final Comparator<DocumentElement> ELEMENTS_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<DocumentElement>() {
public int compare(DocumentElement de1, DocumentElement de2) {
//fastly handle root element comparing
DocumentModel model = de1.getDocumentModel();
if(model.isRootElement(de1) && !model.isRootElement(de2)) return -1;
if(!model.isRootElement(de1) && model.isRootElement(de2)) return +1;
if(model.isRootElement(de2) && model.isRootElement(de1)) return 0;
int startOffsetDelta = de1.getStartOffset() - de2.getStartOffset();
if(startOffsetDelta != 0)
//different startOffsets
return startOffsetDelta;
else {
//the elements has the same startoffsets - so we need
//to compare them according to their endoffsets
int endOffsetDelta = de2.getEndOffset() - de1.getEndOffset();
if(endOffsetDelta != 0) {
return (de1.isEmpty() || de2.isEmpty()) ? -endOffsetDelta : endOffsetDelta;
} else {
//because of TreeSet operations seems to use the comparator to test equality of elements
int typesDelta = de1.getType().compareTo(de2.getType());
if(typesDelta != 0) return typesDelta;
else {
int namesDelta = de1.getName().compareTo(de2.getName());
if(namesDelta != 0) return namesDelta;
else {
// //equality acc. to attribs causes problems with readding of elements in XMLDocumentModelProvider when changing attributes.
int attrsComp = ((DocumentElement.Attributes)de1.getAttributes()).compareTo(de2.getAttributes());
if(attrsComp != 0) {
return attrsComp;
} else {
//Compare according to their hashCodes
//the same element have the same hashcode
//This is necessary when more elements with the same name is deleted
//then they have the same start-end offsets so they "seem" to be
//the same, thought they aren't.
return de1.isEmpty() ? System.identityHashCode(de2) - System.identityHashCode(de1) : 0;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj.equals(DocumentModel.ELEMENTS_COMPARATOR);
private final class DocumentChangesWatcher implements DocumentListener {
private ArrayList<DocumentChange> documentChanges = new ArrayList<DocumentChange>();
public void changedUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent documentEvent) {
//no need to handle document attributes changes
public void insertUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent documentEvent) {
public void removeUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent documentEvent) {
//assumption: this method contains no locking AFAIK
private void documentChanged(DocumentEvent documentEvent) {
if(!documentDirty) {
//indicate that the synchronization between document content and the element may be broken
//not used by the model logic itself but by the "resortElements" method.
documentDirty = true;
try {
//test whether a new text was inserted before or after the root element boundaries (positions)
if(getRootElement().getStartOffset() > 0 || getRootElement().getEndOffset() < getDocument().getLength()) {
//TODO: here we have to decide whether the document change affects
//the model and how.
int change_offset = documentEvent.getOffset();
int change_length = documentEvent.getLength();
int type = documentEvent.getType().equals(EventType.REMOVE) ? DocumentChange.REMOVE : DocumentChange.INSERT;
DocumentChange dchi = new DocumentChange(getDocument().createPosition(change_offset), change_length, type);
if(debug) System.out.println(dchi);
}catch(BadLocationException e) {
public DocumentChange[] getDocumentChanges() {
List<DocumentChange> changes = (List<DocumentChange>)documentChanges.clone();
return changes.toArray(new DocumentChange[]{});
public void clearChanges() {
/** A text document change wrapper similar to DocumentEvent. It stores the change type (remove/insert), its offset and length.
* An array of these objects is passed into the DocumentModelProvider.updateModel().
* @see DocumentModel overall description for more infermation
public class DocumentChange {
/** document text insert */
public static final int INSERT=0;
/** removal of a text from text document */
public static final int REMOVE=1;
private Position changeStart;
private int changeLength, type;
DocumentChange(Position changeStart, int changeLength, int type) {
this.changeStart = changeStart;
this.changeLength = changeLength;
this.type = type;
/** @return a Position in the text document when the change started. */
public Position getChangeStart() {
return changeStart;
/** @return the length of the change. */
public int getChangeLength() {
return changeLength;
/** @return either DocumentChange.INSERT or DocumentChange.REMOVE */
public int getChangeType() {
return type;
public String toString() {
return "Change["+getChangeStart().getOffset() + "-" + (getChangeStart().getOffset() + getChangeLength())+ "-" + (type == INSERT ? "INSERT" : "REMOVE") + "] text: " + getChangeText();
private String getChangeText() {
try {
String text = getDocument().getText(getChangeStart().getOffset(), getChangeLength());
if(type == INSERT) return text;
else if(type == REMOVE) return "[cannot provide removed text]; the text on remove offset: " + text;
assert false : "Wrong document change type!";
}catch(BadLocationException e) {
return "BadLocationException thrown: " + e.getMessage();
return null; //why do I need this???? :-)
/** A sorted array wrapper.
* Access to elements is done directly to the encapsulated array.
* add() and remove() methods must be used instead of direct modification of the array.
private static class ElementsArray {
private DocumentElement[] elements;
//internal array size pointer
private int size;
private int increase_capacity_delta;
private boolean needs_resort;
ElementsArray() {
elements = new DocumentElement[1000];
size = 0;
increase_capacity_delta = 100;
needs_resort = false;
/* Elements are added to the end of the array,
* not sorted, not checked for duplicity.
* resort() needs to be called before any
* subsequent access (except next fastAdd() call),
* otherwise IllegalStateException will be called.
public void fastAdd(DocumentElement de) {
elements[size++] = de;
needs_resort = true;
/* ~ log(n) peformance */
public void add(DocumentElement de) {
int index = indexof(de);
if(index >= 0) {
return ; //already added, no update
index = -index - 1; //switch to insert index
int move = size - index - 1;
if(move > 0) {
System.arraycopy(elements, index, elements, index + 1, move);
elements[index] = de;
public void remove(int index) {
if(index < 0) {
return ; //nothing to remove, no update
int move = size - index - 1;
if (move > 0) {
System.arraycopy(elements, index+1, elements, index, move);
elements[--size] = null;
/* ~ log(n) peformance */
public void remove(DocumentElement de) {
/* ~ log(n) peformance */
public int indexof(DocumentElement de) {
return binarySearch(de);
public DocumentElement get(int index) {
return elements[index];
public boolean contains(DocumentElement de) {
return indexof(de) >= 0;
public int size() {
return size;
/* n*log(n) performance */
public void resort() {
Arrays.sort(elements, 0, size, ELEMENTS_COMPARATOR);
needs_resort = false;
public DocumentElement[] subarray(int from, int to) {
if (to < 0 || to > size) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index out of range: " + to + " (size = " + size + ")");
int len = to - from;
if(len < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("from > to: " + from + " > " + to);
DocumentElement[] sub = new DocumentElement[len];
System.arraycopy(elements, from, sub, 0, len);
return sub;
private void checkIntegrity() {
if(needs_resort) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Elements are inconsistent - fastAdd() called without subsequent resort() call!");
private void checkIndex(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index out of range: " + index + " (size = " + size + ")");
private void checkCapacity() {
int free = elements.length - size;
assert free >= 0;
if(free == 0) {
increase_capacity_delta *= 5; //load factor
DocumentElement[] old_elements = elements;
elements = new DocumentElement[size + increase_capacity_delta];
System.arraycopy(old_elements, 0, elements, 0, old_elements.length);
private int binarySearch(DocumentElement key) {
int low = 0;
int high = size() - 1;
while (low <= high) {
int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
DocumentElement midVal = elements[mid];
int cmp =, key);
if (cmp < 0)
low = mid + 1;
else if (cmp > 0)
high = mid - 1;
return mid; // key found
return -(low + 1); // key not found.
/** finds a DocumentElement starting on the given offset.
* Note: there might be mode elements with the same startposition.
* The method can return any of them.
public int binarySearchForOffset(int offset) {
int low = 0;
int high = size() - 1;
while (low <= high) {
int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
DocumentElement midVal = elements[mid];
int so = midVal.getStartOffset();
int cmp = so - offset;
if (cmp < 0)
low = mid + 1;
else if (cmp > 0)
high = mid - 1;
return mid; // key found
return -(low + 1); // key not found.
//some measurement
private long parent = 0;
private long parent_count = 0;
//performance hack>>>
private DocumentElement last_parent = null;
private int last_empty_element_start_offset = -1;
//root document element - always present in the model - even in an empty one
private static final String DOCUMENT_ROOT_ELEMENT_TYPE = "ROOT_ELEMENT";
private static final boolean debug = Boolean.getBoolean("org.netbeans.editor.model.debug");
private static final boolean measure = Boolean.getBoolean("org.netbeans.editor.model.measure");
private static final String GENERATING_MODEL_PROPERTY = "generating_document_model";