blob: d99a472ec21bf6c5007ab9a5f66be181045ce15f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.netbeans.modules.web.jspcompiler;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeMap;
//TODO - add support for other tags, e.g. server-specific -> make sure they do not block this code
* @author mg116726
public class SmapResolver {
/** header of SMAP file - must be on the first line
private static final String SMAP_HEADER = "SMAP"; // NOI18N
/** default stratum should be set to JSP
private static final String DEFAULT_STRATUM = "JSP"; //NOI18N
/** this is how JSP stratum section beginning look like
private static final String STRATUM_SECTION = "*S JSP"; // NOI18N
/** line section begins with this mark
private static final String LINE_SECTION = "*L"; // NOI18N
/** file section begins with this mark
private static final String FILE_SECTION = "*F"; // NOI18N
/** smap file ends with this mark
private static final String END_SECTION = "*E"; // NOI18N
/** this hash sign divides fileid from line number
private static final String FID_DELIM = "#"; // NOI18N
/** reader that was used to create this smapresolver
private SmapReader reader = null;
/** this one is true only if the smap read by the reader has been successfully resolved
private boolean resolved = false;
/** default stratum set in the smap file
private String defaultStratum = null;
/** outputFileName ==> servlet name set in the smap file
private String outputFileName = null;
/** contains hashmap of fileid's & filenames in the jsp
private Hashtable fsection = new Hashtable(3);
/** contains jsp -> servlet line mappings
private Map jsp2java = new TreeMap();
/** contains servlet -> jsp line mappings
private Map java2jsp = new TreeMap();
/** Creates a new instance of SmapResolver
* @param reader reader provides readSmap() method which returns SMAP iformation as a String
public SmapResolver(SmapReader reader) {
this.resolved = resolve(reader.readSmap());
this.reader = reader;
public String toString() {
return reader.toString();
/** Reads the smap file and stores all the data into corresponding variables and maps.
* At the end calls sanitycheck to check whether the file has been resolved successfuly
* @return true if resolved successfuly, false if not
* @param smap SMAP information as a string
private boolean resolve(String smap) {
String currentSection = "";
if (smap == null) return false;
// tokenize the smap file by endlines
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(smap, "\n", false);
boolean beginning = true;
int sectionCounter = 0; // counts items in the sections
/** to which file current indexes belong (there are more of them - includes)
String fileIndex = null;
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = st.nextToken();
//this tough IF..ELSE is responsible for tracking which section is currently read
if (beginning) { // SMAP file begins with 'SMAP' header
if (!SMAP_HEADER.equals(token)) {
return false;
beginning = false;
currentSection = SMAP_HEADER;
} else if (STRATUM_SECTION.equals(token)) {
currentSection = STRATUM_SECTION;
} else if (FILE_SECTION.equals(token)) {
currentSection = FILE_SECTION;
sectionCounter = 0;
} else if (LINE_SECTION.equals(token)) {
currentSection = LINE_SECTION;
sectionCounter = 0;
fileIndex = "0";
} else if (END_SECTION.equals(token)) {
currentSection = END_SECTION;
//read info from header
if (SMAP_HEADER.equals(currentSection)) {
if (sectionCounter == 0) { // outputFileName
outputFileName = token;
if (sectionCounter == 1) { // defaultStratum follows
defaultStratum = token;
//read the file section
if (FILE_SECTION.equals(currentSection)) {
if (token.startsWith("+")) {
storeFile(token, token = st.nextToken());
} else {
storeFile(token, null);
if (LINE_SECTION.equals(currentSection)) {
int hashPresent = token.indexOf(FID_DELIM);
if (hashPresent > -1) { // there's a hash => there's a fileid indicator
fileIndex = token.substring(hashPresent + 1, token.indexOf(':'));
if ((fileIndex != null) && (fileIndex.indexOf(',') > -1)) {
fileIndex = fileIndex.substring(0,fileIndex.indexOf(','));
storeLine(token, fileIndex);
//perform sanity check - report error (return false) if unsuccessful
this.resolved = sanityCheck();
return this.resolved;
/** stores file name and file index into the fsection map
private void storeFile(String token, String token2) {
String id = "";
String filename = "";
int spaceIndex = 0;
if ((token != null) && (token.startsWith("+"))) {
token = token.substring(2);
spaceIndex = token.indexOf(" ");
id = token.substring(0, spaceIndex);
filename = token2;
} else {
spaceIndex = token.indexOf(" ");
id = token.substring(0, spaceIndex);
filename = token.substring(spaceIndex+1);
fsection.put(id, filename);
/** stores line mappings into both java->jsp->java maps
private void storeLine(String token, String fileIndex) {
int delimIndex = token.indexOf(":");
String jspLine = token.substring(0, delimIndex);
String javaLine = token.substring(delimIndex+1);
int hashPresent = jspLine.indexOf(FID_DELIM);
int commaPresent = jspLine.indexOf(',');
int jspIndex = 0;
int repeatCount = 0;
if (commaPresent != -1) {
repeatCount = Integer.parseInt(jspLine.substring(commaPresent+1));
if (hashPresent == -1) {
jspIndex = Integer.parseInt(jspLine.substring(0, commaPresent));
} else {
jspIndex = Integer.parseInt(jspLine.substring(0, hashPresent));
} else {
if (hashPresent == -1) {
jspIndex = Integer.parseInt(jspLine);
} else {
jspIndex = Integer.parseInt(jspLine.substring(0, hashPresent));
repeatCount = 1;
commaPresent = javaLine.indexOf(',');
int outputIncrement;
int javaIndex;
if (commaPresent != -1) {
outputIncrement = Integer.parseInt(javaLine.substring(commaPresent+1));
javaIndex = Integer.parseInt(javaLine.substring(0, commaPresent));
} else {
outputIncrement = 1;
javaIndex = Integer.parseInt(javaLine);
for (int i=0; i < repeatCount; i++) {
int jspL = jspIndex + i;
int javaL = javaIndex + (i * outputIncrement);
// fill in table for jsp->java mappings
jspLine = Integer.toString(jspL).concat(FID_DELIM).concat(fileIndex);
javaLine = Integer.toString(javaL);
if (!jsp2java.containsKey(jspLine)) { // the first rule is the right one
jsp2java.put(jspLine, javaLine);
// fill in table for java->jsp mappings
jspLine = Integer.toString(jspL).concat("#").concat(fileIndex);
javaLine = Integer.toString(javaL);
if (!java2jsp.containsKey(javaLine)) { // the first rule is the right one
java2jsp.put(javaLine, jspLine);
/** check whether the file has been resolved correctly
private boolean sanityCheck() {
if (!DEFAULT_STRATUM.equals(defaultStratum)) return false;
if (!(outputFileName.endsWith(".java"))) return false;
if (fsection.isEmpty()) return false;
if (jsp2java.isEmpty()) return false; // TODO: check how this is done for empty jsps
if (java2jsp.isEmpty()) return false; // TODO: check how this is done for empty jsps
return true;
/** access file name by index in the SMAP
* @param index Index of the file in the SMAP
* @return filename
private String getFileNameByIndex(String index) {
return (String)fsection.get(index);
/** access index by the filename
* @param fname filename to find index for
* @return index of the file in SMAP
private String getIndexByFileName(String fname) {
Set s = fsection.entrySet();
Iterator i = s.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry mentry = (Map.Entry);
String value = (String)mentry.getValue();
if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(fname)) {
return mentry.getKey().toString();
return null;
* @return Whether the SMAP info file is resolved or not
public boolean isResolved() {
return this.resolved;
* get all the filenames in the SMAP
public Map getFileNames() {
Hashtable h = new Hashtable(fsection.size());
Collection c = fsection.values();
Iterator i = c.iterator();
int counter = 0;
while (i.hasNext()) {
return h;
* get primary jsp filename
public String getPrimaryJspFileName() {
TreeMap tm = new TreeMap(fsection);
Object o = tm.firstKey();
String s = (String)fsection.get(o);
return s;
/** if there are included files in the jsp or not
public boolean hasIncludedFiles() {
return (fsection.size() > 1);
public String getJavaLineType(int line, int col) {
//line type is not included in the SMAP mapping information - therefore this is not supported in JSR45
return null;
/** whether the jsp file is completely empty - without any line
public boolean isEmpty() {
return jsp2java.isEmpty(); // TODO - check if this really works
/** returns jsp name for corresponding servlet line
public String getJspFileName(int line, int col) throws IOException {
String key = Integer.toString(line);
String value = (String)java2jsp.get(key);
if (value == null) return null;
String index = value.substring(value.indexOf(FID_DELIM)+1);
return getFileNameByIndex(index);
public int mangle(String jspFileName, int line, int col) {
String fileIndex = getIndexByFileName(jspFileName);
if (fileIndex == null) return -1;
String key = "".concat(Integer.toString(line)).concat("#").concat(fileIndex);
String value = (String)jsp2java.get(key);
if (value == null) return -1;
return Integer.parseInt(value);
public int unmangle(int line, int col) {
String key = Integer.toString(line);
String value = (String)java2jsp.get(key);
if (value == null) return -1;
int jspline = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, value.indexOf("#")));
return jspline;