blob: 17481dcd157b27176f5b764798f18f764e1da7d2 [file] [log] [blame]
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How to upgrade the htmlparser library:
1) clone the sources of the parser from
these instructions were done with changeset 885:1370ab8cc556
hg clone
2) go to the repository root
3) apply the patches htmlparser-*.patch from this directory
(for production build against JDK8 and skip the JDK11 patch)
patch -p1 < ~/src/netbeans/ide/html.parser/external/htmlparser-01-fix-maven-build.patch
patch -p1 < ~/src/netbeans/ide/html.parser/external/htmlparser-02-ignore-file.patch
patch -p1 < ~/src/netbeans/ide/html.parser/external/htmlparser-03-minimum-changes-nb.patch
4) Update the version with the day of the build
5) Run maven build:
mvn clean package
6) upload the generated htmlparser-1.4.<date>.jar file as a binary library at
For local testing without uploading the new file:
1) Get the SHA1 sum for the file: sha1sum target/htmlparser-1.4.<date>.jar | awk '{print toupper($1)}'
2) Copy the file to ~/.hgexternalcache/<SHA1SUM>-htmlparser-1.4.<date>.jar
DATE=20190624; cp target/htmlparser-1.4.$DATE.jar ~/.hgexternalcache/`sha1sum target/htmlparser-1.4.$DATE.jar | awk '{print toupper($1)}'`-htmlparser-1.4.$DATE.jar
3) Update the binaries list