blob: 3c20c68b9f83bbdd59b76ce2368f9d6cb274a42a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.selenium2.webclient.api;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.netbeans.api.annotations.common.NullAllowed;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.Status;
import org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.TestSession;
import org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.TestSuite;
import org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.Testcase;
import org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.Trouble;
import org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.ui.api.Manager;
import org.netbeans.modules.selenium2.webclient.spi.JumpToCallStackCallback;
import org.netbeans.modules.web.clientproject.api.util.StringUtilities;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.Pair;
* @author Theofanis Oikonomou
@NbBundle.Messages("TestRunner.noName=<no name>")
public final class TestRunnerReporter {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TestRunnerReporter.class.getName());
private final String NB_LINE;
static final Pattern MULTI_CAPABILITIES = Pattern.compile("\\[launcher\\] Running (?<MULTICAPABILITIES>[\\d]+) instances of WebDriver"); // NOI18N
static final String CAPABILITY = "(\\[(?<BROWSER>.*) #(?<CAPABILITY>[\\d]+)\\] )?"; // NOI18N
static final Pattern OK_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^" + CAPABILITY + "([^(not )]*)ok (?<INDEX>[\\d]+) (?<FULLTITLE>.*), suite=(?<SUITE>.*), testcase=(?<TESTCASE>.*), duration=(?<DURATION>[\\d]+)"); // NOI18N
static final Pattern OK_SKIP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^" + CAPABILITY + "([^(not )]*)ok (?<INDEX>[\\d]+) (?<FULLTITLE>.*) # SKIP -, suite=(?<SUITE>.*), testcase=(?<TESTCASE>.*)"); // NOI18N
static final Pattern NOT_OK_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^" + CAPABILITY + "(.*)not ok (?<INDEX>[\\d]+) (?<FULLTITLE>.*), suite=(?<SUITE>.*), testcase=(?<TESTCASE>.*), duration=(?<DURATION>[\\d]+)"); // NOI18N
static final Pattern SESSION_START_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^" + CAPABILITY + "1\\.\\.(?<TOTAL>[\\d]+)"); // NOI18N
static final Pattern SESSION_END_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^" + CAPABILITY + "(.*)tests (?<TOTAL>[\\d]+), pass (?<PASS>[\\d]+), fail (?<FAIL>[\\d]+), skip (?<SKIP>[\\d]+)"); // NOI18N
static final String SKIP = " # SKIP -"; // NOI18N
static final Pattern DONE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(.*)Done."); // NOI18N
private final RunInfo runInfo;
private TestSession testSession;
private TestSuite testSuite;
private long testSuiteRuntime = 0;
private boolean hasTests = false;
private int testIndex = 0;
private Trouble trouble;
private final ArrayList<String> stackTrace = new ArrayList<>();
private String runningSuite;
private String testcase;
private long duration;
private final boolean showOutput;
private int multiCapabilities = 0;
private String browser;
private boolean normalSessionEnd = false;
public TestRunnerReporter(RunInfo runInfo, String reporterSuffix) {
assert runInfo != null;
this.runInfo = runInfo;
this.showOutput = runInfo.isShowOutput();
this.NB_LINE = reporterSuffix;
* @return {@code null} if logMessage should not be shown in the output window
public String processLine(String logMessage) {
int index = logMessage.indexOf(NB_LINE);
String line = removeEscapeCharachters(logMessage).replace(NB_LINE, "");
Matcher matcher;
matcher = MULTI_CAPABILITIES.matcher(line);
if(matcher.find()) {
multiCapabilities = Integer.parseInt("MULTICAPABILITIES"));
return logMessage;
matcher = DONE_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
if (!normalSessionEnd) {
// something unexpected has happened
return logMessage;
if(index == -1) {
if (trouble != null) { // stacktrace from javascript/selenium mocha runner
return showOutput ? line : null;
return logMessage;
matcher = SESSION_START_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
// in "multi capability" mode session is started only once
if (multiCapabilities == 0 || // capabilities is used
(multiCapabilities > 0 &&"CAPABILITY") == null) || // multiCapabilities is used with only one browser
(multiCapabilities > 0 && Integer.parseInt("CAPABILITY")) == 1)) { // multiCapabilities is used with more than one browser
normalSessionEnd = false;
return showOutput ? line : null;
matcher = SESSION_END_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
// in "multi capability" mode session is finished only once
if (multiCapabilities == 0 || // capabilities is used
(multiCapabilities > 0 &&"CAPABILITY") == null) || // multiCapabilities is used with only one browser
(multiCapabilities > 0 && Integer.parseInt("CAPABILITY")) == multiCapabilities)) { // multiCapabilities is used with more than one browser
normalSessionEnd = true;
return showOutput ? "" : null;
matcher = OK_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
String output2display = parseTestResult(matcher);
addTestCase(testcase, Status.PASSED, duration);
if(!showOutput) {
return null;
getManager().displayOutput(testSession, output2display, false);
return output2display;
matcher = OK_SKIP_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
String output2display = parseTestResult(matcher).concat(SKIP);
addTestCase(testcase, Status.SKIPPED, duration);
if(!showOutput) {
return null;
getManager().displayOutput(testSession, output2display, false);
return output2display;
matcher = NOT_OK_PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
String output2display = parseTestResult(matcher);
if(!showOutput) {
return null;
getManager().displayOutput(testSession, output2display, false);
return output2display;
if(trouble != null) { // stacktrace from selenium jasmine runner
return showOutput ? line : null;
private String getStacktrace(String line) {
if (multiCapabilities > 0) { // remove browser info from stacktrace
return line.replaceFirst(CAPABILITY, "");
return line;
private String getSuiteName(String suite) {
if(browser == null) {
return suite;
return "[" + browser + "] " + suite;
private String parseTestResult(Matcher matcher) {
testIndex = Integer.parseInt("INDEX"));
browser ="BROWSER");
String suite = getSuiteName("SUITE"));
testcase ="TESTCASE");
if (matcher.pattern().pattern().equals(NOT_OK_PATTERN.pattern())) {
trouble = new Trouble(false);
if(matcher.pattern().pattern().equals(OK_SKIP_PATTERN.pattern())) {
duration = 0;
} else {
duration = Long.parseLong("DURATION"));
if (runningSuite == null) {
runningSuite = suite;
} else {
if (!runningSuite.equals(suite)) {
runningSuite = suite;
return (matcher.pattern().pattern().equals(NOT_OK_PATTERN.pattern()) ? "not ok " : "ok ") + testIndex + " " + runningSuite + " " + testcase;
private void handleTrouble() {
if (trouble != null) {
trouble.setStackTrace(stackTrace.toArray(new String[stackTrace.size()]));
addTestCase(testcase, Status.FAILED, duration, trouble);
trouble = null;
static String removeEscapeCharachters(String line) {
return line.replace("[?25l", "").replace("[2K", "").replace("\u001B", "").replaceAll("\\[[;\\d]*m", "").trim();
private Manager getManager() {
return Manager.getInstance();
"# {0} - project name",
"TestRunner.selenium.runner.title={0} (Selenium)",
"# {0} - project name",
"TestRunner.unit.runner.title={0} (Unit)",
private String getOutputTitle() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(30);
if (!runInfo.isTestingProject()) {
String testFile = runInfo.getTestFile();
if (testFile != null) {
sb.append(":"); // NOI18N
sb.append(new File(testFile).getName());
return runInfo.isSelenium() ? Bundle.TestRunner_selenium_runner_title(sb.toString()) : Bundle.TestRunner_unit_runner_title(sb.toString());
private void sessionStarted(String line) {
assert testSession == null;
getManager().setNodeFactory(Utilities.getTestRunnerNodeFactory(new CallStackCallback(runInfo.getProject())));
testSession = new TestSession(getOutputTitle(), runInfo.getProject(), TestSession.SessionType.TEST);
if(showOutput) {
getManager().displayOutput(testSession, line, false);
"TestRunner.tests.none.1=No tests executed - perhaps an error occured?",
"TestRunner.tests.none.2=\nFull output can be verified in Output window.",
"TestRunner.output.full=\nFull output can be found in Output window.",
private void sessionFinished(String line) {
assert testSession != null;
if (testSuite != null) {
// can happen for qunit
if (!hasTests) {
getManager().displayOutput(testSession, Bundle.TestRunner_tests_none_1(), true);
getManager().displayOutput(testSession, Bundle.TestRunner_tests_none_2(), true);
} else {
getManager().displayOutput(testSession, Bundle.TestRunner_output_full(), false);
testSession = null;
runningSuite = null;
hasTests = false;
"TestRunner.session.finished.abnormally=Test session terminated abnormally - perhaps an error occured?"
private void sessionFinishedAbnormally(String line) {
getManager().displayOutput(testSession, Bundle.TestRunner_session_finished_abnormally(), false);
testSession = null;
runningSuite = null;
hasTests = false;
"# {0} - suite name",
private void suiteStarted(String line) {
assert testSession != null;
if (testSuite != null) {
// can happen for more browsers and last browser suite
assert testSuite == null;
assert testSuiteRuntime == 0;
String name = Bundle.TestRunner_suite_name(line);
if (!StringUtilities.hasText(name)) {
name = Bundle.TestRunner_noName();
testSuite = new TestSuite(name);
getManager().displaySuiteRunning(testSession, testSuite.getName());
private void suiteFinished(@NullAllowed String line) {
assert testSession != null;
if (testSuite == null) {
// current suite already finished
getManager().displayReport(testSession, testSession.getReport(testSuiteRuntime), true);
testSuite = null;
testSuiteRuntime = 0;
private void addTestCase(String name, Status status) {
addTestCase(name, status, 0L);
private void addTestCase(String name, Status status, long runtime) {
addTestCase(name, status, runtime, null);
private void addTestCase(String name, Status status, long runtime, Trouble trouble) {
hasTests = true;
Testcase testCase = new Testcase(name, "Selenium", testSession); // NOI18N
testSuiteRuntime += runtime;
if (trouble != null) {
// ~ Inner classes
public static final class CallStackCallback implements JumpToCallStackCallback {
// at /Users/fanis/selenium2_work/NodeJsApplication/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver/promise.js:1425:29
// at notify (/Users/fanis/selenium2_work/NodeJsApplication/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver/promise.js:465:12)
// at C:\Users\toikonom\AppData\Local\Temp\AngularJSPhoneCat\node_modules\protractor\lib\protractor.js:1041:17
// at [object Object].webdriver.promise.ControlFlow.runInNewFrame_ (C:\Users\toikonom\AppData\Local\Temp\AngularJSPhoneCat\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\selenium-webdriver\lib\webdriver\promise.js:1539:20)
// at Context.<anonymous> (test/test.js:8:24)
static final Pattern FILE_LINE_PATTERN_UNIX = Pattern.compile("^" + CAPABILITY + "(.*)at ([^/(]*)(?<FILE>[^:]+):(?<LINE>\\d+):(?<COLUMN>\\d+)"); // NOI18N
static final Pattern FILE_LINE_PATTERN_WINDOWS = Pattern.compile("^" + CAPABILITY + "(.*)at (.*)(?<DRIVE>[a-zA-Z]:)(?<FILE>[^:]+):(?<LINE>\\d+):(?<COLUMN>\\d+)"); // NOI18N
final Project project;
public CallStackCallback(Project project) {
assert project != null;
this.project = project;
public Pair<File, int[]> parseLocation(String callStack, boolean underTestRoot) {
Matcher matcher = FILE_LINE_PATTERN_WINDOWS.matcher(callStack.trim());
boolean matchFound = matcher.find();
String drive = null;
if(matchFound) {
drive ="DRIVE"); // NOI18N
} else {
matcher = FILE_LINE_PATTERN_UNIX.matcher(callStack.trim());
matchFound = matcher.find();
if (matchFound) {
String pathname = drive == null ?"FILE") : drive.concat("FILE")); // NOI18N
// mocha changed the way it might report failures' stack traces after 2.2.3
// This might result in pathname being '(...', so we need to ommit the starting '('
File path = new File(pathname.replace("(", ""));
File file;
FileObject projectDir = project.getProjectDirectory();
if (path.isAbsolute()) {
file = path;
} else {
file = new File(FileUtil.toFile(projectDir), path.getPath());
if (!file.isFile()) {
return null;
FileObject parent = underTestRoot ? Utilities.getTestsSeleniumFolder(project, false) : projectDir;
FileObject fo = FileUtil.toFileObject(file);
if(fo == null || (underTestRoot && !FileUtil.isParentOf(parent, fo))) {
return null;
return Pair.of(file, new int[] {Integer.parseInt("LINE")), Integer.parseInt("COLUMN"))}); // NOI18N
return null;