blob: 12970af0b2b480e669fa6b94cc77ea0c8a0a177a [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.jsdoc.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.Identifier;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.Type;
import org.netbeans.modules.javascript2.types.api.TypeUsage;
* Contains helper classes for work with jsDoc model.
* @author Martin Fousek <>
public class JsDocElementUtils {
private static final String LOWERCASED_NUMBER = Type.NUMBER.toLowerCase();
private static final String LOWERCASED_STRING = Type.STRING.toLowerCase();
private static final String LOWERCASED_BOOLEAN = Type.BOOLEAN.toLowerCase();
/** Limit for number of spaces inside the type declaration. */
public static final int LIMIT_SPACES_IN_TYPE = 10;
* Creates element of correct type for given type and remaining element text.
* @param type element type
* @param tagDescription tag description text - without the initial type and first spaces, can be empty but never {@code null}
* @param descBeginOffset type description text start offset
* @return created {@code JsDocElement)
public static JsDocElement createElementForType(JsDocElementType type, String tagDescription, int descStartOffset) {
switch (type.getCategory()) {
case ASSIGN:
String[] values = tagDescription.split("(\\s)*as(\\s)*"); //NOI18N
return AssignElement.create(
(values.length > 0) ? new NamePath(values[0].trim()) : null,
(values.length > 1) ? new NamePath(values[1].trim()) : null);
return createDeclarationElement(type, tagDescription, descStartOffset);
return DescriptionElement.create(type, tagDescription);
case LINK:
return LinkElement.create(type, new NamePath(tagDescription));
return createParameterElement(type, tagDescription, descStartOffset);
case SIMPLE:
return SimpleElement.create(type);
return createParameterElement(type, tagDescription, descStartOffset);
// unknown jsDoc element type
return DescriptionElement.create(type, tagDescription);
* Gets list of {@link Type}s parsed from given string.
* @param textToParse string to be parsed for types
* @param offset offset of the textToParse in the file
* @return list of {@code Type}s
public static List<Type> parseTypes(String textToParse, int offset) {
String text = textToParse.trim();
if (text.isEmpty()) {
return new ArrayList<>();
if (text.charAt(0) == '(' && text.charAt(text.length() - 1) == ')') {
text = text.substring(1, text.length() - 1);
text = text.trim();
String[] typesArray = text.split("[|]"); //NOI18N
List<Type> types = new ArrayList<>(typesArray.length);
for (String string : typesArray) {
String type = string.trim();
if (!type.isEmpty()) {
types.add(createTypeUsage(type, offset + textToParse.indexOf(type)));
return types;
private static DeclarationElement createDeclarationElement(JsDocElementType elementType, String elementText, int descStartOffset) {
String type = elementText;
int typeOffset = descStartOffset + (!elementText.contains("{") ? 0 : elementText.indexOf("{") + 1); //NOI18N
if (typeOffset > 0 && elementText.endsWith("}")) { //NOI18N
type = type.substring(1, type.length() - 1);
if (type.equals("*")) {
type = "";
return DeclarationElement.create(elementType, createTypeUsage(type, typeOffset));
protected static TypeUsage createTypeUsage(String type, int offset) {
// see issue #233176
if (LOWERCASED_STRING.equals(type)) {
return new TypeUsage(Type.STRING, offset);
} else if (LOWERCASED_NUMBER.equals(type)) {
return new TypeUsage(Type.NUMBER, offset);
} else if (LOWERCASED_BOOLEAN.equals(type)) {
return new TypeUsage(Type.BOOLEAN, offset);
} else {
String correctedType = type;
if (correctedType.indexOf('~') > 0) {
// we dont't replace tilda if it's on the first position
correctedType = correctedType.replace('~', '.'); // replacing tilda with dot. See issue #25110
return new TypeUsage(correctedType, offset);
private static ParameterElement createParameterElement(JsDocElementType elementType,
String elementText, int descStartOffset) {
int typeOffset = -1, nameOffset = -1;
String types = "", desc = ""; //NOI18N
StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();
int process = 0;
String[] parts = elementText.split("[\\s]+"); //NOI18N
if (parts.length > process) {
//extract type info, handle {} inside of type
//e.g. {{a: number, b: string}} myObj
int curlyStart = elementText.indexOf("{");
int curlyEnd = -1;
if (curlyStart != -1) {
typeOffset = descStartOffset + curlyStart + 1;
int openCurlyBracesForType = 0;
char[] cArray = elementText.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < cArray.length; i++) {
if (cArray[i] == '{') {
} else if (cArray[i] == '}') {
if (openCurlyBracesForType == 0) {
curlyEnd = i;
if (curlyEnd != -1) {
String typeInfo = elementText.substring(curlyStart + 1, curlyEnd);//within curly braces
types = typeInfo.trim();
} else {
//if type at index=0 extract first part as type
if (curlyStart == 0) {
types = parts[0].trim();
} else {
//else return the part containing type
for (String part : parts) {
if (part.startsWith("{")) {
curlyEnd = curlyStart + part.length();
types = part;
if (types.trim().equals("*")) {
types = "";
//if type at index=0, extract name and desc from the remaining text
if ((curlyStart == 0) && (curlyEnd != -1)) {
parts = elementText.substring(Math.min(curlyEnd + 1, elementText.length())).trim().split("[\\s]+");
} else if (curlyStart > 0) {
//use entire text minus the types part to get name and desc
String typesStr = elementText.substring(curlyStart, Math.min(curlyEnd + 1, elementText.length()));
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(elementText);
elementText = buf.replace(curlyStart, curlyStart + typesStr.length(), "").toString();
parts = elementText.split("[\\s]+");
// get name value (mandatory part)
if (parts.length > process && elementType.getCategory() == JsDocElement.Category.NAMED_PARAMETER) {
nameOffset = descStartOffset + elementText.indexOf(parts[process], types.length());
String currentPart = parts[process].trim();
if (!currentPart.isEmpty() && currentPart.charAt(0) == '[') {
// has default value
int start = elementText.indexOf('[', types.length());
if (start > 0) {
int end = elementText.indexOf(']', start);
if (end > 0) {
name.append(elementText.substring(start, end + 1));
} else {
name.append(elementText.substring(start)).append(']');// close the default value
while (process < parts.length - 1 && currentPart.charAt(currentPart.length() - 1) != ']') {
currentPart = parts[process].trim();
if (process < parts.length && currentPart.charAt(currentPart.length() - 1) == ']') {
} else {
if (name.toString().contains("\"") || name.toString().contains("'")) { //NOI18N
process = buildNameForString(name, process, parts);
// get description
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (process < parts.length) {
sb.append(parts[process]).append(" "); //NOI18N
desc = sb.toString().trim();
if (elementType.getCategory() == JsDocElement.Category.NAMED_PARAMETER) {
return NamedParameterElement.createWithDiagnostics(elementType,
new Identifier(name.toString(), nameOffset), parseTypes(types, typeOffset), desc);
} else {
return UnnamedParameterElement.create(elementType, parseTypes(types, typeOffset), desc);
private static int buildNameForString(StringBuilder name, int currentOffset, String[] parts) {
// TODO - better would be to solve that using lexer
String nameString = name.toString();
if ((nameString.contains("\"") && (nameString.indexOf("\"") == nameString.lastIndexOf("\""))) //NOI18N
|| (nameString.contains("'") && nameString.indexOf("'") == nameString.lastIndexOf("'"))) { //NOI18N
// string with spaces
boolean endOfString = false;
while (currentOffset < parts.length && !endOfString) {
name.append(" ").append(parts[currentOffset]); //NOI18N
if (parts[currentOffset].contains("\"") || parts[currentOffset].contains("'")) { //NOI18H
endOfString = true;
return currentOffset;
public static class GoogleCompilerSytax {
public static boolean canBeThisSyntax(String type) {
boolean result = (type.charAt(type.length() - 1) == '=');
return result;
public static boolean isMarkedAsOptional(String type) {
boolean result = (type.charAt(type.length() - 1) == '=');
return result;
public static String removeSyntax(String type) {
String result = type;
if (isMarkedAsOptional(type)) {
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
return result;