blob: e1dedba44393c6eb02e840cc5be792a39de3c07a [file] [log] [blame]
Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner (v0.4.5)
grunt [options] [task [task ...]]
--help, -h Display this help text.
--base Specify an alternate base path. By default, all file paths are
relative to the Gruntfile. (grunt.file.setBase) *
--no-color Disable colored output.
--gruntfile Specify an alternate Gruntfile. By default, grunt looks in the
current or parent directories for the nearest Gruntfile.js or file.
--debug, -d Enable debugging mode for tasks that support it.
--stack Print a stack trace when exiting with a warning or fatal error.
--force, -f A way to force your way past warnings. Want a suggestion? Don't
use this option, fix your code.
--tasks Additional directory paths to scan for task and "extra" files.
(grunt.loadTasks) *
--npm Npm-installed grunt plugins to scan for task and "extra" files.
(grunt.loadNpmTasks) *
--no-write Disable writing files (dry run).
--verbose, -v Verbose mode. A lot more information output.
--version, -V Print the grunt version. Combine with --verbose for more info.
--completion Output shell auto-completion rules. See the grunt-cli
documentation for more information.
Options marked with * have methods exposed via the grunt API and should instead
be specified inside the Gruntfile wherever possible.
Available tasks
(no tasks found)
The list of available tasks may change based on tasks directories or grunt
plugins specified in the Gruntfile or via command-line options.
For more information, see