blob: 23c4d8b1e434206bd4ca69fecc3cd30cd1022765 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateElement;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateManager;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnit;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnitProvider;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnitProviderFactory;
import org.netbeans.spi.autoupdate.UpdateProvider;
import org.openide.modules.Dependency;
import org.openide.modules.ModuleInfo;
* @author Jiri Rechtacek, Radek Matous
public class UpdateManagerImpl extends Object {
private static final UpdateManagerImpl INSTANCE = new UpdateManagerImpl();
private static final UpdateManager.TYPE [] DEFAULT_TYPES = new UpdateManager.TYPE [] { UpdateManager.TYPE.KIT_MODULE };
private Reference<Cache> cacheReference = null;
// package-private for tests only
public static UpdateManagerImpl getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
/** Creates a new instance of UpdateManagerImpl */
private UpdateManagerImpl () {}
public void clearCache () {
synchronized(UpdateManagerImpl.Cache.class) {
cacheReference = null;
source2UpdateUnitProvider = null;
public static List<UpdateUnit> getUpdateUnits (UpdateProvider provider, UpdateManager.TYPE... types) {
return filterUnitsByAskedTypes (UpdateUnitFactory.getDefault().getUpdateUnits (provider).values (), type2checkedList (types));
public List<UpdateUnit> getUpdateUnits (UpdateManager.TYPE... types) {
final Cache c = getCache();
return new ArrayList<UpdateUnit> (filterUnitsByAskedTypes (c.getUnits(), type2checkedList (types))) {
Cache keepIt = c;
public Set<UpdateElement> getAvailableEagers () {
final Cache c = getCache();
return new HashSet<UpdateElement> (c.getAvailableEagers()) {
Cache keepIt = c;
public Set<UpdateElement> getInstalledEagers () {
final Cache c = getCache();
return new HashSet<UpdateElement> (c.getInstalledEagers()) {
Cache keepIt = c;
public Collection<ModuleInfo> getInstalledProviders (String token) {
Collection<ModuleInfo> res;
final Cache c = getCache ();
if (token.startsWith("cnb.")) { // NOI18N
UpdateUnit updateUnit = c.getUpdateUnit(token.substring(4));
if (updateUnit != null && updateUnit.getInstalled() != null) {
return Trampoline.API.impl(updateUnit.getInstalled()).getModuleInfos();
Collection<ModuleInfo> providers = c.createMapToken2InstalledProviders ().get (token);
if (providers == null || providers.isEmpty ()) {
res = new HashSet<ModuleInfo> (0) {
Cache keepIt = c;
} else {
res = new HashSet<ModuleInfo> (providers) {
Cache keepIt = c;
return res;
public Collection<ModuleInfo> getAvailableProviders (String token) {
Collection<ModuleInfo> res;
final Cache c = getCache ();
if (token.startsWith("cnb.")) { // NOI18N
UpdateUnit updateUnit = c.getUpdateUnit(token.substring(4));
if (updateUnit != null && ! updateUnit.getAvailableUpdates().isEmpty()) {
return Trampoline.API.impl(updateUnit.getAvailableUpdates().get(0)).getModuleInfos();
Collection<ModuleInfo> providers = c.createMapToken2AvailableProviders ().get (token);
if (providers == null || providers.isEmpty ()) {
res = new HashSet<ModuleInfo> (0) {
Cache keepIt = c;
} else {
res = new HashSet<ModuleInfo> (providers) {
Cache keepIt = c;
return res;
public TreeSet<UpdateElement> getInstalledKits(String cluster) {
TreeSet<UpdateElement> res;
final Cache c = getCache();
TreeSet<UpdateElement> kits = c.createMapCluster2installedKits().get(cluster);
if (kits == null || kits.isEmpty()) {
res = new TreeSet<UpdateElement>() {
Cache keepIt = c;
} else {
res = new TreeSet<UpdateElement>(kits) {
Cache keepIt = c;
return res;
public UpdateUnit getUpdateUnit (String moduleCodeName) {
if (moduleCodeName.indexOf('/') != -1) {
int to = moduleCodeName.indexOf('/');
moduleCodeName = moduleCodeName.substring(0, to);
return getCache().getUpdateUnit(moduleCodeName);
public List<UpdateUnit> getUpdateUnits() {
final Cache c = getCache();
return new ArrayList<UpdateUnit> (c.getUnits()) {
Cache keepIt = c;
private static List<UpdateUnit> filterUnitsByAskedTypes (Collection<UpdateUnit> units, List<UpdateManager.TYPE> types) {
List<UpdateUnit> askedUnits = new ArrayList<UpdateUnit> ();
//hotfix for #113193 - reevaluate and probably fix better
List<UpdateManager.TYPE> tmpTypes = new ArrayList<UpdateManager.TYPE>(types);
if (tmpTypes.contains (UpdateManager.TYPE.MODULE) && !tmpTypes.contains (UpdateManager.TYPE.KIT_MODULE)) {
tmpTypes.add (UpdateManager.TYPE.KIT_MODULE);
for (UpdateUnit unit : units) {
UpdateUnitImpl impl = Trampoline.API.impl (unit);
if (tmpTypes.contains (impl.getType ())) {
askedUnits.add (unit);
return askedUnits;
private static List<UpdateManager.TYPE> type2checkedList (UpdateManager.TYPE... types) {
List<UpdateManager.TYPE> l = Arrays.asList (types);
if (types != null && types.length > 1) {
if (l.contains (UpdateManager.TYPE.MODULE) && l.contains (UpdateManager.TYPE.KIT_MODULE)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Cannot mix types MODULE and KIT_MODULE into once list.");
} else if (types == null || types.length == 0) {
l = Arrays.asList (DEFAULT_TYPES);
return l;
private UpdateManagerImpl.Cache getCache() {
Reference<UpdateManagerImpl.Cache> ref = getCacheReference();
UpdateManagerImpl.Cache retval = (ref != null) ? ref.get() : null;
if (retval == null) {
retval = new Cache();
return retval;
Reference<UpdateManagerImpl.Cache> getCacheReference() {
synchronized(UpdateManagerImpl.Cache.class) {
return cacheReference;
private void initCache(UpdateManagerImpl.Cache c) {
synchronized(UpdateManagerImpl.Cache.class) {
cacheReference = new WeakReference<UpdateManagerImpl.Cache>(c);
private Map<String, UpdateUnitProvider> source2UpdateUnitProvider = null;
public UpdateUnitProvider getUpdateUnitProvider(String source) {
if (source2UpdateUnitProvider == null) {
List<UpdateUnitProvider> providers = UpdateUnitProviderFactory.getDefault().getUpdateUnitProviders(false);
source2UpdateUnitProvider = new HashMap<String, UpdateUnitProvider>(providers.size());
for (UpdateUnitProvider updateUnitProvider : providers) {
source2UpdateUnitProvider.put(updateUnitProvider.getDisplayName(), updateUnitProvider);
return source2UpdateUnitProvider.get(source);
private class Cache {
private Map<String, UpdateUnit> units;
private Set<UpdateElement> availableEagers = null;
private Set<UpdateElement> installedEagers = null;
private Map<String, Collection<ModuleInfo>> token2installedProviders = null;
private Map<String, Collection<ModuleInfo>> token2availableProviders = null;
private Map<String, TreeSet<UpdateElement>> cluster2installedKits = null;
Cache() {
units = UpdateUnitFactory.getDefault ().getUpdateUnits ();
public Set<UpdateElement> getAvailableEagers() {
if (availableEagers == null) {
createMaps ();
assert availableEagers != null : "availableEagers initialized";
return availableEagers;
public Set<UpdateElement> getInstalledEagers() {
if (installedEagers == null) {
createMaps ();
assert installedEagers != null : "installedEagers initialized";
return installedEagers;
public Map<String, Collection<ModuleInfo>> createMapToken2InstalledProviders () {
if (token2installedProviders == null) {
createMaps ();
assert token2installedProviders != null : "token2installedProviders initialized";
return token2installedProviders;
public Map<String, Collection<ModuleInfo>> createMapToken2AvailableProviders () {
if (token2availableProviders == null) {
createMaps ();
assert token2availableProviders != null : "token2availableProviders initialized";
return token2availableProviders;
public Map<String, TreeSet<UpdateElement>> createMapCluster2installedKits() {
if (cluster2installedKits == null) {
assert cluster2installedKits != null : "cluster2installedKits initialized";
return cluster2installedKits;
public Collection<UpdateUnit> getUnits() {
return units.values();
public UpdateUnit getUpdateUnit (String moduleCodeName) {
return units.get(moduleCodeName);
synchronized private void createMaps () {
availableEagers = new HashSet<UpdateElement> (getUnits ().size ());
installedEagers = new HashSet<UpdateElement> (getUnits ().size ());
token2installedProviders = new HashMap<String, Collection<ModuleInfo>> (11);
token2availableProviders = new HashMap<String, Collection<ModuleInfo>> (11);
cluster2installedKits = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<UpdateElement>> ();
for (UpdateUnit unit : getUnits ()) {
UpdateElement el;
if ((el = unit.getInstalled ()) != null) {
UpdateElementImpl elImpl = Trampoline.API.impl(el);
if (elImpl.isEager()) {
installedEagers.add (el);
for (ModuleInfo mi : elImpl.getModuleInfos ()) {
for (Dependency dep : mi.getDependencies ()) {
DependencyAggregator dec = DependencyAggregator.getAggregator (dep);
dec.addDependee (mi);
String[] provs = mi.getProvides ();
if (provs == null || provs.length == 0) {
for (String token : provs) {
if (token2installedProviders.get (token) == null) {
token2installedProviders.put (token, new HashSet<ModuleInfo> ());
token2installedProviders.get (token).add (mi);
if (elImpl instanceof KitModuleUpdateElementImpl) {
String cluster = ((KitModuleUpdateElementImpl) elImpl).getInstallationCluster();
if (cluster != null) {
if (cluster2installedKits.get(cluster) == null) {
TreeSet<UpdateElement> s = new TreeSet<UpdateElement>(new Comparator<UpdateElement>() {
public int compare(UpdateElement ue1, UpdateElement ue2) {
return ue1.getCodeName().compareTo(ue2.getCodeName());
cluster2installedKits.put(cluster, s);
if (! unit.getAvailableUpdates ().isEmpty ()) {
el = unit.getAvailableUpdates ().get (0);
if (Trampoline.API.impl (el).isEager ()) {
availableEagers.add (el);
for (ModuleInfo mi : Trampoline.API.impl (el).getModuleInfos ()) {
for (Dependency dep : mi.getDependencies ()) {
DependencyAggregator dec = DependencyAggregator.getAggregator (dep);
dec.addDependee (mi);
String[] provs = mi.getProvides ();
if (provs == null || provs.length == 0) {
for (String token : provs) {
if (token2availableProviders.get (token) == null) {
token2availableProviders.put (token, new HashSet<ModuleInfo> ());
token2availableProviders.get (token).add (mi);