blob: ceb61c32dae5528a6d540601d038a50555417f99 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateElement;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateManager;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateManager.TYPE;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnit;
import org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.updateprovider.ArtificialFeaturesProvider;
import org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.updateprovider.FeatureItem;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
public class FeatureUpdateUnitImpl extends UpdateUnitImpl {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger (FeatureUpdateUnitImpl.class.getName());
private UpdateElement installedElement = null;
private UpdateElement updateElement = null;
private boolean initialized = false;
private UpdateManager.TYPE type;
public FeatureUpdateUnitImpl (String codename, UpdateManager.TYPE type) {
super (codename);
this.type = type;
public UpdateElement getInstalled () {
synchronized(this) {
initializeFeature ();
return installedElement;
public List<UpdateElement> getAvailableUpdates () {
synchronized(this) {
initializeFeature ();
if (updateElement == null) {
return Collections.emptyList ();
String id = updateElement.getCodeName ();
LOG.log (Level.FINE, "UpdateElement " + id + "[" +
(installedElement == null ? "<not installed>" : installedElement.getSpecificationVersion ()) + "] has update " +
id + "[" + updateElement.getSpecificationVersion () + "]");
return Collections.singletonList (updateElement);
public TYPE getType () {
return type;
private void initializeFeature () {
if(initialized) {
List<UpdateElement> featureElements = getUpdates ();
installedElement = null;
updateElement = null;
UpdateElement installedFeatureElement = null;
FeatureUpdateElementImpl featureImpl = null;
Set<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> installedModules = new HashSet<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> ();
Set<FeatureUpdateElementImpl> installedFeatures = new HashSet<FeatureUpdateElementImpl> ();
Set<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> availableModules = new HashSet<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> ();
Set<FeatureUpdateElementImpl> availableFeatures = new HashSet<FeatureUpdateElementImpl> ();
Set<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> missingModules = new HashSet<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> ();
Set<FeatureUpdateElementImpl> missingFeatures = new HashSet<FeatureUpdateElementImpl> ();
assert featureElements != null : "FeatureUpdateUnitImpl " + getCodeName () + " contains some available elements.";
for (UpdateElement el : featureElements) {
featureImpl = (FeatureUpdateElementImpl) Trampoline.API.impl (el);
boolean installed = false;
for (ModuleUpdateElementImpl moduleImpl : featureImpl.getContainedModuleElements ()) {
installed |= moduleImpl.getUpdateUnit ().getInstalled () != null;
UpdateElement iue = moduleImpl.getUpdateUnit ().getInstalled ();
UpdateElementImpl iuei = iue == null ? null : Trampoline.API.impl (iue);
assert iuei == null || iuei instanceof ModuleUpdateElementImpl : "Impl of " + iue + " is instanceof ModuleUpdateElementImpl";
if (iue != null) {
installedModules.add ((ModuleUpdateElementImpl) iuei);
} else {
LOG.log (Level.FINER, this.getCodeName () + " misses required module " + moduleImpl.getUpdateElement ());
missingModules.add (moduleImpl);
if (! moduleImpl.getUpdateUnit ().getAvailableUpdates ().isEmpty ()) {
UpdateElement aue = moduleImpl.getUpdateUnit ().getAvailableUpdates ().get (0);
UpdateElementImpl auei = Trampoline.API.impl (aue);
assert auei instanceof ModuleUpdateElementImpl : "Impl of " + aue + " is instanceof ModuleUpdateElementImpl";
availableModules.add ((ModuleUpdateElementImpl) auei);
LOG.log (Level.FINER, this + " has a update of module " + moduleImpl.getUpdateElement () + " to " + auei.getUpdateElement ());
for (FeatureUpdateElementImpl dependingFeatureImpl : featureImpl.getDependingFeatures()) {
installed |= dependingFeatureImpl.getUpdateUnit().getInstalled() != null;
UpdateElement iue = dependingFeatureImpl.getUpdateUnit().getInstalled();
UpdateElementImpl iuei = iue == null ? null : Trampoline.API.impl(iue);
assert iuei == null || iuei instanceof FeatureUpdateElementImpl : "Impl of " + iue + " is instanceof FeatureUpdateElementImpl";
if (iuei != null) {
installedFeatures.add((FeatureUpdateElementImpl) iuei);
} else {
LOG.log(Level.FINER, this.getCodeName() + " misses required module " + featureImpl.getUpdateElement());
if (! dependingFeatureImpl.getUpdateUnit().getAvailableUpdates().isEmpty()) {
UpdateElement aue = dependingFeatureImpl.getUpdateUnit().getAvailableUpdates().get(0);
UpdateElementImpl auei = Trampoline.API.impl(aue);
assert auei instanceof FeatureUpdateElementImpl : "Impl of " + aue + " is instanceof FeatureUpdateElementImpl";
availableFeatures.add((FeatureUpdateElementImpl) auei);
LOG.log(Level.FINER, this + " has a update of feature " + dependingFeatureImpl.getUpdateElement() + " to " + auei.getUpdateElement());
if (installed) {
installedFeatureElement = el;
boolean isStandalone = UpdateManager.TYPE.STANDALONE_MODULE == getType ();
// if some element is whole installed
if (installedFeatureElement != null) {
// create new one element contains all installed modules
FeatureItem item = ArtificialFeaturesProvider.createFeatureItem (
getCodeName (),
isStandalone ? null : presentAddionallyDescription (installedModules, presentMissingModules (missingModules)));
FeatureUpdateElementImpl featureElementImpl = new FeatureUpdateElementImpl (
installedFeatureElement.getSource (),
featureImpl.getType ());
installedElement = Trampoline.API.createUpdateElement (featureElementImpl);
featureElementImpl.setUpdateUnit (installedFeatureElement.getUpdateUnit ());
// add also new update element
if (! featureElements.isEmpty ()) {
if (! availableModules.isEmpty () || ! availableFeatures.isEmpty()) {
// add available modules or features to missing
missingModules.addAll (availableModules);
FeatureItem item = ArtificialFeaturesProvider.createFeatureItem (
getCodeName (),
isStandalone ? null : presentAddionallyDescription (presentUpdatableModules (/* XXX */missingModules), installedModules));
FeatureUpdateElementImpl featureElementImpl = new FeatureUpdateElementImpl (
featureElements.get (0).getSource (),
featureImpl.getType ());
updateElement = Trampoline.API.createUpdateElement (featureElementImpl);
featureElementImpl.setUpdateUnit (featureElements.get (0).getUpdateUnit ());
addUpdate (updateElement);
initialized = true;
public void setInstalled (UpdateElement installed) {
assert false : "Invalid calling setInstalled (" + installed + ") on FeatureUpdateUnitImpl.";
public void setAsUninstalled () {
synchronized (this) {
initialized = false;
public void updateInstalled (UpdateElement installed) {
synchronized (this) {
initialized = false;
private static String getDisplayNames (Set<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> moduleImpls) {
assert moduleImpls != null && ! moduleImpls.isEmpty () : "Some ModuleUpdateElementImpl must found to take its display names.";
String res = "";
for (ModuleUpdateElementImpl moduleImpl : moduleImpls) {
res += (res.length () == 0 ? "" : ", ") + moduleImpl.getDisplayName ();
return res;
private static String presentMissingModules (Set<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> missingModuleImpls) {
if (missingModuleImpls.isEmpty ()) {
return "";
boolean once = missingModuleImpls.size () == 1;
String res;
if (once) {
res = NbBundle.getMessage (FeatureUpdateUnitImpl.class, "FeatureUpdateUnitImpl_MissingModule", getDisplayNames (missingModuleImpls));
} else {
res = NbBundle.getMessage (FeatureUpdateUnitImpl.class, "FeatureUpdateUnitImpl_MissingModules", getDisplayNames (missingModuleImpls));
return res;
private static String presentUpdatableModules (Set<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> updatebleModuleImpls) {
if (updatebleModuleImpls.isEmpty ()) {
return "";
boolean once = updatebleModuleImpls.size () == 1;
String res;
if (once) {
res = NbBundle.getMessage (FeatureUpdateUnitImpl.class, "FeatureUpdateUnitImpl_UpdatableModule", getDisplayNames (updatebleModuleImpls));
} else {
res = NbBundle.getMessage (FeatureUpdateUnitImpl.class, "FeatureUpdateUnitImpl_UpdatableModules", getDisplayNames (updatebleModuleImpls));
return res;
private static String presentIncludedModules (Set<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> includedModuleImpls) {
if (includedModuleImpls.isEmpty ()) {
return "";
boolean once = includedModuleImpls.size () == 1;
String res;
if (once) {
res = NbBundle.getMessage (FeatureUpdateUnitImpl.class, "FeatureUpdateUnitImpl_ContainedModule", getDisplayNames (includedModuleImpls));
} else {
res = NbBundle.getMessage (FeatureUpdateUnitImpl.class, "FeatureUpdateUnitImpl_ContainedModules", getDisplayNames (includedModuleImpls));
return res;
private static String presentAddionallyDescription (Set<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> included, String more) {
String add = presentIncludedModules (included) + more;
return add.length () > 0 ? add : null;
private static String presentAddionallyDescription (String more, Set<ModuleUpdateElementImpl> included) {
String add = more + presentIncludedModules (included);
return add.length () > 0 ? add : null;
public boolean isPending () {
return UpdateUnitFactory.getDefault().isScheduledForRestart (getUpdateUnit ());
public UpdateUnit getVisibleAncestor() {
return this.getUpdateUnit();