blob: b6f844e23089f29930e6413f63fd309b755311c7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
MSG_Usage=Expecting two arguments:\n\
1) The server name\n\
2) The server port number\n\
Following options can be specified prior to the server name and port number:\n\
-verbose - print verbose output
ERR_IO=I/O Error: {0}
ERR_ProtocolParseError=Parsing error of the V8 protocol: {0}
ERR_UnknownCommand=Unknown command: {0}\nUse ''help'' to get a list of commands.
ERR_UnknownCommandStep=Unknown step specification: {0}. Use one of in/over/out.
ERR_UnknownCommandStop=Unknown stop arguments: {0}. Use ''at'' or ''in'' followed by the location.
ERR_NoLineNumber=No line number is specified.
ERR_NotANumber=Not a number: {0}
ERR_NoBrkpNumToDelete=No breakpoint number specified, provide breakpoint numbers, intervals in the form of e.g. 1-5, or ''all'' to delete all breakpoints.
ERR_WrongBrkpNumToDelete=Wrong specification of breakpoint numbers, provide breakpoint numbers, intervals in the form of e.g. 1-5, or ''all'' to delete all breakpoints.
ERR_WrongFrameNumber=Wrong frame number: {0}
ERR_WrongScopeNumber=Wrong scope number: {0}
ERR_MissingObjectHandle=Missing an object handle.
ERR_WrongObjectHandle=Wrong object handle: {0}
MSG_HeaderProperties=Configuration Properties:
MSG_Version=Version \= {0}
MSG_Breakpoints=List of breakpoints:
MSG_BreakOnAllExc=Break on all exceptions: {0}
MSG_BreakOnUncaughtExc=break on uncaught exceptions: {0}
MSG_BreakAdded=Breakpoint {0} added.
MSG_BreakAddedLocations=Breakpoint {0} added at {1}
MSG_BreakDeleted=Breakpoint {0} deleted.
MSG_Continue=Program is running
MSG_NoLoadedScripts=No scripts are loaded.
MSG_LoadedScripts=Loaded Scripts:
MSG_SourceLine=Source line:\
MSG_LocalVariables=Local Variables:
MSG_SourceLines=Source from {0} to {1} lines, line count = {2}.
MSG_SourcePositions=From {0} to {1} position.
MSG_NoReferences=No References.
MSG_References=Reference count = {0}:
MSG_GC=GC done. Heap usage before GC = {0}, after GC = {1}.
MSG_Threads=Thread count = {0}
MSG_Thread=\ \ id = {0}, current: {1}