blob: acc8d7537f8c45792c2dea038ce7256ce694b76a [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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<project name="o.n.swing.tabcontrol" default="test-beanjar" basedir=".">
<!-- Stuff here is only used when compiling a standalone jar
of the tab control for use outside netbeans. What you need:
- A complete checkout of this module
- A checkout of at least the dir src/org/openide/awt from the cvs
module openide
What it will do:
- Copy the current version of the NetBeans fast HTML renderer into
the beanstubs subdir
- Compile it, along with a stub version of org.openide.ErrorManager
which just prints to the console
- Create a jar consisting of the tab control, the ErrorManager stub
and the three classes that make up the HTML renderer
<available type="file" file="../openide/src/org/openide/awt/" property="found-openide"/>
<target name="check-openide" unless="found-openide">
<property name="dont-do-checkout" value="true"/>
<fail message="You need a checkout of openide to build this jar. Only three needed classes from it will be compiled and included in the resulting jar from this build."/>
<target name="set-openide-dir" if="found-openide">
<property value="../openide/src" name="openide-source-dir"/>
<echo message="Openide src dir set to ${openide-source-dir}"/>
<target name="prepare-beanjar" depends="check-openide,set-openide-dir">
<mkdir dir="beanstubs/org/openide/awt"/>
<copy file="../openide/src/org/openide/awt/" todir="beanstubs/org/openide/awt" failonerror="true"/>
<copy file="../openide/src/org/openide/awt/" todir="beanstubs/org/openide/awt" failonerror="true"/>
<copy file="../openide/src/org/openide/awt/" todir="beanstubs/org/openide/awt" failonerror="true"/>
<target name="compile-bean" depends="prepare-beanjar">
<mkdir dir="beanclasses"/>
<javac debug="true" destdir="beanclasses" source="1.4">
<src path="beanstubs"/>
<src path="src"/>
<target name="beanjar" description="Compiles the tabbed control as a standalone library" depends="compile-bean">
<jar basedir="beanclasses" jarfile="tabbedcontainer.jar"/>
<target name="rebuild-beanjar" depends="clean-bean,beanjar"/>
<target name="clean-bean" description="Clean build products from creating the bean jar">
<delete dir="beanstubs/org/openide/awt"/>
<delete dir="beanclasses"/>
<delete file="tabbedcontainer.jar"/>
<target name="test-beanjar" depends="rebuild-beanjar,compile-beanjar-demo" description="Runs the demo based on a build of the bean jar rather than class files">
<echo message="Demo args: ${application.args}"/>
<java fork="true" classname="org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.demo.TestFrame" args="${application.args}">
<classpath refid="beanjar-demo.cp"/>
<target name="beanjar-demo-init">
<path id="beanjar-demo.cp">
<pathelement location="build/democlasses"/>
<fileset file="tabbedcontainer.jar"/>
<target name="compile-beanjar-demo" depends="beanjar-demo-init,beanjar">
<mkdir dir="build/democlasses"/>
<javac srcdir="demosrc" destdir="build/democlasses" debug="true" source="1.4" deprecation="false" includeantruntime="false">
<classpath refid="beanjar-demo.cp"/>