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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
* Window system switches
* @author S. Aubrecht
public final class Switches {
* @return True if TopComponent Drag'n'Drop is enabled.
public static boolean isTopComponentDragAndDropEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "TopComponent.DragAndDrop.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True if Drag'n'Drop of the whole view Mode (window group) is enabled.
* @since 2.30
public static boolean isViewModeDragAndDropEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "Mode.View.DragAndDrop.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True if Drag'n'Drop of the whole editor Mode (document group) is enabled.
* @since 2.30
public static boolean isEditorModeDragAndDropEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "Mode.Editor.DragAndDrop.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @param tc
* @return True if given TopComponent can be dragged and dropped to a different location.
public static boolean isDraggingEnabled( TopComponent tc ) {
return !Boolean.TRUE.equals(tc.getClientProperty(TopComponent.PROP_DRAGGING_DISABLED));
* @return True if undocking of TopComponents is allowed.
public static boolean isTopComponentUndockingEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "TopComponent.Undocking.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True if undocking of the whole view Mode (window group) is enabled.
* @since 2.30
public static boolean isViewModeUndockingEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "Mode.View.Undocking.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True if undocking of the whole editor Mode (document group) is enabled.
* @since 2.30
public static boolean isEditorModeUndockingEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "Mode.Editor.Undocking.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @param tc
* @return True if given TopComponent can be undocked.
public static boolean isUndockingEnabled( TopComponent tc ) {
return !Boolean.TRUE.equals(tc.getClientProperty(TopComponent.PROP_UNDOCKING_DISABLED));
* @return True if TopComponents can be minimized (slided out)
public static boolean isTopComponentSlidingEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "TopComponent.Sliding.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True if the whole Mode (window group) can be minimized (slided out).
* @since 2.30
public static boolean isModeSlidingEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "Mode.Sliding.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @param tc
* @return True if given TopComponent can be slided out.
public static boolean isSlidingEnabled( TopComponent tc ) {
return !Boolean.TRUE.equals(tc.getClientProperty(TopComponent.PROP_SLIDING_DISABLED));
* @return True if TopComponents can be resized by moving splitter bars with mouse.
public static boolean isTopComponentResizingEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "TopComponent.Resizing.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True if view-like TopComponents (e.g. navigator, projects view etc) can be closed.
public static boolean isViewTopComponentClosingEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "View.TopComponent.Closing.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True if editor TopComponents can be closed.
public static boolean isEditorTopComponentClosingEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "Editor.TopComponent.Closing.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True if TopComponents should automatically slide-out when opened
* in a minimized mode.
* @since 2.30
public static boolean isTopComponentAutoSlideInMinimizedModeEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "TopComponent.Auto.Slide.In.Minimized.Mode.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True if it is possible to close the whole Mode of view TopComponents.
* @since 2.30
public static boolean isModeClosingEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "Mode.Closing.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @param tc
* @return True if given TopComponent is closeable.
public static boolean isClosingEnabled( TopComponent tc ) {
return !Boolean.TRUE.equals(tc.getClientProperty(TopComponent.PROP_CLOSING_DISABLED));
* @return True if TopComponents can be maximized.
public static boolean isTopComponentMaximizationEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "TopComponent.Maximization.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @param tc
* @return True if given TopComponent can be maximized.
public static boolean isMaximizationEnabled( TopComponent tc ) {
return !Boolean.TRUE.equals(tc.getClientProperty(TopComponent.PROP_MAXIMIZATION_DISABLED));
* @return True if the resizing splitter bar respects the minimum size of TopComponents.
public static boolean isSplitterRespectMinimumSizeEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "Splitter.Respect.MinimumSize.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True if it is possible to dock document windows together with
* non-document windows and vice-versa. The switch has the same meaning
* as system property <code>netbeans.winsys.allow.dock.anywhere</code>.
* @since 2.33
public static boolean isMixingOfEditorsAndViewsEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "Mix.Editors.And.Views.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True to hide and show the main window while switching window layout
* role.
* @see WindowManager#setRole(java.lang.String)
* @since 2.34
public static boolean isShowAndHideMainWindowWhileSwitchingRole() {
return getSwitchValue( "WinSys.Show.Hide.MainWindow.While.Switching.Role", true ); //NOI18N
* @return True to open new editor windows docked in the main IDE window.
* When false then new editor window may open floating if the last active
* editor is also floating.
* @since 2.39
public static boolean isOpenNewEditorsDocked() {
return getSwitchValue( "WinSys.Open.New.Editors.Docked", false ); //NOI18N
* @return True if user can drag a TopComponent and drop it into a sliding
* bar to minimize it. The default value is false.
* @since 2.41
public static boolean isDragAndDropSlidingEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "WinSys.DragAndDrop.Sliding.Enabled", false ); //NOI18N
* @return True to force JTabbedPane implementation of Tab Control for all
* window types (view/editor/sliding).
* @since 2.44
public static boolean isUseSimpleTabs() {
return getSwitchValue( "WinSys.TabControl.SimpleTabs.Enabled", false ); //NOI18N
* Defines the tab placement. The possible bundle values are <code>top</code>, <code>bottom</code>, <code>left</code>, <code>right</code>.
* @return Tab placement when JTabbedPane implementation of Tab Control is
* being used. The return value is one of <code>JTabbedPane.TOP</code> (default), <code>JTabbedPane.BOTTOM</code>,
* <code>JTabbedPane.LEFT</code>, <code>JTabbedPane.RIGHT</code>.
* @see JTabbedPane#getTabPlacement()
* @since 2.44
public static int getSimpleTabsPlacement() {
int result = JTabbedPane.TOP;
try {
String resValue = NbBundle.getMessage(Switches.class, "WinSys.TabControl.SimpleTabs.Placement" ); //NOI18N
if( "bottom".equals( resValue ) )
result = JTabbedPane.BOTTOM;
else if( "right".equals( resValue ) )
result = JTabbedPane.RIGHT;
else if( "left".equals( resValue ) )
result = JTabbedPane.LEFT;
} catch( MissingResourceException mrE ) {
return result;
* Defines the tab layout when JTabbedPane implementation of Tab Control is being
* used. Has no effect when isUseSimpleTabs() returns false.
* @return True to use JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT layout for window tabs.
* @see #isUseSimpleTabs()
* @see JTabbedPane#WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT
* @since 2.44
public static boolean isSimpleTabsMultiRow() {
return getSwitchValue( "WinSys.TabControl.SimpleTabs.MultiRow", false ); //NOI18N
* Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab key strokes are hard-coded to switch between
* opened TopComponents. However the same keys are also used in some Containers
* (e.g. JTable and JTabbedPane) to transfer input focus to next Component.
* When this switch is enabled (default value) and input focus is in JTable
* or JTabbedPane then the window system will consume Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab
* key strokes and show window switcher popup.
* When this switch is disabled then KeyboardFocusManager will consume
* Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab key strokes to transfer focus out of JTable or
* JTabbedPane.
* @since 2.47
public static boolean isCtrlTabWindowSwitchingInJTableEnabled() {
return getSwitchValue( "WinSys.CtrlTabSwitching.In.JTable.Enabled", true ); //NOI18N
private static final String PROPERTY_PREFIX = "NB.WinSys."; //NOI18N
private static boolean getSwitchValue( String switchName, boolean defaultValue ) {
String propValue = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_PREFIX + switchName);
if( null != propValue ) {
return "true".equals(propValue);
boolean result = defaultValue;
try {
String resValue = NbBundle.getMessage(Switches.class, switchName );
result = "true".equals( resValue.toLowerCase() ); //NOI18N
} catch( MissingResourceException mrE ) {
return result;
private Switches() {}