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The new output window is designed to solve several problems:
- Accessibility/Usability (uses standard swing text pane rather than a terminal emulator)
- Performance - minimize heap use, memory copies and event queue flooding
At its core, the output window is a javax.swing.text.Document which gets its data directly
from a memory mapped file (PENDING: heap based storage is implemented and may be more
efficient for small amounts of output). Fetching IOProvider instances and InputOutput objects, and
writing to them is thread safe.
The classes of interest are these, interfaces implemented in brackets:
- NbIOProvider [IOProvider]- does little except provide instances of NbIO and track them by name
- NbIO [InputOutput] - Constructs/manages the lifecycle of an OutWriter; forwards calls setters that
affect GUI presentation on the event queue.
- OutWriter [OutputWriter] - handles asynchronous reads and writes to the data storage,
creating it on first use and retaining it until it is disposed (which happens when an
output tab is explicitly closed by the user if the tab is not being written to). Each write call creates a new
direct allocated ByteBuffer; when a write is completed the buffer is "disposed",
causing it to be written to the memory mapped file (this really meaning that the memory
it references becomes a section of the memory mapped file). For concurrent write calls, the order
is non-deterministic, just as it is in a shell.
Reading is accomplished via FileChannel and ByteBuffer.asCharBuffer(), and is synchronized
against new writes.
Change notifications are handled via simple support for ChangeListeners. Changes are
fired only when the file is flushed or closed, and on the first write to the file.
For general repainting, a polling mechanism is supported - on each write, a dirty flag
is set, which the Document implementation can check (clearing it) by calling checkDirty().
Change notifications are posted from the thread causing the change.
- Storage - an interface to abstract the byte-based data store the OutWriter reads and writes
from. There are two implementations, FileMapStorage and HeapStorage.
- OutputDocument - This is an implementation of the java text Document interface directly
over the read methods of OutWriter. A number of optimizations are possible due to the
fact that the file will only grow, only at the end and never shrink (if a writer is reset
due to OutputWriter.reset(), a new OutputDocument should be constructed).
Change and updates are handled by generating DocumentEvents as follows: On the
initial change (first write) event a timer is started, initially running at 500ms intervals, and slowing
down if no changes have happened for 15 seconds. When the timer fires, the following
sequence of events happens:
- Check if the file is dirty or has been closed, if not, return. If closed, stop the timer.
- Check if an event has been previously posted which has not been asked for its
data. If yes, return
- Create a new OutWriter.DO, which implements DocumentEvent and post it on the
event queue
- OutputDocument.DO [DocumentEvent] - this is a somewhat unusual event implementation.
What happens is this: An event is created knowing only the end position of the last
posted event (or 0). It will have no other information until something calls one of its
methods. At that point it briefly synchronizes on the writer and gets the *current*
line count and number of characters written, storing those values. In this way, we do
not generate events unless 1. There is something new to report, and 2. There is no
unprocessed event capable of reporting it.
The output file is created in the system temp directory, and set to be deleted on JVM exit.
For throughput reasons, it is in UTF-16 format for its lifetime. A Save As function is supported,
which will copy the file to a user-specified location, converting its encoding in the process.
Doing effective, fast-performing word wrapping is harder than it seems - making it scale
is the biggie. So this is heavily optimized. Main points:
- javax.swing.text's WrappedPlainView (what you get if you set word wrap on a JTextArea)
is absolutely out - to figure out where to put the caret, it will iterate every char
in the document, to expand tabs & such). Solution: Don't expand tabs, and don't use
- There are a bunch of optimizations possible because of a couple things:
- The document will never change except at the end
- We know we're always using a fixed width font
Consider that, if you want to know what position in the document a wrapped character position
on a component is, you need to iterate from the top of the document down, counting wrapped lines
until you find the one you're on. Once you hit a few hundred thousand lines, it can take a
second or so for the caret to move when you click!
What we do is, above a small output file, we cache the number of logical lines
*above* each line which is wrapped. For a query of any given line, we find the first line
above it which *is* wrapped, take the cached value and add in the distance to that line.
Caching only those lines which are wrapped keeps the cache nice and small, and so at worst
it's a couple binary searches and integer adds to get the right value.
The cache is initially built the first time something asks for wrap information. If the
document is still being written, it will be added to for any lines that go over the wrap
The achilles heel is that, if the output window width changes, the cache must be rebuilt,
and that can be expensive (though even at 400000 lines it's less than 1s on a reasonable
machine, and not many people are reading 400000 lines of output).
The GUI design is built around pure MVC design and limiting usage of the listener pattern.
It is composed of two layers:
- Base ui classes in org.netbeans.core.output2.ui, which implement things like custom
caret and scrollbar handling, and automatically using a tabbed pane for multiple
- Implementation classes - the GUI components contain no output-specific logic - rather
they find (via the component hierarchy) the OutputController which is managing the
parent component; it handles all of the logic
The result of this design is that all information lives in one place only, and all logic
(which can apply to the output window, the output tab, or the text view inside it) is
handled in a single location, by a stateless controller. For everything the gui does,
there is a method on the controller class - much more understandable than smidgins of
logic embedded in a handful of listeners.
In addition to the above mentioned mechanism for threading between output writes and
document events, Operations on InputOutput[NbIO] (setting the input area visible, causing an output view to become
selected, etc.) are handled by dispatching IOEvents (a simple event class with an integer
ID and a boolean value) on the event thread. Operations invoked from the event thread will
be run synchronously.
For writing patches/maintaining this package, there are a few simple rules:
1. There shall be no listeners! Yes it's all doable with listeners, it's just not
maintainable that way. Resist the temptation and do it right.
2. For any information that needs to go back and forth, create a getter or setter on the
GUI component closest to that information, and a set of callbacks through the hierarchy to
the controller (just see what any of the existing calls do)
3. There shall be no dependencies in classes in the ui package on classes in the output2
package (with a minor exception for logging purposes only). Pure GUI logic lives in the
components. Functional logic lives in the controller.
There are a number of ambiguities in the original API, which any implementation must resolve somehow.
They are as follows:
- reset() method should be on InputOutput, but is instead on OutputWriter. Given a single
merged output, there is no meaningful way to handle the situation of error output that has been reset
plus a stdout that has not been reset. Calls to reset() on the error writer are ignored.
- close() method should be on InputOutput, not OutputWriter. There is no meaningful way to
handle a closed error + an unclosed output, so this is handled as follows:
- If getErr() has never been called, the stream will be considered closed when getOut().close()
has been called
- If getErr() *has* been called, the stream will not be considered closed until both
getErr().close() and getOut().close() have been called
- Behavior of writes or other calls after calling closeInputOutput() are undefined. For this
implementation, they are no-ops. Once you have called closeInputOutput(), the InputOutput
is dead for good and should be discarded.
- How to handle output when the user has closed a tab (there is no way to notify the client
that the output component has been closed). If the user closes a tab, the problem flag is
set on the output. Any subsequent writes will go to dev/null until reset() is called, at
which point a tab for the InputOutput may be opened again.
- Need to measure the overhead of using a memory mapped file by default - for large amounts of
output there is no measurable difference, but there may be a penalty for small ones. To
try heap-based storage, run with -J-Dnb.output.heap=true