blob: 10d8bdfa3ec3e15ebabd61048fdbee0f82909199 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.nbbuild;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
/** Is generation of Jnlp files correct?
* @author Jaroslav Tulach, Jesse Glick
public class MakeJNLPTest extends TestBase {
public MakeJNLPTest (String name) {
super (name);
private static void assertFilenames(File dir, String... contents) {
assertTrue(dir + " is a directory", dir.isDirectory());
SortedSet<String> expected = new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(contents));
SortedSet<String> actual = new TreeSet<>();
findFilenames(dir, "", actual);
assertEquals("correct contents of " + dir, expected/*.toString()*/, actual/*.toString()*/);
private static void findFilenames(File dir, String prefix, Set<String> names) {
for (File f : dir.listFiles()) {
if (f.isFile()) {
names.add(prefix + f.getName());
} else if (f.isDirectory()) {
findFilenames(f, prefix + f.getName() + "/", names);
public void testGenerateJNLPAndSignedJarForSimpleModule() throws Exception {
Manifest m;
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "");
File simpleJar = generateJar (new String[0], m);
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' >" +
" <modules dir='" + parent + "' >" +
" <include name='" + simpleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "org-my-module.jnlp", "org-my-module/s0.jar");
File jnlp = new File(output, "org-my-module.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
assertTrue ("Component JNLP type: " + res, res.indexOf ("<component-desc/>") >= 0);
assertTrue ("We support all permissions by default: " + res, res.indexOf ("<all-permissions/>") >= 0);
Matcher match = Pattern.compile(".*codebase=['\\\"]([^'\\\"]*)['\\\"]").matcher(res);
assertTrue("codebase is there", match.find());
assertEquals("one group found", 1, match.groupCount());
String base =;
assertEquals("By default the dest directory is $$codebase: ", "$$codebase", base);
File jar = new File(output, "org-my-module/s0.jar");
JarFile signed = new JarFile(jar);
Enumeration<JarEntry> it = signed.entries();
while (it.hasMoreElements()) {
JarEntry entry = it.nextElement();
if (entry.getName().endsWith(".SF")) {
fail ("File does not seem to be signed: " + jar);
public void testHandlesOSGi() throws Exception {
Manifest m;
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("Bundle-SymbolicName", "");
File simpleJar = generateJar (new String[0], m);
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' >" +
" <modules dir='" + parent + "' >" +
" <include name='" + simpleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "org-my-module.jnlp", "org-my-module/s0.jar");
File jnlp = new File(output, "org-my-module.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
assertTrue ("Component JNLP type: " + res, res.indexOf ("<component-desc/>") >= 0);
assertTrue ("We support all permissions by default: " + res, res.indexOf ("<all-permissions/>") >= 0);
Matcher match = Pattern.compile(".*codebase=['\\\"]([^'\\\"]*)['\\\"]").matcher(res);
assertTrue("codebase is there", match.find());
assertEquals("one group found", 1, match.groupCount());
String base =;
assertEquals("By default the dest directory is $$codebase: ", "$$codebase", base);
public void testGenerateJNLPAndUnSignedJarForSimpleModule() throws Exception {
Manifest m;
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "");
File simpleJar = generateJar (new String[0], m);
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' signjars='false' >" +
" <modules dir='" + parent + "' >" +
" <include name='" + simpleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "org-my-module.jnlp", "org-my-module/s0.jar");
File jnlp = new File(output, "org-my-module.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
assertTrue ("Component JNLP type: " + res, res.indexOf ("<component-desc/>") >= 0);
assertTrue ("We support all permissions by default: " + res, res.indexOf ("<all-permissions/>") >= 0);
Matcher match = Pattern.compile(".*codebase=['\\\"]([^'\\\"]*)['\\\"]").matcher(res);
assertTrue("codebase is there", match.find());
assertEquals("one group found", 1, match.groupCount());
String base =;
assertEquals("By default the dest directory is $$codebase: ", "$$codebase", base);
File jar = new File(output, "org-my-module/s0.jar");
JarFile signed = new JarFile(jar);
Enumeration<JarEntry> it = signed.entries();
while (it.hasMoreElements()) {
JarEntry entry = it.nextElement();
if (entry.getName().endsWith(".SF")) {
fail ("File should not be signed: " + jar);
public void testGenerateMacOSOnlySimpleModule() throws Exception {
doGenerateOSOnlySimpleModule("org.openide.modules.os.MacOSX", "<resources os='Mac OS X'>");
public void testGenerateLinuxOSOnlySimpleModule() throws Exception {
doGenerateOSOnlySimpleModule("org.openide.modules.os.Linux", "<resources os='Linux'>");
public void testGenerateWindowsOSOnlySimpleModule() throws Exception {
doGenerateOSOnlySimpleModule("org.openide.modules.os.Windows", "<resources os='Windows'>");
public void testGenerateSolarisOSOnlySimpleModule() throws Exception {
doGenerateOSOnlySimpleModule("org.openide.modules.os.Solaris", "<resources os='Solaris'>");
private void doGenerateOSOnlySimpleModule(String tok, String find) throws Exception {
Manifest m;
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "");
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module-Requires", tok + ", pepa.z.bota");
File simpleJar = generateJar (new String[0], m);
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' signjars='false' >" +
" <modules dir='" + parent + "' >" +
" <include name='" + simpleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "org-my-module.jnlp", "org-my-module/s0.jar");
File jnlp = new File(output, "org-my-module.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
assertTrue ("Component JNLP type: " + res, res.indexOf ("<component-desc/>") >= 0);
assertTrue ("Resource is os dependant: " + res, res.indexOf (find) >= 0);
assertTrue ("We support all permissions by default: " + res, res.indexOf ("<all-permissions/>") >= 0);
Matcher match = Pattern.compile(".*codebase=['\\\"]([^'\\\"]*)['\\\"]").matcher(res);
assertTrue("codebase is there", match.find());
assertEquals("one group found", 1, match.groupCount());
String base =;
assertEquals("By default the dest directory is $$codebase: ", "$$codebase", base);
File jar = new File(output, "org-my-module/s0.jar");
JarFile signed = new JarFile(jar);
Enumeration<JarEntry> it = signed.entries();
while (it.hasMoreElements()) {
JarEntry entry = it.nextElement();
if (entry.getName().endsWith(".SF")) {
fail ("File should not be signed: " + jar);
public void testTheLocalizedAutoupdateProblem() throws Exception {
String UTfile =
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
"<module codename='org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate/1'>" +
" <module_version install_time='1136503038669' last='true' origin='installer' specification_version='2.16.1'>" +
" <file crc='746562502' name='config/Modules/org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate.xml'/>" +
" <file crc='3552349255' name='modules/ext/locale/updater_ja.jar'/>" +
" <file crc='72601456' name='modules/ext/locale/updater_zh_CN.jar'/>" +
" <file crc='3405032071' name='modules/ext/updater.jar'/>" +
" <file crc='2409221434' name='modules/locale/org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate_ja.jar'/>" +
" <file crc='1180043929' name='modules/locale/org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate_zh_CN.jar'/>" +
" <file crc='3477298901' name='modules/org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate.jar'/>" +
" </module_version>" +
Manifest m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate/1");
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("Class-Path", "ext/updater.jar");
File simpleJar = generateJar ("modules/", new String[0], m, null);
File moduleJar = new File(simpleJar.getParentFile(), "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate.jar");
File p = simpleJar.getParentFile();
simpleJar = generateJar ("modules/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
simpleJar.renameTo(new File(simpleJar.getParentFile(), "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate_ja.jar"));
simpleJar = generateJar ("modules/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
simpleJar.renameTo(new File(simpleJar.getParentFile(), "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate_zh_CN.jar"));
simpleJar = generateJar ("modules/ext/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
simpleJar.renameTo(new File(simpleJar.getParentFile(), "updater.jar"));
simpleJar = generateJar ("modules/ext/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
simpleJar.renameTo(new File(simpleJar.getParentFile(), "updater_ja.jar"));
simpleJar = generateJar ("modules/ext/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
simpleJar.renameTo(new File(simpleJar.getParentFile(), "updater_zh_CN.jar"));
File xml = new File(p, "config/Modules/org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate.xml");
File updateTracking = new File(getWorkDir(), "update_tracking");
assertTrue("Created", updateTracking.isDirectory());
File trackingFile = new File(updateTracking, "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate.xml");
try (FileWriter w = new FileWriter(trackingFile)) {
File output = new File(getWorkDir(), "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' verify='true' >" +
" <modules dir='" + p + "' >" +
" <include name='" + moduleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate.jnlp",
File jnlp = new File(output, "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
assertTrue ("Component JNLP type: " + res, res.indexOf ("<component-desc/>") >= 0);
assertTrue ("We support all permissions by default: " + res, res.indexOf ("<all-permissions/>") >= 0);
Matcher match = Pattern.compile(".*codebase=['\\\"]([^'\\\"]*)['\\\"]").matcher(res);
assertTrue("codebase is there", match.find());
assertEquals("one group found", 1, match.groupCount());
String base =;
assertEquals("By default the dest directory is $$codebase: ", "$$codebase", base);
assertResource(res, "ja", "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate/ext-locale-updater_ja.jar");
assertResource(res, "zh_CN", "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate/ext-locale-updater_zh_CN.jar");
assertResource(res, "ja", "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate/locale-org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate_ja.jar");
assertResource(res, "zh_CN", "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate/locale-org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate_zh_CN.jar");
CHECK_SIGNED: for (File jar : new File(output, "org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate").listFiles()) {
if (!jar.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
JarFile signed = new JarFile(jar);
Enumeration<JarEntry> it = signed.entries();
while (it.hasMoreElements()) {
JarEntry entry = it.nextElement();
if (entry.getName().endsWith(".SF")) {
continue CHECK_SIGNED;
fail ("File does not seem to be signed: " + jar);
public void testGenerateJNLPForMissingRegularModule() throws Exception {
Manifest m;
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "org.netbeans.core.startup");
File simpleJar = generateJar ("modules/", new String[0], m, null);
File coreJar = new File(simpleJar.getParentFile(), "core.jar");
simpleJar = coreJar;
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File localizedJarCZ = generateJar("modules/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
assertTrue("Successful rename", localizedJarCZ.renameTo(new File(localizedJarCZ.getParent(), "core_cs.jar")));
File updateTracking = new File(getWorkDir(), "update_tracking");
assertTrue("Created", updateTracking.isDirectory());
File trackingFile = new File(updateTracking, "org-netbeans-core-startup.xml");
try (FileWriter w = new FileWriter(trackingFile)) {
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" +
"<module codename=''>\n" +
"<module_version specification_version='3.22' origin='installer' last='true' install_time='1124194231878'>\n" +
"<file name='modules/" + simpleJar.getName() + "' crc='3245456472'/>\n" +
"<file name='config/Modules/org-netbeans-core-startup.xml' crc='43434' />\n" +
"<file name='modules/locale/core_cs.jar' crc='454244' />\n" +
"<file name='modules/locale/core_ja.jar' crc='779831' />\n" +
"<file name='modules/locale/core_zh_CN.jar' crc='475345' />\n" +
" </module_version>\n" +
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' verify='true' >" +
" <modules dir='" + parent + "' >" +
" <include name='" + simpleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "org-netbeans-core-startup.jnlp",
public void testGenerateJNLPAndSignedJarForSimpleLocalizedModule() throws Exception {
Manifest m;
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "");
File simpleJar = generateJar ("modules/", new String[0], m, null);
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File localizedJarCZ = generateJar("modules/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
assertEquals("There need to have the same name", simpleJar.getName(), localizedJarCZ.getName());
assertTrue("Successful rename", localizedJarCZ.renameTo(new File(localizedJarCZ.getParent(), "0_cs.jar")));
File localizedJarZH = generateJar("modules/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
assertEquals("There need to have the same name", simpleJar.getName(), localizedJarZH.getName());
assertTrue("Successful rename", localizedJarZH.renameTo(new File(localizedJarCZ.getParent(), "0_zh_CN.jar")));
File localizedJarJA = generateJar("modules/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
assertEquals("There need to have the same name", simpleJar.getName(), localizedJarJA.getName());
assertTrue("Successful rename", localizedJarJA.renameTo(new File(localizedJarCZ.getParent(), "0_ja.jar")));
File updateTracking = new File(getWorkDir(), "update_tracking");
assertTrue("Created", updateTracking.isDirectory());
File trackingFile = new File(updateTracking, "org-my-module.xml");
try (FileWriter w = new FileWriter(trackingFile)) {
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" +
"<module codename=''>\n" +
"<module_version specification_version='3.22' origin='installer' last='true' install_time='1124194231878'>\n" +
"<file name='modules/" + simpleJar.getName() + "' crc='3245456472'/>\n" +
"<file name='config/Modules/org-my-module.xml' crc='43434' />\n" +
"<file name='modules/locale/0_cs.jar' crc='454244' />\n" +
"<file name='modules/locale/0_ja.jar' crc='779831' />\n" +
"<file name='modules/locale/0_zh_CN.jar' crc='475345' />\n" +
" </module_version>\n" +
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' verify='true' >" +
" <modules dir='" + parent + "' >" +
" <include name='" + simpleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "org-my-module.jnlp",
File jnlp = new File(output, "org-my-module.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
assertTrue ("Component JNLP type: " + res, res.indexOf ("<component-desc/>") >= 0);
assertTrue ("We support all permissions by default: " + res, res.indexOf ("<all-permissions/>") >= 0);
Matcher match = Pattern.compile(".*codebase=['\\\"]([^'\\\"]*)['\\\"]").matcher(res);
assertTrue("codebase is there", match.find());
assertEquals("one group found", 1, match.groupCount());
String base =;
assertEquals("By default the dest directory is $$codebase: ", "$$codebase", base);
assertResource(res, "cs", "org-my-module/locale-0_cs.jar");
assertResource(res, "ja", "org-my-module/locale-0_ja.jar");
assertResource(res, "zh_CN", "org-my-module/locale-0_zh_CN.jar");
CHECK_SIGNED: for (File jar : new File(output, "org-my-module").listFiles()) {
if (!jar.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
JarFile signed = new JarFile(jar);
Enumeration<JarEntry> it = signed.entries();
while (it.hasMoreElements()) {
JarEntry entry = it.nextElement();
if (entry.getName().endsWith(".SF")) {
continue CHECK_SIGNED;
fail ("File does not seem to be signed: " + jar);
public void testGenerateJNLPForMissingCoreIssue103301() throws Exception {
Manifest m;
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "org.netbeans.core.startup");
File simpleJar = generateJar ("core/", new String[0], m, null);
File coreJar = new File(simpleJar.getParentFile(), "core.jar");
simpleJar = coreJar;
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File localizedJarCZ = generateJar("core/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
assertTrue("Successful rename", localizedJarCZ.renameTo(new File(localizedJarCZ.getParent(), "core_cs.jar")));
File updateTracking = new File(getWorkDir(), "update_tracking");
assertTrue("Created", updateTracking.isDirectory());
File trackingFile = new File(updateTracking, "org-netbeans-core-startup.xml");
try (FileWriter w = new FileWriter(trackingFile)) {
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" +
"<module codename=''>\n" +
"<module_version specification_version='3.22' origin='installer' last='true' install_time='1124194231878'>\n" +
"<file name='core/" + simpleJar.getName() + "' crc='3245456472'/>\n" +
"<file name='config/Modules/org-netbeans-core-startup.xml' crc='43434' />\n" +
"<file name='core/locale/core_cs.jar' crc='454244' />\n" +
"<file name='core/locale/core_ja.jar' crc='779831' />\n" +
"<file name='core/locale/core_zh_CN.jar' crc='475345' />\n" +
" </module_version>\n" +
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' verify='true' >" +
" <modules dir='" + parent + "' >" +
" <include name='" + simpleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "org-netbeans-core-startup.jnlp",
public void testGenerateJNLPAndUnSignedJarForSimpleLocalizedModule() throws Exception {
Manifest m;
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "");
File simpleJar = generateJar ("modules/", new String[0], m, null);
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File localizedJarCZ = generateJar("modules/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
assertEquals("There need to have the same name", simpleJar.getName(), localizedJarCZ.getName());
assertTrue("Successful rename", localizedJarCZ.renameTo(new File(localizedJarCZ.getParent(), "0_cs.jar")));
File localizedJarZH = generateJar("modules/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
assertEquals("There need to have the same name", simpleJar.getName(), localizedJarZH.getName());
assertTrue("Successful rename", localizedJarZH.renameTo(new File(localizedJarCZ.getParent(), "0_zh_CN.jar")));
File localizedJarJA = generateJar("modules/locale/", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
assertEquals("There need to have the same name", simpleJar.getName(), localizedJarJA.getName());
assertTrue("Successful rename", localizedJarJA.renameTo(new File(localizedJarCZ.getParent(), "0_ja.jar")));
File updateTracking = new File(getWorkDir(), "update_tracking");
assertTrue("Created", updateTracking.isDirectory());
File trackingFile = new File(updateTracking, "org-my-module.xml");
try (FileWriter w = new FileWriter(trackingFile)) {
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" +
"<module codename=''>\n" +
"<module_version specification_version='3.22' origin='installer' last='true' install_time='1124194231878'>\n" +
"<file name='modules/" + simpleJar.getName() + "' crc='3245456472'/>\n" +
"<file name='config/Modules/org-my-module.xml' crc='43434' />\n" +
"<file name='modules/locale/0_cs.jar' crc='454244' />\n" +
"<file name='modules/locale/0_ja.jar' crc='779831' />\n" +
"<file name='modules/locale/0_zh_CN.jar' crc='475345' />\n" +
" </module_version>\n" +
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' verify='true' signjars='false' >" +
" <modules dir='" + parent + "' >" +
" <include name='" + simpleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "org-my-module.jnlp",
File jnlp = new File(output, "org-my-module.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
assertTrue ("Component JNLP type: " + res, res.indexOf ("<component-desc/>") >= 0);
assertTrue ("We support all permissions by default: " + res, res.indexOf ("<all-permissions/>") >= 0);
Matcher match = Pattern.compile(".*codebase=['\\\"]([^'\\\"]*)['\\\"]").matcher(res);
assertTrue("codebase is there", match.find());
assertEquals("one group found", 1, match.groupCount());
String base =;
assertEquals("By default the dest directory is $$codebase: ", "$$codebase", base);
assertResource(res, "cs", "org-my-module/locale-0_cs.jar");
assertResource(res, "ja", "org-my-module/locale-0_ja.jar");
assertResource(res, "zh_CN", "org-my-module/locale-0_zh_CN.jar");
for (File jar : new File(output, "org-my-module").listFiles()) {
if (!jar.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
JarFile signed = new JarFile(jar);
Enumeration<JarEntry> it = signed.entries();
while (it.hasMoreElements()) {
JarEntry entry = it.nextElement();
if (entry.getName().endsWith(".SF")) {
fail ("File does not seem to be signed: " + jar);
private static void assertResource(String where, String locale, String file) {
where = where.replace('\n', ' ');
Matcher match = Pattern.compile("<resources *locale='" + locale + "' *>.*<jar href='" + file + "' */>.*</resources>").matcher(where);
assertTrue("File really referenced " + file + " in locale " + locale + "\n" + where, match.find());
public void testOneCanChangeTheCodeBase() throws Exception {
Manifest m;
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "");
File simpleJar = generateJar (new String[0], m);
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' codebase='' >" +
" <modules dir='" + parent + "' >" +
" <include name='" + simpleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "org-my-module.jnlp",
File jnlp = new File(output, "org-my-module.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
assertTrue ("Component JNLP type: " + res, res.indexOf ("<component-desc/>") >= 0);
assertTrue ("We support all permissions by default: " + res, res.indexOf ("<all-permissions/>") >= 0);
Matcher match = Pattern.compile(".*codebase=['\\\"]([^'\\\"]*)['\\\"]").matcher(res);
assertTrue("codebase is there", match.find());
assertEquals("one group found", 1, match.groupCount());
String base =;
assertEquals("By default the codebases can be changed: ", "", base);
public void testGenerateJNLPAndSignedJarForModuleWithClassPath() throws Exception {
File output = doClassPathModuleCheck(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='${test.output}' />" +
" <jnlp dir='${test.output}' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='${test.ks}' >" +
" <modules dir='${test.parent}' >" +
" <include name='${}' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
assertFilenames(output, "aaa-my-module.jnlp", "aaa-my-module/ext-t0.jar", "aaa-my-module/s0.jar");
File jnlp = new File(output, "aaa-my-module.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("<jar href='(.*)' */>").matcher(res);
for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
assertTrue("Matches at least one" + "(" + x + ")", m.find());
assertEquals("Found a group" + "(" + x + ")", m.groupCount(), 1);
File f = new File (jnlp.getParentFile(),;
assertTrue("The file " + f + " exists" + "(" + x + ")", f.exists());
public void testGenerateJNLPAndSignedJarForModuleWithClassPathAndSignedJar() throws Exception {
File ks = generateKeystore("external", "netbeans-test");
File output = doClassPathModuleCheck(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='${test.output}' />" +
" <signjar jar='${test.ext}' alias='external' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='${test.ks}' />\n" +
" <jnlp dir='${test.output}' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='${test.ks}' >" +
" <modules dir='${test.parent}' >" +
" <include name='${}' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
assertFilenames(output, "aaa-my-module.jnlp", "aaa-my-module/s0.jar",
JarFile f = new JarFile(new File(output, "aaa-my-module/ext-t0.jar"));
Enumeration<JarEntry> en = f.entries();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int cnt = 0;
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
JarEntry e = en.nextElement();
if (e.getName().endsWith("SF")) {
if (!e.getName().equals("META-INF/EXTERNAL.SF")) {
fail("Signed with wrong entity: " + e.getName());
if (cnt == 0) {
fail("Signed with wrong file:\n" + sb);
File jnlp = new File(output, "aaa-my-module.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
int first = res.indexOf("jar href");
assertEquals("Just one jar href ", -1, res.indexOf("jar href", first + 1));
String extRes = readFile(new File(output, "aaa-my-module-ext-t0.jnlp"));
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("<title>(.*)</title>").matcher(extRes);
assertTrue("title is there: " + extRes, m.find());
assertEquals("Name of file is used for title", "t0",;
public void testInformationIsTakenFromLocalizedBundle() throws Exception {
Manifest m;
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "");
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("OpenIDE-Module-Name", "Module Build Harness");
props.put("OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category", "Developing NetBeans");
props.put("OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description", "Lets you build external plug-in modules from sources.");
props.put("OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description", "XXX");
File simpleJar = generateJar (null, new String[0], m, props);
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' >" +
" <modules dir='" + parent + "' >" +
" <include name='" + simpleJar.getName() + "' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute (f, new String[] { });
assertFilenames(output, "org-my-module.jnlp", "org-my-module/s0.jar");
File jnlp = new File(output, "org-my-module.jnlp");
String res = readFile (jnlp);
int infoBegin = res.indexOf("<information>");
int infoEnd = res.indexOf("</information>");
if (infoEnd == -1 || infoBegin == -1) {
fail ("Both information tags must be present: " + res);
String info = res.substring(infoBegin, infoEnd);
if (info.indexOf("<title>Module Build Harness</title>") == -1) {
fail("Title should be there with Module Build Harness inside itself: " + info);
if (info.indexOf("<description kind='one-line'>Lets you build external plug-in modules from sources.</description>") == -1) {
fail("one-line should be there with 'lets you...' inside itself: " + info);
if (info.indexOf("<description kind='short'>XXX</description>") == -1) {
fail("short should be there with XXX inside itself: " + info);
public void testGenerateJNLPFailsForModulesWithExtraFiles() throws Exception {
doCompareJNLPFileWithUpdateTracking(true, null, "");
public void testGenerateJNLPSucceedsWithExtraFiles() throws Exception {
doCompareJNLPFileWithUpdateTracking(false, null, "");
public void testGenerateJNLPSucceedsWhenExtraFileIsExcluded() throws Exception {
doCompareJNLPFileWithUpdateTracking(false, "lib/nbexec", " verifyexcludes=' one, lib/nbexec, three ' ");
public void testGenerateJNLPSucceedsWhenModuleAutoDepsArePresent() throws Exception {
doCompareJNLPFileWithUpdateTracking(false, "config/ModuleAutoDeps/aaa-my-module.xml", " verifyexcludes=' none ' ");
private void doCompareJNLPFileWithUpdateTracking(boolean useNonModule, String fakeEntry, String extraScript) throws Exception {
File nonModule = generateJar (new String[0], createManifest());
Manifest m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "");
File module = generateJar (new String[0], m);
File updateTracking = new File(getWorkDir(), "update_tracking");
assertTrue("Created", updateTracking.isDirectory());
File enableXML = new File(new File(getWorkDir(), "config"), "Modules");
File trackingFile = new File(updateTracking, "aaa-my-module.xml");
try (FileWriter w = new FileWriter(trackingFile)) {
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" +
"<module codename=''>\n" +
"<module_version specification_version='3.22' origin='installer' last='true' install_time='1124194231878'>\n" +
(useNonModule ? ("<file name='modules/" + nonModule.getName() + "' crc='1536373800'/>\n") : "") +
"<file name='modules/" + module.getName() + "' crc='3245456472'/>\n" +
"<file name='config/Modules/aaa-my-module.xml' crc='43434' />\n" +
(fakeEntry != null ? "<file name='" + fakeEntry + "' crc='43222' />\n" : "") +
" </module_version>\n" +
String script =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='${test.output}' />" +
" <jnlp dir='${test.output}' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='${test.ks}' verify='true' " + extraScript + " >" +
" <modules dir='${test.parent}' >" +
" <include name='${}' />" +
" </modules>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
assertEquals("Both modules in the same dir", module.getParentFile(), nonModule.getParentFile());
File output = new File(getWorkDir(), "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (script);
try {
execute (f, new String[] {
"-Dtest.output=" + output,
"-Dtest.parent=" + module.getParent(),
"" + module.getName(),
"-Dtest.ks=" + ks,
if (useNonModule) {
fail("The task has to fail");
assertTrue ("Output exists", output.exists ());
assertTrue ("Output directory created", output.isDirectory());
File ext = new File (output, module.getName());
String[] files = ext.getParentFile().list();
assertEquals("Two files are there", 2, files.length);
} catch (ExecutionError ex) {
if (!useNonModule) {
throw ex;
} else {
// ok, this is fine
assertTrue ("Output exists", output.exists ());
assertTrue ("Output directory created", output.isDirectory());
File ext = new File (output, module.getName());
String[] files = ext.getParentFile().list();
assertEquals("Output dir is empty as nothing has been generated", 0, files.length);
private File doClassPathModuleCheck(String script) throws Exception {
Manifest m;
File extJar = generateJar ("modules/ext", new String[0], createManifest(), null);
m = createManifest ();
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("OpenIDE-Module", "");
m.getMainAttributes ().putValue ("Class-Path", "ext/" + extJar.getName());
File simpleJar = generateJar ("modules", new String[0], m, null);
File parent = simpleJar.getParentFile ();
File output = new File(parent, "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test"); f = extractString (script);
execute (f, new String[] {
"-Dtest.output=" + output,
"-Dtest.parent=" + parent,
"" + simpleJar.getName(),
"-Dtest.ks=" + ks,
"-Dtest.ext=" + extJar
return output;
private File createNewJarFile(String prefix) throws IOException {
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = "modules";
String ss = prefix.substring(prefix.length()-1, prefix.length());
File dir = new File(this.getWorkDir(), prefix);
int i = 0;
for (;;) {
File f = new File (dir, ss + i++ + ".jar");
if (!f.exists()) {
return f;
protected final File generateJar (String[] content, Manifest manifest) throws IOException {
return generateJar(null, content, manifest, null);
protected final File generateJar (String prefix, String[] content, Manifest manifest, Properties props) throws IOException {
File f = createNewJarFile (prefix);
if (props != null) {
manifest.getMainAttributes().putValue("OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle", "some/fake/prop/name/");
try (JarOutputStream os = new JarOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (f), manifest)) {
if (props != null) {
os.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("some/fake/prop/name/"));, "# properties for the module");
for (int i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
os.putNextEntry(new JarEntry (content[i]));
os.closeEntry ();
return f;
private File generateKeystore(String alias, String password) throws Exception {
Error lastEx = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
File where = new File(getWorkDir(), "key" + i + ".ks");
String script =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Generate Keystore\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
"<genkey \n" +
"alias='" + alias + "' \n" +
"keystore='" + where + "' \n" +
"storepass='" + password + "' \n" +
"dname='CN=A NetBeans Friend, OU=NetBeans,, C=US' \n" +
"/>\n" +
"</target></project>\n"; f = extractString (script);
try {
execute (f, new String[] { });
} catch (ExecutionError ex) {
Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed for " + i, ex);
lastEx = ex;
if (ex.getMessage().indexOf("CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE") >= 0) {
Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(1000));
throw ex;
return where;
throw lastEx;
public void testIndirectJars() throws Exception {
Manifest m = createManifest();
m.getMainAttributes().putValue("OpenIDE-Module", "me");
generateJar(new String[0], m);
generateJar("lib", new String[0], new Manifest(), null);
assertTrue(new File(getWorkDir(), "lib/b0.jar").isFile());
File output = new File(getWorkDir(), "output");
File ks = generateKeystore("jnlp", "netbeans-test");
File f = extractString(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<project name=\"Test Arch\" basedir=\".\" default=\"all\" >" +
" <taskdef name=\"jnlp\" classname=\"org.netbeans.nbbuild.MakeJNLP\" classpath=\"${nbantext.jar}\"/>" +
"<target name=\"all\" >" +
" <mkdir dir='" + output + "' />" +
" <jnlp dir='" + output + "' alias='jnlp' storepass='netbeans-test' keystore='" + ks + "' >" +
" <modules dir='" + getWorkDir() + "'>" +
" <include name='modules/s0.jar'/>" +
" </modules>" +
" <indirectjars dir='" + getWorkDir() + "'>" +
" <include name='lib/b0.jar'/>" +
" </indirectjars>" +
" </jnlp>" +
"</target>" +
execute(f, new String[] { "-verbose" });
assertFilenames(output, "me.jnlp", "me/s0.jar", "me/lib-b0.jar");
File jnlp = new File(output, "me.jnlp");
String res = readFile(jnlp);
assertTrue(res, res.contains("me/lib-b0.jar"));
JarFile otherJar = new JarFile(new File(output, "me/lib-b0.jar"));