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<title>Subversion: Versioning Window</title>
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<p><a id="org.netbeans.modules.subversion.ui.status.SvnVersioningTopComponent" name="org.netbeans.modules.subversion.ui.status.SvnVersioningTopComponent"></a></p>
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<h1>Subversion: Versioning Window</h1>
<a name="BEGIN" id="BEGIN"></a>
<p>The Subversion Versioning window presents a real-time view of the changes made in your local working copy for selected version-controlled directories. It opens by default in the bottom panel of the IDE, listing added, deleted or modified files.
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<p>By default, the Versioning window displays a list of all modified files within the selected package or folder. Using the buttons in the toolbar, you can choose to display all changes or limit the list of displayed files to either locally or remotely modified files. You can click the column headings above the listed files to sort the files by name, status or location.</p>
<p>The Versioning window toolbar also includes buttons that enable you to invoke the most common Subversion tasks on all files displayed in the list. The following table lists the Subversion commands available in the toolbar of the Versioning window:</p>
<table summary="User interface elements and descriptions" dir="ltr" border="1" width="100%" frame="hsides" rules="groups" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
<col width="24%" />
<col width="*" />
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<th align="left" valign="bottom" id="r1c1-t25">Element</th>
<th align="left" valign="bottom" id="r1c2-t25">Description</th>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r2c1-t25" headers="r1c1-t25">
<p>Refresh Status</p>
<td align="left" headers="r2c1-t25 r1c2-t25">Refreshes the status of the selected files and folders. Files displayed in the Versioning window can be refreshed to reflect any changes that may have been made externally.</td>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r3c1-t25" headers="r1c1-t25">
<p>Diff All</p>
<td align="left" headers="r3c1-t25 r1c2-t25">Opens the Diff Viewer providing you with a side-by-side comparison of your local copies and the versions maintained in the repository.</td>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r4c1-t25" headers="r1c1-t25">
<p>Update All</p>
<td align="left" headers="r4c1-t25 r1c2-t25">Updates all selected files from the repository.</td>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r5c1-t25" headers="r1c1-t25">
<p>Commit All</p>
<td align="left" headers="r5c1-t25 r1c2-t25">Enables you to commit local changes to the repository.</td>
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<p>You can access other Subversion commands in the Versioning window by selecting a table row that corresponds to a modified file, and choosing a command from the right-click menu. You can, for example, perform the following actions on a file:</p>
<table summary="User interface elements and descriptions" dir="ltr" border="1" width="100%" frame="hsides" rules="groups" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
<col width="24%" />
<col width="*" />
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<th align="left" valign="bottom" id="r1c1-t26">Element</th>
<th align="left" valign="bottom" id="r1c2-t26">Description</th>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r2c1-t26" headers="r1c1-t26">
<p>Show Annotations</p>
<td align="left" headers="r2c1-t26 r1c2-t26">Displays commit message, author, date, and revision number information in the left margin of files open in the Source Editor.</td>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r3c1-t26" headers="r1c1-t26">
<p>Search History</p>
<td align="left" headers="r3c1-t26 r1c2-t26">Enables you to search for and compare multiple revisions of the selected file in the IDE's history viewer.</td>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r4c1-t26" headers="r1c1-t26">
<p>Exclude from Commit</p>
<td align="left" headers="r4c1-t26 r1c2-t26">Allows you to mark the file to be excluded when performing a commit.</td>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r5c1-t26" headers="r1c1-t26">
<p>Revert Modifications</p>
<td align="left" headers="r5c1-t26 r1c2-t26">Enables you to revert any changes to the copy in your local working directory back to the current version maintained in the repository.</td>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" id="r6c1-t26" headers="r1c1-t26">
<p>Revert Delete</p>
<td align="left" headers="r6c1-t26 r1c2-t26">Enables you to revert any delete actions that you have committed to files in your local working copy. When you invoke the Revert Delete command, the specified file(s) will be retrieved from the repository and reinstated into your local working copy.</td>
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<p>You can also exclude files from a commit in the Commit dialog box.</p>
<p>You can select multiple files in the Versioning window by holding down the Ctrl key when you select files.</p>
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<hr><p><b>Related Topics</b></p>
<p><i>Developing Applications with NetBeans IDE</i>,
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