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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.netbeans.api.editor.guards;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Element;
import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.netbeans.editor.GuardedDocument;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.guards.GuardedSectionsImpl;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.guards.GuardsAccessor;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.guards.PositionBounds;
import org.openide.text.NbDocument;
* @author Jan Pokorsky
public final class GuardUtils {
public static void verifyPositions(TestCase test, GuardedSection gs, int start, int end) {
test.assertEquals("start position", start, gs.getStartPosition().getOffset());
test.assertEquals("end position", end, gs.getEndPosition().getOffset());
public static void verifyPositions(TestCase test, InteriorSection gs, int headerStart, int headerEnd, int bodyStart, int bodyEnd, int footerStart, int footerEnd) {
test.assertEquals("header begin position", headerStart, gs.getImpl().getHeaderBounds().getBegin().getOffset());
test.assertEquals("header end position", headerEnd, gs.getImpl().getHeaderBounds().getEnd().getOffset());
test.assertEquals("body begin position", bodyStart, gs.getBodyStartPosition().getOffset());
test.assertEquals("body end position", bodyEnd, gs.getBodyEndPosition().getOffset());
test.assertEquals("footer begin position", footerStart, gs.getImpl().getFooterBounds().getBegin().getOffset());
test.assertEquals("footer end position", footerEnd, gs.getImpl().getFooterBounds().getEnd().getOffset());
public static void verifyGuardAttr(TestCase test, StyledDocument doc, SimpleSection gs) {
verifyGuardAttr(test, (GuardedDocument) doc, gs.getStartPosition().getOffset(), gs.getEndPosition().getOffset());
public static void verifyGuardAttr(TestCase test, StyledDocument doc, InteriorSection gs) {
PositionBounds bounds = gs.getImpl().getHeaderBounds();
verifyGuardAttr(test, (GuardedDocument) doc, bounds.getBegin().getOffset(), bounds.getEnd().getOffset());
bounds = gs.getImpl().getFooterBounds();
verifyGuardAttr(test, (GuardedDocument) doc, bounds.getBegin().getOffset(), bounds.getEnd().getOffset());
public static void verifyGuardAttr(TestCase test, GuardedDocument doc, int startPosition, int endPosition) {
for (int i = startPosition; i <= endPosition; i++) {
test.assertTrue("element should be guarded; pos: " + i, doc.isPosGuarded(i));
public static boolean isGuarded(StyledDocument doc, int offset) {
GuardedDocument gdoc = (GuardedDocument) doc;
return gdoc.isPosGuarded(offset);
public static void dumpGuardedAttr(StyledDocument doc) {
System.out.println("" + ((GuardedDocument) doc).toStringDetail());
// int start = 0;
// int end = doc.getLength();
// Element el = null;
// System.out.println("Document.guards: " +
// ", s: " + start + ", e: " + end);
// do {
// el = doc.getCharacterElement(start);
// System.out.println("s: " + el.getStartOffset() + ", e: " + el.getEndOffset() +
// ", g: " + Boolean.TRUE.equals(el.getAttributes().getAttribute(NbDocument.GUARDED)));
// start = el.getEndOffset() + 1;
// } while (end > el.getEndOffset());
// System.out.println("-------");
public static void dumpDocument(StyledDocument doc) throws BadLocationException {
char[] cs = doc.getText(0, doc.getLength()).toCharArray();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
char c = cs[i];
if (c == ' ')
c = '.';
else if (c == '\n') {
sb.append('$').append(c).append((i + 1) + ":");
System.out.println("Document: "+ doc.getLength() + "\n" + sb.toString());
public static void print(SimpleSection gs) {
"SimplS: " + gs.getName() +
", s: " + gs.getStartPosition().getOffset() +
", e: " + gs.getEndPosition().getOffset() +
", v: " + gs.isValid() +
", t: '" + gs.getText() + "'");
public static void print(InteriorSection gs) {
"InterS: " + gs.getName() +
", hs: " + gs.getImpl().getHeaderBounds().getBegin().getOffset() +
", he: " + gs.getImpl().getHeaderBounds().getEnd().getOffset() +
", bs: " + gs.getImpl().getBodyBounds().getBegin().getOffset() +
", be: " + gs.getImpl().getBodyBounds().getEnd().getOffset() +
", fs: " + gs.getImpl().getFooterBounds().getBegin().getOffset() +
", fe: " + gs.getImpl().getFooterBounds().getEnd().getOffset() +
", v: " + gs.isValid() +
", t: '" + gs.getText() + "'");
static String toString(Element el) {
return el.toString() + "{el s:" + el.getStartOffset() + ", e:" + el.getEndOffset() + "}";
public static void initManager(Editor editor) {
initManager(editor, null);
public static void initManager(Editor editor, GuardedSectionsImpl gimpl) {
if (gimpl == null) {
gimpl = new GuardedSectionsImpl(editor);
GuardedSectionManager api = GuardsAccessor.DEFAULT.createGuardedSections(gimpl);
editor.doc.putProperty(GuardedSectionManager.class, api);