blob: 62f4888e7373980f061828cbb3d10e37a2bc35f2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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Templates/WebServices=Web Services
Templates/WebServices/RestServicesFromEntities=RESTful Web Services from Entity Classes
Templates/WebServices/RestServicesFromPatterns=RESTful Web Services from Patterns
Templates/WebServices/RestServicesFromDatabase=RESTful Web Services from Database
Templates/WebServices/ Resource Sharing Filter
Templates/WebServices/ 2.0 Filter
Templates/WebServices/ 2.0 Interceptor
Templates/Persistence/RestServicesFromEntities=RESTful Web Services from Entity Classes
Templates/Persistence/RestServicesFromDatabase=RESTful Web Services from Database
LBL_WinTitle_SelectClass=Select Class
LBL_SelectRepresentationClass=&Select Resource Representation Class:
LBL_Package=Resource Pac&kage\:
LBL_WizardTitle_FromEntity=RESTful Web Services from Entity Classes
LBL_RestResourcesAndClasses=Generated Classes
LBL_Select_Pattern=Select Pattern
LBL_Specify_Resource_Class=Specify Resource Classes
LBL_EntityClasses=Entity Classes
LBL_Add=&Add >
LBL_Remove=< &Remove
LBL_AddAll=Add A&ll >>
LBL_RemoveAll=<< Remo&ve All
LBL_AvailableEntities=Available &Entity Classes\:
LBL_SelectedEntities=&Selected Entity Classes\:
ERR_NoPersistenceUnit=There is no persistence unit in the project yet. You need a persistence unit to persist entity classes.
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_NotWebProject=<html>Not a Web Project.</html>
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_NoSWDP=<html><body>The target server does not have the required REST library. Please exit this wizard, download and install it from</body></html>
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_NoEntities=<html>No Entity Classes found. Please exit this wizard and \
add Entity Classes to this project.</html>
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_NoPersistenceUnit=<html>Current project has no persistence unit. Please use \
New Persistence Unit wizard to create one.</html>
LBL_RestSevicicesFromEntitiesProgress=Generating RESTful Web Services From Entity Classes ...
LBL_RestServicesFromPatternsProgress=Generating RESTful Web Services From Patterns...
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_InvalidEntityClasses=Some Selected Entity Classes are not valid
MSG_EntitySelectionPanel_NoneSelected=Select at least one entity class
DESC_Container_Pattern=<html>Create a pair of RESTful resource classes consisting of an item resource class and its container resource class using Java API \
for RESTful Web Service (JSR-311). Item resources can be created and added to the container resource using the POST method on the container resource class. \
Note that the URI for the newly created item resource is determined by the container resource.<p>\
On the next page you will be specifying class name, URI, and representation type of the item and container resources.</p></html>
DESC_Singleton_Pattern=<html>Create a RESTful root resource class with GET and PUT methods \
using Java API for RESTful Web Service (JSR-311). This pattern is useful for creating a simple \
HelloWorld service and wrapper services for invoking WSDL-based web services.<p> \
On the next page you will be specifying class name, URI, and representation type of the resource.</p></html>
DESC_Client_Control_Pattern=<html>Create a pair of RESTful resource classes consisting of an item resource class and its container resource class using Java API \
for RESTful Web Service (JSR-311). This pattern is a slight variation of the Container-Item pattern. The difference is that there is no \
POST method on the container resource class for creating item resources. Instead, item resources are created using the PUT method on the \
item resource class. The reason this is called Client-Controlled Container-Item pattern is because the URI for the item resource is determined \
by the client and not the container resource.<p>\
On the next page you will specify class name, URI, and representation type of the resource.</p></html>
LBL_ResourceName=Resource &Name\:
LBL_ClassName=&Class Name\:
LBL_UirTemplate=&URI Template\:
LBL_MimeType=&MIME Type\:
LBL_RepresentationClass=&Representation Class\:
LBL_ContainerClass=C&ontainer Class Name\:
LBL_ContainerUriTemplate=Container Path\:
LBL_SelectPattern=Select a RESTful web service design pattern\:
LBL_GenericResource=Clien&t Control Resource
LBL_SelectDesignPattern=Select A RESTful Web Service Design Pattern\:
LBL_ContainerRepresentationClass=Cont&ainer Representation Class\:
MSG_ClassName=&Class Name\:
MSG_VALID=Wadl file is valid.
MSG_INVALID=Wadl file is invalid.
MSG_APP_MISSING=<application> element missing in the wadl file.
MSG_RESOURCES_MISSING=<resources> element missing in the wadl file.
MSG_BASE_URL_NULL=base attribute missing in element <resources> in the wadl file.
MSG_EMPTY_RESOURCES=No <resource> elements in the wadl file.
MSG_ProjectsWithoutREST=Some selected projects do not contain RESTful web services
LBL_SingletonResource=&Simple Root Resource
LBL_ClientControl=Clien&t-Controlled Container-Item
ACSD_Singleton=Simple root resource pattern
ACSD_ContainerResource=Container-item resource pattern
ACSD_ClientControlled=Client controlled resource pattern
DESC_PatternDescription=Description for each selected pattern.
LBL_PatternDescription=Pattern Description
DESC_ResourceName=Name of resource to be used as base for deriving name of generated classes.
ResourceName=Resource Name
DESC_ClassName=Name for resource class.
ClassName=Resource Class Name
DESC_ContainerClassName=Name of container class
ContainerClassName=Container Class Name
DESC_ProjectName=Name of project the resource classes are created in.
DESC_Location=Source root location to create artifacts in
DESC_ResourcePackage=Package name of resource classes
ResourcePackage=Resource Package
DESC_Uri=URI template to identity instance of the item resource
UriTemplate=Item Resource Path
ItemUriTemplate=Item Resource Path
DESC_MimeType=MIME type of the resource representation
MimeType=MIME Type
DESC_RepresentationClass=Class for item resource representation
RepresentationClass=Representation Class
DESC_SelectClass=Select a resource representation class for item resource.
SelectItemResourceRepresentation=Select Item Resource Representation
ItemResourceRepresentationClass=Item Resource Representation Class
DESC_ContainerRepresentationClass=Container resource representation class
ContainerResourceRepresentationClass=Container Resource Representation Class
DESC_SelectContainerRepresentationClass=Select container resource representation
SelectContainerRepresentationClass=Select Container Representation Class
DESC_Project=Name of project to create artifacts in.
DESC_SelectRepresenationClass=Select representation class for the resource.
SelectRepresentationClass=Select Representation Class
UirTemplate=URI Template\:
DESC_AvailableEntityClasses=All entity classes in the current project are available for generating RESTful web services
AvailableEntityClasses=Available Entity Classes
DESC_SelectedList=List of selected entity classes to generate RESTful web services for.
SelectedEntityClasses=Selected Entity Classes
DESC_SelectedEntityClasses=Entity classes selected for generation of RESTful web services
DESC_AddEntityClass=Add highlighted entity class to selection list for generation of RESTful web services
AddEntityClass=Add Entity Class
DESC_RemoveEntityClass=Remove entity class from selection list.
RemoveEntityClass=Remove Entity Class
DESC_AddAllEntityClasses=Select all entity classes to generate RESTful web services
AddAllEntityClasses=Add All Entity Classes
DESC_RemoveAllEntityClasses=Clear the selected entity list
RemoveAllEntityClasses=Remove All Entity Classes
SelectedEntityList=Selected Entity List
DESC_AddRemovePanel=Panel for 'add' or 'remove' buttons
AddOrRemoveEntityClasses=Add or Remove Entity Classes
DESC_Preview=Preview of generated classes names
PreviewGeneratedClassNames=Preview Generated Class Names
MSG_InvalidResourceName=Invalid resource name
MSG_ClassNameEqualsContainerClassName=Container class name must differ from resource class name
MSG_InvalidResourceClassName=Invalid resource class name
MSG_InvalidContainerResourceClassName=Invalid container resource class name
MSG_InvalidPackageName=Invalid package name
MSG_InvalidResourcePackageName=Invalid resource package name
MSG_InvalidControllerPackageName=Invalid controller package name
MSG_EmptyUriTemplate=Path could not be empty
MSG_IncorrectUriTemplate=Path must contain list of unique java identifiers surrounded by braces, or string literals, separated by slashes.
MSG_EmptyContainerUriTemplate=Container path could not be empty
MSG_ExistingClass=Class already exists
MSG_NoJavaSourceRoots=Current project has no java source roots
MSG_EnableRestSupport=Configure REST project support
DESC_ContainerUriTemplate=Path for container resource
MSG_NotSupportedProjectType=The wizard is not supported for this project type.
ControllerPackage=Controller Package
DESC_ControllerPackage=Package name for JPA Controller classes
LBL_ControllerDir=&Controller Package:
LBL_AnalyzeEntities=Collecting Entities
LBL_EntityModification=Modifying Entity
LBL_UseJersey=Use &Jersey specific features
ACSN_UseJersey=Use Jersey specific features
ACSD_UseJersey=Use Jersey specific features against REST Java EE 6 specification
ACSN_AppConfigPackage=Package name
ACSD_AppConfigPackage=Package name for subclass
ACSD_AppConfigClass=Class name for subclass
ACSN_AppConfigClass=Application config class name
LBL_AppConfigPackage=REST Application Packa&ge:
LBL_AppConfigClass=REST Applica&tion Class Name:
MSG_InvalidApplicationClassName=Invalid application class name
LBL_SearchAppConfig=Detecting REST application configuration
LBL_Headers=Fill HTTP Access Control Headers:
BTN_Methods=&Select Methods...
ACSN_Origin=Access-Control-Allow-Origin header value
ACSD_Origin=Access-Control-Allow-Origin header editor
LBL_AllowMethods=Access-Control-Allow-Methods header value
ACSD_AllowMethods=Access-Control-Allow-Methods header editor
ACSN_SelectMethods=Select methods chooser
ACSD_SelectMethods=Chooser for HTTP methods
ACSN_AllowHeaders=Access-Control-Allow-Headers http header value
ACSD_AllowHeaders=Access-Control-Allow-Headers http header editor
TTL_HttpMethods=Choose HTTP Methods
TXT_ConfigureFilter=Configure Jersey Filter
ERR_NoJerseyConfig=Jersey based configuration is required. Currently REST is configured based on Java EE 6 Application subclass.
ERR_NoRestConfig=REST is not configured. Create some REST resource first.
MSG_GenerateClassFilter=Generate Cross-Origin Sharing Filter class
MSG_UpdateDescriptor=Update Deployment Descriptor
MSG_ExtendsClasspath=Extends project classpath with Jersey libraries
LBL_FilterType=Choose &Filter Type:
LBL_RequestFilter=Re&quest Filter
LBL_ResponseFilter=Re&sponse Filter
LBL_ClientFilter=C&lient Filter
LBL_ContainerFilter=Con&tainer Filter
LBL_Provider=Add @P&rovider Annotation (for Automatic Discovery)
LBL_PreMatching=Add @Pre&Matching Annotation
ACSN_FilterType=Filter type
ACSD_FilterType=Selects filter type
ACSN_RequestFilter=Request filter
ACSD_RequestFilter=Selects request filter type
ACSN_ResponseFilter=Response filter
ACSD_ResponseFilter=Selects response filter
ACSN_ContainerFilter=Container filter
ACSD_ContainerFilter=Selects container filter type
ACSN_ClientFilter=Client filter
ACSD_ClientFilter=Selects client filter type
ACSN_Provider=Add @Provider annotation
ACSD_Provider=Make filter automatically discoverable
ACSN_PreMatching=Add @PreMatching annotation
ACSD_PreMatching=Adds @PreMatching annotation to filter class
TXT_CreateJaxRsFilter=Create JAX-RS 2.0 Filter
MSG_NoJEE7Profile=JAX-RS 2.0 filter is only supported in Java EE 7.
ERR_ClientProvider=Automatic discovery (@Provider annotation) doesn't work for client filter.
ERR_NoFilterRoleType=Choose filter type: Client or Container.
ERR_NoFilterType=Choose filter type: Request or Response.
TXT_GenerateFilterFile=Generate Filter Class
LBL_InterceptorType=Choose &Iterceptor Type:
LBL_ReaderInterceptor=&Reader Interceptor
LBL_WriterInterceptor=&Writer Interceptor
ACSN_Interceptors=Choose interceptor type
ACSD_Interceptors=Label for interceptor types panel
ACSN_ReaderInterceptor=Reader interceptor
ACSD_ReaderInterceptor=Selects reader interceptor
ACSN_WriterInterceptor=Writer interceptor
ACSD_WriterInterceptor=Selects writer interceptor
TXT_GenerateInterceptorFile=Generate Interceptor Class
TXT_CreateJaxRsInterceptor=Create JAX-RS 2.0 Interceptor
ERR_NoInterceptorType=Choose ReaderInterceptor or WriterInterceptor.
# Do not translate ApplicationConfig
# Do not translate JERSEY
MSG_Jersey2AvailableOnServer=<html>The {0} library has been installed on the {1}.<br>\
Do you want to configure the project to use {0} ?<br>\
<li>Click <b>Yes</b> if you want to configure the project to use {0}</li>\
<li>Click <b>No</b> if you want to use JAX-RS 1.1</li></html>