blob: bfc2d101fc208b48a45577f4995c8d3d84212261 [file] [log] [blame]
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OpenIDE-Module-Name=RESTful Web Service Support
OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category=Web Services
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Support for creation of RESTful Web Services
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=This module provides tooling for building RESTful web services using the JSR 311 API and its open source reference implementation, Jersey. It includes features such as generating RESTful web services from entity classes or patterns. In addition, it provides support for generating client stubs for building RESTful client applications. You can generate Jersey clients from either NetBeans IDE projects or services registered in the IDE. The IDE comes with popular services like Twitter already registered. Additionally, you can register your own local projects or remote WADLs with the IDE.