blob: c2ccb79908a1f64f7bf15d259fe283d0cf07a982 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
LBL_SelectRESTResource=Select &REST Resource\:
TTL_RESTResources=Available REST Resources
ACSD_RESTResourcesTreeView=REST Resources Tree View.
LBL_GenerateRESTClient=Generate REST Client...
MSG_CannotAddJerseyLib=Can not add REST libraries to project classpath.\n\n \
Please, go to NBSuite properties dialog and check in the following library modules:\n- \
RESTful Web Service Libraries [enterprise]\n- JAXB API [ide]\n- JAXB x.x Library [ide]
MSG_CannotModifyClasspath=Unable to extend project classpath with REST libraries. \
Current project type does not support classpath modification.
MSG_MissingOpenideModules=The generated Jersey client class requires having the following modules on NB Module classpath:\n- Dialogs API\n- Utilities API\n- UI Utilities API\n\nPlease, open the module properties dialog, go to Libraries section and check if all of the modules above are selected.
RESTResourcesPanel.jLabel1.text=Select the REST resource:
RESTResourcesPanel.jRadioButton1.text=&From Project
RESTResourcesPanel.jRadioButton1_hint=Services registered in Projects view.
RESTResourcesPanel.jLabel3.text=&REST Resource Name:
RESTResourcesPanel.jRadioButton2.text=&IDE Registered
RESTResourcesPanel.jRadioButton2_hint=Services registered in Services view, under Web Services node.
LBL_SelectRestResource=Select REST Resource.
Templates/WebServices/JerseyClient=RESTful Java Client
# FinishableProxyWizardPanel;
ERR_NoSources=<html>Project has no sources. This wizard requires at least one Java source package folder in project.</html>
MSG_NoSources=<html>Project has no sources. The wizard will generate a Java class in a project folder without a package statement. This Java class might not be included in a subsequently generated war(jar) file.</html>
RESTResourcesPanel.jLabel2.text=&Class Name:
MSG_CreateJaxbArtifacts=The wadl file contains XML schema references representing the REQUEST/RESPONSE types.\nDo you want to generate java artifacts from these schema files?\n\nNote: the project buid script will be extended with "saas-init-xjc"\nand "{0}" targets.\nThe schema files will be copied to {1}/META-INF folder.
auth_session_key=SESSION KEY (Facebook, Flickr)
MSG_creatingRESTClient=REST Client Generation ...
ERR_CannotApplyGuarded=Cannot apply changes due to guarded block