blob: 526144112dc66c458abff578fbe837c0398b1d6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
public class MonitorFilter extends Logger implements Filter {
// REPLAY strings - must be coordinated with client.Controller
public final static String REPLAY = "netbeans.replay"; //NOI18N
public final static String PORT = "netbeans.replay.port"; //NOI18N
public final static String REPLAYSTATUS = "netbeans.replay.status"; //NOI18N
public final static String REPLAYSESSION = "netbeans.replay.session"; //NOI18N
// The request attribute name under which we store a reference to
// ourself.
private String attribute = null;
public final static String PREFIX = "netbeans.monitor"; //NOI18N
private final static String attNameRequest =
"netbeans.monitor.request"; //NOI18N
private final static String attNameResponse =
"netbeans.monitor.response"; //NOI18N
private final static String attNameFilter =
"netbeans.monitor.filter"; //NOI18N
private final static String attNameMonData =
"netbeans.monitor.monData"; //NOI18N
//private final static String attNameExecTime =
//"netbeans.monitor.execTime"; //NOI18N
public static final String IDE = "netbeans.monitor.ide"; //NOI18N
public static final String IDES = "netbeans.monitor.register"; //NOI18N
// Are we supposed to run?
private static boolean collectData = true;
// The filter configuration object we are associated with. If
// this value is null, this filter instance is not currently
// configured.
private FilterConfig filterConfig = null;
private final static String className =
"org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Monitor"; //NOI18N
private static ResourceBundle statusmsgs =
ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.MonitorBundle"); //NOI18N
private static NotifyUtil notifyUtil = null;
* List of AppServer system web modules whose requests will be filtered out
private static final String APPSERVER_SYSTEM_WEB_MODULES[] = {
"/com_sun_web_ui", //NOI18N
"/asadmin", //NOI18N
"/web1"}; //NOI18N
* Netbeans internal request URI to find out the Tomcat running status.
* Issue #47048 - the HttpURLConnection is now used to determine whether Tomcat
* is running. The request URI equals "/netbeans-tomcat-status-test" to make
* it possible for the monitor to filter it out.
private static final String NETBEANS_INTERNAL_REQUEST_URI =
"/netbeans-tomcat-status-test"; //NOI18N
// debugging
private final static boolean debug = false;
public MonitorFilter() {
* Collects data of the HTTP Transaction
* @param request The servlet request we are processing
* @param result The servlet response we are creating
* @param chain The filter chain we are processing
* @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
* @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
// Time stamp for when Monitor filter is invoked
//long entryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(debug) log("doFilter()"); //NOI18N
// PENDING - checking with Tomcat developers to find out if
// there is some other way to reliably determine that a
// request is for the manager application.
Object obj = getFilterConfig().getServletContext().getAttribute("org.apache.catalina.MBeanServer");
boolean internalAppServerRequest = false;
boolean internalIDERequest = false;
if (request instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
// PENDING - a saffer way how to filter out internal AppServer requests
// should be used, system web modules URIs can be changed in the next
// AppServer release
String requestURI = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getRequestURI();
for (int i = 0; i < APPSERVER_SYSTEM_WEB_MODULES.length; i++) {
if (requestURI.startsWith(APPSERVER_SYSTEM_WEB_MODULES[i])) {
internalAppServerRequest = true;
// Issue #47048 - the HttpURLConnection is now used to determine whether Tomcat
// is running. The requestURI is "/netbeans-tomcat-status-test" to make
// it possible for the monitor to filter it out.
internalIDERequest = true;
if(!collectData || !(request instanceof HttpServletRequest) ||
obj != null || internalAppServerRequest || internalIDERequest) {
if(debug) log("not collecting data"); //NOI18N
// Do not be tempted to factor this into its own methods
// - gotta retrow those exceptions remember...
try {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
catch(Throwable t) {
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)request;
if(debug) log("Request for: " + req.getRequestURI()); //NOI18N
// On servlet 2.4 containers, the filter processes dispatched
// requests as well. We need to know whether this invocation
// is the outermost invocation or not. The outermost
// invocation sets up the MonitorData object and replaces the
// request and response with a wrappers, and is responsible
// for sending data back. Inner invocations create another
// type of data object and link them to the one for the parent
// invocation.
boolean outermost = true;
HttpServletRequestWrapper requestWrapper = null;
HttpServletResponseWrapper responseWrapper = null;
// We collect the same type of data for original and
// dispatched requests. The latter is nested inside the
// former. The schema2beans library does (did?) not allow an
// XML element to have itself as a member, so we use an
// interface DataRecord to represent either a MonitorData
// record (outer) or DispatchData (inner).
DataRecord dr = null;
if(request instanceof HttpServletRequestWrapper &&
response instanceof HttpServletResponseWrapper) {
Object o = req.getAttribute(attNameRequest);
if(o instanceof MonitorRequestWrapper) {
log("Request previously processed by the monitor"); //NOI18N
outermost = false;
// The response has been wrapped by the Monitor and
// possibly by another entity as well (meaning that it
// was dispatched). We use the outermost wrappers.
requestWrapper = (HttpServletRequestWrapper)req;
responseWrapper = (HttpServletResponseWrapper)response;
// Create the data record for the dispatched request
// and link it into the parent data record.
dr = setupDispatchDataRecord((MonitorRequestWrapper)o);
// This will also add the time since the monitor last
// left off to the execution time the resourced that
// caused the current dispatch.
//dr = setupDispatchDataRecord((MonitorRequestWrapper)o,
// entryTime);
if(dr == null) {
log("failed to link to parent data record"); //NOI18N
try { chain.doFilter(request, response); }
catch(Throwable t) { rethrow (t); }
// If we can't get the MonitorRequestWrapper from the
// attribute, the request was wrapped, but not by the
// Monitor. This means that we're processing an incoming
// request (as opposed to a dispatched request, which
// would have been wrapped by the monitor already) and
// that another Filter has been deployed before the
// MonitorFilter. We log a warning to the log file to
// inform the user of this. (Unless the other filter
// modifies the request, this is probably harmless, though
// the other filter might give the "wrong" info in case of
// a replay for example).
if(requestWrapper == null) log(ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Bundle").getString("MON_Deploy_first")); //NOI18N
if(requestWrapper == null) {
if(debug) log("request just entered container"); //NOI18N
// The request was not wrapped, signalling that it is an
// original (non-dispatched) request.
// The first step is to check whether it was a replay or
// not. If it is a replay, the query string will have a
// replay parameter. Note that we must *not* use
// getParameter() because this will cause the query string
// and data to be parsed once and for all, and it is
// possible that the application object expects to parse
// the inputstream directly.
String query = req.getQueryString();
if(query != null && query.startsWith(REPLAY)) {
if(debug) log("received replay request"); //NOI18N
try {
requestWrapper = getReplayRequest(req);
catch(IOException ioex) {
// We received a request for a replay, but failed
// to retrive replay data. We process this as a
// normal request, as the request will go to the
// same resource, though perhaps the behaviour
// should be modified to show an error msg
// instead).
try { chain.doFilter(request, response); }
catch(Throwable t) { rethrow (t); }
else {
if(debug) log("wrapping the request"); //NOI18N
requestWrapper = new MonitorRequestWrapper(req);
// Set the wrapper as a request attribute. Because
// developers can use as many filters that they like,
// and because these filter must use a wrapped request
// (since Servlet 2.4), there's no guarantee that the
// request object this filter receives on dispatch is
// a MonitorRequestWrapper. Setting it as an attribute
// saves us from walking the wrapper chain to find the
// wrapper, and also to find out if it this was a
// dispatched request (see above).
requestWrapper.setAttribute(attNameRequest, requestWrapper);
// Create the data record, using the wrapped request.
dr = setupDataRecord(requestWrapper);
// Create the response wrapper
if(debug) log(" Replace Response"); //NOI18N
HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse)response;
// The responseWrapper has a handle on the response
// (obviously) and also on the request. The latter is
// used to determine whether the request is currently
// dispatched as an include, for the purposes of knowing
// whether cookies can be added or not.
responseWrapper =
new MonitorResponseWrapper(res, requestWrapper);
// We need the response wrapper to collect data after the
// request has processed, this saves us from walking the
// wrapper chain.
requestWrapper.setAttribute(attNameResponse, responseWrapper);
// This attribute allows a Servlet 2.3 container to locate
// the filter and invoke the methods deal with dispatched
// requests if they have the capability of listening to
// such events.
requestWrapper.setAttribute(attNameFilter, this);
Throwable processingError = null;
boolean cntnue = true;
// Collect data about the request before it is processed
if(debug) log("doFilter(): Collect data before"); //NOI18N
try {
getDataBefore(dr, requestWrapper);
catch(StackOverflowError soe) {
// The developer has done something that causes an
// infinite loop. We will not go through with running the
// filter and catching more data. Technically we should
// delete the last DispatchData record from the monitor
// stack, but I will just push on an incomplete one. The
// user would have to open about a 100 nested records to
// see an error.
log(" StackOverflow before processing the request"); //NOI18N
processingError = soe;
cntnue = false;
catch(Throwable t) {
// There was a problem in the monitor code, ignore and continue
if(debug) log(getStackTrace(t));
if(cntnue) {
//if(debug) log("Setting time in request attribute");
//new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()));
try {
chain.doFilter(requestWrapper, responseWrapper);
catch(StackOverflowError soe) {
// The developer has done something that causes an
// infinite loop. We will not go through with running the
// filter and catching more data. Technically we should
// delete the last DispatchData record from the monitor
// stack, but I will just push on an incomplete one. The
// user would have to open about a 100 nested records to
// see an error.
log(" StackOverflow while processing the request"); //NOI18N
processingError = soe;
cntnue = false;
catch(Throwable t) {
processingError = t;
try {
long exit = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(debug) log("Setting execution time on last known data record");
long entry = ((Long)requestWrapper.getAttribute(attNameExecTime)).
catch(NullPointerException npe) {
// Couldn't get the attribute - perhaps the request got
// mangled by an intrusive user request wrapper
if(debug) npe.printStackTrace();
catch(ClassCastException cce) {
// The attribute did not contain a long. Shouldn't
// happen.
if(debug) cce.printStackTrace();
catch(Throwable t) {
// The attribute did not contain a long. Shouldn't
// happen.
if(debug) t.printStackTrace();
if(cntnue) {
// Collect data after the request is processed. (This method
// gets the MonitorResponseWrapper from the request
// attribute. As for the request, we can get it from any
// request object, we need the wrapper only for the replay
// setup.)
if(debug) log("doFilter(): Collect data after"); //NOI18N
try {
getDataAfter(dr, requestWrapper);
catch(Throwable t) {
if(debug) log(getStackTrace(t));
// Finish the record
if(outermost) {
if(debug) log("Final, send data to server"); //NOI18N
else {
if(debug) log("Non-final, continue processing"); //NOI18N
// Pop the RequestWrapper's parameter stack
if(processingError != null) {
// user will get this from the log
// log("A web application object caused an exception"); //NOI18N
// log(getStackTrace(processingError));
// Set the time stamp
// req.setAttribute(attNameExecTime,
// new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()));
private DataRecord setupDataRecord(ServletRequest req) {
if(debug) log("setupDataRecord()"); //NOI18N
MonitorData md = new MonitorData();
Stack dataStack = new Stack();
if(debug) log(" created MonData stack & set attribute"); //NOI18N
req.setAttribute(attNameMonData, dataStack);
return md;
* setupDispatchDataRecord creates a new DispatchDataRecord to
* record data for the request we are about to process and links
* it to the Dispatches category of the data record associated
* with the resource which dispatched the request. If that
* resource has not dispatched before (true if forward, or if
* first include), then we create a Dispatches object for this
* data record.
* @param req The MonitorRequestWrapper associated with the
* request.
* @return a fresh DataRecord
private DataRecord setupDispatchDataRecord(MonitorRequestWrapper req) {
/* @param entryTime The value returned by
* System.currentTimeMillis() when the MonitorFilter kicked in for
* this request. Gotten by doFilter in a Servlet 2.4 environment,
* by handleDispatchedBefore pre Servlet 2.4. */
// long entryTime)
if(debug) log("Pushed the wrapper parameters"); //NOI18N
Stack dataStack = null;
try {
dataStack = (Stack)(req.getAttribute(attNameMonData));
catch(Throwable t){
// This should not fail
if(debug) log("MonitorFilter - this request had no stack");//NOI18N
return null;
if(dataStack.empty()) {
if(debug) log("process dispatched ERROR - stack is empty");//NOI18N
return null;
Object obj = dataStack.peek();
Dispatches disp = null;
if(!(obj instanceof DataRecord)) {
if(debug) log("ERROR - obj on stack is not DataRecord"); //NOI18N
return null;
DataRecord dr = (DataRecord)obj;
// Add the execution time to the record
try {
if(debug) log("Setting execution time on last known data record");
long lastExit = ((Long)req.getAttribute(attNameExecTime)).longValue();
catch(NullPointerException npe) {
// Couldn't get the attribute - perhaps the request got
// mangled by an intrusive user request wrapper
if(debug) npe.printStackTrace();
catch(ClassCastException cce) {
// The attribute did not contain a long. Shouldn't
// happen.
if(debug) cce.printStackTrace();
catch(Throwable t) {
// Something went wrong with schema2beans
if(debug) t.printStackTrace();
disp = dr.getDispatches();
if(disp == null) {
if(debug) log("Data record had no dispatches yet"); //NOI18N
disp = new Dispatches();
DispatchData disData = new DispatchData();
if(debug) log("Added new data record to existing one"); //NOI18N
if(debug) log("pushed the data record onto the stack"); //NOI18N
return disData;
private void disposeDataRecord(ServletRequest req) {
if(debug) log("disposeDataRecord()"); //NOI18N
// Remove the attributes used by the monitor - we need to do
// this in case there is an error...
MonitorData monData = null;
Stack stack = (Stack)(req.getAttribute(attNameMonData));
if(stack != null && !stack.empty()) {
if(debug) {
log("found mondata stack"); //NOI18N
log("stack size=" + stack.size()); //NOI18N
Object o = stack.pop();
if(o instanceof MonitorData)
monData = (MonitorData)o;
else if(debug) {
log("ERROR - wrong type object on stack"); //NOI18N
else if(debug) {
log("ERROR - mondata stack empty"); //NOI18N
if(monData == null) {
StringBuffer buf =
new StringBuffer(monData.getAttributeValue("id")); //NOI18N
buf.append(monData.getAttributeValue("method")); //NOI18N
buf.append(monData.getAttributeValue("resource")); //NOI18N
if(debug) {
log(" Notify client"); //NOI18N
log(" Query string is " + //NOI18N
log("Notify util is " + notifyUtil.toString()); //NOI18N
String file =
monData.createTempFile("filter-send.xml"); // NOI18N
log("Wrote data to " + file); // NOI18N
notifyUtil.sendRecord(monData, buf.toString());
if(debug) log("Notify util has terminated"); //NOI18N
private DataRecord disposeDispatchedDataRecord(ServletRequest req) {
Stack stack = (Stack)(req.getAttribute(attNameMonData));
Object o = null;
if(stack != null && !stack.empty())
o = stack.pop();
if(o instanceof DataRecord) return (DataRecord)o;
return null;
* This is a utility method for Servlet 2.3 containers. Configure
* the container to access the servlet filter from the request
* attribute and invoke this method in order to gather data about
* dispatched requests.
public void handleDispatchedBefore(ServletRequest req) {
// Time stamp for when Monitor filter is invoked
// long entryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(debug) log ("handleDispatchBefore: start");//NOI18N
Object w = req.getAttribute(attNameRequest);
if(w == null || !(w instanceof MonitorRequestWrapper)) {
// get the dispatch data
DataRecord dr = setupDispatchDataRecord((MonitorRequestWrapper)w);
if(dr == null) return;
// collect data
getDataBefore(dr, (HttpServletRequest)req);
if(debug) log("Setting time attribute on request wrapper");
new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()));
* This is a utility method for Servlet 2.3 containers. Configure
* the container to access the servlet filter from the request
* attribute and invoke this method in order to gather data about
* dispatched requests.
public void handleDispatchedAfter(ServletRequest req) {
//long entry = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(debug) log ("handleDispatchedAfter()");//NOI18N
Object w = req.getAttribute(attNameRequest);
if(w == null || !(w instanceof MonitorRequestWrapper)) {
DataRecord dr = disposeDispatchedDataRecord((MonitorRequestWrapper)w);
if(dr == null) return;
try {
if(debug) log("Setting execution time on last known data record");
long exit =
catch(NullPointerException npe) {
// Couldn't get the attribute - perhaps the request got
// mangled by an intrusive user request wrapper
if(debug) npe.printStackTrace();
catch(ClassCastException cce) {
// The attribute did not contain a long. Shouldn't
// happen.
if(debug) cce.printStackTrace();
catch(Throwable t) {
// The attribute did not contain a long. Shouldn't
// happen.
if(debug) t.printStackTrace();
// collect data
getDataAfter(dr, (HttpServletRequest)req);
if(debug) log ("collected data");//NOI18N
// Pop the RequestWrapper's parameter stack
if(debug) log("Setting time attribute on request wrapper");
new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()));
* Collects data from the HttpServletRequest before the servlet
* processes it
private void getDataBefore(DataRecord dataRecord,
HttpServletRequest request) {
if(dataRecord instanceof MonitorData) {
String timestamp = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
String method = request.getMethod();
String uri = request.getRequestURI();
// PENDING - this is used for the label and should refer to
// the resource, not to the URI that was used to access it.
String resource = new String(uri);
// PENDING - don't use the timestamp as the ID
String id = new String(timestamp);
if(debug) {
log(" id: " + id); //NOI18N
log(" uri: " + request.getRequestURI()); //NOI18N
dataRecord.setAttributeValue("id", id); //NOI18N
dataRecord.setAttributeValue("timestamp", timestamp); //NOI18N
dataRecord.setAttributeValue("resource", resource); //NOI18N
dataRecord.setAttributeValue("method", method); //NOI18N
else if(dataRecord instanceof DispatchData) {
String resource =
(String)request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.include.request_uri"); //NOI18N
if(resource == null || resource.equals("")) //NOI18N
resource = request.getRequestURI();
dataRecord.setAttributeValue("resource", resource);//NOI18N
// The following three only need to be recorded once per
// request. Need to modify the client first however.
// ---------------------- FROM HERE -------------------
if(debug) log(" Client Data"); //NOI18N
ClientData cd = new ClientData();
recordClientData(cd, request);
if(debug) log(" Context data"); //NOI18N
ContextData cond = new ContextData();
recordContextData(cond, request);
if(debug) log(" Servlet engine data"); //NOI18N
EngineData ed = new EngineData();
recordEngineData(ed, request);
// ---------------------- TO HERE ---------------------
if(debug) log(" Session Data"); //NOI18N
SessionData sd = new SessionData();
getSessionIn(sd, request);
if(debug) log(" Request Data"); //NOI18N
RequestData rd = new RequestData();
recordRequestData(rd, request);
if(debug) log(" Set Request Data"); //NOI18N
// We must do this after we have processed the headers
if(debug) log(" Cookie Data"); //NOI18N
CookiesData cookiesData = new CookiesData();
recordCookiesIn(cookiesData, request);
if(debug) log("getDataBefore(): done"); //NOI18N
private void getDataAfter(DataRecord dataRecord,
HttpServletRequest request) {
if(debug) log("getDataAfter(DataRecord, HttpServletRequest)"); //NOI18N
MonitorResponseWrapper monResponse =
if(debug) log(" Get status"); //NOI18N
int status = monResponse.getStatus();
RequestData rd = dataRecord.getRequestData();
// if the exit status is unknown, display appropriate msg instead
if (status == 0) {
if(debug) log(ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Bundle").getString("MON_Unknown_exit_status"));
rd.setAttributeValue("status", //NOI18N
} else {
String statusStr = "sc".concat(String.valueOf(status)); //NOI18N
if(debug) log("Status string is " + statusStr);
if(debug) log(String.valueOf(statusmsgs.getString(statusStr)));
rd.setAttributeValue("status", //NOI18N
statusmsgs.getString(statusStr)); //NOI18N
if(debug) log(" request attributes out"); //NOI18N
RequestAttributesOut reqattrout = new RequestAttributesOut();
if(debug) log(" add request parameter"); //NOI18N
addRequestParameters(rd, request);
if(debug) log(" Cookies out"); //NOI18N
recordCookiesOut(dataRecord.getCookiesData(), monResponse);
if(debug) log(" Session out"); //NOI18N
addSessionOut(dataRecord.getSessionData(), request);
* Creates an instance of ClientData based on the request
private void recordClientData(ClientData cd,
HttpServletRequest request) {
String protocol = request.getProtocol();
while(protocol.endsWith("\n")) //NOI18N
protocol = protocol.substring(0, protocol.length()-2);
cd.setAttributeValue("protocol", protocol); //NOI18N
cd.setAttributeValue("remoteAddress", //NOI18N
Enumeration hvals;
StringBuffer valueBuf;
int counter;
// Software used
valueBuf = new StringBuffer(128);
counter = 0;
hvals = request.getHeaders(Constants.Http.userAgent);
if(hvals != null) {
while(hvals.hasMoreElements()) {
if(counter > 0) valueBuf.append(", "); // NOI18N
cd.setAttributeValue("software", valueBuf.toString()); //NOI18N
valueBuf = new StringBuffer(128);
counter = 0;
hvals = request.getHeaders(Constants.Http.acceptLang);
if(hvals != null) {
while(hvals.hasMoreElements()) {
if(counter > 0) valueBuf.append(", "); // NOI18N
cd.setAttributeValue("locale", valueBuf.toString()); //NOI18N
// File formats
valueBuf = new StringBuffer(128);
counter = 0;
hvals = request.getHeaders(Constants.Http.accept);
if(hvals != null) {
while(hvals.hasMoreElements()) {
if(counter > 0) valueBuf.append(", "); // NOI18N
cd.setAttributeValue("formatsAccepted", valueBuf.toString()); //NOI18N
// Encoding
valueBuf = new StringBuffer(128);
counter = 0;
hvals = request.getHeaders(Constants.Http.acceptEncoding);
if(hvals != null) {
while(hvals.hasMoreElements()) {
if(counter > 0) valueBuf.append(", "); // NOI18N
cd.setAttributeValue("encodingsAccepted", valueBuf.toString()); //NOI18N
//Char sets
valueBuf = new StringBuffer(128);
counter = 0;
hvals = request.getHeaders(Constants.Http.acceptCharset);
if(hvals != null) {
while(hvals.hasMoreElements()) {
if(counter > 0) valueBuf.append(", "); // NOI18N
cd.setAttributeValue("charsetsAccepted", valueBuf.toString()); //NOI18N
private void recordCookiesIn(CookiesData cd,
HttpServletRequest request) {
Cookie cks[] = null;
try {
cks = request.getCookies();
catch(Exception ex) {
// Do nothing, there were no cookies
if(cks == null || cks.length == 0) {
if(debug) log(" no incoming cookies"); //NOI18N
cd.setCookieIn(new CookieIn[0]);
if(debug) log(" found incoming cookies"); //NOI18N
CookieIn[] theCookies = new CookieIn[cks.length];
for (int i = 0; i < theCookies.length; i++) {
theCookies[i] = new CookieIn(cks[i]);
if(debug) log("cookie: " + //NOI18N
private void recordCookiesOut(CookiesData cd,
MonitorResponseWrapper response) {
if(debug) log(" Cookies out"); //NOI18N
Enumeration e = response.getCookies();
int numCookies = 0;
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
if(numCookies == 0) {
if(debug) log(" no cookies"); //NOI18N
cd.setCookieOut(new CookieOut[0]);
if(debug) log(" number of cookies is " + //NOI18N
String.valueOf(numCookies)); //NOI18N
e = response.getCookies();
CookieOut[] theCookies = null;
try {
theCookies = new CookieOut[numCookies];
for (int i = 0; i < theCookies.length; i++) {
theCookies[i] = new CookieOut((Cookie)e.nextElement());
if(debug) log("cookie: " + //NOI18N
catch(NullPointerException ne) {
theCookies = new CookieOut[0];
private void getSessionIn(SessionData sess,
HttpServletRequest request) {
HttpSession sessIn = null;
try {
sessIn = request.getSession(false);
catch(Exception ne) {}
if(sessIn == null) {
sess.setAttributeValue("before", "false"); //NOI18N
sess.setAttributeValue("before", "true"); //NOI18N
sess.setAttributeValue("id", sessIn.getId()); //NOI18N
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL,
Date date = new Date(sessIn.getCreationTime());
sess.setAttributeValue("created", df.format(date)); //NOI18N
SessionIn si = new SessionIn();
int maxint = 0;
try {
maxint = sessIn.getMaxInactiveInterval();
if(maxint != 0)
// Note that XMLBeans library treats NMTOKENS as Strings
si.setAttributeValue("inactiveInterval", //NOI18N
String.valueOf(maxint) );
catch(NumberFormatException ne) {}
try {
date = new Date(sessIn.getLastAccessedTime());
si.setAttributeValue("lastAccessed", df.format(date)); //NOI18N
catch(Exception ex) {}
private void addSessionOut(SessionData sess, HttpServletRequest request) {
HttpSession sessOut = null;
try {
sessOut = request.getSession(false);
catch(Exception ne) {}
if(sessOut == null) {
sess.setAttributeValue("after", "false"); //NOI18N
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL,
sess.setAttributeValue("after", "true"); //NOI18N
Date date = null;
if(sess.getAttributeValue("before").equals("false")) { //NOI18N
sess.setAttributeValue("id", sessOut.getId()); //NOI18N
date = new Date(sessOut.getCreationTime());
sess.setAttributeValue("created", df.format(date)); //NOI18N
SessionOut so = new SessionOut();
int maxint = 0;
try {
maxint = sessOut.getMaxInactiveInterval();
if(maxint != 0)
so.setAttributeValue("inactiveInterval", //NOI18N
catch(NumberFormatException ne) {}
try {
date = new Date(sessOut.getLastAccessedTime());
so.setAttributeValue("lastAccessed", df.format(date)); //NOI18N
catch(Exception ex) {}
Param[] params = getSessionAttributes(sessOut);
private Param[] getSessionAttributes(HttpSession session) {
Enumeration names = null;
try {
names = session.getAttributeNames();
catch(Exception e) {}
if(names == null || !names.hasMoreElements())
return new Param[0];
Vector v = new Vector();
while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String)names.nextElement();
Object value = session.getAttribute(name);
String valueRep = null;
try {
if(value == null) {
valueRep = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Bundle").getString("MON_Warning_attributes"); //NOI18N
} else {
valueRep = value.toString();
if (valueRep == null) {
valueRep = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Bundle").getString("MON_Warning_toString_null"); //NOI18N
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Ensure that the monitor can continue to run even if there is a
// serious problem in the application code that it is monitoring
valueRep = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Bundle").getString("MON_Warning_toString_exception"); //NOI18N
Param p = new Param();
p.setAttributeValue("name", name); //NOI18N
p.setAttributeValue("value", valueRep); //NOI18N
int size = v.size();
Param[] params = new Param[size];
for(int i=0; i<size; ++i)
params[i] = (Param)v.elementAt(i);
return params;
* Creates an instance of RequestData based on the request
private void recordRequestData(RequestData rd,
HttpServletRequest request) {
if(debug) log(" recordRequestData()"); //NOI18N
// The method variable is used again below
String method = request.getMethod();
rd.setAttributeValue("uri", request.getRequestURI()); //NOI18N
rd.setAttributeValue("method", method); //NOI18N
String protocol = request.getProtocol();
while(protocol.endsWith("\n")) //NOI18N
protocol = protocol.substring(0, protocol.length()-2);
rd.setAttributeValue("protocol", protocol); //NOI18N
rd.setAttributeValue("ipaddress", request.getRemoteAddr());//NOI18N
if(debug) log(" doing query string"); //NOI18N
String queryString = request.getQueryString();
if(queryString == null || queryString.trim().equals("")) { //NOI18N
queryString = ""; //NOI18N
if(debug) log("Query string is: " + queryString); // NOI18N
// Parse it the way we do with the errors...
rd.setAttributeValue("queryString", queryString); //NOI18N
rd.setAttributeValue("scheme", request.getScheme()); //NOI18N
if(debug) log(" doing headers"); //NOI18N
Headers headers = new Headers();
if(debug) log(" doing request"); //NOI18N
RequestAttributesIn reqattrin = new RequestAttributesIn();
* Creates an instance of ContextData based on the request
private void recordContextData(ContextData cd,
HttpServletRequest request)
ServletContext context = filterConfig.getServletContext();
if(debug) log(" Getting servlet context props"); //NOI18N
cd.setAttributeValue("absPath", context.getRealPath("/")); //NOI18N
cd.setAttributeValue("contextName", //NOI18N
context.getServletContextName()); //NOI18N
if(debug) log(" context attributes"); //NOI18N
ContextAttributes ctxtattr = new ContextAttributes();
if(debug) log(" Getting context init parameters"); //NOI18N
Enumeration e = context.getInitParameterNames();
Vector v = new Vector();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String)e.nextElement();
String value = context.getInitParameter(name);
Param p = new Param();
p.setAttributeValue("name", name); //NOI18N
p.setAttributeValue("value", value); //NOI18N
int size = v.size();
Param[] params = new Param[size];
for(int i=0; i< size; ++i)
params[i] = (Param)v.elementAt(i);
* Creates an instance of EngineData based on the request
private void recordEngineData(EngineData ed,
HttpServletRequest request)
ServletContext context = filterConfig.getServletContext();
ed.setAttributeValue("serverName", request.getServerName()); //NOI18N
ed.setAttributeValue("serverPort", //NOI18N
ed.setAttributeValue("jre", //NOI18N
ed.setAttributeValue("platform", context.getServerInfo()); //NOI18N
* Creates an instance of Headers based on the request
private Param[] recordHeaders(HttpServletRequest request) {
if(debug) log(" Doing headers"); //NOI18N
Vector v = new Vector();
Vector names = new Vector();
Enumeration e = request.getHeaderNames();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String)e.nextElement();
if(debug) log(" Header name: " + name); //NOI18N
if(names.contains(name)) continue;
if(debug) log(" Get enumeration of header values"); //NOI18N
Enumeration value = request.getHeaders(name);
int counter = 0;
while(value.hasMoreElements()) {
if(debug) log(" Adding new parameter"); //NOI18N
v.add(new Param(name, (String)value.nextElement()));
if(counter > 1) names.add(name);
int size = v.size();
Param[] params = new Param[size];
for(int i=0; i< size; ++i)
params[i] = (Param)v.elementAt(i);
return params;
* Adds parameters to the RequestData
private void addRequestParameters(RequestData rd,
HttpServletRequest request) {
String method = rd.getAttributeValue("method"); //NOI18N
// If it is a POST request we check if it was URL encoded
// Not sure this matters if we record the parameters after the
// request has been processed
boolean urlencoded = true;
if(debug) log(" doing parameters"); //NOI18N
if(method.equals("POST")) { //NOI18N
Headers headers = rd.getHeaders();
String urlencodedS = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; //NOI18N
String typeS = "Content-type"; //NOI18N
if(headers.containsHeader(typeS) &&
urlencoded = false;
rd.setAttributeValue("urlencoded", //NOI18N
if(method.equals("GET")) { //NOI18N
if(debug) log("GET"); //NOI18N
try {
Enumeration e = request.getParameterNames();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String)e.nextElement();
if(debug) log("Parameter name: " + //NOI18N
String[] vals = request.getParameterValues(name);
for(int i=0; i<vals.length; ++i)
rd.addParam(new Param(name, vals[i]));
catch(Exception ex) {
// The query string was not parameterized. This is
// legal. If this happens we simply don't record
// anything here, since the query string is recorded
// separately.
if(debug) log("Non parameterized query string"); //NOI18N
if(debug) log("GET end"); //NOI18N
else if (method.equals("POST") && urlencoded) { //NOI18N
if(debug) log("POST"); //NOI18N
Enumeration e = null;
try {
e = request.getParameterNames();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String)e.nextElement();
if(debug) log("Parameter name: " + //NOI18N
String[] vals = request.getParameterValues(name);
for(int i=0; i<vals.length; ++i)
rd.addParam(new Param(name, vals[i]));
catch(Exception ex) {
// PENDING: this could also be because the user choose
// to parse the parameters themselves. Need to fix
// this message.
rd.setAttributeValue("urlencoded", "bad"); //NOI18N
if(debug) log("POST"); //NOI18N
* Creates a Param[] from a HttpServletRequest
private Param[] recordRequestAttributes(HttpServletRequest request) {
if(debug) log("recordRequestAttributes(): start"); //NOI18N
Vector v = new Vector();
Enumeration e = request.getAttributeNames();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String)e.nextElement();
if(debug) log(" name: " + name); //NOI18N
Object value = request.getAttribute(name);
String valueRep = null;
try {
valueRep = value.toString();
if (valueRep == null) {
valueRep = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Bundle").getString("MON_Warning_toString_null"); //NOI18N
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Ensure that the monitor can continue to run even if there is a
// serious problem in the application code that it is monitoring
valueRep = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Bundle").getString("MON_Warning_toString_exception"); //NOI18N
Param p = new Param();
p.setAttributeValue("name", name); //NOI18N
p.setAttributeValue("value", valueRep); //NOI18N
if(debug) log("Got all request attributes"); //NOI18N
int size = v.size();
Param[] params = new Param[size];
for(int i=0; i< size; ++i)
params[i] = (Param)v.elementAt(i);
if(debug) log("recordRequestAttributes(): end"); //NOI18N
return params;
* Creates a Param[] of attributes from a Context
private Param[] recordContextAttributes(ServletContext context) {
if(debug) log("recordContextAttributes"); //NOI18N
Vector v = new Vector();
Enumeration e = context.getAttributeNames();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String)e.nextElement();
if(debug) log(" name: " + name); //NOI18N
Object value = context.getAttribute(name);
String valueRep = null;
try {
if(value == null) {
valueRep = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Bundle").getString("MON_Warning_attributes"); //NOI18N
} else if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
Object[] valueItems = (Object[])value;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(valueItems.length * 16);
if (valueItems.length > 0) sb.append(valueItems[0]);
for(int i=1; i < valueItems.length; i++) {
sb.append(", "); // NOI18N
valueRep = sb.toString();
} else {
valueRep = value.toString();
if (valueRep == null) {
valueRep = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Bundle").getString("MON_Warning_toString_null"); //NOI18N
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Ensure that the monitor can continue to run even if there is a
// serious problem in the application code that it is monitoring
valueRep = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.Bundle").getString("MON_Warning_toString_exception"); //NOI18N
Param p = new Param();
p.setAttributeValue("name", name); //NOI18N
p.setAttributeValue("value", valueRep); //NOI18N
int size = v.size();
Param[] params = new Param[size];
for(int i=0; i< size; ++i)
params[i] = (Param)v.elementAt(i);
return params;
// PENDING - add own exception
private MonitorRequestWrapper getReplayRequest(HttpServletRequest req)
throws IOException {
// Fail if we don't identify the old request
String status = req.getParameter(REPLAYSTATUS);
if (status == null) {
String msg = " replay request corrupted"; //NOI18N
if(debug) log(msg);
throw new IOException(msg);
String id = req.getParameter(REPLAY);
String portS = req.getParameter(PORT);
int port = 0;
try {
port = Integer.parseInt(portS);
catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
// We have no port to get the request from, so we return
String msg = " Request did not provide a port number"; //NOI18N
if(debug) log(msg);
throw new IOException(msg);
String ipaddress = req.getRemoteAddr();
RequestData rd = notifyUtil.getRecord(id, status, ipaddress, port);
if(rd == null) {
String msg = "Failed to get the request"; //NOI18N
if(debug) log(msg);
throw new IOException(msg);
if(debug) log("Got requestdata as we should"); //NOI18N
boolean replaceSessionID = false;
try {
String sessionID = req.getParameter(REPLAYSESSION);
if(sessionID != null) {
if(debug) log("User asked for new session " + //NOI18N
replaceSessionID = true;
else if(debug) log("User wants browser's session"); //NOI18N
catch(NullPointerException npe) {
log("NPE when getting " + REPLAYSESSION); //NOI18N
MonitorRequestWrapper requestWrapper =
new MonitorRequestWrapper(req);
if(debug) log("Created wrapper"); //NOI18N
requestWrapper.populate(rd, replaceSessionID);
if(debug) log("Populated wrapper"); //NOI18N
//requestWrapper.setAttribute(attNameRequest, requestWrapper);
return requestWrapper;
* Return the filter configuration object for this filter.
public FilterConfig getFilterConfig() {
return (this.filterConfig);
* Set the filter configuration object for this filter.
* @param filterConfig The filter configuration object
public void setFilterConfig(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
if (filterConfig != null)
this.attribute = filterConfig.getInitParameter("attribute"); //NOI18N
this.attribute = null;
* Destroy method for this filter
public void destroy() {
* Init method for this filter
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
if(debug) System.out.println("init()");//NOI18N
this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
notifyUtil = new NotifyUtil();
boolean noIDE = true;
String ide = filterConfig.getInitParameter(IDE);
if(ide != null && !ide.equals("")) { //NOI18N
if(debug) log("trying to start the IDE with " + ide);//NOI18N
try {
collectData = true;
if(debug) log("Starting server with ide " + ide); //NOI18N
catch(MalformedURLException mux) {
log("IDE init parameter has an invalid value:"); //NOI18N
log("starting anyway"); //NOI18N
else {
log("IDE init parameter has an invalid value:"); //NOI18N
log("starting anyway"); //NOI18N
String ides = filterConfig.getInitParameter(IDES);
if(ides != null && !ides.trim().equals("")) { //NOI18N
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ides, ","); //NOI18N
String name;
while(st.hasMoreTokens()) {
name = (String)(st.nextToken());
try {
collectData = true;
if(debug) log("Starting server with name " + name); //NOI18N
catch(MalformedURLException mux) {
log("additional IDE includes an invalid server declaration:"); //NOI18N
log("starting anyway"); //NOI18N
log("We're collecting data " + //NOI18N
* Return a String representation of this object.
public String toString() {
if (filterConfig == null) return ("MonitorFilter()"); //NOI18N
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("MonitorFilter("); //NOI18N
sb.append(")"); //NOI18N
return (sb.toString());
* Get the value of collectData.
* @return Value of collectData.
public static boolean getCollectData() {
return collectData;
* Set the value of collectData.
* @param v Value to assign to collectData.
public static void setCollectData(boolean v) {
collectData = v;
private void rethrow(Throwable t) throws IOException,
ServletException {
if(debug) log(" rethrow(" + t.getMessage() + ")"); //NOI18N
if(t instanceof StackOverflowError) {
String message =
throw new ServletException(message, t);
if(t instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)t;
if(t instanceof ServletException) throw (ServletException)t;
if(t instanceof IOException) throw (IOException)t;
else {
String message =
throw new ServletException(message, t);
public void log(String msg) {
//filterConfig.getServletContext().log("MonitorFilter::" + msg); //NOI18N
System.out.println("MonitorFilter::" + msg);//NOI18N
public void log(Throwable t) {